1,156 research outputs found

    Total focussing method for volumetric imaging in immersion non destructive evaluation

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    This paper describes the use of a 550 (25x22) element 2MHz 2D piezoelectric composite array in immersion mode to image an aluminum test block containing a collection of artificial defects. The defects included a 1mm diameter side-drilled hole, a collection of 1mm slot defects with varying degrees of skew to the normal and a flat bottomed hole. The data collection was carried out using the full matrix capture; a scanning procedure was developed to allow the operation of the large element count array through a conventional 64-channel phased array controller. A 3D TFM algorithm capable of imaging in a dual media environment was implemented in MATLAB for the offline processing the raw scan data. This algorithm facilitates the creation of 3D images of defects while accounting for refraction effects at material boundaries. In each of the test samples interrogated the defects, and their spatial position, are readily identified using TFM. Defect directional information has been characterized using VTFM for defect exhibiting angles up to and including 45o of skew

    The phase shift of an ultrasonic pulse at an oil layer and determination of film thickness

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    An ultrasonic pulse incident on a lubricating oil film in a machine element will be partially reflected and partially transmitted. The proportion of the wave amplitude reflected, termed the reflection coefficient, depends on the film thickness and the acoustic properties of the oil. When the appropriate ultrasonic frequency is used, the magnitude of the reflection coefficient can be used to determine the oil film thickness. However, the reflected wave has both a real component and an imaginary component, and both the amplitude and the phase are functions of the film thickness. The phase of the reflected wave will be shifted from that of the incident wave when it is reflected. In the present study, this phase shift is explored as the film changes and is evaluated as an alternative means to measure oil film thickness. A quas i-static theoretical model of the reflection response from an oil film has been, developed. This model relates the phase shift to the wave frequency and the film properties. Measurements of reflection coefficient from a static model oil film and also from a rotating journal bearing have been recorded. These have been used to determine the oil film thickness using both amplitude and phase shift methods. In both cases, the results agree closely with independent assessments of the oil film thickness. The model of ultrasonic reflection is further extended to incorporate mass and damping terms. Experiments show that both the mass and the internal damping of the oil films tested in this work have a negligible effect on ultrasonic reflection. A potentially v ery useful application for the simultaneous measurement of reflection coefficient amplitude and phase is that the data can be used to negate the need for a reference. The theoretical relationship between phase and amplitude is fitted to the data. An extrapolation is performed to determine the values of amplitude and phase for an infinitely thick layer. This is equivalent to the reference signal determined by measuring the reflection coefficient directly, but importantly does not require the materials to be separated. This provides a simple and effective means of continuously calibrating the film measurement approach

    Redshifts and Velocity Dispersions of Galaxy Clusters in the Horologium-Reticulum Supercluster

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    We present 118 new optical redshifts for galaxies in 12 clusters in the Horologium-Reticulum supercluster (HRS) of galaxies. For 76 galaxies, the data were obtained with the Dual Beam Spectrograph on the 2.3m telescope of the Australian National University at Siding Spring Observatory. After combining 42 previously unpublished redshifts with our new sample, we determine mean redshifts and velocity dispersions for 13 clusters, in which previous observational data were sparse. In six of the 13 clusters, the newly determined mean redshifts differ by more than 750 km/s from the published values. In the case of three clusters, A3047, A3109, and A3120, the redshift data indicate the presence of multiple components along the line of sight. The new cluster redshifts, when combined with other reliable mean redshifts for clusters in the HRS, are found to be distinctly bi-modal. Furthermore, the two redshift components are consistent with the bi-modal redshift distribution found for the inter-cluster galaxies in the HRS by Fleenor et al. (2005).Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, Accepted to A

    The measurement of lubricant-film thickness using ultrasound

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    Ultrasound is reflected from a liquid layer between two solid bodies. This reflection depends on the ultrasonic frequency, the acoustic properties of the liquid and solid, and the layer thickness. If the wavelength is much greater than the liquid-layer thickness, then the response is governed by the stiffness of the layer. If the wavelength and layer thickness are similar, then the interaction of ultrasound with the layer is controlled by its resonant behaviour. This stiffness governed response and resonant response can be used to determine the thickness of the liquid layer, if the other parameters are known. In this paper, ultrasound has been developed as a method to determine the thickness of lubricating films in bearing systems. An ultrasonic transducer is positioned on the outside of a bearing shell such that the wave is focused on the lubricant-film layer. The transducer is used to both emit and receive wide-band ultrasonic pulses. For a particular lubricant film, the reflected pulse is processed to give a reflection-coefficient spectrum. The lubricant-film thickness is then obtained from either the layer stiffness or the resonant frequency. The method has been validated using fluid wedges at ambient pressure between flat and curved surfaces. Experiments on the elastohydrodynamic film formed between a sliding ball and a flat surface were performed. Film-thickness values in the range 50-500 nm were recorded, which agreed well with theoretical film-formation predictions. Similar measurements have been made on the oil film between the balls and outer raceway of a deep-groove ball bearing

    A search for ultra-compact dwarf galaxies in the NGC 1023 group of galaxies

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    We present a photometric search for UCD candidates in the nearby galaxy group NGC 1023 (d=11 Mpc) -- the poorest environment searched for UCDs yet --, based on wide field imaging with CFHT. After photometric and morphological selection, we obtain a sample of 21 UCD candidates with -12<M_V<-11 mag, if located at NGC 1023's distance. From spectroscopy taken at Calar Alto observatory, we identify the UCD candidate in closest projection to NGC 1023 as an emission line background galaxy. Our photometric data show that in the NGC 1023 group, the mass spectrum of analogs to Fornax/Virgo UCD is restricted to about 1/4 of the maximum Fornax/Virgo UCD mass. More spectroscopy is needed to further constrain the mass range of UCDs in this galaxy group.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of ESO Astrophysics Symposia: "Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe", eds. I. Saviane, V. Ivanov, J. Borissov

