9 research outputs found

    Price reduction on compressed air

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    This article will try to offer a way to determine the price of compressed air for a typical industrial system, as well as ways to reduce it. It is well known that compressed air is not quite as inexpensive as it is often thought, the size of the pipe is not always properly chosen, and performance of a selected cylinder is not most advantageous. If you are confronted with these facts, we are very close to the possibility of reducing the cost of compressed air. As a result, any investment may therefore be a multiple return

    Energy saving with close circuit pneumatic system

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    U ovome se članku analiziraju dosadaÅ”nje spoznaje o zatvorenom pneumatskom sustavu i mogućnost njegove izvedbe. Sve činjenice govore da zatvoreni sustav ima mogućnosti uÅ”tedjeti energiju. Eksperimentalna istraživanja i teorijske analize pokazuju da se uporabom zatvorenoga pneumatskog sustava u kombinaciji sa servo-sustavima ne mijenja način rada aktuatora u odnosu na njegov rad u otvorenom sustavu. Nadalje, takav pristup ima prednosti zbog uklanjanja onečiŔćenja okoliÅ”a uljem, smanjuje se moguća kontaminacija pogona vlagom te se smanjuje emisija buke kao posljedica ispuÅ”tanja zraka u atmosferu.The article analyses the possibility of performance and knowledge up to this time about close circuit pneumatic systems. All facts declare that the closed circuit has the possibility for energy saving. Experimental research and theoretical analysis shows that using the closed pneumatic system combined with a servo-system does not change the performance of the actuator in relation to its performance in an open system. Furthermore, the close circuit approach offers the advantage of elimination of oil contamination from the surroundings, reduction of the effects of moisture contamination and reduction of noise emission from exhaust flows to the atmosphere


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    Hidrostatsko upravljanje Å”iroko se primjenjuje na poljoprivrednim i građevinskim strojevima. Prvi i glavni razlog primjene hidrostatskog upravljanja je taj Å”to se zbog uporabe male ulazne sile kod upravljanja rukovatelj može usredotočiti na svoju glavnu zadaću. Osnovnih tipova hidrostatskog upravljanja ima nekoliko, ali varijante osnovnih tipova upravljanja variraju od proizvođača do proizvođača. Za izbor osnovnih komponenenta hidrostatskog upravljanja: pumpe, upravljačkog uređaja i cilindra, potrebno je napraviti relativno jednostavan proračun parametara, i to na temelju poznatih tehničkih podataka na vozilu.Hydrostatic steering is widely used in agricultural and construction machines. The first and main reason for a hydrostatic steering application is the usage of a small steering input effort; therefore the operator can concentrate on his main task. There are a few main types of hydrostatic steering, but variations on the basic steering types vary from producer to producer. It is necessary to make a relatively simple calculation of the parameters on the basis of the known technical vehicle data, for the choice of the fundamental components of hydrostatic steering: pump, steering unit and cylinder


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    Danas je proizvodnja strojeva za preradu plastike masovna. Njihova struktura i principi rada nisu nikakva tajna; najčeŔće su to strojevi s hidrauličkim pogonom i elektroničkom regulacijom. Korisnik stroja odabire tip stroja, prema vrsti proizvoda, vrsti plastike i veličini serije. Proizvođač strojeva ne osigurava pripremu alata te izbor parametara za pojedine faze procesa prerade. Ovaj rad daje smjernice i osnovne relacije za određivanje parametara pomoću kojih će se stroj podesiti za rad prilikom uvođenja novog proizvoda.Injection moulding machines are mass produced nowadays. Their structures and working principles are not a secret at all: most often they have a hydraulic drive with electronic regulation. The customer chooses the machinery type depending on the product type, the type of the plastics and the series quantity. But what the machinery producer does not provide is the tools preparation and the choice of parameters for each phase of the production cycle. This article provides the guidelines and basic directions for parameter adjustment, which can help in the process of setting the machine when introducing a new product

    Design proposal for a hydrostatic city bus transmission

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    A city bus is probably one of the harshest operating environments for a vehicle transmission. The average operating speed is low, while frequent stops require swift acceleration from standstill. The options for the placement of transmission and suspension components are highly restricted as the passenger space must be as large as possible, with a completely flat vehicle floor for ease of passenger movement, and ground clearance is kept as low as possible to facilitate the entry and exit of passengers. Therefore, it is common to place the engine and gearbox at the rear end, and power is transmitted to the wheels via a propeller shaft and a rigid rear axle, effectively ruling out any completely level floor design. An improvement is offered by the hydrostatic transmission, using high pressure fluid for the power transmisison. The fluid flows from a pump to a motor via relatively small diameter pipes, enabling the design of a completely level floor. The hydrostatic transmission offers continuous variation of transmission ratios and the possibility that hydraulic motors can be placed very close to the wheels, thus enabling all- wheel drive and increased passenger space. Finally, hydraulic accumulators can be added to a hydrostatic transmission in order to recover and reuse kinetic energy which would otherwise be lost by braking

    Design proposal for a hydrostatic city bus transmission

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    A city bus is probably one of the harshest operating environments for a vehicle transmission. The average operating speed is low, while frequent stops require swift acceleration from standstill. The options for the placement of transmission and suspension components are highly restricted as the passenger space must be as large as possible, with a completely flat vehicle floor for ease of passenger movement, and ground clearance is kept as low as possible to facilitate the entry and exit of passengers. Therefore, it is common to place the engine and gearbox at the rear end, and power is transmitted to the wheels via a propeller shaft and a rigid rear axle, effectively ruling out any completely level floor design. An improvement is offered by the hydrostatic transmission, using high pressure fluid for the power transmisison. The fluid flows from a pump to a motor via relatively small diameter pipes, enabling the design of a completely level floor. The hydrostatic transmission offers continuous variation of transmission ratios and the possibility that hydraulic motors can be placed very close to the wheels, thus enabling all- wheel drive and increased passenger space. Finally, hydraulic accumulators can be added to a hydrostatic transmission in order to recover and reuse kinetic energy which would otherwise be lost by braking

    Analiza dodirnih pritisaka kod viŔestrukog zahvata elastičnih tijela : doktorska disertacija

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    Sažetak disertacije " Analiza dodirnih pritisaka kod viŔestrukog zahvata elastičnih tijela" nije dostupan

    Analiza dodirnih pritisaka kod viŔestrukog zahvata elastičnih tijela : doktorska disertacija

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    Sažetak disertacije " Analiza dodirnih pritisaka kod viŔestrukog zahvata elastičnih tijela" nije dostupan