110 research outputs found

    Microbial Population and Fermentation Characteristic in Response to Sapindus Rarak Mineral Block Supplementation

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    This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplementation with lerak extract combined with mineral block on protozoal and bacterial population, and fermentation characteristic in vitro. The experimental design was completely randomized block design with 3 treatments and 4 replications. Control diet was a substrate that consisted of concentrate, forage and feed block with ratio 50 : 48 : 2, respectively. The treatments as a substrate were: control diet (C), C + 0.09% lerak extract, and C + 0.18% lerak extract from the total ration. Variables observed were protozoal and bacterial population, dry matter and organic matter degradability, N-NH3 and total volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The result showed that there were no significant effect (P>0.05) for all parameter measured with lerak extract supplementation up to 0.18% in the presence of mineral block. However, supplementation of lerak extract 0.18% only slightly reduced protozoal numbers but tended to increase bacterial numbers. Dry matter and organic matter degradability and concentration of N-NH3 were similar among treatments. Volatile fatty acids profile changed which propionate tended to increase and acetate tended to decrease and ratio of acetate to propionate tended to decrease. In conclusion, addition of lerak extract up to 0.18% from total ration in the presence of mineral block was not yet effective to depress protozoal population, but could modify fermentation characteristic in vitro

    Pengaruh Mikropartikel Sapindus rarak Terhadap Karkas dan Organ Dalam Ayam Pedaging yang Diinfeksi Eimeria tenella

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    Sapindus rarak adalah tanaman yang memiliki senyawa sekunder saponin yang bersifat antikoksidial, hipokolesteromik, imunostimulan, dan anti-inflamasi. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengevaluasi pemberian mikropartikel Sapindus rarak terhadap bobot karkas dan organ (jantung, hati, gizzard, limpa, lemak abdomen, bobot dan panjang usus) relative ayam pedaging. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan, 6 ulangan dengan rancangan P1 (kontrol/tanpa koksidiostat, tanpa, mikropartikel S. rarak), P2 (koksidiostat 2 g/L), P3 (mikropartikel S. rarak 1,25 g/kg ransum), P4 ( mikropartikel S. rarak 2,5 g/kg ransum), P5 (mikropartikel S. rarak 5.0 g/kg ransum). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa bobot relative karkas, jantung, hati, gizzard, limpa, lemak abdomen, usus, dan panjang usus relative tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) antara semua perlakuan P1, P2, P3, P4, dan P5. Disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan mikropartikel Sapindus rarak hingga level 5.0 g/kg ransum masih batas aman untuk digunakan pada ayam pedaging yang terinfeksi Eimeria tenella

    Mitigation of Heat Stress in Broiler Chickens with Heat Shock Protein 70 Gene Expression as its Indicator

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    Heat stress is an important issue in broiler chicken farms in tropical countries, such as Indonesia. Heat stress is very detrimental to broiler chickens because reducing production performance, health, and causing mortality. In the condition of heat stress, broilers synthesize Heat Shock Protein (HSP) quickly as the body's response to heat stress. HSP70 is the most studied HSP group related to heat stress. The objective of this study was to review the nutritional approach that has been done to mitigate heat stress in broiler chickens with the HSP70 gene expression as its indicator. Based on some studies, nutritional approaches that can be taken are through the management of feed availability, supplementation of vitamin C, vitamin E, plant bioactives, amino acids (taurine and glutamine), probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, mannan oligossaccharides (MOS) and minerals (selenium, zinc, manganese, chromium). By these approaches, HSP70 gene expression decreased, indicating that the heat stress level of broiler chicken also reduced. It can be concluded that the nutritional approach can be used as a method for heat stress mitigation in broilers with the HSP70 gene expression indicator

    Biological Activity of Tannins from Acacia mangium Bark Extracted by Different Solvents

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    Acacia mangium bark is abundant byproduct of wood industry in Indonesia. It is underutilized and mainly used as fire wood for the wood industry. The bark contains high level of tannin but the tannin has not been extracted or produced commercially. Tannin isolate can be used for several purposes such as tanning agent for leather, adhesive for plywood or particle board, etc. In ruminant, tannin can be detrimental but can also be beneficial. This experiment was aimed of getting the highest yield of tannin extract with the highest biological activity in rumen fermentation. Nine different solvents at different temperatures were used to extract tannin from A. mangium bark. The extracts were analyzed for their tannin contents and biological activities. Tannin content was analyzed using folin ciocalteau and butanol-HCl methods. Biological activity was described as a percentage of an increase in gas production in the in vitro rumen-buffer fermentation, with and without addition of PEG. The results show that Na2SO3 solution extracted more tannin than other solutions and the higher the concentration of Na2SO3 solution, the higher the yield of tannin extract. The solution of 6% sodium sulphite gave the highest yield of tannin extract (31.2% of original bark sample) and the highest concentration of tannin (18.26%) but produced a negative effect on in vitro fermentation (% increase of gas production = 2.70%). Extraction with 50% acetone gave a high yield of extract (22.28% of original bark) which contained 12.98% of tannin and showed the highest biological response (% increase of gas production = 216%). In conclusion, sodium sulphite solution is not recommended for tannin extraction if the tannin will be used as feed additive in ruminant feed; on the other hand, the aqueous acetone (50% acetone) solution is a better choice to be used

