8 research outputs found


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    Aim of research: to evaluate the prevalence of atopic dermatitis at 3–6-year-old children by applying russified version of ISAAC questionnaire (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) and to determine risk factors.Materials and Methods. Cross-section research was carried out in five places of Altai Territory (2015–2016). The prevalence of AD was determined with the help of the russified ISAAC Manual filled in by parents of the 3–5-year-old children. The ISAAC definition for current atopic dermatitis (cAD) was used in studies. Patient considered suffering from cAD if respondents’ parents pointed «YES»  on three questions: «Have you ever had an itchy rash which was coming and going for at least six months?», «Have you had this itchy rash at any time in the last 12 months?», «Has this itchy rash at any time affected any of the following places: the folds of the elbows, behind the knees, under the buttocks, or around the neck, ears or eyes?».Results. The research covered 3205 children of 3–6-year-old age. The prevalence of cAD was 12.3 % (n = 393). Medically confirmed diagnosis of AD was stated only at 7.9 % (n = 254) from 393 children. It was established in logistic-regression analysis that burdened familial allergologic history increases 4,6 times the risk of the cAD development at preschool age (OR = 4.62; 95 % CI = 3.69–5.77; p 0,01). Little duration of breastfeeding (less than six months) increases the risk of cAD development 1,6 times (OR = 1.62; 95 % CI = 1.26–2.09; p 0.05. The prematurity, tobacco smoking at parents or the contact with pets on the first year age were not found to enhance the risk of cAD development at preschool children.Conclusion. The cAD prevalence markedly exceeds the rates of the medically confirmed diagnoses. The burdened familial history of allergic diseases and little duration of breastfeeding enhance the risk of cAD development at preschool age.Цель исследования: оценить распространенность АД среди детей 3–6 лет с помощью русифицированной версии опросника ISAAC и установить факторы риска.Материалы и методы. Кросс-секционное исследование, которое проводилось в 5 городах Алтайского края (2015–2016 гг.).  Распространенность АД изучалась с помощью русифицированной версии опросника ISAAC, которые заполняли родители детей 3–6 лет. В исследовании применена терминология ISAAC — «текущий атопический дерматит» (тАД). Пациентом, имеющим тАД, считался респондент, родители которого указали ответ «да» на 3 вопроса: «У Вашего ребенка когда-нибудь была зудящая сыпь, которая проявлялась и исчезала по крайней мере в течение 6 месяцев?», «За последние 12 месяцев у Вашего ребенка отмечалась зудящая сыпь?», «Поражала ли эта сыпь какие-нибудь из следующих мест: локтевые сгибы, подколенные сгибы, впереди лодыжек, под ягодицами, вокруг шеи, глаз, ушей?».Результаты. В исследовании приняли участие 3205 детей 3–6 лет. Распространенность тАД составила 12,3 % (n = 393). Из 393 детей с тАД врачебно-верифицированный диагноз АД был лишь у 7,9 % (n = 254). При проведении логистического регрессионного анализа установлено, что отягощенный семейный аллергологический анамнез повышает риск развития тАД в дошкольном возрасте в 4,6 раза (ОШ = 4,62; 95 % ДИ = 3,69–5,77; p 0,01), короткая продолжительность грудного вскармливания (менее 6 месяцев) повышает риск развития тАД в 1,6 раза (ОШ = 1,62;  95 % ДИ = 1,26–2,09; p 0,05). Не установлено влияние недоношенности, табакокурения родителей и контакта с животными на первом году жизни ребенка на риск развития АД в дошкольном возрасте.Заключение. Распространенность тАД значительно превосходит распространенность врачебноверифицированного диагноза. Отягощенный семейный анамнез по аллергическим заболеваниям  и короткая продолжительность грудного вскармливания повышают риск развития АД в дошкольном возрасте


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    According to numerous surveys food allergy affects up to 2–6% of population in different countries and varies due to numerous factors including the prevalence of helminths infestation. The food allergy prevalence data in Russia are based on official medical statistics. The study was performed as part of «The Prevalence, Cost and Basis of Food Allergy Across Europe» (EU funded project № FP6-2006-TTC-TU-5 Proposal 045879 EuroPrevall). The aim is to create the concept of food allergy in children in opisthorchiasis endemic area based on epidemiological study of the prevalence, risk factors and clinical features. The main objective of the study will be the working out of the food safety regulations. This article describes the study design and its methodology. Согласно данным ряда исследователей, распространенность пищевой аллергии в мире составляет 2–6%, варьируя в зависимости от многочисленных факторов, включая пораженность населения гельминтными инвазиями. Сведения о распространенности пищевой аллергии в России основаны на данных официальной статистики. Настоящая работа выполнена в рамках «Исследования распространенности, социально-экономического значения и основ пищевой аллергии в Европе» («The Prevalence, Cost and Basis of Food Allergy Across Europe»; грант VI рамочной программы Евросоюза № FP6-2006-TTC-TU-5 Proposal 045879 EuroPrevall). Цель исследования состоит в формулировке новой концепции пищевой аллергии у детей в мировом очаге описторхоза на основании эпидемиологического исследования распространенности, факторов риска, клинических особенностей болезни, а также в создании научной базы для разработки регламентов безопасности продуктов питания. Статья посвящена вопросам планирования и методологии исследования.


