620 research outputs found

    High-finesse optical quantum gates for electron spins in artificial molecules

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    A doped semiconductor double-quantum-dot molecule is proposed as a qubit realization. The quantum information is encoded in the electron spin, thus benefiting from the long relevant decoherence times; the enhanced flexibility of the molecular structure allows to map the spin degrees of freedom onto the orbital ones and vice versa, and opens the possibility for high-finesse (conditional and unconditional) quantum gates by means of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Preliminary tests on additive-manufactured Al-Sc specimens for the setup of a numerical model for Laser Shock Peening

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    Aluminum-Scandium alloys offer a great potential in aerospace applications due their high corrosion resistance and improved strength properties. Furthermore, these alloys have been quali ed for laser additive manufacturing (AM), producing parts with static strengths rivalling their conventionally manufactured counterparts. However, laser processing also results in large residual stresses that can severely affect fatigue properties and result in geometric distortion. A proven method for reducing the fatigue-related problems in metallic structures is to drive compressive residual stresses into the affected area by means of Laser Shock Peening (LSP). This surface treatment is very effective in bulk structures, improving life performances of fatigue-sensitive aeronautical components, such as jet engines turbine blades or helicopter gearboxes. On the other hand, quite a limited number of studies has been presented on the effect of LSP on fatigue crack growth in thin components and laser AM structures. This work presents first the results of preliminary tensile tests on additive manufactured Al-Sc specimens. The tensile strengths of as-built and heat-treated samples are compared. Then, a reliable and computationally time-effective numerical model of laser peening is reviewed, referring to case studies investigated earlier. In view of applying LSP to additive manufactured Al-Sc components, the effects of different laser parameters and geometries are discussed. Finally, the possible drawbacks of the LSP treatment are addressed, in order to exploit its full potential in increasing the fatigue life of AM components

    Experimental determination of thickness influence on compressive residual strength of impacted carbon/epoxy laminate

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    Abstract: An experimental campaign was performed on 5.5 mm thick carbon/epoxy specimens and results were compared with data obtained in a previous work to understand thickness influence on material mechanical characteristics. In particular, this campaign consists of two different steps: impacts tests, performed by means of a modified Charpy pendulum, and Compression After Impact (CAI), using Wyoming Combined Loading Compression (CLC) test method. Impacts were performed on twenty cross-ply specimens with different energies and impact location. Other 5 specimens were tested only in compression. Non Destructive Inspections (NDI) by Ultrasonic Test (UT) were performed on impacted and pristine specimens, in order to understand damage size and correlate it with residual strength results. During CLC tests, compression strength and Young modulus values were acquired

    Influence of Simulation Parameters in the Combined Loading Compression Testing of CFRP Specimens

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    In this paper a sensitivity study of a FEM model representing a carbon/epoxy composite material tested in Combined Loading Compression (CLC) is presented and the results are compared to experimental results. The present study aims to simulate the failure of composite materials when subjected to compression and crush loading conditions. This is required as a first step of a Building-Block Approach towards full-scale modelling of complex structures. In the experimental part of the work, a laminate panel was manufactured with carbon unidirectional prepreg (Deltapreg UTS-300-DT120-37EF) in a cross-ply, balanced and symmetric stacking sequence, cured in autoclave at 120°C and 5 bar for 90 min. A number of six samples, extracted from the panel, were tested in compression following ASTM D6641/D6641M-16. Numerical simulations have been implemented by means of the commercial software, ESI-VPS PAM CRASH. Boundary conditions, specimens' dimensions and material properties emulated real test conditions. A sensitivity study was performed on critical simulation parameters: the effect of mesh size and number of shell surfaces representing the composite stacking sequence was initially investigated. Furthermore, the specimen failure mode was inspected by the application of TIED links between the composite plies. Numerical results have been compared with experimental data and the comparison provided references for testing scale-up in the Building-Block Approach

