144 research outputs found

    Constitutive glycogen synthase kinase-3α/β activity protects against chronic β-adrenergic remodelling of the heart

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    Aims Glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) signalling is implicated in the growth of the heart during development and in response to stress. However, its precise role remains unclear. We set out to characterize developmental growth and response to chronic isoproterenol (ISO) stress in knockin (KI) mice lacking the critical N-terminal serines, 21 of GSK-3α and 9 of GSK-3β respectively, required for inactivation by upstream kinases. Methods and results Between 5 and 15 weeks, KI mice grew more rapidly, but normalized heart weight and contractile performance were similar to wild-type (WT) mice. Isolated hearts of both genotypes responded comparably to acute ISO infusion with increases in heart rate and contractility. In WT mice, chronic subcutaneous ISO infusion over 14 days resulted in cardiac hypertrophy, interstitial fibrosis, and impaired contractility, accompanied by foetal gene reactivation. These effects were all significantly attenuated in KI mice. Indeed, ISO-treated KI hearts demonstrated reversible physiological remodelling traits with increased stroke volume and a preserved contractile response to acute adrenergic stimulation. Furthermore, simultaneous pharmacological inhibition of GSK-3 in KI mice treated with chronic subcutaneous ISO recapitulated the adverse remodelling phenotype seen in WT hearts. Conclusion Expression of inactivation-resistant GSK-3α/β does not affect eutrophic myocardial growth but protects against pathological hypertrophy induced by chronic adrenergic stimulation, maintaining cardiac function and attenuating interstitial fibrosis. Accordingly, strategies to prevent phosphorylation of Ser-21/9, and consequent inactivation of GSK-3α/β, may enable a sustained cardiac response to chronic β-agonist stimulation while preventing pathological remodelling

    The 2010 Canadian Cardiovascular Society guidelines for the diagnosis and management of heart failure update: Heart failure in ethnic minority populations, heart failure and pregnancy, disease management, and quality improvement/assurance programs

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    Since 2006, the Canadian Cardiovascular Society heart failure (HF) guidelines have published annual focused updates for cardiovascular care providers. The 2010 Canadian Cardiovascular Society HF guidelines update focuses on an increasing issue in the western world - HF in ethnic minorities - and in an uncommon but important setting - the pregnant patient. Additionally, due to increasing attention recently given to the assessment of how care is delivered and measured, two critically important topics - disease management programs in HF and quality assurance - have been included. Both of these topics were written from a clinical perspective. It is hoped that the present update will become a useful tool for health care providers and planners in the ongoing evolution of care for HF patients in Canada. © 2010 Pulsus Group Inc. All rights reserved

    Comparison of clinical rating scales in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort

