46 research outputs found

    Synthesis, In vitro Antifungal and Antitumour Activity of Some Triorganotin(IV) N,C,N-Chelates

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    The in vitro antifungal activity of compounds 1-3 ( { [ ( CH 3 ) 2 NCH 2 ] 2 C 6 H 3 } R 2 SnX ; (where X=Cl, R=n-Bu for 1, X=Br, R=n-Bu for 2 and x= PF 6 , R=n=Bu for 3)) was estimated with the help of a modified microdilution format of the M27-A guidelines and was compared with in vitro activity of their diphenyltin(IV) analogues 4 and 5 (where X=Br, R=Ph for 4 and X= PF 6 , R=Ph for 5), and of drugs currently in clinical use (ketoconazole, fluconazole and amphotericin B). It was found that in coordinating solvents the more soluble derivative 2 is less active than the phenyl one (4), and compounds 1 and 3 are even inactive

    Desorption/ablation of lithium fluoride induced by extreme ultraviolet laser radiation

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    The availability of reliable modeling tools and input data required for the prediction of surface removal rate from the lithium fluoride targets irradiated by the intense photon beams is essential for many practical aspects. This study is motivated by the practical implementation of soft X-ray (SXR) or extreme ultraviolet (XUV) lasers for the pulsed ablation and thin film deposition. Specifically, it is focused on quantitative description of XUV laser-induced desorption/ablation from lithium fluoride, which is a reference large band-gap dielectric material with ionic crystalline structure. Computational framework was proposed and employed here for the reconstruction of plume expansion dynamics induced by the irradiation of lithium fluoride targets. The morphology of experimentally observed desorption/ablation craters were reproduced using idealized representation (two-zone approximation) of the laser fluence profile. The calculation of desorption/ablation rate was performed using one-dimensional thermomechanic model (XUV-ABLATOR code) taking into account laser heating and surface evaporation of the lithium fluoride target occurring on a nanosecond timescale. This step was followed by the application of two-dimensional hydrodynamic solver for description of laser-produced plasma plume expansion dynamics. The calculated plume lengths determined by numerical simulations were compared with a simple adiabatic expansion (blast-wave) model.Web of Science61213813

    Ablation of single-crystalline cesium iodide by extreme ultraviolet capillary-discharge laser

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    Extreme ultraviolet (XUV) capillary-discharge lasers (CDLs) are a suitable source for the efficient, clean ablation of ionic crystals, which are obviously difficult to ablate with conventional, long-wavelength lasers. In the present study, a single crystal of cesium iodide (CsI) was irradiated by multiple, focused 1.5-ns pulses of 46.9-nm radiation delivered from a compact XUV-CDL device operated at either 2-Hz or 3-Hz repetition rates. The ablation rates were determined from the depth of the craters produced by the accumulation of laser pulses. Langmuir probes were used to diagnose the plasma plume produced by the focused XUV-CDL beam. Both the electron density and electron temperature were sufficiently high to confirm that ablation was the key process in the observed CsI removal. Moreover, a CsI thin film on MgO substrate was prepared by XUV pulsed laser deposition; a fraction of the film was detected by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.Web of Science65421020

    The study of synthesis, structure and antifungal activity of {2,6-[bis)(dimethylamino)methyl]phenyl}(diphenyl)tin(IV) compounds

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    Bylo připraveno sedm originálních triorganocíničitých sloučenin derivátů {2,6-bis[(dimethylamino)methyl]fenyl}(difenyl)stannanu, které mají iontovou strukturu obsahující organocíničitý kationt a různé kompenzující anorganické ionty. Tyto sloučeniny byly identifikovány pomocí elementární analýzy a ESI-hmotnostní spektrometrie. Iontová struktura v roztoku byla potvrzena pomocí studia sloučenin 1H a 119Sn NMR spektroskopií a ESI-hmotnostní spektrometrií. V tuhé fázi pomocí 13C, 119Sn CP/MAS NMR spektroskopie a rentgenostrukturální analýzy n amonokrystalickém materiálu. Všechny sloučeniny jsou rozpustné ve vodě a některé vykazují vysokou aktivitu in vitro na některé významné kmeny hub a plísní.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Chelated derivatives of heavier group 15 elements

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    Tato práce je zaměřena na prohloubení znalostí o YCY chelatovaných derivátech těžších prvků 15. skupiny (As,Sb, Bi). Práce se zabývá přípravou a strukturou výchozích halogenidů, zejména chloridů, obsahující OCO, NCN i NCO chelatující, tzv. pincerové ligandy.Struktura derivátů byla podrobně studována v roztoku (NMR)i tuhé fázy (rentgeno-strukturní analýzy).Další kapitoli habilitační práce tvoří příprava chalkogenidů (S,Se, Te) antomonitých a bismutitých obsahující pincerové ligandy. V poslední části této práce je popsána syntéza dobře definovaných a rozpustných NCN chelatovaných oxidů antimonitých a bismutitých. Bylo dokázáno, že organoantimonitý oxid je schopen reversibilně vázat oxid uhličitý za velmi mírných podmínek.překlad abstraktuThis work is focused on organometallic compounds of heavier group 15 elements (As, Sb, Bi) containing various of YCY chelating ligands.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Study of synthesis, structure and reactivity of organometallic derivates of Y,C,Y chelating ligands

