5,623 research outputs found

    Inter-cluster Filaments of Galaxies Programme: Abundance and Distribution of Filaments in the 2dFGRS Catalogue

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    Filaments of galaxies are known to stretch between galaxy clusters at all redshifts in a complex manner. In this Letter, we present an analysis of the frequency and distribution of inter-cluster galaxy filaments selected from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. Out of 805 cluster-cluster pairs, we find at least 40 per cent have bone-fide filaments. We introduce a filament classification scheme and cast the filaments into several types according to their visual morphology: straight (lying on the cluster-cluster axis; 37 per cent), warped or curved (lying off the cluster-cluster axis; 33 per cent), sheets (planar configurations of galaxies; 3 per cent), uniform (1 per cent) and irregular (26 per cent). We find that straight filaments are more likely to reside between close cluster pairs and they become more curved with increasing cluster separation. This curving is toward a larger mass concentration in general. We also show that the more massive a cluster is, the more likely it is to have a larger number of filaments. Our results are found to be consistent with a Lambda cold dark matter cosmology.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS letter

    Informal Caring and Labour Market Outcomes Within England and Wales

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    This paper focuses on the links between informal care provision and labour market activity at the sub-national level. Within-country analysis of this issue has been very limited to date despite the wide regional variations in informal care provision that often exist. This issue is important in the context of policy decisions in Wales and other parts of the UK because of relatively high levels of informal caring in certain areas, especially in the South Wales Valleys. In particular, given that these areas typically have the lowest economic activity and employment rates, labour market differences can be exacerbated by the provision of informal caring by people of working age. Despite the wide variations in informal care provision, it is found that labour market outcomes do not differ markedly by different care categories across spatial areas within England and Wales. However, the analysis reveals that labour market outcomes for males as well as females are heavily influenced for those who provide high levels of caring, especially in the South Wales Valleys. For example, the largest impact of caring on the probability of not working for males and for part-time work for females is seen in this area.labour market outcomes, informal care provision, area variations

    Go West? Assessing the willingness to move from Central and Eastern European Countries

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    This paper uses cross national survey data to examine the willingness to move of residents from several Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs). This is of particular relevance given that some of these countries will be part of the forthcoming enlargement of the EU, and hence individuals from these countries will eventually be allowed to move freely between member states. Whereas most previous studies have used aggregate data to forecast flows from the East following enlargement, the emphasis in this paper is on the reasons why individuals may not want to move and it is argued that these factors may outweigh the possible high rewards in the West for many individuals. It is found that although individuals in some of the CEECs display a relatively high willingness to move, overall, the willingness to move country is lower in the CEECs than it is in the EU. Furthermore, the availability of microdata enables the characteristics of those individuals who are most willing to move to be established and the evidence suggests that the most qualified individuals have the highest willingness to move.Migration, EU enlargement, Labour immobility

    Operating limits for acoustic measurement of rolling bearing oil film thickness

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    An ultrasonic pulse striking a thin layer of liquid trapped between solid bodies will be partially reflected. The proportion reflected is a function of the layer stiffness, which in turn depends on the film thickness and its bulk modulus. In this work, measurements of reflection have been used to determine the thickness of oil films in elastohydrodynamic lubricated (EHL) contacts. A very thin liquid layer behaves like a spring when struck by an ultrasonic pulse. A simple quasi-static spring model can be used to determine the proportion of the ultrasonic waves reflected. Experiments have been performed on a model EHL contact between a ball and a flat surface. A transducer is mounted above the contact such that the ultrasonic wave is focused onto the oil film. The reflected signals are captured and passed to a PC for processing. Fourier analysis gives the reflection spectrum that is then used to determine the stiffness of the liquid layer and hence its thickness. In further testing, an ultrasonic transducer has been mounted in the housing of a deep-groove ball bearing to measure the film generated at the outer raceway as each ball passes. Results from both the ball-flat and ball bearing measurements agree well with steady-state theoretical EHL predictions. The limits of the measuring technique, in terms of the measurable rolling bearing size and operating parameters, have been investigated

    Welfare Participation by Immigrants in the UK

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    Welfare participation is an important indicator of how successfully immigrants perform in the host country. This paper examines this issue for the UK, which has experienced a large growth in its immigrant flows and population levels in recent years, especially following EU enlargement in 2004. The analysis focuses in particular on the types of benefits that immigrants tend to claim as well as examining differences by area of origin. It also examines the factors that determine social benefit claims, including an investigation of the impact of education ethnicity and years since migration. Social welfare claims vary considerably by immigrant group as well as by the type of benefit claimed in the UK. There is also some variation by gender within the migrant groups

    2MASS Galaxies in the Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey

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    The Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey (FCSS) is an all-object survey of a region around the Fornax Cluster of galaxies undertaken using the 2dF multi-object spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope. Its aim was to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all objects with 16.5 < b_j < 19.7 irrespective of their morphology (i.e. including `stars', `galaxies' and `merged' images). We explore the extent to which (nearby) cluster galaxies are present in 2MASS. We consider the reasons for the omission of 2MASS galaxies from the FCSS and vice versa. We consider the intersection (2.9 square degrees on the sky) of our data set with the infra-red 2 Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS), using both the 2MASS Extended Source Catalogue (XSC) and the Point Source Catalogue (PSC). We match all the XSC objects to FCSS counterparts by position and also extract a sample of galaxies, selected by their FCSS redshifts, from the PSC. We confirm that all 114 XSC objects in the overlap sample are galaxies, on the basis of their FCSS velocities. A total of 23 Fornax Cluster galaxies appear in the matched data, while, as expected, the remainder of the sample lie at redshifts out to z = 0.2 (the spectra show that 61% are early type galaxies, 18% are intermediate types and 21% are strongly star forming).The PSC sample turns out to contain twice as many galaxies as does the XSC. However, only one of these 225 galaxies is a (dwarf) cluster member. On the other hand, galaxies which are unresolved in the 2MASS data (though almost all are resolved in the optical) amount to 71% of the non-cluster galaxies with 2MASS detections and have redshifts out to z=0.32.Comment: 5 pages, accepted by A&A, resubmitted due to missing reference

