1,529 research outputs found

    The strategic value of ergonomics for companies

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    The discipline of ergonomics studies the interaction between man and the designed technical and organizational environment. In product ergonomics, this knowledge is used to develop user-friendly products and in production ergonomics to design human-friendly (production) processes. Beside social goals, ergonomics can contribute to economic goals of an organization. With user-friendly products, a company can deliver benefits to its customers, which exceed those of competing products. With human-friendly production processes, a company can increase labor productivity and consequently can reach important cost-reductions. The growing consciousness of the importance of humans (customers and workers) for the success of organizations, implies that ergonomics can have a strategic value for the management of organizations. In this paper a model is presented how ergonomics can be integrated in the decision-making and design processes of organizations, and examples are given to show possible business benefits.Competitive advantage, labor productivity, human centered design, product development, process development

    An assessment system for rating scientific journals in the field of ergonomics and human factors

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    A method for selecting and rating scientific and professional journals representing the discipline of ergonomics and human factors is proposed. The method is based upon the journal list, impact factors and citations provided by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI), and the journal list published in the Ergonomics Abstracts. Three groups of journals were distinguished. The "ergonomics journals" focus exclusively on ergonomics or human factors. The "related journals" focus on other disciplines than ergonomics or human factors, but regularly publish ergonomics/human factors papers. The "basic journals" focus on other technical, medical or social sciences than ergonomics, but are important for the development of ergonomics/human factors. Journal quality was rated using a maximum of four categories: top quality (A-level), high quality (B-level), good quality (C-level)) and professional (P-level). The above methods were applied to develop journal ratings for the year 2003. A total of 24 'ergonomics journals', 58 'related journals' and 142 'basic journals' were classified.impact factor;rating;scientific journals

    Ergonomics Contributions to Company Strategies

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    Managers usually associate ergonomics with occupational health and safety and related legislation, not with business performance. In many companies, these decision makers seem not to be positively motivated to apply ergonomics for reasons of improving health and safety. In order to strengthen the position of ergonomics and ergonomists in the business and management world, we discuss company strategies and business goals to which ergonomics could contribute. Conceptual models are presented and examples are given to illustrate: 1) the present situation in which ergonomics is not part of regular planning and control cycles in organizations to ensure business performance, and 2) the desired situation in which ergonomics is an integrated part of strategy formulation and implementation. In order to realize the desired situation, considerable changes must take place within the ergonomics research, education and practice community by moving from a health ergonomics paradigm to a business ergonomics paradigm, without losing the health and safety goals.corporate strategy;paradigm shift;system performance

    PENGARUH CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TERHADAP STOCK RETURN (Studi Empiris Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di BEI Tahun 2008-2009)

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    This research is aimed to examine the influence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) of stock return (using CAR as a proxy) on the company’s environmentally sensitive category and does not follow the PROPER from 2008- 2009. Analysis of CSR in this research are based on environment and social parameters. It also uses PBV and DER as control variables. The samples which are use in this research are 68 annual report of companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2008-2009. Samples are obtained by using purposive sampling method. Hypothesis testing method used is multiple regression analysis. The result showed only partially CSR (social) variables, which has positive influence on stock return. While CSR variables (environment) variables did not affect the stock return. The result simultaneously with control variables indicate that the variables of CSR (environment) and CSR (social) positive effect on stock return

    Interactions faibles et propriétés : vers des matériaux moléculaires multifonctionnels

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    La nécessité croissante des besoins énergétiques conduit à un essor des recherches sur les nouveaux matériaux en particulier dans le cadre des matériaux multifonctionnels. En effet, la coexistence de plusieurs propriétés et leur contrôle au sein d’un même composé constitue un des challenges de la chimie actuelle. Les interactions non covalentes, dites liaisons faibles (liaisons de coordination, liaisons hydrogène, interactions π, interactions électrostatiques, interactions de Van der Waals, …) ont un rôle majeur lors de la synthèse des matériaux moléculaires pour pallier aux difficultés rencontrées pour faire coexister différentes propriétés au sein d’un même matériau. La conception de nouveaux systèmes fonctionnels repose donc sur plusieurs paramètres clés : i) la nature des ions métalliques spécifiques susceptibles d’apporter les propriétés physiques souhaitées, ii) le ligand qui possède un rôle crucial car il doit organiser les ions métalliques selon la topologie désirée et transmettre efficacement les interactions d’échange entre les centres métalliques de manière contrôlée. L’assemblage préférentiel de chaque brique moléculaire par l’intermédiaire des liaisons faibles peut conduire à des édifices de dimensionnalité supérieure multifonctionnels présentant une coexistence voire une synergie entre les propriétés. Ce phénomène d’auto-assemblage tient compte de plusieurs paramètres, tels que les complémentarités stériques et d’interactions, la complexation et la sélectivité, et peut se dérouler en présence ou non d’un agent template qui favorise la formation d’un composé particulier.  A travers cette communication par affiche, différents aspects seront abordés pour les matériaux paramagnétiques, bistables et pour la séparation moléculaire. Les stratégies de synthèse et caractérisations des composés moléculaires seront détaillées pour chacun de ces systèmes, alliant des propriétés magnétiques,1 optiques,2 électrochimiques3 et de détection d’analytes.