    Growth rate of sheep fed high fat ration

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    Incorporating high amount of fats into the ration for ruminants will affect the rumen microbes adversely and will reducefiber digestion potential. To correct such negative effects, the free fatty acids used for feed should be bond with Ca++, so it canpassing through the rumen savely (rumen by-pass fat). To test the Ca-fat utilization biologically, 20 growing male Garut shee pwere used and fed with 4 type of isocaloric-isoprotein concentrate feed which were allotted based on a randomized block desig nwith 5 replications. The concentrate (C)-A was a positive control diet, while C-B was substituted with 10% free fatty acids (negative control), C-C was substituted with 10% Ca-fat, and C-D with 15% Ca-fat. The concentrate feed was fed at 500 g/d, while forage (King grass) was 4 kg/d. Results of the experiment showed that the negative effect of free fatty acids can be corrected if it was given in the form of Ca-fat. Growth rate curve indicating a good growing pattern, with average daily gain was 100.18, 87.68, 112.86, and 115.00 g/d (P0.05) for C-A, C-B, C-C, and C-D treatments, respectively. Total dry matter intake for the respective 4 treatments were 875.9, 855.2, 866.7, and 847.4 g/d (P0.05). Carcass production was relatively good, where for C-A, C-B, C-C, and C-D were 14.84, 14.68, 16.34, and 15.72 kg (P0.05) respectively, with final live weights of 34.00, 31.74, 34.58, and 34.30 kg (P0.05). It can be concluded that Ca-fat (rumen by-pass fat) can be used as an energy source component for growing sheep diet, and give the best result at 10% substitution rate in concentrate feed.   Key words : Rumen by-pass fat, growth rate, carcass, shee

    Pengaruh Penambahan Nano Zn Fitogenik Dalam Ransum Ayam Pedaging Terhadap Histomorfometri Usus

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari efek penambahan Nano Zn Fitogenik (NZF) terhadap histomorfometri (tinggi, lebar, kedalaman kripta dan luas permukaan) vili usus halus (jejunum) ayam pedaging. Penelitian ini menggunakan 360 ekor ayam broiler strain Lohman umur satu hari (Day Old Chick/DOC). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan; masing-masing unit percobaan terdiri dari 12 ekor DOC (6 jantan dan 6 betina). Perlakuan pakan yang diberikan, yatu ; R1 = pakan basal; R2 = R1 + Zn Sulfat (90 mg Zn/kg) + 5,32 mg/kg tepung daun jambu biji; R3 = R1 + NZF (45 mg Zn/kg); R4 = R1 + NZF (90 mg Zn/kg); R5 = R1 + NZF (135 mg Zn/kg); R6 = R1 + NZF (180 mgZn/kg). Variabel yang diamati adalah tinggi, lebar, kedalaman kripta dan luas permukaan vili usus halus (jejunum). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menambahkan Nano Zn-Fitogenik (NZF) hingga dosis 180 mg Zn/kg dalam ransum ayam pedaging tidak mempengaruhi (P> 0,05) tinggi, lebar, kedalaman kripta dan luas permukaan) vili halus (jejunum). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan Nano Zn Fitogenik (NZF) sampai dosis 180 mg Zn/kg dalam ransum ayam pedaging tidak berdampak negatif terhadap histomorfometri (tinggi, lebar, kedalaman kripta dan luas permukaan) vili usus halus (jejunum) ayam pedaging

    Pengolahan Secara Kimiawi-Otoklaf Terhadap Nilai Kecernaan Bulu Ayam dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Hidrolisat