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    Background Therapeutic trials are now underway in genetic forms of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) but clinical outcome measures are limited. The two most commonly used measures, the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR)+National Alzheimer\u27s Disease Coordinating Center (NACC) Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (FTLD) and the FTD Rating Scale (FRS), have yet to be compared in detail in the genetic forms of FTD. Methods The CDR+NACC FTLD and FRS were assessed cross-sectionally in 725 consecutively recruited participants from the Genetic FTD Initiative: 457 mutation carriers (77 microtubule-Associated protein tau (MAPT), 187 GRN, 193 C9orf72) and 268 family members without mutations (non-carrier control group). 231 mutation carriers (51 MAPT, 92 GRN, 88 C9orf72) and 145 non-carriers had available longitudinal data at a follow-up time point. Results Cross-sectionally, the mean FRS score was lower in all genetic groups compared with controls: GRN mutation carriers mean 83.4 (SD 27.0), MAPT mutation carriers 78.2 (28.8), C9orf72 mutation carriers 71.0 (34.0), controls 96.2 (7.7), p\u3c0.001 for all comparisons, while the mean CDR+NACC FTLD Sum of Boxes was significantly higher in all genetic groups: GRN mutation carriers mean 2.6 (5.2), MAPT mutation carriers 3.2 (5.6), C9orf72 mutation carriers 4.2 (6.2), controls 0.2 (0.6), p\u3c0.001 for all comparisons. Mean FRS score decreased and CDR+NACC FTLD Sum of Boxes increased with increasing disease severity within each individual genetic group. FRS and CDR+NACC FTLD Sum of Boxes scores were strongly negatively correlated across all mutation carriers (r s =-0.77, p\u3c0.001) and within each genetic group (r s =-0.67 to-0.81, p\u3c0.001 in each group). Nonetheless, discrepancies in disease staging were seen between the scales, and with each scale and clinician-judged symptomatic status. Longitudinally, annualised change in both FRS and CDR+NACC FTLD Sum of Boxes scores initially increased with disease severity level before decreasing in those with the most severe disease: controls-0.1 (6.0) for FRS,-0.1 (0.4) for CDR+NACC FTLD Sum of Boxes, asymptomatic mutation carriers-0.5 (8.2), 0.2 (0.9), prodromal disease-2.3 (9.9), 0.6 (2.7), mild disease-10.2 (18.6), 3.0 (4.1), moderate disease-9.6 (16.6), 4.4 (4.0), severe disease-2.7 (8.3), 1.7 (3.3). Sample sizes were calculated for a trial of prodromal mutation carriers: over 180 participants per arm would be needed to detect a moderate sized effect (30%) for both outcome measures, with sample sizes lower for the FRS. Conclusions Both the FRS and CDR+NACC FTLD measure disease severity in genetic FTD mutation carriers throughout the timeline of their disease, although the FRS may be preferable as an outcome measure. However, neither address a number of key symptoms in the FTD spectrum, for example, motor and neuropsychiatric deficits, which future scales will need to incorporate

    Cognitive composites for genetic frontotemporal dementia: GENFI-Cog

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    Background: Clinical endpoints for upcoming therapeutic trials in frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are increasingly urgent. Cognitive composite scores are often used as endpoints but are lacking in genetic FTD. We aimed to create cognitive composite scores for genetic frontotemporal dementia (FTD) as well as recommendations for recruitment and duration in clinical trial design. Methods: A standardized neuropsychological test battery covering six cognitive domains was completed by 69 C9orf72, 41 GRN, and 28 MAPT mutation carriers with CDR® plus NACC-FTLD ≥ 0.5 and 275 controls. Logistic regression was used to identify the combination of tests that distinguished best between each mutation carrier group and controls. The composite scores were calculated from the weighted averages of test scores in the models based on the regression coefficients. Sample size estimates were calculated for individual cognitive tests and composites in a theoretical trial aimed at preventing progression from a prodromal stage (CDR® plus NACC-FTLD 0.5) to a fully symptomatic stage (CDR® plus NACC-FTLD ≥ 1). Time-to-event analysis was performed to determine how quickly mutation carriers progressed from CDR® plus NACC-FTLD = 0.5 to ≥ 1 (and therefore how long a trial would need to be). Results: The results from the logistic regression analyses resulted in different composite scores for each mutation carrier group (i.e. C9orf72, GRN, and MAPT). The estimated sample size to detect a treatment effect was lower for composite scores than for most individual tests. A Kaplan-Meier curve showed that after 3 years, ~ 50% of individuals had converted from CDR® plus NACC-FTLD 0.5 to ≥ 1, which means that the estimated effect size needs to be halved in sample size calculations as only half of the mutation carriers would be expected to progress from CDR® plus NACC FTLD 0.5 to ≥ 1 without treatment over that time period. Discussion: We created gene-specific cognitive composite scores for C9orf72, GRN, and MAPT mutation carriers, which resulted in substantially lower estimated sample sizes to detect a treatment effect than the individual cognitive tests. The GENFI-Cog composites have potential as cognitive endpoints for upcoming clinical trials. The results from this study provide recommendations for estimating sample size and trial duration