    Mitigation of Darrieus-Landau instability effects on turbulent premixed flames

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    Theoretical considerations on the competition between the most amplified modes for Darrieus-Landau (DL) hydrodynamic instability and turbulence timescales, show that, two extremal regimes can be identified: the instability-dominated and turbulence-dominated regimes. In the latter, also denoted as unified regime, both experiments and numerical simulations give evidence showing how the large scale, cusp-like structures of the flame front surface, typical of DL instability, are hindered by turbulent fluctuations. The result is that quantities such as turbulent flame propagation and front curvature statistics, which in the instability dominated regime are enhanced or modified by the overwhelming presence of hydrodynamic instability, are now mitigated and a unified regime is reached in which the characteristics of DL unstable and stable flame configurations become indistinguishable. In this work we analyze the concealing effects of increasing level of turbulence over the hydrodynamic Darrieus-Landau instability, and we show that, although some global indices such as the skewness of the curvature p.d.f. suggest that a unified regime is reached, others show the persistence of residual differences: in particular, the power spectral density of the flame front curvature. We use both experimental and numerical datasets of stable and unstable (based on linear stability analysis) flames, in conditions ranging from quasi laminar to significantly turbulent regimes

    Shaken Dynamics: An Easy Way to Parallel Markov Chain Monte Carlo

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    We define a class of Markovian parallel dynamics for spin systems on arbitrary graphs with nearest neighbor interaction described by a Hamiltonian function H(sigma). These dynamics turn out to be reversible and their stationary measure is explicitly determined. Convergence to equilibrium and relation of the stationary measure to the usual Gibbs measure are discussed when the dynamics is defined on Z(2). Further it is shown how these dynamics can be used to define natively parallel algorithms to face problems in the context of combinatorial optimization

    Electrostatic control of quantum dot entanglement induced by coupling to external reservoirs

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    We propose a quantum transport experiment to prepare and measure charge-entanglement between two electrostatically defined quantum dots. Coherent population trapping, as realized in cavity quantum electrodynamics, can be carried out by using a third quantum dot to play the role of the optical cavity. In our proposal, a pumping which is quantum mechanically indistinguishable for the quantum dots drives the system into a state with a high degree of entanglement. The whole effect can be switched on and off by means of a gate potential allowing both state preparation and entanglement detection by simply measuring the total current.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Latex2e with EPL macros, to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Social-Emotional Inhibition of Return in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Versus Typical Development

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    In typical development there is a bias to orient visual attention to social information. Children with ASD do not reliably demonstrate this bias, and the role of attention orienting has not been well studied. We examined attention orienting via the inhibition of return (IOR) mechanism in a spatial cueing task using social-emotional cues; we studied 8- to 17-year-old children with ASD (n=41) and typically developing controls (TDC) (n=25). The ASD group exhibited a significantly stronger IOR effect than the TDC group, and the IOR effect correlated positively with social impairments, but was unrelated to co-occurring ADHD or anxiety symptoms. These results provide evidence of an early visual attention mechanism that is directly related to core social deficits in ASD

    The blockage problem

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    We investigate the totally asymmetric exclusion process on Z, with the jump rate at site i given by r_i=1 for i nonzero, r_0=r. It is easy to see that the maximal stationary current j(r) is nondecreasing in r and that j(r)=1/4 for r>=1; it is a long outstanding problem to determine whether or not the critical value r_c of r such that j(r)=1/4 for r>r_c is strictly less than 1. Here we present a heuristic argument, based on the analysis of the first sixteen terms in a formal power series expansion of j(r) obtained from finite volume systems, that r_c=1 and that for r less than 1 and near 1, j(r) behaves as 1/4-\gamma\exp[-{a/(1-r)}] with a approximately equal to 2. We also give some new exact results about this system; in particular we prove that j(r)=J_max(r), with J_max(r) the hydrodynamic maximal current defined by Seppalainen, and thus establish continuity of j(r). Finally we describe a related exactly solvable model, a semi-infinite system in which the site i=0 is always occupied. For that system, the critical r is 1/2 and the analogue j_s(r) of j(r) satisfies j_s(r)=r(1-r) for r<=1/2; j_s(r) is the limit of finite volume currents inside the curve |r(1-r)|=1/4 in the complex r plane and we suggest that analogous behavior may hold for the original system.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure
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