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    Bulu ayam merupakan limbah dari industri pemotongan unggas yang melimpah, tetapi dapat menjadi masalah lingkungan yang serius dan sumber bibit penyakit bila tidak diproses. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan 3 metode pengolahan bulu ayam dalam meningkatkan nilai kecernaan bulu ayam dan aktivitas antioksidan di dalam hidrolisatnya. Penelitian disusun dalam rancangan acak lengkap dengan 3 pengolahan bulu ayam dan masing-masing perlakuan 2 ulangan. Perlakuan merupakan kombinasi kimiawi-otoklaf yaitu : 1) ai+otoklafr, 2) larutan Na2SO3 0,21% +otoklaf dan 3) larutan HCl 0,01M+otoklaf. Perlakuan dengan pelarut dilakukan pada suhu 80oC selama 1 jam dan dilanjutkan dengan inkubasi selama 20 jam pada suhu ruang. Setelah itu, di otoklaf pada suhu 121oC, tekanan 21psi selama 30 menit. Variabel yang diukur adalah rendemen dan kadar protein bulu ayam setelah hidrolisis dan hidrolisatnya, kecernaan bahan kering dan protein dari bulu ayam setelah hidrolisis, serta aktivitas antioksidan hidrolisat. Rendemen bulu ayam hasil hidrolisis dari 3 perlakuan berkisar 86,67-95,90% dengan kadar protein rataan 87,18%. Nilai kecernaan bahan kering dan protein tertinggi diperoleh dengan perlakuan natrium sulfit. Rendemen hidrolisat tertinggi dihasilkan oleh perlakuan asam khlorida (8,75%) tetapi aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi terdapat dalam hidrolisat dari perlakuan natrium sulfit. Disimpulkan bahwa pengolahan bulu ayam dengan pelarut 0,21%Na2SO3+otoklaf menghasilkan bulu ayam hasil hidrolisis dengan nilai kecernaan bahan kering dan protein tertinggi dan hidrolisat dengan kemampuan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi

    The Role of Catechin Compound and Its Derivates to Mitigate Methane Gas Production in the Rumen Fermentation

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    Enteric fermentation and its corresponding to methane emissions take place in many wild and domestic ruminant species, such as deer, buffalo, cattle, goats, sheep. Ruminant animals are different from other animals in that they have a rumen, a large fore-stomach with a complex microbial environment. A resulting of this process is methane (CH4), which has a global warming potential (25 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2)). Because the digestion process is not 100% efficient, some of the energy intake is lost in the form of methane. Recently, natural plant products, such as tea leaves which are often inexpensive and environmentally safe have been introduced in methane mitigation strategies. Tea leaves have potential for use as an additives in ruminant diets. The adding of catechin 10-40 g/Kg DM were able to declined methane emission 7.4–13.5%. Furthermore, catechin could decrease the methane production. Catechin decreased CH4 production both in vitro and in vivo. Catechin causes direct inhibition of methanogens as well as may act as hydrogen sinks during degradation by rumen microbes via cleavage of ring structures and reductive dehydroxylation reactions. The objective of this paper is to review existing knowledge related to discuss how catechins can act as methane-lowering agents from rumen fermentation on ruminants

    Mycotoxin Contamination on Corn Used by Feed Mills in Indonesia

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    Mycotoxins which are secondary metabolites of fungi contaminate agricultural products such as corn and have deleterious effects on human and animal. The objective of this study was to evaluate the mycotoxin contamination on local and imported corn samples collected from different feed mills in Indonesia. Three hundred fifty six of corn samples (0.50 kg each) were sent by several feed mills to the Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production during 2005-2006. The background information accompanied with each sample was country/province of origins, harvesting seasons, postharvest drying methods, moisture levels, grades, and varieties. The samples were analyzed for various mycotoxins, i.e aflatoxin (AFL), ochratoxin (OCRA), zearalenone (ZEN), fumonisin (FUM), deoxynivalenol (DON), and T2 toxin using commercial kits, except for AFL which was analysed using a kit developed by the Indonesian Research Center for Veterinary Science. The results showed that average AFL level in the contaminated corn originated from Indonesia was 59 µg kg-1, almost 7 times higher than that imported from the USA or Argentina. Among the types of mycotoxins detected, FUM was the highest with an average of 1193 µg kg-1, followed by DON, ZEN and OCRA at level of 324, 22 and 2 µg kg-1, respectively. Mycotoxin levels in the contaminated local corn samples varied depending on the province of origins as well as harvesting seasons, postharvest drying methods, and moisture contents. The least mycotoxin contaminations were found on corn originated from NorthSumatra and Lampung with the AFL levels were < 20 and < 50 µg kg-1, respectively, lower than those from East Java, Central Java and South Sulawesi (64-87 µg kg-1). Mycotoxin levels, however, were less affected by grading made by feed mills and corn varieties. It is indicated that AFL was the most important mycotoxin as far as for animal feeding concerned, as it contaminated almost 50% of local corn with the level of contamination above the Indonesian National Standard, i.e. 50 µg kg-1. The study suggests that postharvest methods of local corn must be improved to reduce mycotoxin contamination
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