477 research outputs found

    La région de l’Aunis

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    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : 204722 Date de l'opération : 2009 (PI) Le programme de prospection de cette année couvre la région de l'Aunis, soit le tiers septentrional du département de la Charente-Maritime. Il a consisté en des sorties de terrain qui ont été assez décevantes compte tenu des conditions climatiques. Une des zones concernées par ces sorties comprenait la commune de Saint-Saturnin-du-Bois .Elle participe à un recensement exhaustif des sites et indices de sites sur ..

    Analyse du contact entre surfaces rugueuses par la méthode des éléments finis et par un nouveau modèle numérique

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    Titre du résumé joint : Approches numériques du contact entre une surface rugueuse et un plan rigideInternational audienceDeux approches du contact normal sans frottement entre la surface rugueuse d'un matériau élastoplastique et un plan rigide sont proposées. Un nouveau modèle numérique est développé et comparé à une approche éléments finis. Il se nourrit d'une série de modèles mathématiques calibrés par des calculs éléments finis modélisant une seule aspérité. Les interactions entre aspérités sont prises en compte. Ce modèle permet de prédire la courbe charge-déplacement, l'aire réelle de contact et les champs d'ouverture de la fracture rugueuse tout en assurant un coût de calcul très réduit

    La nazification de l'Allemagne perçue à travers la presse alsacienne francophone (1933-1939)

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    À l'aube des années 1930, l'Alsace partage un passé trouble avec la France et l'Allemagne. Alors que la région est redevenue française après la Première Guerre mondiale en 1919, Paris éprouve de la difficulté à la réintégrer à la République, parce qu'il ne comprend pas que les quarante ans de l'Alsace au sein du Reich allemand ont bouleversé la vie régionale aux niveaux politique, culturel, religieux et linguistique. La France ne perçoit pas le particularisme des populations retrouvées et leur volonté de conserver les valeurs qui leur sont chères. L'autonomisme alsacien des années 1920 et la répression du mouvement par les autorités françaises mettent à mal les relations entre Paris et Strasbourg. Alors que le début des années 1930 se déroule sur ce fond de tensions, l'arrivée d'Adolf Hitler au pouvoir en 1933 en Allemagne modifie radicalement la donne. Le présent mémoire s'interroge sur la perception par la presse alsacienne francophone de la montée du nazisme en Allemagne, de 1933 à 1939. L'Alsace remet-elle en question son allégeance à une France qui démontre des signes de faiblesses et qui ne comprend pas la région ou préfère-t-elle une Allemagne forte et stable? En consultant des journaux de différentes orientations politiques et religieuses, soit Les dernières nouvelles de Strasbourg, Le nouvelliste d'Alsace, Le Lorrain et L'éclair de l'Est, nous avons analysé l'opinion de la presse alsacienne sur les événements allemands des années 1930. Il apparaît évident que la presse francophone n'est pas en faveur d'un retour avec le Reich. Néanmoins, l'allégeance à la France n'est pas aussi nette que le laisse croire l'historiographie à ce sujet. Jusqu'en mars 1938, la presse alsacienne francophone ne revendique pas de statut particulier, insatisfaite qu'elle est des options qui s'offrent à elle, autant du côté de la France que de l'Allemagne. Le point de vue de la région change régulièrement. Alors que Hitler attire tous les regards en 1933, la situation politique instable en France ainsi que les décisions du Front populaire sont le point de mire pour la presse alsacienne francophone à partir de 1936. Ce n'est que lorsque la guerre semble inévitable qu'elle se range derrière la République française.At the dawn of 1930s, Alsace shares a troubled past with France and Germany. While the region came again under French rule after the First World War in 1919, Paris has difficulty integrating Alsace in the Republic, because it does not understand that forty years of German control upset the region's life at the political, cultural, religious and linguistic levels. France does not perceive the sense of identity of the population and its will to preserve its values. The Alsatian separatism of the 1920s and the repression of the movement by the French authorities damage the relations between Paris and Strasbourg. Along with the tension of the 1930s, Adolf Hitler's arrival to power in 1933 in Germany radically modified the situation. The thesis examines how the French-speaking Alsatian press perceived the rise of Nazism in Germany from 1933 to 1939. Did Alsace question its allegiance to France, a country that demonstrated signs of weaknesses, and did not clearly understand Alsace? Or did it prefer a strong and stable Germany? By consulting newspapers of various political and religious orientations, such as Les dernières nouvelles de Strasbourg, Le nouvelliste d'Alsace, Le Lorrain et L'éclair de l'Est, the thesis analyzes the opinion of the Alsatian press on the German events in the 1930s. The French-speaking press was not in favour returning to the Reich. Nevertheless, the allegiance to France was not as clear as the historiography leads us to believe on this matter. Until March 1938, the French-speaking Alsatian press did not claim particular status, even if it was dissatisfied with the options available, as much on the side of France as on the side of Germany. The region's point of view changed regularly. While Hitler caught everyone's attention in 1933, the unstable political situation in France as well as the choices of the Popular Front are the target for the French-speaking Alsatian press from 1936. It was only when the war seemed inevitable that it lined up behind the French Republic

