1,206 research outputs found

    Dynamical origin and the pole structure of X(3872)

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    The dynamical mechanism of channel coupling with the decay channels is applied to the case of coupled charmonium - DD∗DD^* states with JPC=1++J^{PC}=1^{++}. A pole analysis is done and the DD∗DD^* production cross section is calculated in qualitative agreement with experiment. The sharp peak at the D0D0∗D_0D^*_0 threshold and flat background are shown to be due to Breit-Wigner resonance, shifted by channel coupling from the original position of 3954 MeV for the 23P12^3P_1, QQˉQ\bar Q state. A similar analysis, applied to the n=2n=2, 3P2^3P_2, 1P1^1P_1, 3P0^3P_0, allows us to associate the first one with the observed Z(3930)Z(3930) J=2 and explains the destiny of 3P0^3P_0.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    The possibility of Z(4430) resonance structure description in πψâ€Č\pi\psi' reaction

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    The possible description of Z(4430) as a pseudoresonance structure in πψâ€Č\pi \psi' reaction, is considered. The analysis is performed with single-scattering contribution to πψâ€Č\pi \psi' elastic scattering via D∗D1(2420)D^*D_1(2420) intermediate energy.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Semiclassical Quantization of Effective String Theory and Regge Trajectories

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    We begin with an effective string theory for long distance QCD, and evaluate the semiclassical expansion of this theory about a classical rotating string solution, taking into account the the dynamics of the boundary of the string. We show that, after renormalization, the zero point energy of the string fluctuations remains finite when the masses of the quarks on the ends of the string approach zero. The theory is then conformally invariant in any spacetime dimension D. For D=26 the energy spectrum of the rotating string formally coincides with that of the open string in classical Bosonic string theory. However, its physical origin is different. It is a semiclassical spectrum of an effective string theory valid only for large values of the angular momentum. For D=4, the first semiclassical correction adds the constant 1/12 to the classical Regge formula.Comment: 65 pages, revtex, 3 figures, added 2 reference

    A quantum description of bubble growth in a superheated fluid

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    We discuss a quantum description of bubble growth in a superheated liquid Helium by addressing the problem of operator ordering ambiguities that arise due to the presence of position dependent mass (PDM) in this system. Using a supersymmetric quantum mechanics formalism along with the Weyl quantization rule, we are able to identify specific operator orderings for this problem. This is a general method which should be applicable to other PDM systems.Comment: 1 Figure. To be published in Phys. Lett A. v3: Updated abstract and significant changes from v2, in particular inclusion of a new section on Weyl transfor

    Bethe--Salpeter equation in QCD

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    We extend to regular QCD the derivation of a confining qqˉ q \bar{q} Bethe--Salpeter equation previously given for the simplest model of scalar QCD in which quarks are treated as spinless particles. We start from the same assumptions on the Wilson loop integral already adopted in the derivation of a semirelativistic heavy quark potential. We show that, by standard approximations, an effective meson squared mass operator can be obtained from our BS kernel and that, from this, by 1m2{1\over m^2} expansion the corresponding Wilson loop potential can be reobtained, spin--dependent and velocity--dependent terms included. We also show that, on the contrary, neglecting spin--dependent terms, relativistic flux tube model is reproduced.Comment: 23 pages, revte

    The running mass msm_s at low scalefrom the heavy-light meson decay constants

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    It is shown that a 25(20)% difference between the decay constants fDs(fBs)f_{D_s}(f_{B_s}) and fD(fB)f_D(f_B) occurs due to large differences in the pole masses of the ss and d(u)d(u) quarks. The values ηD=fDs/fD≈1.23(15)\eta_D =f_{D_s}/f_D\approx 1.23(15), recently observed in the CLEO experiment, and ηB=fBs/fB≈1.20\eta_B=f_{B_s}/f_B\approx 1.20, obtained in unquenched lattice QCD, can be reached only if the running mass msm_s at low scale is ms(∌0.5m_s(\sim 0.5 GeV)=170−200= 170 - 200 MeV. Our results follow from the analytical expression for the pseudoscalar decay constant fPf_{\rm P} based on the path-integral representation of the meson Green's function.Comment: 6 pages, no figures; revtex

    Plasma formation from ultracold Rydberg gases

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    Recent experiments have demonstrated the spontaneous evolution of a gas of ultracold Rydberg atoms into an expanding ultracold plasma, as well as the reverse process of plasma recombination into highly excited atomic states. Treating the evolution of the plasma on the basis of kinetic equations, while ionization/excitation and recombination are incorporated using rate equations, we have investigated theoretically the Rydberg-to-plasma transition. Including the influence of spatial correlations on the plasma dynamics in an approximate way we find that ionic correlations change the results only quantitatively but not qualitatively

    Interaction of Wilson loops in confining vacuum

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    Nonperturbative and perturbative interaction mechanisms of Wilson loops in gluodynamics are studied within the background field formalism. The first one operates when distance between minimal surfaces of the loops is small and may be important for sea quark effects and strong decay processes. The second mechanism -- perturbative interaction in nonperturbative confining background is found to be physically dominant for all loop configurations characteristic of scattering process. It reduces to perturbative gluon exchanges at small distances, while at larger distances it corresponds to the t-channel exchange of (reggeized) glueball states. Comparison to other approaches is made and possible physical applications are discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, 5 EPS-figure
