834 research outputs found

    Integração ambiental dos projectos de regadio : notas para a sua valorização.

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    A agricultura de regadio tem uma importância indiscutível na estrutura da produção final agrária, já que permite fazer culturas com maior valor acrescentado que as tradicionais culturas de sequeiro. Actualmente os 271.4 milhões de hectares de regadio existentes a nível mundial, representam unicamente 5% da superfície agrícola e contribuem com 35% da produção agrária total (estatísticas da FAO). Aumentar a produtividade agrícola com a rega é um objectivo que produz importantes efeitos positivos, mas também comporta uma série de efeitos negativos que têm que ser considerados responsavelmente, para evitar a sobreexploração e degradação dos recursos naturais de que depende a agricultura de regadio. A compatibilidade ambiental desta actividade começa a ser questionada devido ao aparecimento de problemas tais como a erosão, a salinização e por consequência a degradação dos solos, e por outro lado a diminuição da qualidade das águas superficiais e subterrâneas e a perda de diversidade biológica. O problema ambiental dos regadios é particularmente sério em áreas onde as práticas agrícolas intensivas se combinaram com estruturas de propriedade baseadas em grandes unidades de exploração, cuja gestão se faz de forma homogénea e sem a suficiente precisão. O excesso de fertilizantes e outros agroquímicos, pode interferir com os sistemas circundantes e ameaçar a própria sustentabilidade dos regadios. Os fluxos de retorno das zonas de regadio, quando acumulados ao longo de uma bacia hidrográfica, podem deteriorar a qualidade da água até ao ponto de as tornar inutilizáveis. Nos países em desenvolvimento, às elevadas perdas na rede e sistemas de rega, há que juntar os problemas de salinização, de saúde pública (pelos múltiplos usos que tem a água de rega), e a escassa participação dos usuários na gestão da água (Villalobos et al., 2002).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of sensors to monitoring and evaluating the hydrology and water quality in a small agro-forestry basin

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    Considering the objectives of the Erasmus+ Domotic School Garden are, among others, the increase in motivation and academic performance in sciences and technology, this manuscript summarizes the use of some sensors to monitoring and evaluating the hydrology and water quality, in a small agro-forestry basin, under Mediterranean climatic conditions. For this porpuse it was used a multiparameter probe, with sensors of electrical conductivity, temperature, nitrates and turbidity in the return flows of the study basin. It was instaled as well a flume, as a hydraulic structure, and a ultrasonic sensor to evaluate the discharge at the outlet of the basin. With a small description of each sensor, the text is enriched with an example of results for each one, to perceive the kind of information is given to the researcher. For these summarized results, it´s possible the importance to understand the hydrologic beahvior and the dynamic of the pollutants in the basins, necessary to take measuments to prevent and mitigate the pollution of water bodies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modeling runoff with AnnAGNPS model in a small agricultural catchment, in Mediterranean environment

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    Agricultural activities, as part of the natural resource management practice, impact soil and water quality at the watershed or catchment level. Field monitoring is often used to evaluate and acquire knowledge of the impacts of management practices on productivity and environment. Computer simulation models, after calibrated and validated, provide an efficient and effective alternative for evaluating the effects of agricultural practices on soil and water quality at the watershed level. The main objective is calibrate and validate the AnnAGNPS model relatively to runoff and peak flow using five hydrologic years data, for the rain and irrigation season. The study watershed is located in Portugal, and covers an area of 189 ha, divided into 18 fields belonging to four farmers. The climate is typically Mediterranean with continental influence, and the main crops are oat, tobacco, sorghum and maize. The calibration was done manually, but in a systematic away, in order to select values for the statistical parameters so that the model closely simulates runoff and peak flow. The results obtained in calibration and validation of the AnnAGNPS model, confirm a good or very good performance to simulate the peak flow and runoff volume at daily or event scale, in rainfall season. Also, the obtained results are a good indication of the validity of AnnAGNPS model to simulate runoff in irrigation to larger periods of time, for example irrigation season

    Os fenómenos da erosão e a gestão sustentável do solo

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    Comunicação oral da qual só estão disponíveis o resumo e a apresentação.Os fenómenos da erosão e a gestão sustentável do solo

    Multi-risk assessment to evaluate the environmental impact of outdoor pig production areas: a case study

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    Outdoor pig production (OPP) can be considered an intensive system in many areas of the Mediterranean region. The concentration of the rainfall in the winter season, the OPP’s topographic and soil properties, together with the continuous input of food and pigs’ excreta, contribute to a profound increase in the nutrients leaching and soil erosion. This work aimed to evaluate the accuracy of the DRASTIC-LU index and the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) to provide early information to improve the planning of this type of pig production through more adequate location and sustainable management practices. The two models were applied to an OPP with 2.24 ha, with a heavy animal charge (one adult per 1.120 m2 ). The results showed that 85% of the OPP area has a moderate risk to the vulnerability index to groundwater pollution and 15% high risk. The risk of soil erosion ranged from very severe to extremely severe in 96% of the area. The DRASTIC-LU indexes and the RUSLE model produce a multi-risk assessment that agreed with the observed field data. These two models showed accuracy to be used for early assessment when choosing the best location and improving management practices for OPP systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interaction of microplastics with metal(oid)s in aquatic environments: What is done so far?