    Marine culturable yeasts in deep-sea hydrothermal vents: species richness and association with fauna

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    The definitive version is available at ww3.interscience.wiley.com. Post-print en libre-accès sur Archimer : http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00006/11704/8475.pdfInternational audienceInvestigations of the diversity of culturable yeasts at deep-sea hydrothermal sites have suggested possible interactions with endemic fauna. Samples were collected during various oceanographic cruises at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, South Pacific Basins and East Pacific Rise. Cultures of 32 isolates, mostly associated with animals, were collected. Phylogenetic analyses of 26S rRNA gene sequences revealed that the yeasts belonged to Ascomycota and Basidiomycota phyla, with the identification of several genera: Rhodotorula, Rhodosporidium, Candida, Debaryomyces and Cryptococcus. Those genera are usually isolated from deep-sea environments. To our knowledge, this is the first report of yeasts associated with deep-sea hydrothermal animals

    phospholipids as dietary source of (n3) polyunsaturated fatty acids for nervous tissue in the rat

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    Abstract: In a previous work. we calculated the dietary alinolenic requirements (from vegetable oil triglycerides) for obtaining and maintaining a physiological level of (n-3) fatty acids in developing animal membranes as determined by the cervonic acid content [22:6(n-3), docosahexaenoic acid]. The aim ofthe present study was to measure the phospholipid requirement. as these compounds directly provide the very long polyunsaturated fatty acids found in membranes. Two weeks before mating. eight groups of female rats (previously fed peanut oil deficient in a-linolenic acid) were fed different semisynthetic diets containing 6% African peanut oil supplemented with different quantities of phospholipids obtained from bovine brain lipid extract, so as to add (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids to the diet. An additional group was fed peanut oil with rapeseed oil, and served as control. Pups were fed the same diet as their respective mothers, and were killed at weaning. Forebrain, sciatic nerve, retina, nerve endings, myelin, and liver were analyzed. We conclude that during the combined maternal and perinatal period, the (n-3) fatty acid requirement for adequate deposition of (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids in the nervous tissue (alnd in liver) of pups is lower if animals are fed (n-3) very long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids found in brain phospholipids [this study, -60 mg of (n-3) fatty acids/100 g of diet, i.e., -130 mg/1,000 kcal] rather than a-linolenic acid from vegetable oil triglycerides [200 mg of (n-3) fatty acrds/lOO g of diet, i.e., -440 mg/1,000 kcal]. Key Words: Phospholipids-a-Linolenic acid-Cervonic acid-Docosahexaenoic acid-Brain-Peripheral nervous system-Liver-Nerve endings-Myelin. Bourre J.-M. et al. Brain phospholipids as dietary source of (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids for nervous tissue in the rat

    Analysis of the intratesticular control of spermatogenesis by ex-vivo approaching.

