12 research outputs found


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    Uvod: Prema procjenama Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije (WHO), jodni deficit je jedan od najozbiljnijih socijalno-medicinskih problema svijeta. Oko dvije milijarde ljudi, odnosno 30% opÅ”te populacije živi s rizikom razvijanja poremećaja koji nastaju kao posljedica jodnog deficita, 700 miliona ima strumu, a oko 20 miliona su ozbiljno mentalno retardirani. Smatra se da je jodni deficit najčeŔći razlog za mentalnu retardaciju. Cilj rada: Cilj rada je bio prikupiti i analizirati podatke o kvaliteti soli na tržiÅ”tu u Bosni i Hercegovini u skladu s važećom legislativom, te iste usporediti s dostupnim znanstvenim informacijama o prekomjernom, odnosno nedovoljnom unosu joda, te eventualnom potrebom izmjene zakonodavnog okvira s aspekta kvalitete soli. Rezultati i rasprava: Optimalan unos joda od osobite je važnosti za zdravlje, a nedovoljan unos joda uzrokuje brojne razvojne i funkcionalne poremećaje koji se nazivaju poremećaji uzrokovani nedostatkom joda (eng. Iodine deficiency disorders - IDD). Jodiranje kuhinjske soli i soli koja se koristi u prehrambenoj industriji te proizvodnji hrane za životinje najbolja je preventivna mjera sprječavanja poremećaja uzrokovanih nedostatkom joda na razini određene populacije ili države. Prema Svjetskoj zdravstvenoj organizaciji, Zakladi za djecu Ujedinjenih naroda (UNICEF) i Međunarodnom odboru za kontrolu bolesti povezanih s manjkom joda (ICCIDD) preporučen dnevni unos joda je 150 Ī¼g (za trudnice i dojilje 220- 290 Ī¼g). Jod se u najvećoj mjeri unosi sa soli iz kruha i tjestenine, zatim direktnim dosoljavanjem i konzumiranjem industrijskih gotovih proizvoda. Zaključci: Kontrolu kvalitete soli koja se nalazi na tržiÅ”tu potrebno je redovito pratiti jer je uočeno niz nedostataka kvalitete soli, od čega se dio odnosi i na prisutnost joda. S druge strane nedovoljna istraživanja o unosu količine soli putem hrane u Bosni i Hercegovini otvara dodatne potrebe ovakvih istraživanja u cilju procjene nedovoljnog, odnosno prekomjernog unosa joda.Introduction: According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, iodine deficiency is one of the most serious socio-medical problems in the world. About two billion people, or 30% of the general population live with the risk of developing disorders resulting from iodine deficiency, 700 million have a strike, and about 20 million are severely mentally retarded. Iodine deficiency is believed to be the most common cause of mental retardation. Aim: The aim of the paper was to collect and analyze the data on the quality of salt in the market in Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with the current legislation, and to compare it with the available Food in health and disease, scientific-professional journal of nutrition and dietetics - Special edition scientific information on excessive or insufficient iodine intake and the possible need to change the legislative framework from the aspect of salt quality. Results and discussion: Optimal iodine intake is of particular importance to health, and inadequate iodine intake causes numerous developmental and functional disorders called iodine deficiency disorders (IDDs). Iodination of kitchen salt and salt used in the food industry and the production of animal feed is the best preventive measure to prevent iodine deficiency disorder at the level of a particular population or state. According to the World Health Organization, the United Nations Childrenā€™s Fund (UNICEF) and the International Committee for the Control of Iodine-Related Disorders (ICCIDD) recommended daily intake of iodine is 150 Ī¼g (for pregnant women and breastfeeding 220-290 Ī¼g). Iodine is largely introduced from salt from bread and pasta, then by direct dosing and consumption of industrial finished products. Conclusions: The quality control of salt in the market needs to be monitored regularly because a number of quality salt shortages have been observed, of which part also relates to the presence of iodine. On the other hand, inadequate research into the amount of salt intake through food in Bosnia and Herzegovina opens up the additional needs of such studies in order to estimate inadequate or excessive iodine intake