    Galaxy threshing and the formation of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies

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    Recent spectroscopic and morphological observational studies of galaxies around NGC 1399 in the Fornax Cluster (Drinkwater et al. 2000b) have discovered several `ultra-compact dwarf' galaxies with intrinsic sizes of ∌\sim 100 pc and absolute BB band magnitudes ranging from -13 to -11 mag. In order to elucidate the origin of these enigmatic objects, we perform numerical simulations on the dynamical evolution of nucleated dwarf galaxies orbiting NGC 1399 and suffering from its strong tidal gravitational field. Adopting a plausible scaling relation for dwarf galaxies, we find that the outer stellar components of a nucleated dwarf are totally removed. This is due to them being tidally stripped over the course of several passages past the central region of NGC 1399. The nucleus, however, manages to survive. We also find that the size and luminosity of the remnant are similar to those observed for ultra-compact dwarf galaxies, if the simulated precursor nucleated dwarf has a mass of ∌\sim 10810^8 M⊙M_{\odot}. These results suggest that ultra-compact dwarf galaxies could have previously been more luminous dwarf spheroidal or elliptical galaxies with rather compact nuclei.Comment: 9 pages 4 figures,2001, ApJL, 552, 10

    Metamaterials: supra\textit{supra}-classical dynamic homogenization

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    Metamaterials are artificial composite structures designed for controlling waves or fields, and exhibit interaction phenomena that are unexpected on the basis of their chemical constituents. These phenomena are encoded in effective material parameters that can be electronic, magnetic, acoustic, or elastic, and must adequately represent the wave interaction behaviour in the composite within desired frequency ranges. In some cases -- for example, the low frequency regime -- there exist various efficient ways by which effective material parameters for wave propagation in metamaterials may be found. However, the general problem of predicting frequency-dependent dynamic effective constants has remained unsolved. Here, we obtain novel mathematical expressions for the effective parameters of two-dimensional metamaterial systems valid at higher frequencies and wavelengths than previously possible. By way of an example, random configurations of cylindrical scatterers are considered, in various physical contexts: sound waves in a compressible fluid, anti-plane elastic waves, and electromagnetic waves. Our results point towards a paradigm shift in our understanding of these effective properties, and metamaterial designs with functionalities beyond the low-frequency regime are now open for innovation.Comment: 14 pages (including 4 figures and 1 table) in New Journal of Physics, 201

    Fornax compact object survey FCOS: On the nature of Ultra Compact Dwarf galaxies

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    The results of the Fornax Compact Object Survey (FCOS) are presented. The FCOS aims at investigating the nature of the Ultra Compact Dwarf galaxies (UCDs) recently discovered in the center of the Fornax cluster (Drinkwater et al. 2000). 280 unresolved objects in the magnitude space covering UCDs and bright globular clusters (18<V<21 mag) were observed spectroscopically. 54 new Fornax members were discovered, plus five of the seven already known UCDs. Their distribution in radial velocity, colour, magnitude and space was investigated. It is found that bright compact objects (V<20 or M_V<-11.4 mag), including the UCDs, have a higher mean velocity than faint compact objects (V>20 mag) at 96% confidence. The mean velocity of the bright compact objects is consistent with that of the dwarf galaxy population in Fornax, but inconsistent with that of NGC 1399's globular cluster system at 93.5% confidence. The compact objects follow a colour magnitude relation with a slope very similar to that of normal dEs, but shifted about 0.2 mag redwards. The magnitude distribution of compact objects shows a fluent transition between UCDs and GCs with an overpopulation of 8 +/- 4 objects for V<20 mag with respect to the extrapolation of NGC 1399's GC luminosity function. The spatial distribution of bright compact objects is in comparison to the faint ones more extended at 88% confidence. All our findings are consistent with the threshing scenario (Bekki et al. 2003), suggesting that a substantial fraction of compact Fornax members brighter than V~20 mag could be created by threshing dE,Ns. Fainter than V~20 mag, the majority of the objects seem to be genuine GCs. Our results are also consistent with merged stellar super-clusters (Fellhauer & Kroupa 2002) as an alternative explanation for the bright compact objects.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Some aspects of electro-chemical grid-marking

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    Introduction The value of fine grids, electromarked (1) on to metal sheets before pressing, so that the type and magnitude of the strain developed in the critical region of the pressing can be assessed, is undisputed. Keeler (2), Meyer and Newby (3), and Goodwin (4), have all discussed practical applications of this technique and Palmer (5) has reviewed the field and introduced the concept of a relative safety factor (MSF). However it may be useful to see what this 'mark' consists of, how the marking affects the subsequent metal performance, what the limitations of the process are and other peripherical issues. It is these aspects of the process which is the concern of this paper
