228 research outputs found

    Wykorzystanie metody projektu w edukacji przedszkolnej

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    The method of psychological and pedagogical design in the process of a teacher work with children under school age is examined in this article This method is applied by teachers due to the current need for innovation in the process of children's development. Using this method is also determined by the requirements for the teachers in organisation of the educational process. It is also presented the method of phased realization of the activity with the help of the project method.Artykuł opisuje psychologiczno-pedagogiczną metodę projektu w procesie działalności pedagoga z dziećmi w wieku przedszkolnym. Stosowanie tej metody przez nauczycieli wynika z aktualnej potrzeby wprowadzania innowacji w proces rozwoju dzieci. Używanie jej jest także zdeterminowane wymaganiami stawianymi nauczycielom w organizacji procesu nauczania. Opisano też sposób stopniowego jej wdrażania w przedszkolu

    Immunohistochemical diagnosis of the viability of the strangulation furrow

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    The aim of the research was to study the possibility of using immunohistochemical markers for the diagnosis of intravital stangulation. Materials and methods: Fragments of the neck skin from the strnaglulation zone were selected as objects of research. The main study group included 20 deaths due to hanging (10 men and 10 women). For the control group, 10 cases of acute coronary death (5 men and 5 women) were used. Using a complex of IHC markers, the labeling of the epidermis and epithelial structures, the features of cellular immune responses, the manifestation of oxidative steress were studied. Results: Peculiarities of morphological manifestations of strangulation furrow in mechanical asphyxia were studied. It is established that the key link of its morphogenesis is impaired vascular wall permeability with loss of type IV collagen in the basement membranes of epithelium and skin vessels, migration into tissues of activated CD15+ granulocytes, CD68+ macrophages and CD117+ labrocytes, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), fibrinogen protein and transforming growth factor β1. Conclusion: Such changes in the tinctorial properties of skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue can be recorded by immunohistochemical (IHC) and serve as an important diagnostic criterion for the viability of the formation of the strangulation furrow