    The CBI-R detects early behavioural impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia

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    Introduction: Behavioural dysfunction is a key feature of genetic frontotemporal dementia (FTD) but validated clinical scales measuring behaviour are lacking at present. Methods: We assessed behaviour using the revised version of the Cambridge Behavioural Inventory (CBI-R) in 733 participants from the Genetic FTD Initiative study: 466 mutation carriers (195 C9orf72, 76 MAPT, 195 GRN) and 267 non-mutation carriers (controls). All mutation carriers were stratified according to their global CDR plus NACC FTLD score into three groups: asymptomatic (CDR = 0), prodromal (CDR = 0.5) and symptomatic (CDR = 1+). Mixed-effects models adjusted for age, education, sex and family clustering were used to compare between the groups. Neuroanatomical correlates of the individual domains were assessed within each genetic group. Results: CBI-R total scores were significantly higher in all CDR 1+ mutation carrier groups compared with controls [C9orf72 mean 70.5 (standard deviation 27.8), GRN 56.2 (33.5), MAPT 62.1 (36.9)] as well as their respective CDR 0.5 groups [C9orf72 13.5 (14.4), GRN 13.3 (13.5), MAPT 9.4 (10.4)] and CDR 0 groups [C9orf72 6.0 (7.9), GRN 3.6 (6.0), MAPT 8.5 (13.3)]. The C9orf72 and GRN 0.5 groups scored significantly higher than the controls. The greatest impairment was seen in the Motivation domain for the C9orf72 and GRN symptomatic groups, whilst in the symptomatic MAPTgroup, the highest-scoring domains were Stereotypic and Motor Behaviours and Memory and Orientation. Neural correlates of each CBI-R domain largely overlapped across the different mutation carrier groups. Conclusions: The CBI-R detects early behavioural change in genetic FTD, suggesting that it could be a useful measure within future clinical trials

    Prodromal language impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort

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    Objective: To identify whether language impairment exists presymptomatically in genetic frontotemporal de-mentia (FTD), and if so, the key differences between the main genetic mutation groups. Methods: 682 participants from the international multicentre Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI) study were recruited: 290 asymptomatic and 82 prodromal mutation carriers (with C9orf72, GRN, and MAPT mutations) as well as 310 mutation-negative controls. Language was assessed using items from the Progressive Aphasia Severity Scale, as well as the Boston Naming Test (BNT), modified Camel and Cactus Test (mCCT) and a category fluency task. Participants also underwent a 3 T volumetric T1-weighted MRI from which regional brain volumes within the language network were derived and compared between the groups. Results: 3% of asymptomatic (4% C9orf72, 4% GRN, 2% MAPT) and 48% of prodromal (46% C9orf72, 42% GRN, 64% MAPT) mutation carriers had impairment in at least one language symptom compared with 13% of controls. In prodromal mutation carriers significantly impaired word retrieval was seen in all three genetic groups whilst significantly impaired grammar/syntax and decreased fluency was seen only in C9orf72 and GRN mutation carriers, and impaired articulation only in the C9orf72 group. Prodromal MAPT mutation carriers had significant impairment on the category fluency task and the BNT whilst prodromal C9orf72 mutation carriers were impaired on the category fluency task only. Atrophy in the dominant perisylvian language regions differed between groups, with earlier, more widespread volume loss in C9orf72, and later focal atrophy in the temporal lobe in MAPT mutation carriers. Conclusions: Language deficits exist in the prodromal but not asymptomatic stages of genetic FTD across all three genetic groups. Improved understanding of the language phenotype prior to phenoconversion to fully symp-tomatic FTD will help develop outcome measures for future presymptomatic trials

    Social cognition impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort.