    Correlation of throwing velocity to the results of lower body field tests in male college baseball players

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    Baseball-specific athleticism, potential, and performance have been difficult to predict. Increased muscle strength and power can increase throwing velocity but the majority of research has focused on the upper body. The present study sought to determine if bilateral or unilateral lower-body field testing correlates with throwing velocity. Baseball throwing velocity scores were correlated to the following tests: medicine ball (MB) scoop toss and squat throw, bilateral and unilateral vertical jumps, single and triple broad jumps, hop and stop in both directions, lateral to medial jumps, 10- and 60-yd sprints, and both left and right single-leg 10-yd hop for speed in 42 college baseball players. A multiple regression analysis (forward method), assessing the relationship between shuffle and stretch throwing velocities and lower-body field test results determined that right-handed throwing velocity from the stretch position was most strongly predicted by lateral to medial jump right (LMJR) and body weight (BW; R2 = 0.322), whereas lateral to medial jump left (LMJL; R2 = 0.688) predicted left stretch throw. Right-handed shuffle throw was most strongly predicted by LMJR and MB scoop (R2 = 0.338), whereas LMJL, BW, and LMJR all contributed to left-handed shuffle throw (R2 = 0.982). Overall, this study found that lateral to medial jumps were consistently correlated with high throwing velocity in each of the throwing techniques, in both left-handed and right-handed throwers. This is the first study to correlate throwing velocity with a unilateral jump in the frontal plane, mimicking the action of the throwing stride

    Flight test pilot evaluation of a delayed flap approach procedure

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    Using NASA's CV-990 aircraft, a delayed flap approach procedure was demonstrated to nine guest pilots from the air transport industry. Four demonstration flights and 37 approaches were conducted under VFR weather conditions. A limited pilot evaluation of the delayed flap procedure was obtained from pilot comments and from questionaires they completed. Pilot acceptability, pilot workload, and ATC compatibility were quantitatively rated. The delayed flap procedure was shown to be feasible, and suggestions for further development work were obtained

    Delayed flap approach procedures for noise abatement and fuel conservation

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    The NASA/Ames Research Center is currently investigating the delayed flap approach during which pilot actions are determined and prescribed by an onboard digital computer. The onboard digital computer determines the proper timing for the deployment of the landing gear and flaps based on the existing winds and airplane gross weight. Advisory commands are displayed to the pilot. The approach is flown along the conventional ILS glide slope but is initiated at a higher airspeed and in a clean aircraft configuration that allows for low thrust and results in reduced noise and fuel consumption. Topics discussed include operational procedures, pilot acceptability of these procedures, and fuel/noise benefits resulting from flight tests and simulation

    Effect of head and limb orientation on trunk muscle activation during abdominal hollowing in chronic low back pain

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    Background: Individuals with chronic low back pain (CLBP) have altered activations patterns of the anterior trunk musculature when performing the abdominal hollowing manƓuvre (attempt to pull umbilicus inward and upward towards the spine). There is a subgroup of individuals with CLBP who have high neurocognitive and sensory motor deficits with associated primitive reflexes (PR). The objective of the study was to determine if orienting the head and extremities to positions, which mimic PR patterns would alter anterior trunk musculature activation during the hollowing manoeuvre. Methods. This study compared surface electromyography (EMG) of bilateral rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique (EO), and internal obliques (IO) of 11 individuals with CLBP and evident PR to 9 healthy controls during the hollowing manoeuvre in seven positions of the upper quarter. Results: Using magnitude based inferences it was likely (\u3e75%) that controls had a higher ratio of left IO:RA activation with supine (cervical neutral), asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR) left and right, right cervical rotation and cervical extension positions. A higher ratio of right IO:RA was detected in the cervical neutral and ATNR left position for the control group. The CLBP group were more likely to show higher activation of the left RA in the cervical neutral, ATNR left and right, right cervical rotation and cervical flexion positions as well as in the cervical neutral and cervical flexion position for the right RA. Conclusions: Individuals with CLBP and PR manifested altered activation patterns during the hollowing maneuver compared to healthy controls and that altering cervical and upper extremity position can diminish the group differences. Altered cervical and limb positions can change the activation levels of the IO and EO in both groups. © 2014 Parfrey et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    The Large Scale Distribution of Neutral Hydrogen in the Fornax Region

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    Using HIPASS data, we have searched for HI in a ~25x25 sq.deg. region centred on the Fornax cluster. Within a velocity search range of 300 - 3700 km/s and a lower flux limit of ~40 mJy, 110 galaxies with HI emission were detected, one of which is previously uncatalogued. None of the detections has early-type morphology. Previously unknown velocities for 14 galaxies have been determined, with a further 4 velocity measurements being significantly dissimilar to published values. Identification of an optical counterpart is relatively unambiguous for more than ~90% of our HI galaxies. The galaxies appear to be embedded in a sheet at the cluster velocity which extends for more than 30 deg across the search area. At the nominal cluster distance of ~20 Mpc, this corresponds to an elongated structure more than 10 Mpc in extent. A velocity gradient across the structure is detected, with radial velocities increasing by \~500 km/s from SE to NW. The clustering of galaxies evident in optical surveys is only weakly suggested in the spatial distribution of our HI detections. Our results suggest a considerable deficit of HI-rich galaxies in the centre of the cluster. However, relative to the field, there is a 3(+/-1)-fold excess of HI-rich galaxies in the outer parts of the cluster where galaxies may be infalling towards the cluster for the first time.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, 110 HI spectra. To be published in MNRA
