28 research outputs found

    Helping adolescents with health problems to become socially competent

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    Ā© Author(s).The purpose of the article is to present and analyze the results of experimental work to verify the efficiency of the developed and approved program aimed at the formation of social competence in adolescents with physical problems. The leading method in the study of this problem is a consequent version of the pedagogical experiment. The results of this experimental work approved the consistency of the proposed program ā€œI'm in the world of peopleā€ to improve the overall indicator level of social competence in adolescents with physical illness and its components, such as cognitive, value- meaningful, activity-based and communicative. The developed program includes content, a variety of forms and methods of pedagogical interaction with teenage pupils with physical problems. The paper identified the differences in systemically important components of social competence of adolescents with poor health at the ascertaining and control stages of the experiment, determined specific nature of socialization and social networking features of the sample participants. The program developed for the formation of social competence in adolescents can be used in the practice of special institutions for children with physical illnesses, as well as recommended for the comprehensive school, contributing to the expansion of the arsenal of tools used for the formation of social competence in adolescents

    The development of teenagersā€™ responsible and creative attitude to learning activity

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    Ā© 2016 Drozdikova-Zaripova and Kalatskaya.Social reality in education of present day youth capable to think independently and creatively, to implement their plans, to aware and be responsible for the results of their activity provides the relevance of the paper. The objective of the research is to verify experimentally psychology-pedagogical conditions aimed to develop teenagersā€™ responsible and creative attitude to learning activity. Pedagogical experiment in a parallel variant is applied as the leading method in the research of this problem. 60 teenagers (aged between 12-13 years) studying at comprehensive schools of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia) took part in the empirical research. The complex of diagnostic techniques to identify cognitive-informative, emotional-motivational and effective-volitional components of teenagersā€™ responsible and creative attitude to learning activity is used in the work. The paper suggests results of experimental work testifying to the efficiency of psychology-pedagogical conditions aimed to develop teenagersā€™ responsible and creative attitude to learning activity. The following conditions are treated as necessary in training and educational process: introduction of a set of programs aimed to form learnersā€™ ideas of responsibility and creativity, to develop motives of duty and responsibility within the frames of academic subjects, motives of creative self-expression and their interrelation, formation of an adequate self-assessment, and emotional, volitional and communicative qualities of the personality necessary for implementation of successful creative and social-responsible activity; initiation of school studentsā€™ creative and responsible attitude through their independent educational creative activity; encouragement of teenagers to use their competences in school educational environment (including extra-curricular time, e.g. work with underachievers, patronage of primary school children, etc.). Statistical processing of empirical research data was carried out by means of standard methods of mathematical statistics (Student t-criterion, methods of correlation data analysis). Materials from the paper are of practical value for teachers and psychologists of educational institutions

    Ways to help the child cope with anxiety?

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    Ā© 2016 Kalatskaya and Drozdikova-Zaripova.The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that the number of children experiencing restlessness, uncertainty and emotional instability is increasing; such children are considered anxious. Therefore the relevance of issues covered in the paper is apparent. The paper provides experimental data to confirm the necessity to prevent and correct school anxiety in primary school children. The purpose of the research was to study anxiety in primary school children and render correctional and preventive help at an early stage of school training in due time. Results were collected before and after the developing program was realized. Batteries of tests were applied for diagnostics. According to the goal of the research the following methods were used: theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization); empirical (pedagogical experiment, testing). By means of the developing program we could help children to overcome increased restlessness, uncertainty and emotional instability. Reliability of obtained results is statistically proved. Materials from the article are of practical value for psychologists in the sphere of education, high school teachers and teachers working with anxious children and their parents

    Motivational peculiarities of schoolteachers in Russia

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    The objective of this research is to study the subject matter and the structure of motivation of Russian teachers at schools of Kazan (Russia). Collection of information was arranged using the "Diagnostics of Partial Orientation of a Teacher's Personality" guideline, the Motivation for Success and the Fear of Failure poll by A.A. Rean, the "Diagnostics of Polymotivational Trends in the 'Self-Concept' of Personality" guideline by S.M. Petrov. The ascertaining experiment resulted in estimation and comparison of educators depending on their primary orientation. The motivational orientation as well as motivational preferences of schoolteacher of Kazan (Russia) were studied. Besides, the problem areas in the work of teachers were revealed and further path of professional development of teachers was singled out. The results of the research can be used for rendering psychological aid to teachers, for certification of teachers, and for recruitment

    Prevention of student youthā€™s victim behavior

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    Ā© 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. New times put forward new tasks for teachers, psychologists, social workers. Prevention of student youthā€™s victim behavior is determined by social and practical importance of society democratization and humanization; by the necessity to develop physically and spiritually healthy, actively creating and socially adapted personality, by the increased demand for victimologic prevention and correction. The article substantiates the essence and motives of student youthā€™s victim behavior; it also reveals specific characteristics of student age: emotional immaturity, insufficient ability to control own behavior and other factors that increase the risk of becoming ā€œa victimā€ due to adverse conditions of socialization. The research has resulted in defining pedagogical conditions aimed to prevent victim behavior: diagnostics to identify victim behavior among students; development and introduction of comprehensive prevention program ā€œLife out of danger!ā€. The conducted research allowed to draw a conclusion that the approved program due to included various forms and methods offers an effective way to prevent student youthā€™s victim behavior

    The research of educational motivation of working and nonworking Russian students

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    Ā© 2015 by the authors. The modern society has established high standards for the system of higher education responsible for the training of highly qualified, competitive specialists. The improvement of the educational process in a higher educational institution, the formation of studentsā€™ vocational competence is possible through the realization of studentsā€™ educational activity the important component of which is motivation. Such issues as levels of educational motivation, hierarchy and dynamics of educational motives in the course of mastering a profession peculiar to Russian working and nonworking full-time students seeking a bachelorā€™s degree in the sphere of psychology and pedagogics have been studied in the article. There have been revealed systemic motives in the structure of educational motivation of working and nonworking students at each year of studies. There have been defined problem areas of studentsā€™ educational activity, and there have been designated tendencies for further development of studentsā€™ educational motivation. The following techniques have been applied as psycho diagnostic tools: ā€œDefinition of studentsā€™ motivation for studiesā€, ā€œDiagnostics of studentsā€™ educational motivationā€. New opportunities for psychological and pedagogical approaches to solve the issues of studentsā€™ educational cognitive activity optimization, extra curricular activity within the frames of higher educational institution and outside have been revealed due to the of research of the structure and specificity of educational motivation of students seeking a bachelorā€™s degree with their secondary employment in view

    Ways to help the child cope with anxiety?

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    Ā© 2016 Kalatskaya and Drozdikova-Zaripova.The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that the number of children experiencing restlessness, uncertainty and emotional instability is increasing; such children are considered anxious. Therefore the relevance of issues covered in the paper is apparent. The paper provides experimental data to confirm the necessity to prevent and correct school anxiety in primary school children. The purpose of the research was to study anxiety in primary school children and render correctional and preventive help at an early stage of school training in due time. Results were collected before and after the developing program was realized. Batteries of tests were applied for diagnostics. According to the goal of the research the following methods were used: theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization); empirical (pedagogical experiment, testing). By means of the developing program we could help children to overcome increased restlessness, uncertainty and emotional instability. Reliability of obtained results is statistically proved. Materials from the article are of practical value for psychologists in the sphere of education, high school teachers and teachers working with anxious children and their parents

    Adolescents` school anxiety correction by means of mandala art therapy

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    Ā© Author(s).School anxiety is one of the main problems faced by teachers and school counselors. This problem attracts special attention for teachers - practitioners, as it is a clear sign of school maladaptation in children, which adversely affects all spheres of their life: not only the studies but also communication, both inside and outside the school, health and general level of mental development and psychological well-being. The article reveals the essence, the reasons, factors, features of school anxiety displays in adolescence. It also analyzes the methods and forms of school anxiety correction in teenagers by means of mandala art therapy in extracurricular activities. The study determined pedagogical conditions of school anxiety correction in adolescents: conducting diagnostics to identify school anxiety in adolescents; development and implementation of a comprehensive correction program "Magic Power of a Circle" by means of mandala art therapy. The study led to the conclusion that the approved comprehensive program applying mandala art therapy methods is an effective means of school anxiety correction in adolescents

    Chautauqua Bleeding Kansas: Where the Civil War Began

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    An historical reinactor participating in Chautauqua Bleeding Kansas: Where the Civil War Began. This festival, held in June 2004, took place in the Kansas cities of Colby, Fort Scott, Lawrence, and Junction City. The events commemorated the Kansas Territory's role in the United States Civil War. The event was sponsored by the Kansas Humanities Council

    Welsh experience in supporting regional languages in education

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    Ā© 2016 Gataullina and Drozdikova-Zaripova.The topic relevance is justified by the mankind intention to protecting and reviving a native language as a process of saving a self-identity and an authentic culture, the modern tendencies on reducing globalization risks regarding the regional and minor languages, search for new effective ways to facilitate and develop them in the modern world. The paper deals with the modern language and education policy of Wales regarding the Welsh language with further adoption of the best practice. The basic methods of the current research are the contrastive analysis of the statutory acts of the government of Wales regarding the results achieved that allow bringing to light the main tendencies and evidences of Welsh in the education sphere of Wales, methods of analysis, synthesis, and systematization. The synthesis of the analysis results shows the trends and handicaps in the implementation process and facilitating the Welsh functional potential in the education system. The statistics analysis of the quantitative indexes of Welsh in the education system is generalized in the tables, displays the positive tendencies of Welsh developments, and the education system acts as the main tool in the process of boosting the Welsh functional potential in the modern world. The paper reveals the problematic parts of the processes involved in the education system. The materials can have practical application when planning the language and educational policies regarding the minor languages in Europe and the Russian regions