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    A key symptom of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is difficulty interacting socially with others. Social cognition problems in FTD include impaired emotion processing and theory of mind difficulties, and whilst these have been studied extensively in sporadic FTD, few studies have investigated them in familial FTD. Facial Emotion Recognition (FER) and Faux Pas (FP) recognition tests were used to study social cognition within the Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative (GENFI), a large familial FTD cohort of C9orf72, GRN, and MAPT mutation carriers. 627 participants undertook at least one of the tasks, and were separated into mutation-negative healthy controls, presymptomatic mutation carriers (split into early and late groups) and symptomatic mutation carriers. Groups were compared using a linear regression model with bootstrapping, adjusting for age, sex, education, and for the FP recognition test, language. Neural correlates of social cognition deficits were explored using a voxel-based morphometry (VBM) study. All three of the symptomatic genetic groups were impaired on both tasks with no significant difference between them. However, prior to onset, only the late presymptomatic C9orf72 mutation carriers on the FER test were impaired compared to the control group, with a subanalysis showing differences particularly in fear and sadness. The VBM analysis revealed that impaired social cognition was mainly associated with a left hemisphere predominant network of regions involving particularly the striatum, orbitofrontal cortex and insula, and to a lesser extent the inferomedial temporal lobe and other areas of the frontal lobe. In conclusion, theory of mind and emotion processing abilities are impaired in familial FTD, with early changes occurring prior to symptom onset in C9orf72 presymptomatic mutation carriers. Future work should investigate how performance changes over time, in order to gain a clearer insight into social cognitive impairment over the course of the disease

    Genetic forms of primary progressive aphasia within the GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI) cohort: comparison with sporadic primary progressive aphasia

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    Samra et al. report that progranulin mutations are the commonest genetic cause of primary progressive aphasia. Two subtypes are seen: a nonfluent variant (similar in phenotype to its sporadic counterpart) and a 'not otherwise specified' variant (with unique linguistic features). Revised criteria for primary progressive aphasia should consider genetic phenotypes. Primary progressive aphasia is most commonly a sporadic disorder, but in some cases, it can be genetic. This study aimed to understand the clinical, cognitive and imaging phenotype of the genetic forms of primary progressive aphasia in comparison to the canonical nonfluent, semantic and logopenic subtypes seen in sporadic disease. Participants with genetic primary progressive aphasia were recruited from the international multicentre GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative study and compared with healthy controls as well as a cohort of people with sporadic primary progressive aphasia. Symptoms were assessed using the GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative language, behavioural, neuropsychiatric and motor scales. Participants also underwent a cognitive assessment and 3 T volumetric T1-weighted MRI. One C9orf72 (2%), 1 MAPT (6%) and 17 GRN (44%) symptomatic mutation carriers had a diagnosis of primary progressive aphasia. In the GRN cohort, 47% had a diagnosis of nonfluent variant primary progressive aphasia, and 53% had a primary progressive aphasia syndrome that did not fit diagnostic criteria for any of the three subtypes, called primary progressive aphasia-not otherwise specified here. The phenotype of the genetic nonfluent variant primary progressive aphasia group largely overlapped with that of sporadic nonfluent variant primary progressive aphasia, although the presence of an associated atypical parkinsonian syndrome was characteristic of sporadic and not genetic disease. The primary progressive aphasia -not otherwise specified group however was distinct from the sporadic subtypes with impaired grammar/syntax in the presence of relatively intact articulation, alongside other linguistic deficits. The pattern of atrophy seen on MRI in the genetic nonfluent variant primary progressive aphasia group overlapped with that of the sporadic nonfluent variant primary progressive aphasia cohort, although with more posterior cortical involvement, whilst the primary progressive aphasia-not otherwise specified group was strikingly asymmetrical with involvement particularly of the insula and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex but also atrophy of the orbitofrontal cortex and the medial temporal lobes. Whilst there are overlapping symptoms between genetic and sporadic primary progressive aphasia syndromes, there are also distinct features. Future iterations of the primary progressive aphasia consensus criteria should encompass such information with further research needed to understand the earliest features of these disorders, particularly during the prodromal period of genetic disease