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    Uvod: U sklopu istraživanja navika stanovniÅ”tva Bosne i Hercegovine kroz EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) projekt B&H MENU provodilo se ispitivanje tjelesne aktivnosti ispitanika. U 2018. godini provedena je pilot-studija u okviru koje je ispitivano 146 ispitanika od kojih je 46 adolescenata u dobi od 10 do 17 godina i 100 odraslih u dobi od 18 do 64 godine. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi tjelesnu aktivnost adolescenata i odraslih te postojanje razlika u tjelesnoj aktivnosti između urbanog i ruralnog stanovniÅ”tva, kao i postojanje spolnih razlika. Rezultati: Tjelesna aktivnost adolescentne i odrasle populacije ispitana je u kategoriji intenzivne tjelesne aktivnosti, umjerene tjelesne aktivnosti, vremena provedenog u hodanju, kao i vrijeme provedeno svakodnevno tijekom posljednjih sedam dana, izraženo u satima dnevno. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je najveći broj ispitanika koji se bave umjerenom tjelesnom aktivnoŔću i to 73% ispitanika. Također, 83% ispitanika redovito hoda, 95% odraslih, dok adolescenti samo 61%. Najveći broj ispitanika, 60% provodi manje od 1 sata/dnevno, dok 28% provodi 5 do 6 sati/dnevno sjedeći, odnosno njih 66% provodi sjedeći dnevno od 3 do 8 sati. MuÅ”ka populacija redovito je sklona intenzivnoj tjelesnoj aktivnosti. Zaključak: Fizička aktivnost 2/3 anketiranih stanovnika je zadovoljavajuća i odražava se u redovitim tjelesnim aktivnostima i hodanju, dok 1/3 stanovniÅ”tva nije dovoljno fizički aktivna. Nije bilo statističke razlike u fizičkoj aktivnosti ispitanika unutar stanovniÅ”tva u odnosu na mjesto stanovanja (urbano/ruralno).Introduction: As a part of the research of the habits of the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina through the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) project B&H MENU, the examination of the physical activity of the respondents is carried out. In 2018, a pilot study was conducted and on this occasion 146 respondents were interviewed, of which 46 were adolescents age of 10 to 17 years and 100 adultā€™s age of 18 to 64 years. Aim: The aim of the research was to determine the physical activity of adolescents and adults, and the existence of differences in physical activity between urban and rural population as well as the existence of gender differences. Results: The physical activity of adolescent and adult population was investigated in the category of intense physical activity, moderate physical activity, time spent walking as well as time spent sitting on a daily basis over the past seven days, expressed in hours per day. The survey found that the largest number of subjects engaged in moderate physical activity, and 73% of them. Also, 83% of respondents regularly walk, 95% of adults, while adolescents only 61%. The largest number of respondents, 60% spend less than 1 hour a day walking, while 28% spend 5 to 6 hours a day sitting, respectively 66% spending sitting in the day from 3 to 8 hours. The male population is regularly more inclined to intense physical activity. Conclusion: Physical activity of 2/3 of the surveyed population is satisfactory and is reflected in regular physical activities and walking, while 1/3 of the population is not physically active enough. There was no statistical difference in the physical activity of the respondents within the population with respect to the place of residence (urban/rural)


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    Rak pluća najučestalija je zloćudna bolest u muÅ”karaca, a pri vrhu je učestalosti i u žena. Među oboljelima 85% čine bolesnici s rakom pluća nemalih stanica. S obzirom na agresivnu prirodu ove bolesti i loÅ”u prognozu ako se ne dijagnosticira u ranom stadiju bolesti, vrlo je važno definirati i provoditi standardizirani pristup u dijagnostici, liječenju i praćenju ovih bolesnika. Metode liječenja uključuju kirurgiju, kemoterapiju, radioterapiju, ciljanu bioloÅ”ku terapiju i imunoterapiju ovisno o stadiju bolesti, bioloÅ”kim obilježjima tumora i općem stanju bolesnika.Lung cancer is the most common male cancer, and one of the most common female cancers. Non-small cell lung cancers account for 85% of lung cancers. Due to the aggressiveness of the disease and bad prognosis if it is not diagnosed early, it is important to define and implement standardized approach for diagnostics, treatment and monitoring of these patients. Treatment modalities include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted biologic therapy and immunotherapy according to the stage, specific tumour histological subtype and patient condition


