1,820 research outputs found

    Large-scale use of mosquito larval source management for malaria control in Africa: a cost analysis.

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    UNLABELLED: ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: At present, large-scale use of two malaria vector control methods, long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) is being scaled up in Africa with substantial funding from donors. A third vector control method, larval source management (LSM), has been historically very successful and is today widely used for mosquito control globally, except in Africa. With increasing risk of insecticide resistance and a shift to more exophilic vectors, LSM is now under re-evaluation for use against afro-tropical vector species. Here the costs of this intervention were evaluated. METHODS: The 'ingredients approach' was used to estimate the economic and financial costs per person protected per year (pppy) for large-scale LSM using microbial larvicides in three ecologically diverse settings: (1) the coastal metropolitan area of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, (2) a highly populated Kenyan highland area (Vihiga District), and (3) a lakeside setting in rural western Kenya (Mbita Division). Two scenarios were examined to investigate the cost implications of using alternative product formulations. Sensitivity analyses on product prices were carried out. RESULTS: The results show that for programmes using the same granular formulation larviciding costs the least pppy in Dar es Salaam (US0.94),approximately600.94), approximately 60% more in Vihiga District (US1.50) and the most in Mbita Division (US2.50).However,thesecostsarereducedsubstantiallyifanalternativewaterdispensableformulationisused;inVihiga,thiswouldreducecoststoUS2.50). However, these costs are reduced substantially if an alternative water-dispensable formulation is used; in Vihiga, this would reduce costs to US0.79 and, in Mbita Division, to US$1.94. Larvicide and staff salary costs each accounted for approximately a third of the total economic costs per year. The cost pppy depends mainly on: (1) the type of formulation required for treating different aquatic habitats, (2) the human population density relative to the density of aquatic habitats and (3) the potential to target the intervention in space and/or time. CONCLUSION: Costs for LSM compare favourably with costs for IRS and LLINs, especially in areas with moderate and focal malaria transmission where mosquito larval habitats are accessible and well defined. LSM presents an attractive tool to be integrated in ongoing malaria control effort in such settings. Further data on the epidemiological health impact of larviciding is required to establish cost effectiveness

    Learning to Convolve: A Generalized Weight-Tying Approach

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    Recent work (Cohen & Welling, 2016) has shown that generalizations of convolutions, based on group theory, provide powerful inductive biases for learning. In these generalizations, filters are not only translated but can also be rotated, flipped, etc. However, coming up with exact models of how to rotate a 3 x 3 filter on a square pixel-grid is difficult. In this paper, we learn how to transform filters for use in the group convolution, focussing on roto-translation. For this, we learn a filter basis and all rotated versions of that filter basis. Filters are then encoded by a set of rotation invariant coefficients. To rotate a filter, we switch the basis. We demonstrate we can produce feature maps with low sensitivity to input rotations, while achieving high performance on MNIST and CIFAR-10.Comment: Accepted to ICML 201

    The broad-band X-ray spectrum of a QSO sample

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    A sample of 25 QSOs was used to investigate the average spectrum between the soft X-ray energy band of the Einstein Observatory image proportional counter, and the higher energy band of the HEAO 1 A2 experiment. The spectrum is similar to thoe exhibited by Seyfert galaxies and narrow emission line galaxies above 2 keV. The spectrum is soft enough that if these objects are typical of the higher redshift, more radio-quiet QSOs, then it is possible to exclude QSOs as being the dominant origin of the diffuse X-ray background

    A limit to the X-ray luminosity of nearby normal galaxies

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    Emission is studied at luminosities lower than those for which individual discrete sources can be studied. It is shown that normal galaxies do not appear to provide the numerous low luminosity X-ray sources which could make up the 2-60 keV diffuse background. Indeed, upper limits suggest luminosities comparable with, or a little less than, that of the galaxy. This is consistent with the fact that the average optical luminosity of the sample galaxies within approximately 20 Mpc is slightly lower than that of the galaxy. An upper limit of approximately 1% of the diffuse background from such sources is derived

    Stellar contributions to the hard X-ray galactic ridge

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    The number density of serendipitous sources in galactic plane Einstein Observatory IPC fields are compared with predictions based on the intensity of the HEAO-1 A2 unresolved hrd X-ray galactic ridge emission. It is concluded that theoretically predicted X-ray source populations of luminosity 8 x 10 to the 32nd power to 3 x 10 to the 34th power ergs s have 2 KeV to 10 KeV local surface densities of less than approximately .0008 L(32) pc/2 and are unlikely to be the dominant contributors to the hard X-ray ridge. An estimate for Be/neutron star binary systems, such as X Persei, gives a 2 keV to 10 keV local surface density of approximately 26 x 10 to the -5 power L(32) pc/2. Stellar systems of low luminosity, are more likely contributors. Both RS CVn and cataclysmic variable systems contribute 43% + or - 18% of the ridge. A more sensitive measurement of the ridge's hard X-ray spectrum should reveal Fe-line emission. We speculate that dM stars are further major contributors

    Reversible GANs for Memory-efficient Image-to-Image Translation

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    The Pix2pix and CycleGAN losses have vastly improved the qualitative and quantitative visual quality of results in image-to-image translation tasks. We extend this framework by exploring approximately invertible architectures which are well suited to these losses. These architectures are approximately invertible by design and thus partially satisfy cycle-consistency before training even begins. Furthermore, since invertible architectures have constant memory complexity in depth, these models can be built arbitrarily deep. We are able to demonstrate superior quantitative output on the Cityscapes and Maps datasets at near constant memory budget

    HEAO 1 measurements of the galactic ridge

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    The HEAO A2 experiment data was systematically searched for unresolved galactic disc emission. Although there were suggestions of non-uniformities in the emission, the data were consistent with a disc of half-thickness 241 + 22 pc and surface emissivity (2-10 keV) at galactic radius R(kpc) of 2.2 10 to the minus 7th power exp(-R/3.5) erg/sq cm to the (-2)power/s (R 7.8 kpc). giving a luminosity of approximately 4.4 10 to the 37th power erg S to the (-1) power. If the model is extrapolated to radii less than 7.8 kpc, the unresolved disc emission is approximately 1.4 10 to the 38th power erg S to the (-1) power (2-10 keV) i.e., a few percent of the luminosity of the galaxy in resolved sources. the disc emission has a spectrum which is significantly softer than that of the high galactic latitude diffuse X-ray background and it is most probably of discrete source origin