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    The cross-sectional study of schoolchildren from Tomsk (the region with low prevalence of opisthorchiasis) and Tomsk region (rural places with high prevalence of opisthorchiasis) with Russian version of standardized questionnaire ISAAC was performed. The study included questionnaire poll and allergological diagnostics with standardized panel of allergens. Prevalence of atopic dermaitits (AtD) symptoms was not differing, but the peculiarities of clinical course of disease were revealed depending on the place of living and gender. The onset of AtD was earlier in schoolchildren from Tomsk compared to schoolchildren from rural places. Despite the absence of statistically significant differences in symptoms’ prevalence, the level of sensitizing in children from the city was much higher than in village (60% and 30% correspondingly, p&lt;0,001). This fact shows modification of allergic inflammation during opisthorchiasis invasion and it needs further study.Key words: children, atopic dermatitis, ISAAC, Opisthorchis felineus, sensitisation.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. – 2010;9(3):50-53)</p


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    The cross-sectional study of schoolchildren from Tomsk (the region with low prevalence of opisthorchiasis) and Tomsk region (rural places with high prevalence of opisthorchiasis) with Russian version of standardized questionnaire ISAAC was performed. The study included questionnaire poll and allergological diagnostics with standardized panel of allergens. Prevalence of atopic dermaitits (AtD) symptoms was not differing, but the peculiarities of clinical course of disease were revealed depending on the place of living and gender. The onset of AtD was earlier in schoolchildren from Tomsk compared to schoolchildren from rural places. Despite the absence of statistically significant differences in symptoms’ prevalence, the level of sensitizing in children from the city was much higher than in village (60% and 30% correspondingly, p&lt;0,001). This fact shows modification of allergic inflammation during opisthorchiasis invasion and it needs further study.Key words: children, atopic dermatitis, ISAAC, Opisthorchis felineus, sensitisation.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. – 2010;9(3):50-53


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    Tomsk region is the territory precinctive with infection of Opisthorchis felineus. The rates of prevalence of this infection in the region differ according to the data from several studies (from 15 to 80%). Objective: to evaluate the prevalence of helminthiasis with O. felineus in children in Tomsk and its region via PCR-diagnosticum of opisthorchiasis. Methods: 896 children 7–15 years old from different districts of Tomsk region were examined. Faeces were PCR-tested for the detection of O. felineus. Results: the prevalence of O. felineus-invasion in children in Tomsk region is 27.7%, in north and north-east regions the prevalence is even higher (35.1%), than in south regions (20.4%; p &lt; 0.005). Conclusion: the study showed high prevalence of O. felineus invasion in children 7–15 years old living in Tomsk region.Key words: children, Opisthorchis felineus, prevalence.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2011; 10 (3): 43–47

    Syllabus Crime Punishment and Society 2018

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    <em>Over the recent years, standardised epidemiological studies of asthma and asthma'like symptoms in the population of children have been conducted. ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Childhood) questionnaire has been predominantly used as a tool to assess the prevalence of clinical implications and diagnosed conditions in children. However, this technique has limitations in terms of subject age (children aged 6–7 and 13–14). We have conducted a study on the prevalence of Asthma and allergy in adolescents (children aged 15–17) using the standardised GA2LEN (Global Allergy and Asthma European Network) questionnaire in two Russian cities from central region and Siberia (Moscow and Tomsk). It has been found that the prevalence of asthma'like symptoms in adolescents was three times the level of clinically diagnosed asthma, which accounted for no more than 7%, with this indicator having no variance depending on the region of residence.</em><br /><strong><em>Key words: asthma, GA2LEN, prevalence, epidemiology, adolescents.</em></strong


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    Over the recent years, standardised epidemiological studies of asthma and asthma'like symptoms in the population of children have been conducted. ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Childhood) questionnaire has been predominantly used as a tool to assess the prevalence of clinical implications and diagnosed conditions in children. However, this technique has limitations in terms of subject age (children aged 6–7 and 13–14). We have conducted a study on the prevalence of Asthma and allergy in adolescents (children aged 15–17) using the standardised GA2LEN (Global Allergy and Asthma European Network) questionnaire in two Russian cities from central region and Siberia (Moscow and Tomsk). It has been found that the prevalence of asthma'like symptoms in adolescents was three times the level of clinically diagnosed asthma, which accounted for no more than 7%, with this indicator having no variance depending on the region of residence.Key words: asthma, GA2LEN, prevalence, epidemiology, adolescents.В последние годы активно проводятся стандартизированные эпидемиологические исследования бронхиальной астмы и астмаподобных симптомов в детской популяции. Наиболее часто в качестве инструмента оценки распространенности клинических проявлений и диагностированной болезни у детей используется вопросник ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Childhood), однако, данный метод имеет ограничения по возрасту пациентов (дети 6–7 лет и 13–14 лет). Нами было проведено изучение распространенности астмы и аллергии у подростков (дети 15–17 лет) с использованием стандартизированного вопросника GA2LEN (Global Allergy and Asthma European Network) в двух городах, расположенных в центральном регионе России и Сибири (Москва и Томск). Установлено, что распространенность астмаподобных симптомов у подростков была в 3 раза выше клинически диагностированной астмы, доля которой не превышала 7%, при этом данный показатель не зависел от региона проживания. Ключевые слова: бронхиальная астма, GA2LEN, распространенность, эпидемиология, подростки. (Педиатрическая фармакология 2009;6(3):59-65)