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    Rak pluća najučestalija je zloćudna bolest u muÅ”karaca, a pri vrhu je učestalosti i u žena. Među oboljelima 15% čine bolesnici s rakom pluća malih stanica. S obzirom na agresivnu prirodu ove bolesti i loÅ”u prognozu, vrlo je važno definirati i implementirati standardizirani pristup dijagnostičkoj obradi, liječenju, kao i praćenju ovih bolesnika. Metode liječenja uključuju kemoterapiju, radioterapiju i, rijetko, kirurgiju ovisno o stadiju bolesti i općem stanju bolesnika.Lung cancer is the most common male cancer, and one of the most common female cancers. Small cell lung cancers account for 15% of lung cancers. Due to the aggressiveness of the disease and bad prognosis, it is important to define and implement standardized approach for diagnostics, treatment and monitoring of these patients. Treatment modalities include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and, rarely, surgery according to the stage of the disease and patient condition

    Smjernice za dijagnozu, liječenje i praćenje bolesnika oboljelih od raka pluća nemalih stanica [Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring patients with non-small cell lung cancer]

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    Lung cancer is the most common male cancer, and one of the most common female cancers. Non-small cell lung cancers account for 85% of lung cancers. Due to the aggressiveness of the disease and bad prognosis if it is not diagnosed early, it is important to define and implement standardized approach for diagnostics, treatment and monitoring of these patients. Treatment modalities include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted biologic therapy and immunotherapy according to the stage, specific tumour histological subtype and patient condition

    Dinamika funkcije pluća kod azbestne bolesti

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    As a rule, asbestosis is a disease of workers who are occupationally exposed to inhalation of asbestos dust, leaving permanent alterations on the lung parenchyma or pleura. In our ten-year study, we investigated 318 workers with pleural asbestosis from whom we took medical history which included occupational exposure to asbestos, radiological examinations and lung function, which is mandatory for the diagnosis and the follow up of the disease. We analysed functional parameters such as forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) and intermediate forced expiratory flow at 25 % to 75 % (FEF25 %-75 %). In addition, we investigated the predicted values of functional parameters according to smoking and non-smoking habits. We found a significant reduction in vital capacity, particularly in smokers after 25 years of exposure to asbestos. During the first 15 years, values of vital capacity on the group basis remained inside the 80 % of the normal values and were not significant for assessing the dynamics of the lung function. To better assess the effects of occupational asbestos exposure, it is necessary to interpret lung function data not only on the group basis, but also for each subject individually.Azbestoza je bolest izazvana udisanjem azbestnih čestica koje ostavljaju trajne promjene na parenhimu pluća i/ili pleuri. Dijagnoza se postavlja na osnovi anamnestičkih podataka, uvidom u profesionalnu izloženost azbestu i radioloÅ”kom obradom te patohistoloÅ”kom potvrdom promjena na plućima i/ili pleuri. Funkcionalna obrada pluća obavezna je u postavljanju dijagnoze i praćenju bolesti. Tijekom desetogodiÅ”njeg istraživanja funkcionalno smo obradili 318 osoba profesionalno izloženih azbestu s dokazanom azbestozom pleure. Analizirane su vrijednosti funkcionalnih parametara, i to forsiranoga vitalnog kapaciteta (FVC), forsiranoga ekspiracijskog volumena u prvoj sekundi (FEV1) i srednjega ekspiracijskog protoka (FEF25 %-75 %). Dokazan je statistički signifikantan pad vrijednosti FVC i FEV1. Dodatno smo istražili vrijednosti funkcionalnih parametara kod naÅ”ih ispitanika s navikom puÅ”enja i nepuÅ”ača. U obje skupine prisutno je značajno sniženje vrijednosti vitalnog kapaciteta tijekom istraživanja, s tim da nakon 25 godina izloženosti azbestu kod puÅ”ača dolazi do naglog pada vrijednosti vitalnog kapaciteta u odnosu na nepuÅ”ače. Bitno je uočiti da tijekom prvih 15 godina vrijednosti vitalnog kapaciteta ostaju unutar 80 % normalnih vrijednosti te nemaju značenja za praćenje dinamike funkcije pluća kod azbestne bolesti. Individualnim praćenjem profesionalno izloženih radnika ostvaruje se bolji uvid u dinamiku funkcije pluća kod azbestne bolesti