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    Byla připravena série organolithných derivátů O,C,O chelátujících ligandů ([2,6(ROCH2)C6H3]-), struktura jednoho z nich byla studována v roztoku i v tuhé fázi. Dále byla studována syntéza a struktura organohlinitých sloučenin odvozených od O,C,O chelátujících ligandů. Následně byla zkoumána reaktivita těchto organohlinitých sloučenin s různými organickými i anorganickými substráty.Katedra obecné a anorganické chemieDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Environmental and economical evaluation of clean vehicles promotion:Final report

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    This project was focused on environmental and economic assessment of tools for indirect promoting of clean vehicles. During the solution was proposed a set of possible support tools. The locality for application of tools was identified on the basis of air quality analysis. For the chosen city was created and calibrated the traffic model which was extended by two scenarios. These scenarios include a set of proposed tools for promoting of clean vehicles. The chosen scenarios were assessed environmentally and compared with the basic present state. On the basis of the environmental assessment was prepared the dispersion studies which were used as a basis for the assessment of impacts on human health. Other outputs of environmental assessment were used for the economic evaluation of proposed tools for promoting of clean vehicles

    Komplexy molybdenu s polymethylthiomethylboraty.

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    Organometallic molybdenum compounds bearing poly[(methylthio)methyllborates, [(eta(3)-C3H5)Mo (CO)(2)(kappa(3)-PhTt)] and [Bu4N][{((eta(3)-C3H5)Mo(CO)(2)Cl)(2)(kappa(2):kappa(2)-RTt)], where PhTt = phenyltris[(methylthio) methyllborate and RTt = tetralds[(methylthio)methyl]borate, have been obtained by ligand exchange reaction from [(eta(3)-C3H5)Mo(CO)(2)(NCMe)(2)Cl] and appropriate borate. The PhTt ligand provides tridentate face-capping coordination to the central metal while the RTt acts as a bridging ligand and connects two [(eta(3)-C3H5)Mo(CO)(2)Cl] monomeric units by unusual kappa(2):kappa(2)-coordination mode. Both compounds were fully characterized by spectroscopic methods and X-ray crystallography.Organokovové sloučeniny nesoucí polymethylthioboraty byly připraveny a charakterizovány dostupnými spektroskopickými metodami. Struktura dvou produktů byla stanovena rentgenovou difrakční analýzou

    Propenové komplexy molybdenu a wolframu stabilizované intramolekulární koordinací

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    We report herein a new class of mixed propene-indenyl complexes of molybdenum and tungsten stabilized by a strong N -> M intramolecular coordination. The complexes [{eta(5):kappa N-1-(C9H6N)C9H6}(eta(2)-C3H6)M(CO)(2)][BF4] (M = Mo, W) were obtained in nearly quantitative yields by the protonation of the eta(3)-allyl ligand in compounds [(eta(3)-C3H5){eta(5)-1-(C9H6N)C9H6}M(CO)(2)] (M = Mo, W). In contrast to known eta(2)-alkene molybdenum and tungsten compounds, the species presented here are easily isolated in the solid state. The tungsten compound [{eta(5):kappa N-1-(C9H6N)C9H6}(eta(2)-C3H6)W(CO)(2)][BF4] is stable at room temperature, and its structure was unambiguously confirmed by X-ray diffraction. The reactivity of both propene complexes toward several monodentate donors was examined. In the case of dimethyl sulfide, ligand exchange takes place to afford [{eta(5):kappa N-1-(C9H6N)C9H6}M(CO)(2)(SMe2)][BF4] (M = Mo, W) while acetonitrile induces eta(5) -> eta(3) haptotropic rearrangement to give [{eta(3):kappa N-1-(C9H6N)C9H6}M(CO)(2)(NCMe)(2)][BF4] (M = Mo, W).Tento článek popisuje novou skupinu propenových komplexů stabilizovaných silnou intramolekulární koordinací N-M. Tento typ komplexů byl získán v téměř kvantitativním výtěžku reakcí allylového prekurzoru s HBF4. Struktura wolframového komplexu byla určena pomocí RTG difrakční analýzi

    Stabilization of η3-indenyl compounds by sterically demanding N,N-chelating ligands in the molybdenum coordination sphere

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    A series of η3-indenyl molybdenum compounds [(η3-4,7-Me2C9H5)Mo(CO)2(N,NL)Cl] (N,NL = bpy, phen, pyma), isostructural with well-known η3-allyl compounds, was synthesized from the recently established halide synthon [{(η5-4,7-Me2C9H5)Mo(CO)2(μ-Cl)}2]. The low stability of the hexacoordinated η3-indenyl molybdenum species in solution has been overcome by a modification of the chelating ligand. Hence, the dissociation of the compounds bearing ligands with methyl groups beside nitrogen donor atoms (e.g. 6,6′-Me2-bpy, 2,9-Me2-phen; 2,9-Me2-4,7-Ph2-phen) is strongly disfavored due to the steric requirements of the substituents. The considerable discrimination of the pentacoordinated species enables the use of [(η5-4,7-Me2C9H5)Mo(CO)2(2,9-Me2-phen)][BF4] for the assembly of derivatives bearing other halides and pseudohalides in the coordination sphere of molybdenum. The current study further describes some other new indenyl complexes accessible from [{(η5-4,7-Me2C9H5)Mo(CO)2(μ-Cl)}2]. All structural types presented in this experimental study were supported by X-ray crystallographic data