121 research outputs found

    A case of intraoperative observation of maxillary artery aneurysm

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    The maxillary artery aneurysm occurs rarely, only a few cases were described in the foreign literature where the aneurysm were associated mainly with the past head injury. The behavior of the aneurysm is largely unknown: both spontaneous resolution and growth of the aneurysm, resulting in rupture, have been reported. We observed an aneurysm of the maxillary artery in the maxillary sinus as an intraoperative finding, with the following bleeding and embolization of the bleeding vessel. Due to the growing number of endovideoscopic operations on the axillary system, it was proposed to increase the volume of preoperative examination to prevent the intraoperative bleeding

    Heterogeneous Catalysis under pressure - In-situ neutron diffraction under industrial conditions

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    The present work describes the application of a tubular reactor that allows in-situ neutron diffraction on working catalysts at high pressures. The designed reactor enables the application to a sample of industrially-relevant reaction conditions, i.e., in a temperature range up to 330° C and 60 bar pressure, coupled with online gas-analysis. Application of the cell is demonstrated by ammonia synthesis over a commercial catalyst with diffraction data obtained from the high-resolution powder diffractometer, Echidna, at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, ANSTO

    Electron transport through a mesoscopic metal-CDW-metal junction

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    In this work we study the transport properties of a finite Peierls-Fr\"ohlich dielectric with a charge density wave of the commensurate type. We show that at low temperatures this problem can be mapped onto a problem of fractional charge transport through a finite-length correlated dielectric, recently studied by Ponomarenko and Nagaosa [Phys. Rev. Lett {\bf 81}, 2304 (1998)]. The temperature dependence of conductance of the charge density wave junction is presented for a wide range of temperatures.Comment: Latex, Revtex 3.0, 7 pages, 2 EPS figures (uses epfs


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    Results of the study in three regions of the Russian Federation have shown widespread of high carcinogenic human papillomavirus among patients of dermatovenerological and gynecological profile. Detection of viral DNA in the material from the cervix and urethra ranged from 25,2 (Karelia) to 42,5 (Sakha Republic (Yakutia) per 100 examined patients. In all areas in 2010-2011 first place was occupied by 16-th virus genotype - from 11,5 (Sakha Republic (Yakutia) to 15,9 (St. Petersburg) per 100 patients. Prevalence of 11 other types differs. In the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) the second rank place was occupied by types 31 and. 51 (8,0 per 100 examined patients), in St. Petersburg - by 56 and 31 types (9,7 and. 7,6 per 100 patients). Age risk group contains patients of the age of 20-29 years. Information on circulating genotypes of the virus is a necessary part of surveillance to validate vaccination against human papillomavirus infection and evaluation of its efficiency


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    In 2017, the specialists of the radiation safety laboratory of JSC «VNIPIpromtekhnologii» conducted a radioecological examination of the «Buranny», «Severny» and «Yuzhny» sites in the Tomtorskoe rare metal deposit (the northern part of the Olenek ulus of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)). By this time, exploration work was completed at the field with an assessment of the radiation situation. Due to the fact that the amount of information received was not sufficient for a comprehensive analysis and prediction of the radiation situation, it was decided to conduct an additional radioecological survey at the field and in the adjacent area. The research program included field and laboratory work: gamma surveying of the territory, measuring the flux density of alpha and beta particles, gamma spectrometric measurements, environmental sampling, residues of drill cuttings and core, conducting research on the content of natural and man-made radionuclides, as well as individual chemical elements in the selected samples. According to the results of the research, a conclusion was drawn about the normal radiation situation in general in the field. Certain sites of the radioactive contamination was associated with an anthropogenic impact on the ecology of the field during exploratory drilling with the extraction of core from the ore body to the surface of the sites.В 2017 г. специалистами лаборатории радиационной безопасности Акционерного Общества «ВНИПИпромтехнологии» было проведено радиоэкологическое исследование участков «Буранный», «Северный» и «Южный» на территории Томторского редкометалльного месторождения (северная часть Оленекского улуса Республики Саха (Якутия)). К этому времени на месторождении были завершены геологоразведочные работы с оценкой радиационной обстановки. В связи с тем, что объем полученной информации оказался недостаточным для всестороннего анализа и прогноза радиационной обстановки, а оценка ведущих радиационных факторов противоречила представлениям о роли техногенного излучения, было решено провести дополнительное радиоэкологическое обследование на месторождении и на прилегающей к нему территории. Целью исследования являлась оценка текущего состояния радиационной и экологической обстановки в окрестностях площадок буровых разведочных скважин и производственных помещений на Томторском месторождении с установлением сравнительной роли техногенного и природного факторов. Программа исследований включала в себя полевые и лабораторные работы: гамма-съемка территории, измерение плотности потока альфа- и бета-частиц, гамма-спектрометрические измерения, отбор проб окружающей среды, остатков бурового шлама и керна, проведение исследований содержания природных и техногенных радионуклидов, а также отдельных химических элементов в отобранных пробах. По результатам исследований сделан вывод о нормальной радиационной обстановке в целом на территории месторождения и отсутствии дополнительного облучения населения. Отдельные локальные радиоактивные загрязнения были связаны с техногенным воздействием на экологию месторождения при выполнении разведочного бурения с извлечением на поверхность площадок радиоактивного керна из рудного тела. При этом дополнительное облучение людей для наиболее вероятного гипотетического сценария не превысит пределов допустимых нормативных доз

    Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of cancers associated with human papillomavirus in the regions of North-West Russia

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    Introduction. The leading role of the human papillomavirus in the etiopathogenesis of malignant neoplasms of some localizations is generally recognized. Vaccines that are used in the world and in Russia for the prevention of papillomavirus infection create the basis for the elimination of diseases associated with the human papillomavirus in the future. The aim of the study is to determine the regional, gender and age-specific features of cancers associated with the human papillomavirus to substantiate the development of a unified system of epidemiological surveillance and vaccination. Materials and methods. The retrospective epidemiological analysis of the incidence of cancers associated with the human papillomavirus and mortality due to these neoplasms in the regions of the North-Western Federal District of Russia in 20112020 was carried out based on data from Statistic Form 7 "Information on malignant neoplasms" and the Population cancer Registers of St. Petersburg (13,117 cases), Leningrad region (3204 cases) and the Kaliningrad region (2898 cases). Results. In the structure of cancers associated with the human papillomavirus in St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions, more than 90% of men had tumors of the oral cavity, oropharynx and larynx, more than 60% of women had cervical cancer. Regional and age-specific features of the incidence of cervical cancer and mortality from this pathology have been established. Statistically significant differences in the incidence of cancer of the head and neck, anus and anal canal in different age groups of the male and female population were revealed. Conclusion. As a result of the study, regional, gender and age-specific features of the incidence of human papillomavirus-associated malignant neoplasms in the North-West of Russia were established. These data should be used to develop a system of epidemiological surveillance of papillomavirus infection and vaccination program

    Педиатрическое аутоиммунное нейропсихиатрическое расстройство, ассоциированное со стрептококковой инфекцией (PANDAS-синдром): мировая практика и клиническое наблюдение

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    Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus is one of the most important infectious agents leading to both direct damage to organs, and to various cross-reactions with body antigens. One of these forms, manifested by the defeat of subcortical ganglia, is PANDAS syndrome. This paper describes the international criteria and clarifies the differences between this disorder and other forms of brain damage. Paper also describes the clinical case of PANDAS syndrome in a 7-year-old child.Бета-гемолитический стрептококк группы А является одним из важных инфекционных агентов, приводящих как к непосредственному повреждению органов и тканей, так и к различным перекрестным реакциям с антигенами организма. Одной из таких нозологических форм, проявляющихся поражением подкорковых ганглиев, является синдром PANDAS. В данной статье приведены критерии, уточнены отличия данного расстройства от других форм поражения головного мозга, представлен клинический случай PANDAS синдрома у ребенка 7 лет

    Гляциальные сели в Заилийском Алатау за последние 120 лет

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    Zailiyskiy Alatau is the most mudflow hazardous mountain region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time, this area is one of the most densely populated and economically developed one, so mudflows here cause the great damage. The paper presents results of our analysis of the glacial mudflow activity for the period from 1900 to 2019. Amount and total volume of glacial mudflows per year were used as indicators of the mudflow activity. 481 mudflows were recorded over 120 years of observations in the Zailiyskiy Alatau, and 24% of them were glacial mudflows. Glacial mudflows are the largest and most destructive. Of the nine mudflows with a volume of more than 1 million m3, seven were glacial mudflows. The chronicle of mudflow disasters is shown. From 1950 to 2019, 87 glacial mudflows were observed in the Zailiyskiy Alatau. Of these, 16 mudflows had volumes exceeding 100 thousand m3. The largest ones occurred in 1977 (6.0 million m3), 1963 (5.8 million m3), 1958 (4.0 million m3), and 1973 (3.8 million m3 ). The causes for formation of glacial mudflows are outbursts of moraine lakes or water from underground reservoirs, as well as collapses of moraines’ slopes. The largest of them occur when a lake is bursting through an open channel. Since 1951, occurrence of glacial mudflows has been increasing and reached its maximum in the 1970s. Since 1978, the number of glacial mudflows has been decreasing, although their volumes remained large until the late 1990s. From 1997 to 2013, mudflow activity was low. During 11 of the 15 years, no mudflow was observed. Every year only one mudflow happened with a volume below 10 thousand m3. Since 2014, there has been a tendency for an increase in mudflow activity. Large glacial mudflows were recorded in 2014 and 2019. To protect against mudflows in the valleys of the Zailiysky Alatau, 14 dams have been built and two more are planned. To prevent outbursts of moraine lakes, they are emptied using pumps and siphons. In 2019, the network of automated monitoring of early warning about mudflows is being organized, which will cover all the valleys of the Northern slope of the Zailiysky Alatau.Проанализированы данные о гляциальных, в том числе катастрофических, селях с 1900 по 2019 г., рассмотрены внутри- и межгодовые колебания селевой активности. С  1951  г. активность гляциальных селей стала расти и достигла максимума в 1970-х годах, с 1978 по 1996 г. активность таких селей снижалась, а с 1997 по 2013 г. была низкой. С 2014 г. наметилась тенденция усиления активности гляциальных селей