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    Microplastics (MPs) are being recognized as an emergent route of contaminants to aquatic environments, which initially attracted the research interest on their interactions with organic pollutants. Lately, a turning point of attention is evident, with more published studies reporting the presence of metal(oid)s in plastics. This review assembles the mechanisms occurring on microplastics surfaces that enhance sorption of hazardous elements (i.e., metals and metalloids) over environmental exposure. Reported findings of experimental studies are of major importance to understand the factors controlling the sorption/desorption of metal(oid)s to/from microplastics as much as determination of metal(oid)s in environmental plastics. Existence or formation of oxygen-containing functional groups and complexes from surface coatings strongly allow bond of metal(oid)s on reactive surfaces while sorption dynamics are strongly controlled by water chemistry parameters. Moreover, the present work evidences the potential impacts caused by metal(oid)s-MPs interactions to aquatic organisms, prioritizing the need of environmental realistic parameters to test. Bioaccumulation of metal(oid)s desorbed from ingested MPs prove the significant influence of these plastic particles in the bioavailability of pollutants to aquatic biota. In this way, this is a comprehensive manuscript committed to the estimation of the potential ecological risk of MPs to aquatic environments due to their association with metal(oid)s.Versión del edito

    Influence of the digital elevation model resolution on the topographic configaration of the watershed

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    Nos estudos de poluição difusa originada pela actividade agrícola à escala da bacia hidrográfica, é fundamental a sua conveniente configuração topográfica e a compreensão do seu comportamento hidrológico. No presente trabalho é utilizado o módulo FlowNet Generator do modelo AnnAGNPS, no sentido de se compreender a influência da resolução vertical do Modelo Digital do Terreno (DEM) na configuração topográfica de uma pequena bacia hidrográfica. O estudo decorre no Aproveitamento Hidroagrícola da Campina da Idanha, na bacia de uma linha de água tributária do rio Tejo, tendo sido elaborados dois DEM com resoluções verticais de 1 e 5m. A rede de drenagem natural observada na bacia hidrográfica é a característica usada para comparar os resultados simulados e observados, procedendo-se depois à análise da divisão da bacia e dos parâmetros topográficos e hidrológicos resultantes. Este estudo permite concluir que para a área de estudo de 190 ha o DEM com resolução vertical de 5m não é suficientemente detalhado para contemplar a totalidade da rede de drenagem natural, pelo que é recomendável o uso de um DEM com menor resolução vertical. Pela forma como a rede de drenagem simulada, tendo por base o DEM com resolução de 1m, se aproxima da rede de drenagem natural observada na zona de estudo, não se torna necessário usar informação topográfica mais detalhada.In modelling the effects of agricultural activities on non-point pollution at the catchment scale, it is important to delineate correctly the topographic configuration and to understand the hydrologic behaviour of the basin. In this work, the module FlowNet Generator, a component of the model AnnAGNPS, was used to evaluate the influence of the vertical resolution of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in the topographic and hydrologic configuration of a small irrigated catchment (190 ha) located in the area of Campina da Idanha, in a small basin located on a tributary of the Tejo River. The study used two vertical resolutions of 1m and 5m, respectively. The study first characterized in the field the surface drainage network of the catchment which was found to be stable, and then compared it with the results of the simulated networks, performed at the two resolution levels. It was found that the vertical resolution of 5m was unsatisfactory because it yielded catchment subdivisions which departed significantly from the field observations and did not document all the stable surface drainage network observed under field conditions. By contrast, the network generated with 1m resolution was quite close to the observed network, suggesting that the realistic simulation of this catchment demands such degree of vertical resolution in the topographic assessment

    Efeito da fertilização mineral fosfatada na partição das formas de fósforo num Regossolo

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    PTDC/AGR-PRO/112127/2009: Fitodisponibilidade e riscos ambientais do fósforo aplicado por via de chorumes de pecuária intensiva em solos portugueses.O conhecimento da partição do P no solo por diferentes formas com distinta labilidade, ajuda a perceber a dinâmica do P não só relativamente à sua fitodisponibilidade, como também a riscos de transferência para as águas com consequências negativas na eutrofização. Neste trabalho, efetuou-se a caracterização das formas de P presentes num Regossolo e, após uma adubação mineral fosfatada, avaliou-se o seu efeito sobre a fitodisponibilidade e partição das formas de fósforo. Os resultados obtidos contribuirão para uma melhor gestão do P no solo.FC

    Distribution of mercury in the upper sediments from a polluted area (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal)

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    This work reports levels of Hg, Fe and Mn and sulphides in the upper sediments of the Laranjo Basin, and examines the influence of these elements on the distribution of mercury

    Erosão acelerada do solo, um problema actual em Portugal e na região da Beira Baixa.

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    Erosão acelerada do solo, um problema actual em Portugal e na região da Beira Baixa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio