127 research outputs found

    Traumatisme cranien penetrant non projectile par des clous: un cas inhabituel

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    Introduction: Les traumatismes crĂąniens pĂ©nĂ©trants par des clous sont rares. Ils s’observent souvent dans le contexte d’auto-mutilation chez des personnes avec affection psychiatrique. Les cas secondaires Ă  une agression physique par l’implantation intracrĂąnienne de clous sont exceptionnels. Nous rapportons ici le cas clinique d’un jeune patient victime d’agression par une foule.Patient et mĂ©thode: Le patient de 29 ans a Ă©tĂ© amenĂ© aux urgences aprĂšs avoir subi des coups et blessures volontaires d’une foule en colĂšre. Au plan clinique, on notait des cĂ©phalĂ©es et des paresthĂ©sies Ă  la main gauche ainsi que la prĂ©sence de 2 corps mĂ©talliques implantĂ©s en rĂ©gion pariĂ©tale droite. La tomodensitomĂ©trie (TDM) crĂąnio-cĂ©rĂ©brale a mis en Ă©vidence une paire de clous intra-crĂąnienne.RĂ©sultat: Le patient a Ă©tĂ© opĂ©rĂ© en urgence. Nous avons extrait deux clous intracrĂąniens de 8 cm chacun. Le patient a bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’une prĂ©vention antitĂ©tanique, anti Ă©pileptique et d’une antibioprophylaxie. Les suites opĂ©ratoires ont Ă©tĂ© simples. Le patient a rĂ©cupĂ©rĂ© de son trouble sensitif et n’a pas prĂ©sentĂ© de complications vasculaires et infectieuses. Ce cas particulier soulĂšve la problĂ©matique de l’absence de protocole standardisĂ© pour l’exploration radiologique et le traitement chirurgical des traumatismes crĂąniens pĂ©nĂ©trant par des clous.Conclusion: Le score de Glasgow initial est un facteur pronostic important en cas de traumatisme crĂąnien pĂ©nĂ©trant par des clous. La gravitĂ© est fonction du siĂšge de l’atteinte cĂ©rĂ©brale et des lĂ©sions vasculaires endocrĂąniennes associĂ©es. L’angioscanner et/ou l’artĂ©riographie cĂ©rĂ©brale sont dĂ©terminants dans la recherche de blessureMots clĂ©s: Agression, Clou, Plaie crĂąnio-cĂ©rĂ©brale, Traumatisme crĂąnienEnglish Title: An unusual case of penetrating head injury by nailsEnglish AbstractIntroduction: Non-projectile penetrating head trauma by nails is rare. They are seen more often in the context of self-injury in psychiatric patients. The cases secondary to physical aggression by the intracranial implantation of nails by a person are rare.We report a particular clinical case of a young patient assulted by a crowd of people.Patient and method: A 29-year-old male patient is brought to the emergency room after being assaulted by a crowd of angry people. On clinical examination there were headaches and paresthesia in the left hand; also the presence of 2 metallic bodies implanted in parietal right area. The brain CT-scan shows an intra cranial pair of nails.Result: The patient was operated on urgently. We extracted two intracranial nails of 8 cm each. The patient benefited from tetanus prevention, anti-epileptic and prophylactic antibiotics. The postoperative course was simple. The patient recovered from his sensory disorder and did not develop vascular nor infectious complications. This particular case raises the problem of the lack of a standardized protocol for the radiological exploration and surgical treatment of penetrating head trauma by nails.Conclusion: The initial Glasgow score is an important prognostic factor for penetrating head trauma by nails. The severity of the clinical signs is a function of the location of the cerebral involvement and associated intracranial vascular lesions. CT angiography and / or cerebral arteriography are critical in the search for vascular injury. The most serious complications are infections and intracranial vascular lesions.Keywords: Aggression; head trauma; Nai

    Ethnopharmacological survey of six medicinal plants from Mali, West-Africa

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    An ethnopharmacological survey was carried out to collect information about the use of six medicinal plants in the regions around Siby and Dioila, Mali. The plants investigated were Biopyhtum petersianum, Cola cordifolia, Combretum molle, Opilia celtidifolia, Parkia biglobosa and Ximenia americana

    Ethnopharmacological uses of Erythrina senegalensis: a comparison of three areas in Mali, and a link between traditional knowledge and modern biological science

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    This paper describes ethnopharmacological knowledge on the uses of Erythrina senegalensis DC (Fabaceae) in traditional medicine in three different areas (Dioila, Kolokani and Koutiala) in Mali. Data were collected using interviews of traditional healers selected randomly. The main reported diseases for which E. senegalensis was used by the traditional healers were amenorrhea, malaria, jaundice, infections, abortion, wound, and body pain (chest pain, back pain, abdominal pain etc). The fidelity level (which estimates the agreement of traditional healers on the same area about a reported use of the plant) was calculated to compare the results from the three areas. Certain differences were noticed, the most striking was the fact that amenorrhea was the most reported disease in Dioila and Kolokani with 21% of agreement for both areas, while this use was not reported in Koutiala at all. Similarities existed between the three areas on the use of the plant against malaria and infections, although with different degree of agreement among the healers. We also report the results of a literature survey on compounds isolated from the plant and their biological activities. A comparison of these results with the ethnopharmacological information from Mali and other countries showed that some of the traditional indications in Mali are scientifically supported by the literature. For instance, the use of E. senegalensis against infectious diseases (bilharzias, schistosomiasis, pneumonia etc.) is sustained by several antibacterial and antifungal compounds isolated from different parts of the plant. The comparison also showed that pharmacologists have not fully investigated all the possible bioactivities that healers ascribe to this plant

    Ethnopharmacological survey of different uses of seven medicinal plants from Mali, (West Africa) in the regions Doila, Kolokani and Siby

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    An ethnopharmacological survey was carried out to collect information on the use of seven medicinal plants in rural areas in the nearby regions of Bamako, Mali. The plants were Opilia celtidifolia, Anthocleista djalonensis, Erythrina senegalensis, Heliotropium indicum, Trichilia emetica, Piliostigma thonningii and Cochlospermum tinctorium About 50 medical indications were reported for the use of these plants in traditional medicine. The most frequent ailments reported were malaria, abdominal pain and dermatitis. The highest number of usages was reported for the treatment of malaria (22%). The majority of the remedies were prepared from freshly collected plant material from the wild and from a single species only. They were mainly taken orally, but some applications were prepared with a mixture of plants or ingredients such as honey, sugar, salt, ginger and pepper. Decoction of the leaves was the main form of preparation (65%) and leaf powder was mostly used for the preparation of infusions (13%). The part of the plants most frequently used was the leaves. There was a high degree of informant consensus for the species and their medicinal indications between the healers interviewed. The results of this study showed that people are still dependent on medicinal plants in these rural areas of Mali

    Devenir de l’hĂ©matome sous-dural chronique associĂ© Ă  l’alcool : analyse rĂ©trospective d’une sĂ©rie des cas: Outcome of chronic subdural hematoma associated with alcohol: a retrospective case series analysis

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    Context & objective. Although chronic subduralhaematoma (CSDH) associated with alcoholism isrelatively common in extreme ages (children andelderly subjects), postoperative data are fragmentary. The aim of the present study was todescribe the postoperative outcome of CSDHassociated with chronic alcoholism. Methods.Retrospective study involved a series of cases withCSDH and chronic alcoholics. Parameters ofinterest included sociodemographic data, andpostoperative outcome (immediate, 1 year and 2years). Results. A total of 11 records of chronicalcoholic CSDH patients were collected. Theirmean age was 59 years (all male). The meanduration of the disease was 4 weeks. Threepatients were classified as MARKWALDER I andtwo as MARKWALDER IV. The haematoma wasbilateral in 3 cases. Eight patients were operatedon under local anesthesia. Seven patients had animmediate postoperative complication including 4cases of acute rebleeding. At one-year follow-up,4 cases of recurrence were recorded. At 2-yearfollow-up, 5 cases of post-therapeutic sequelaeand 3 cases of complete recovery were recorded.Conclusion. The management of chronic subduralhaematoma in chronic alcoholics is complex. Therisks of recurrence and postoperative sequelae arenot negligible. Contexte et objectif. Le risque et les consĂ©quences de la grossesse des adolescentes restent peu documentĂ©s dans les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. L’objectif de l’étude Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer le devenir pĂ©rinatal des nouveau-nĂ©s de mĂšres adolescentes. MĂ©thodes. Il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude transversale incluant les nouveau-nĂ©s des mĂšres adolescentes (ĂągĂ©s de ≀ 18 ans), entre les 1er septembre 2018 et 03 avril 2019, Ă  l’hĂŽpital de Ziguinchor. Etaient exclus, les enfants nĂ©s Ă  domicile et les nouveau-nĂ©s dont le dossier obstĂ©trico-nĂ©onatal Ă©tait incomplet. Les paramĂštres d’intĂ©rĂȘt englobaient les donnĂ©es Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, sociodĂ©mographiques, obstĂ©tricales et pĂ©rinatales. RĂ©sultats. Au total, il y a eu 170 naissances pour une population de 166 adolescentes dont 162 grossesses mono fƓtales et 4 grossesses gĂ©mellaires. Les mort-nĂ©s Ă©taient au nombre de 7 et les naissances vivantes au nombre de 163. L’ñge moyen des adolescentes Ă©tait de 17 ans [13 – 18], 56% d’entre eux n’avaient pas rĂ©alisĂ© les 4 consultations prĂ©natales requises. L’hypertension artĂ©rielle, l’éclampsie Ă©taient les pathologies obstĂ©tricales les plus reprĂ©sentĂ©es (27,1%). Le sex-ratio des nouveau-nĂ©s Ă©tait de 1,2. L’ñge gestationnel moyen Ă©tait de 35,2 semaines d’amĂ©norrhĂ©e [32 - 43,5] et le poids de naissance moyen Ă©tait de 2788 grammes [1300 - 4400]. Quatre-vingt-neuf nouveau-nĂ©s Ă©taient hospitalisĂ©s, soit un taux de 52,4%. Les principales pathologies nĂ©onatales Ă©taient l’asphyxie pĂ©rinatale (n = 41) ; le petit poids de naissance (n=41) ; l’infection nĂ©onatale (n=36). La durĂ©e moyenne d’hospitalisation Ă©tait de 5,5 jours [3 - 16]. Conclusion. Les nouveau-nĂ©s de mĂšre adolescente Ă  Ziguinchor prĂ©sentent des risques de prĂ©maturitĂ©, d’hypotrophie, d’asphyxie pĂ©rinatale et d’infection, tandis que leur mĂšre, l’hypertension artĂ©rielle

    Etude ethnobotanique des plantes alimentaires utilisées en période de soudure dans les régions Sud du Mali

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    La pĂ©riode de soudure est celle pendant laquelle les stocks de cĂ©rĂ©ales sont Ă©puisĂ©s et les prochaines rĂ©coltes ne sont pas encore prĂȘtes. Au Mali (Afrique de l’Ouest), elle varie d’aoĂ»t Ă  septembre. Pendant cette pĂ©riode, les communautĂ©s locales utilisent les plantes sauvages comme aliment. L’objectif de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude était de recenser les plantes sauvages alimentaires consommĂ©es dans les rĂ©gions Sud du Mali (Kayes, Koulikoro, Sikasso et SĂ©gou) pendant cette pĂ©riode. Des enquĂȘtes ethnobotaniques utilisant les mĂ©thodes du focus group, d’enquĂȘte individuelle et d’interviews semi-structurĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es. Au total, 454 personnes dont 338 hommes et 116 femmes soit respectivement 74,4% et 25,6% ont Ă©tĂ© interrogĂ©es. Les jeunes (15 - 30 ans), cultivateurs et Bambara Ă©taient les plus nombreux. 87 plantes alimentaires appartenant Ă  44 familles ont étĂ© identifiĂ©es; les fruits de 56 plantes (62,2%), les feuilles de 43 plantes (47,8%) et les graines de 10 plantes (11,5%) sont consommĂ©es comme aliments pendant les pĂ©riodes de soudure. Parkia biglobosa, Adansonia digitata et Vitellaria paradoxa sont les plantes les plus utilisĂ©es soit seules ou dans des plats comme additifs. Certaines de ces plantes servent Ă©galement comme mĂ©dicament et comme source de revenus pour les communautĂ©s locales.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s: Plantes sauvages alimentaires, enquĂȘte ethnobotanique, pĂ©riode de soudure, Sud-MaliEnglish Title: Ethnobotanical study of food plants used in the period of soldering in the southern regions of MaliEnglish AbstractThe lean period is the one during which grain stocks are depleted and the next harvest is not yet ready. In Mali (West Africa), it varies from August to September. During this period, local communities use wild plants as food. The objective of this study was to identify wild food plants consumed in the southern regions of Mali (Kayes, Koulikoro, Segou and Sikasso) during this period. Ethnobotanical surveys using focus group methods, individual survey and semi-structured interviews were conducted. A Total of 454 respondents including 338 (74.4%) men and 116 (25.6%) women were interviewed. Yong farmers (15-30 years) from Bambara ethic group were the most numerous. 87 food plants belonging to 44 families have been identified; the fruit of 56 (62.2%) plants, the leaves of 43 (47.8%), and the seeds of 10 plants (11.5%) were consumed as food during lean periods. Parkia biglobosa, Adansonia digitata and Vitellaria paradoxa are the most used plants either alone or in dishes such as additives. Some of these plants are also used as a medicine and as a source of income for local communities.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: wild food plants, ethnobotany survey, lean period, South Mal