    With food to health : proceedings of 11th International symposium

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value


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    Uvod: U sklopu istraživanja navika stanovniÅ”tva Bosne i Hercegovine kroz EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) projekt B&H MENU provodilo se ispitivanje tjelesne aktivnosti ispitanika. U 2018. godini provedena je pilot-studija u okviru koje je ispitivano 146 ispitanika od kojih je 46 adolescenata u dobi od 10 do 17 godina i 100 odraslih u dobi od 18 do 64 godine. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi tjelesnu aktivnost adolescenata i odraslih te postojanje razlika u tjelesnoj aktivnosti između urbanog i ruralnog stanovniÅ”tva, kao i postojanje spolnih razlika. Rezultati: Tjelesna aktivnost adolescentne i odrasle populacije ispitana je u kategoriji intenzivne tjelesne aktivnosti, umjerene tjelesne aktivnosti, vremena provedenog u hodanju, kao i vrijeme provedeno svakodnevno tijekom posljednjih sedam dana, izraženo u satima dnevno. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je najveći broj ispitanika koji se bave umjerenom tjelesnom aktivnoŔću i to 73% ispitanika. Također, 83% ispitanika redovito hoda, 95% odraslih, dok adolescenti samo 61%. Najveći broj ispitanika, 60% provodi manje od 1 sata/dnevno, dok 28% provodi 5 do 6 sati/dnevno sjedeći, odnosno njih 66% provodi sjedeći dnevno od 3 do 8 sati. MuÅ”ka populacija redovito je sklona intenzivnoj tjelesnoj aktivnosti. Zaključak: Fizička aktivnost 2/3 anketiranih stanovnika je zadovoljavajuća i odražava se u redovitim tjelesnim aktivnostima i hodanju, dok 1/3 stanovniÅ”tva nije dovoljno fizički aktivna. Nije bilo statističke razlike u fizičkoj aktivnosti ispitanika unutar stanovniÅ”tva u odnosu na mjesto stanovanja (urbano/ruralno).Introduction: As a part of the research of the habits of the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina through the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) project B&H MENU, the examination of the physical activity of the respondents is carried out. In 2018, a pilot study was conducted and on this occasion 146 respondents were interviewed, of which 46 were adolescents age of 10 to 17 years and 100 adultā€™s age of 18 to 64 years. Aim: The aim of the research was to determine the physical activity of adolescents and adults, and the existence of differences in physical activity between urban and rural population as well as the existence of gender differences. Results: The physical activity of adolescent and adult population was investigated in the category of intense physical activity, moderate physical activity, time spent walking as well as time spent sitting on a daily basis over the past seven days, expressed in hours per day. The survey found that the largest number of subjects engaged in moderate physical activity, and 73% of them. Also, 83% of respondents regularly walk, 95% of adults, while adolescents only 61%. The largest number of respondents, 60% spend less than 1 hour a day walking, while 28% spend 5 to 6 hours a day sitting, respectively 66% spending sitting in the day from 3 to 8 hours. The male population is regularly more inclined to intense physical activity. Conclusion: Physical activity of 2/3 of the surveyed population is satisfactory and is reflected in regular physical activities and walking, while 1/3 of the population is not physically active enough. There was no statistical difference in the physical activity of the respondents within the population with respect to the place of residence (urban/rural)


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    Rak pluća najučestalija je zloćudna bolest u muÅ”karaca, a pri vrhu je učestalosti i u žena. Među oboljelima 15% čine bolesnici s rakom pluća malih stanica. S obzirom na agresivnu prirodu ove bolesti i loÅ”u prognozu, vrlo je važno defi nirati i implementirati standardizirani pristup dijagnostičkoj obradi, liječenju, kao i praćenju ovih bolesnika. Metode liječenja uključuju kemoterapiju, radioterapiju i, rijetko, kirurgiju ovisno o stadiju bolesti i općem stanju bolesnika


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    Rak pluća najučestalija je zloćudna bolest u muÅ”karaca, a pri vrhu je učestalosti i u žena. Među oboljelima 15% čine bolesnici s rakom pluća malih stanica. S obzirom na agresivnu prirodu ove bolesti i loÅ”u prognozu, vrlo je važno defi nirati i implementirati standardizirani pristup dijagnostičkoj obradi, liječenju, kao i praćenju ovih bolesnika. Metode liječenja uključuju kemoterapiju, radioterapiju i, rijetko, kirurgiju ovisno o stadiju bolesti i općem stanju bolesnika