507 research outputs found

    Experimental characterization of friction coefficients at the tool-chip-workpiece interface in cutting: Evaluation of lubrication efficiency of mineral oil

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    Collaboration avec le LTDS/ENISEThe characterization of friction coefficients at the tool-chip-workpiece interface remains an issue. This paper presents a new experimental set-up able to simulate similar tribological phenomena as the ones occurring at the tool-chip-workpiece interface. Especially, this system aims to reach contact pressures up to 3 GPa and sliding velocities between 0 to 1000 m/min, and to obtain an open-tribosystem (continuous regeneration of the tool-workmaterial contact). This system has been applied to the characterization of the tool-chip-workpiece interface during the cutting of an AISI4142 treated steel with TiN coated tools. Two environments have been tested: dry cutting, lubrication with a basic mineral oil. The effect of the mineral oil has been investigated

    En marge de l’affaire Lacroix-Norbourg : les enjeux substantifs et punitifs suscitĂ©s par le double aspect, rĂ©glementaire et criminel, de certains comportements frauduleux dans le domaine des valeurs mobiliĂšres

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    Dans le texte qui suit, les auteurs prennent l’affaire Lacroix-Norbourg comme point d’ancrage de leur rĂ©flexion et s’interrogent sur des questions relatives Ă  l’application respective et cumulative du droit pĂ©nal provincial et du droit criminel. Leurs propos rĂ©vĂšlent la fragilitĂ© de la distinction entre ces deux catĂ©gories de droit pĂ©nal. Les auteurs analysent la jurisprudence constitutionnelle au regard de cette affaire et suggĂšrent qu’elle a peut-ĂȘtre contribuĂ© Ă  l’érosion du sens Ă  donner aux notions fondamentales de crime et de peine. Ils plaident en faveur de l’application de principes fondamentaux de justice dans le domaine des infractions pĂ©nales rĂ©glementaires passibles d’emprisonnement et concluent qu’il faut sĂ©rieusement s’interroger sur la faisabilitĂ© et l’opportunitĂ© d’appliquer successivement le droit pĂ©nal des valeurs mobiliĂšres et le droit criminel.In the ensuing paper, the authors use the Lacroix-Norbourg scenario as their starting point in raising questions concerning the respective and cumulative application of provincial penal law and criminal law. Their observations reveal the fragility of the distinction between these two categories of penal law. The authors dwell upon constitutional jurisprudence with regard to this issue and suggest that it may have contributed to an erosion of the meaning to be given to the fundamental concepts of crime and punishment. They plead in favour of applying the fundamental principles of justice in the field of regulatory offences punishable by imprisonment and conclude that one must seriously question the feasibility and suitability of successively enforcing penal law as applied to securities, and then criminal law

    En marge de l'affaire Norbourg : les enjeux substantifs et punitifs suscités par le double aspect, réglementaire et criminel, de certains comportements frauduleux dans le domaine des valeurs mobiliÚres

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    Article acceptĂ© pour publication dans Les Cahiers de droit 2009 dont le thĂšme spĂ©cial est : DĂ©rives et Ă©volutions du droit pĂ©nal. Les auteurs ont la permission de diffuser cet article dans Papyrus jusqu’à sa parution dans Les Cahiers de droit.[À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : Fac. Droit - Coll. facultaire - Droit pĂ©nal et Protection de la jeunesse

    Metrics for the violation of detailed balance in microwave circuits: theory and experiment

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    We propose a new approach to detailed balance violation in electrical circuits by relying on the scattering matrix formalism commonly used in microwave electronics. This allows to include retardation effects which are paramount at high frequencies. We define the spectral densities of phase space angular momentum, heat transfer and cross power, which can serve as criteria for detailed balance violation. We confirm our theory with measurements in the 4-8 GHz frequency range on several two port circuits of varying symmetries, in space and time. This validates our approach, which will allow to treat quantum circuits at ultra-low temperature

