507 research outputs found

    Longitudinal membrane function in functionally anuric patients treated with APD: Data from EAPOS on the effects of glucose and icodextrin prescription

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    Longitudinal membrane function in functionally anuric patients treated with APD: Data from EAPOS on the effects of glucose and icodextrin prescription. Background: Peritoneal dialysis is associated with changes in membrane function that can lead eventually to ultrafiltration (UF) failure. Factors driving these changes are thought to include hypertonic glucose exposure, but previously reported associations are confounded by the presence of residual renal function. Methods: Longitudinal membrane function (solute transport and UF capacity) were measured annually in a prospective cohort of 177 functionally anuric patients as part of the European Automated Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes Study (EAPOS). Subgroup analysis was performed according to glucose exposure and icodextrin use at baseline. Results: The whole cohort experienced an increase in solute transport and reduction in UF capacity at 12 and 24 months that could not be explained by informative censoring. These changes were accelerated and more severe in patients using either 2.27% or 3.86% glucose, or those not using icodextrin at baseline. These differences could not be explained by age, comorbidity score, previous time spent on renal replacement, differential dropout from the study, peritonitis rates, or, by definition, residual renal function. Patients using icodextrin at baseline had worse membrane function and were more likely to be diabetic. There was an association between membrane function changes and achieved 24-hour ultrafiltration over the 2-year study period. Conclusion: Anuric automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) patients experience significant detrimental changes in membrane function over a relatively short time period. Glucose appears to enhance these changes independent of residual renal function. Icodextrin use in these circumstances is associated with less deterioration in membrane functio

    Synergistic Effect of 3 ',4 '-Dihidroxifenilglicol and Hydroxytyrosol on Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress and Some Cardiovascular Biomarkers in an Experimental Model of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

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    The objective of this study was to assess a possible synergistic effect of two extra-virgin olive oil polyphenols, 3,4,-dyhydroxyphenylglycol (DHPG) and hydroxytyrosol (HT), in an experimental model of type 1 diabetes. Seven groups of animals were studied: (1) Nondiabetic rats (NDR), (2) 2-month-old diabetic rats (DR), (3) DR treated with 5 mg/kg/day p.o. HT, (4) DR treated with 0.5 mg/kg/day p.o. DHPG, (5) DR treated with 1 mg/kg/day p.o. DHPG, (6) DR treated with HT + DHPG (0.5), (7) DR treated with HT + DHPG (1). Oxidative stress variables (lipid peroxidation, glutathione, total antioxidant activity, 8-isoprostanes, 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine, and oxidized LDL), nitrosative stress (3-nitrotyrosine), and some cardiovascular biomarkers (platelet aggregation, thromboxane B2, prostacyclin, myeloperoxidase, and vascular cell adhesion protein 1 (VCAM-1)) were analyzed. The diabetic animals showed an imbalance in all of the analyzed variables. HT exerted an antioxidant and downregulatory effect on prothrombotic biomarkers while reducing the fall of prostacyclin. DHPG presented a similar, but quantitatively lower, profile. HT plus DHPG showed a synergistic effect in the reduction of oxidative and nitrosative stress, platelet aggregation, production of prostacyclin, myeloperoxidase, and VCAM-1. This synergism could be important for the development of functional oils enriched in these two polyphenols in the proportion used in this study

    Brain aging and Parkinson's disease: new therapeutic approaches using drugs delivery systems

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    ABSTRACT The etiology and pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is unknown, aging being the strongest risk factor for brain degeneration. Understanding PD pathogenesis and how aging increases the risk of disease would aid the development of therapies able to slow or prevent the progression of this neurodegenerative disorder. In this review we provide an overview of the most promising therapeutic targets and strategies to delay the loss of dopaminergic neurons observed both in PD and aging. Among them, handling alphasynuclein toxicity, enhancing proteasome and lysosome clearance, ameliorating mitochondrial disruptions and modifying the glial environment are so far the most promising candidates. These new and conventional drugs may present problems related to their labile nature and to the difficulties in reaching the brain. Thus, we highlight the latest types of drug delivery system (DDS)-based strategies for PD treatment, including DDS for local and systemic drug delivery. Finally, the ongoing challenges for the discovery of new targets and the opportunities for DDS-based therapies to improve and efficacious PD therapy will be discussed