    Argemone mexicana decoction for the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria

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    A prospective, dose-escalating, quasi-experimental clinical trial was conducted with a traditional healer using a decoction of Argemone mexicana for the treatment of malaria in Mali. The remedy was prescribed in three regimens: once daily for 3 days (Group A; n = 23); twice daily for 7 days (Group B; n = 40); and four times daily for the first 4 days followed by twice daily for 3 days (Group C; n = 17). Thus, 80 patients were included, of whom 80% were aged 2000/ÎŒl but no signs of severe malaria. The proportions of adequate clinical response (ACR) at Day 14 were 35%, 73% and 65% in Groups A, B and C, respectively (P = 0.011). At Day 14, overall proportions of ACR were lower in children aged 5 years (81%) (P = 0.027). Very few patients had complete parasite clearance, but at Day 14, 67% of patients with ACR had a parasitaemia <2000/ÎŒl. No patient needed referral for severe disease. Only minor side effects were observed. Further research should determine whether this local resource could represent a first-aid home treatment in remote area

    Paragangliome nasopharynge avec extension a la base du crane: Une localisation inhabituelle des paragangliomes

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    Introduction : Le paragangliome est une rare tumeur neuroendocrine. La localisation nasopharyngĂ©e avec extension Ă  la base du crĂąne est trĂšs rare.PrĂ©sentation du cas : Il s‘agissait d‘une dame de 39 ans, prise en charge au service de neurochirurgie du CHU « HĂŽpital du Mali » pour un paragangliome nasopharyngĂ© qui sâ€˜Ă©tendait Ă  la base du crĂąne. La patiente prĂ©sentait une dyspnĂ©e d‘aggravation progressive associĂ©e Ă  une Ă©pistaxis Ă  rĂ©pĂ©tition Ă©voluant depuis 3 ans environ et une paralysie faciale pĂ©riphĂ©rique gauche. Le scanner avait mis en Ă©vidence une masse volumineuse siĂ©geant au niveau du nasopharynx obstruant partiellement les fosses nasales. La lĂ©sion Ă©tait rehaussĂ©e aprĂšs injection de produit de contraste. La patiente a eu une chirurgie d‘exĂ©rĂšse de la tumeur en 2 temps. L‘analyse anatomopathologique avec immunohistochimie a permis de confirmer le diagnostic de paragangliome. Une radiothĂ©rapie complĂ©mentaire a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur le rĂ©sidu tumoral. Les suites du traitement ont Ă©tĂ© satisfaisantes.Discussion : Les paragangliomes de la tĂȘte et du cou ne reprĂ©sentent que 0,6% des tumeurs de la tĂȘte et du cou et 3% de tous les&nbsp; paragangliomes. Le traitement repose sur la chirurgie. La radiothĂ©rapie est indiquĂ©e si la chirurgie n‘assure pas une rĂ©section complĂšte.Conclusion : Les paragangliomes sont une entitĂ© Ă  prendre en compte dans les tumeurs nasopharyngĂ©es et de la base du crĂąne. &nbsp; Englsih title: Nasopharyngeal paraganglioma with extension at the skull base: An unusual location of the paragangliomas Introduction: Paraganglioma is a rare neuroendocrine tumor. Nasopharyngeal localization with extension at the skull base is very rare.Case: A thirty-nine-year-old woman, was managed by the Neurosurgery Department of « HĂŽpital du Mali » for a nasopharyngeal paraganglioma that extended to the skull base. The patient had progressive dyspnea associated with repeated epistaxis for 3 years and left peripheral facial palsy. The CT scan showed a bulky mass sitting in the nasopharynx partially obstructing the nasal cavity. The lesion was enhanced after injection of contrast. The patient had surgery to remove the tumor in 2 steps. Histological analysis with&nbsp; immunohistochemistry confirmed the diagnosis. Complementary radiotherapy was performed on the tumor residue. The results of the treatment were satisfactory.Discussion: Head and neck paragangliomas represent only 0.6% of head and neck tumors and 3% of all paragangliomas. The treatment is based on surgery. Radiotherapy is indicated if the surgery does not provide complete resection.Conclusion: Paragangliomas are an entity to be considered in nasopharyngeal and skull base tumors