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    Spermatogenesis involves the realization of a particular genetic program which requires a specific environment ("niche"). Multiplication, differentiation and apoptosis of male germ cells are finely regulated by pituitary hormones (mainly LH and FSH), and by a complex network of factors originating from both the somatic cells and the germ cells of the testis. It is becoming clear that hormones and intra-testicular regulatory factors can compensate, at least in part, for the absence of some hormones or factors including FSH and LH or androgen receptors. Since, most of the growth factors, cytokines and neurotrophins produced within the testis are widely expressed in the organism, the attempts to understand their role in spermatogenesis by "classical" knock-out strategies have been often disappointing. Therefore an important aspect of our previous work was to settle and characterize carefully two systems of cocultures of testicular germ cells with somatic cells in bicameral chambers. For instance, we showed for the first time that the whole meiotic step could be performed in vitro in a mammalian species (the rat). Moreover, all our data indicate that our co-culture systems enable to highlight mechanisms pertinent to the physiological processes. Sperm parameters have been deteriorated considerably during the past 4-5 decades. There is now evidence that chemical exposure is at least partly responsible for these testicular diseases. If a large number of environmental pollutants are able to affect male fertility and to exert carcinogenic effects, their cellular and molecular mechanisms are still unidentified. The cultures in bicameral chambers that we settled can be used to study the effects of a toxicant when added in the basal compartment of the culture chamber, which appears relevant to the in vivo situation. Taken together our results indicate that our in vitro culture systems, which allow screening for the effect of biological activity of different physiological factors, can be also helpful to study that of any chemicals on both survival and multiplication/differentiation of somatic and/or spermatogenic cells on a relatively long time period

    Management of traumatic events: influence of emotion-centered coping strategies on the occurrence of dissociation and post-traumatic stress disorder

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    Our aim was to assess the influence of the coping strategies employed for the management of traumatic events on the occurrence of dissociation and traumatic disorders. We carried out a 1-year retrospective study of the cognitive management of a traumatic event in 18 subjects involved in the same road vehicle accident. The diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was made for 33.3% of the participants. The participants with a PTSD diagnosis 1 year after the event used emotion-centered strategies during the event more often than did those with no PTSD, P < 0.02. In the year after the traumatic event, our results show a strong link between the intensity of PTSD and the severity of the post-traumatic symptoms like dissociation (P = 0.032) and the use of emotion-centered strategies (P = 0.004). Moreover, the participants who presented Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire scores above 15 made greater use of emotion-centered coping strategies than did those who did not show dissociation, P < 0.04. Our results confirm that the cognitive management of traumatic events may play an essential role in the development of a state of post-traumatic stress in the aftermath of a violent event

    HIV-1 Gag gene mutations, treatment response and drug resistance to protease inhibitors: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol

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    Background: Some mutations in the HIV-1 Gag gene are known to confer resistance to ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors (PI/r), but their clinical implications remain controversial. This review aims at summarizing current knowledge on HIV-1 Gag gene mutations that are selected under PI/r pressure and their distribution according to viral subtypes. Materials and methods: Randomized and non-randomized trials, cohort and cross-sectional studies evaluating HIV-1 Gag gene mutations and protease resistance associated mutations, will all be included. Searches will be conducted (from January 2000 onwards) in PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILAC), Web of Science, African Journals Online, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) databases. Hand searching of the reference lists of relevant reviews and trials will be conducted and we will also look for conference abstracts. Genotypic profiles of both Gag gene and the protease region as well as viral subtypes (especially B vs. non B) will all serve as comparators. Primary outcomes will be the "prevalence of Gag mutations" and the "prevalence of PI/r resistance associated mutations". Secondary outcomes will be the "rate of treatment failure" and the distribution of Gag mutations according to subtypes. Two reviewers will independently screen titles and abstracts, assess the full texts for eligibility, and extract data. If data permits, random effects models will be used where appropriate. This study will be reported according to the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses. Discussion: This systematic review will help identify HIV-1 Gag gene mutations associated to PI/r-based regimen according to viral subtypes. Findings of this review will help to better understand the implications of the Gag gene mutations in PI/r treatment failure. This may later justify considerations of Gag-genotyping within HIV drug resistance interpretation algorithms in the clinical management of patients receiving PI/r regimens. Systematic review registration: PROSPERO: CRD42019114851