1,242 research outputs found

    Friction of Polymers Sliding on Smooth Surfaces

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    Friction plots of polymers sliding on smooth metal surfaces are generally characterized by two regions of distinct dependency on the normal load, with low sensitivity at low stress levels followed by a sharp change in the rate of decrease of friction with increasing pressure at levels above the plastic flow limit of the polymer. A simplified model is proposed to describe this behavior which accounts for the effect of the normal load on the growth of the real contact area and the shear stress at the interface between the polymer and the mating surface. The model has a wide generality when expressed in terms of dimensionless variables, allowing to rationalize the friction behavior of different polymers within a single framework

    Epigenetically modified nucleobases: characterization of structure and dynamics

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    Numerical simulation of a deformable cell in microchannels

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    The main goal of this work is to numerically investigate the behavior of a cell flowing in a microfluidic system. In particular, we want to model flow-induced deformations of an isolated cell to quantitatively evaluate the cell response when subjected to a representative range of flow rates in a realistic geometry, with specific interest in the case of cell trapping. This research will help optimize operating conditions as well as the design of cell manipulation/culture micro-devices, so as to guarantee cell viability and ultimately improve high-throughput performance

    Acerca del saber de los docentes: un aporte a la cuestión

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    There are diverse positions and theories about the knowledgeof teachers. This article intends to contribute to this debate through the presentation and development of a work hypothesis that sustains: teachers are capable of producing pedagogic knowledge beyond the explicit knowledge implied on their practices. There are diverse positions and theories about the knowledge of teachers. This article intends to contribute to this debate through the presentation and development of a work hypothesis that sustains: teachers are capable of producing pedagogic knowledge beyond the explicit knowledge implied on their practicesenable reflection and shared thought.The development of these ideas is articulated around a reflection on an experience shared with a group of teachers of an Educational Community Center of Buenos Aires City.Existen diversas posiciones y teorizaciones sobre el saber o los saberes de los enseñantes. Las reflexiones que contiene este escrito se proponen hacer un aporte más a este debate a través de la presentación y desarrollo de una hipótesis de trabajo que afirma que los educadores son capaces de producir un saber pedagógico que excede la explicitación de saberes implícitos en sus prácticas y que esa producción es posible cuando se brindan las condiciones  institucionales que habilitan espacios de reflexión y pensamiento compartido.El desarrollo de estas ideas se articula en torno a una reflexión sobre una experiencia compartida con un grupo de docentes de un Centro Educativo Comunitario de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires


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    Il presente elaborato \ue8 dedicato allo studio del giudizio di rinvio che si svolge davanti al giudice civile a seguito dell\u2019annullamento della sentenza penale ai soli effetti civili, ai sensi dell\u2019art. 622 c.p.p. In particolare, l\u2019obiettivo del presente studio \ue8 quello di individuare - nel silenzio della legge - la disciplina propria di questo particolare giudizio, giudizio che costituisce un punto di contatto tra sistema processuale penale e sistema processuale civile. Premessi brevi cenni - nel primo capitolo - in merito all\u2019evoluzione della disciplina del rapporto tra azione civile e azione penale, al fine di inquadrare l\u2019istituto dell\u2019annullamento della sentenza penale ai soli effetti civili, l\u2019indagine si sofferma - nel secondo capitolo - sull\u2019individuazione delle ipotesi applicative dell\u2019art 622 c.p.p. Una volta chiariti ratio e oggetto del giudizio di rinvio in esame, l\u2019elaborato esamina le soluzioni proposte dalla dottrina e dalla giurisprudenza in merito a struttura, funzione, natura, caratteri, limiti e regole processuali, giungendo ad affermare che non possono essere applicate direttamente ed esclusivamente le norme del codice di procedura civile che disciplinano lo svolgimento del giudizio di rinvio. L\u2019analisi si occupa, quindi, di illustrare come, e in che termini, devono essere coordinate disciplina processuale penale e disciplina processuale civile.This paper addresses the proceedings called \u201cgiudizio di rinvio\u201d before the civil judge following the declaration of the judgment as null and void (\u201cannullamento\u201d) with respect to its civil effects only, ex Article 622 of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure. In particular, this paper aims at identifying - in the absence of ad hoc law provisions - the proper rules for this peculiar proceedings, the latter being a point of contact between the criminal procedure system and the civil procedure system. In Section first, with the aim at framing the procedure relating to the declaration as null and void (\u201cannullamento\u201d) of the criminal judgement with respect to its civil effects only, this paper briefly addresses how the rules applicable to the relationship between civil action and criminal action have developed. In the Section second, this paper addresses the cases wherein Article 622 of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure is applicable. Once the ratio and the scope of the \u201cgiudizio di rinvio\u201d has been addressed, this paper analyses the solutions proposed by the Italian Authors and case laws with respect to structure, purpose, nature, characters, limitations and procedural rules, concluding that the civil procedure rules governing the \u201cgiudizio di rinvio\u201d cannot be applied directly and exclusively. Accordingly, this paper illustrates how the applicable criminal procedure rules and civil procedure rules should be coordinated