    Chromosomal abnormalities in infertile men and preimplantation embryos

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    Sinds 1979 is bekend dat mannen met verminderde zaadkwaliteit vaker chromosoomafwijkingen hebben. Toen het in 1992 mogelijk werd om met IVF-ICSI zwangerschappen te bewerkstelligen met zaad van verminderd vruchtbare mannen dacht men dat dit het aantal kinderen met aangeboren afwijkingen zou doen toenemen. Om die reden werd het in de landelijke richtlijn verplicht een chromosoomanalyse uit te voeren bij alle mannen die voor ICSI in aanmerking kwamen. Er werden echter maar weinig chromosoomafwijkingen in deze groep mannen gevonden, terwijl de analyse duur en tijdrovend is. Wij onderzochten bij welke groep onvruchtbare mannen de hoogste kans bestaat op het vinden van chromosoomafwijkingen en bij welke mannen chromosomenonderzoek achterwege gelaten kan worden.Pre-implantatie genetische diagnostiek (PGD) wordt toegepast bij paren die een verhoogde kans hebben op een embryo met een genetische afwijking. Alleen niet-aangedane embryo’s worden gebruikt om een zwangerschap te bewerkstelligen. De analyse gebeurt op 1 cel van een embryo. Hierbij wordt er van uitgegaan dat alle cellen van het embryo dezelfde genetische samenstelling hebben. Dit is niet zo bij chromosomaal mozaïcisme. Mogelijk staat het optreden van dit fenomeen onder invloed van omstandigheden in het laboratorium tijdens het kweken van de embryo’s. Wij onderzochten of de zuurstofspanning tijdens het kweken van invloed is op de mate van mozaïcisme.Bij dragerschap van bepaalde chromosoomveranderingen, de zogenaamde reciproke translocaties, is de kans op embryo’s met een afwijkend chromosomenpatroon bij PGD vaak opvallend hoog. Wij onderzochten of bepaalde kenmerken van deze translocaties zouden kunnen voorspellen wat de kans is op een succesvolle PGD-procedure.Since 1979, studies have stated that the prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities increases with decreasing sperm quality. In 1992 it became possible to conceive a pregnancy with sperm from infertile men using IVF-ICSI. This raised concerns of an increased number of children born with congenital anomalies. The national guideline issued that a chromosomal analysis was a prerequisite in all men eligible for ICSI. The number of chromosomal abnormalities found in these men was relatively low, while a chromosomal analysis is costly and time-consuming. We studied which subgroup of infertile men carried the highest risk of chromosomal abnormalities, and in which men one can refrain from performing a chromosomal analysis.Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is used in couples with an increased risk of an embryo with a genetic abnormality. Only non-afflicted embryos are used to conceive a pregnancy. The analysis is performed on 1 cell of the embryo, presuming that all cells in the embryo have the same genetic make-up. This is not the case in chromosomal mosaicism. There are indications that this phenomenon is influenced by the environmental conditions during embryo culture. We studied whether the rate of mosaicism was influenced by the oxygen concentration during embryo culture.In carriers of a specific type of chromosomal abnormalities, so-called reciprocal translocations, the chance of embryos with an abnormal chromosomal make-up is strikingly high. We studied whether cytogenetic characteristics of these translocations could predict a couple’s chance of a successful PGD-procedure


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    Abstract Sport is important for human to obtain fit and healthy life. In school environment, the health and physical fitness of the students are achieved through exercises and doing sports applied in physical education subject. This study aims to know (1) the difference in physical fitness between the students of junior high school located in mountainous area, i.e. the seventh graders of VII SMPN 5, and the one located in the coastal area, i.e. those of SMPN 7 kota Mojokerto; and (2) whose physical fitness is better between the two groups. This study used non-experimental design within descriptive quantitative approach, which did not manipulate any variable. The hypothesis testing was based on the results of data tabulation of the students’ physical fitness between the two groups, which were statistically organized and analyzed to test the hypothesis, the researcher used t-test. The calculation of the t-test shows that the t-value is 0.601, which is less than t-table (2,000) at the significance level of 5%. Therefore, Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted. It means that there is no difference between the level of physical fitness between the students of junior high school located in mountainous area and those of junior high school located in the coastal area. Keywords : Physical Fitness, Mountainous Area, Coastal Area
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