7 research outputs found

    The utilization of synthetic methionine in broiler chicken production: effect on growth performance, blood and carcass characteristics

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    An 8-week feeding trial was carried out to evaluate the effect of graded聽 levels of synthetic methionine on the growth performance, blood and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. A total of 120 day-old chicks of Amobyn strain with mean body weight of 36.67g were randomly divided into four groups of 30 chicks each to constitute treatments T1 (0% control), T2 (0.20% methionine), T3 (0.40% methionine) and T4 (0.60% methionine), respectively. Each group was further divided into three replicates of 10 birds each in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Feed and water were provided ad libitum and all the birds were managed on a deep litter floor under the same environmental conditions for 56 days. All data were subjected to One- way analysis of variance and significant mean values were separated using Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results obtained for starter broiler chickens showed that total feed intake, weekly feed intake, daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio were significantly (P<0.05) influenced by dietary treatments while the results for finisher chickens showed that only the final body weight was significantly (P< 0.05)聽 influenced. The blood characteristics showed that monocytes, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration were significantly (P<0.05) influenced by dietary treatments. The serum biochemical indices showed no significant (P>0.05) differences between dietary treatments on all parameters. Carcass characteristics showedsignificant (P<0.05) differences between dietary treatment in pre- slaughter weight, lungs weight, intestinal length, intestinal weight as well as weight of spleen and oesophagus. Therefore, this study concludes that syntheticmethionine can be included in the diets of broiler chickens up to 0.60% without detrimental effects on their growth performance, blood and carcass characteristics.Keywords: Synthetic methionine, chicken, growth, blood, carcas

    Sustentabilidad de gallinas ponedoras alimentadas con harina a base de alimento de cerdo

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    The study was undertaken on the utilization of farm animal organic waste as feeds for livestock and poultry. Increasing feed costs and international concern for the conservation of resources have focused attention on the nutrients in animal wastes that have in the past been used largely as fertilizer or as a major source of fuel for villagers in a number of countries. Animal wastes represent a vast reservoir of cheap nutrients, particularly for ruminants. The limitation in using animal waste as feed is that it needs processing. Dehydration, ensiling, chemical and physical treatments can be used to maintain the nutrient composition and increase the palatability and feeding values of the waste. Animal waste can potentially be used not only to maintain animals in the dry time but also to encourage performance quite satisfactorily. Feeding cattle manure in poultry and pigs promotes meat and egg productivity respectively. Pig waste, when processed and properly balanced with other ingredients, may become a potential feed substitute for cattle at levels up to 30%. No differences in the quality of meat from animals fed waste have been detected, nor has there been a problem of consumer acceptance in animal productsEl estudio se realiz贸 sobre la utilizaci贸n de desechos org谩nicos de animales de granja como alimento para ganado y aves de corral. El aumento de los costos de los piensos y la preocupaci贸n internacional por la conservaci贸n de los recursos han centrado la atenci贸n en los nutrientes en los desechos animales que en el pasado se utilizaron principalmente como fertilizantes o como una importante fuente de combustible para los aldeanos en varios pa铆ses. Los desechos animales representan una gran reserva de nutrientes baratos, especialmente para los rumiantes. La limitaci贸n en el uso de desechos animales como alimento es que necesita procesamiento. Los tratamientos de deshidrataci贸n, ensilado, qu铆micos y f铆sicos se pueden utilizar para mantener la composici贸n de nutrientes y aumentar la palatabilidad y los valores de alimentaci贸n de los desechos. El desperdicio de animales puede ser utilizado no solo para mantener a los animales en el tiempo seco sino tambi茅n para alentar el rendimiento de manera bastante satisfactoria. Alimentar el esti茅rcol del ganado en las aves de corral y los cerdos promueve la productividad de la carne y el huevo, respectivamente. Los desperdicios de cerdo, cuando se procesan y equilibran adecuadamente con otros ingredientes, pueden convertirse en un posible sustituto de la alimentaci贸n del ganado en niveles de hasta el 30%. No se han detectado diferencias en la calidad de la carne de animales alimentados con desechos, ni ha habido un problema de aceptaci贸n del consumidor en productos de origen anima


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    The study investigated the reproductive potentials of two edible ectotype of giant land snails (Archachatina marginata ovum and Archachatina marginata Saturalis) fed banana leaves in the humid tropical zone of Cross River State within a 16 week period. The reproductive potentials of the two ectotypes of giant lands snail revealed that Archachatina marginata ovum performed better (P <0.05) than Archachatina marginata Saturalis in terms of total number of eggs lard, clutch size, incubation period, egg weight, egg length and egg width. However, no differences (P>0.05) was observed between the two ectotypes on their Percent egg hatchabilit