    Experimental characterization of friction coefficients at the tool-chip-workpiece interface in cutting: Evaluation of lubrication efficiency of mineral oil

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    Collaboration avec le LTDS/ENISEThe characterization of friction coefficients at the tool-chip-workpiece interface remains an issue. This paper presents a new experimental set-up able to simulate similar tribological phenomena as the ones occurring at the tool-chip-workpiece interface. Especially, this system aims to reach contact pressures up to 3 GPa and sliding velocities between 0 to 1000 m/min, and to obtain an open-tribosystem (continuous regeneration of the tool-workmaterial contact). This system has been applied to the characterization of the tool-chip-workpiece interface during the cutting of an AISI4142 treated steel with TiN coated tools. Two environments have been tested: dry cutting, lubrication with a basic mineral oil. The effect of the mineral oil has been investigated

    Epidemiological assessment of Wolbachia-based biocontrol for reduction of dengue morbidity

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    International audienceWolbachia-based biological control has recently emerged as an ecologically friendly and potentially cost-effective method for prevention and control of dengue and other arboviral infections. When deliberately infected withWolbachia, major vector species, such as Aedes aegypti females, lose their vectorial competence and become less capable of transmitting the virus to humans. Thus, Wolbachia-based biocontrol aims to replace wild vectors (fully capable of transmitting arboviral infections) by Wolbachia-carrying insects that bear a reduced transmission capacity. The population replacement can be achieved by releasing mosquitoes that were transinfected with Wolbachia during the process of mass-rearing.In this presentation, we propose a sex-structured model describing the dynamics of two sup-populations of adult mosquitoes: the wild insects (males and females that are Wolbachia- free), and those deliberately infected with Wolbachia. This model is biologically viable, well-posed, and reflects the two significant features of Wolbachia: maternal transmission and cytoplasmic incompatibility. The model also exhibits bistability that agrees with the principle of competitive exclusion.Using this mosquito population dynamics model, we further construct a dengue transmission system of SEIR-SEI type to perform an epidemiological assessment of Wolbachia-based control for prevention of dengue morbidity. As an example, we simulate this type of preventive control applied to Cali, a sizeable Colombian city commonly considered a hyperendemic area regarding dengue morbidity

    Safety indicators for microsimulation-based assessments

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    In the field of ITS applications evaluation, micro-simulation is becoming more and more a useful and powerful tool. In the evaluation process, one of the most important steps is the safety analysis. For that purpose, classical micro-simulation outputs give some helpful information, but which aren’t sufficient for an accurate analysis in many cases. Nevertheless, the microscopic level of traffic description offers the possibility of tracking the simulated vehicles getting at each time step their relative position, speed and deceleration. This paper explains how a safety indicator can be calculated with these different parameters. This safety indicator is used in a ramp metering case study to illustrate the utility of such output for a safety analysis. However, this indicator is limited to the linear collision probability and gives therefore no information on crossing trajectories conflicts like in junctions. On the other hand the likelihood of an incident to happen depends not only on traffic conditions but on the influence of many other factors as for example the geometry of the road, the visibility or the pavement conditions (wet, dry, etc.). When significant statistical information is available an estimation of the probability of an incident to happen can be computed, and used in microsimulation analysis. The paper is completed with the development and testing of hierarchical logit based model to estimate this probability.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Lit mineur de la Loire

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    Les prospections subaquatiques dans le chenal actif de la Loire ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es dans le cadre d’une campagne de trois semaines qui s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e du 4 au 25 aoĂ»t 2018. Les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es complĂštent l’inventaire des sites immergĂ©s de la Loire moyenne. Le programme de prospections dans cette portion du fleuve, qui a dĂ©butĂ© en 2003, a Ă©tĂ© interrompu pendant cinq annĂ©es. En 2013 et 2014, les prospections prĂ©vues n’avaient pu ĂȘtre menĂ©es Ă  bien en raison des conditions climatiques et hydrologiq..
