19 research outputs found

    The microbiome of the nasopharynx

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    The nasopharyngeal microbiome is a dynamic microbial interface of the aerodigestive tract, and a diagnostic window in the fight against respiratory infections and antimicrobial resistance. As its constituent bacteria, viruses and mycobacteria become better understood and sampling accuracy improves, diagnostics of the nasopharynx could guide more personalized care of infections of surrounding areas including the lungs, ears and sinuses. This review will summarize the current literature from a clinical perspective and highlight its growing importance in diagnostics and infectious disease management

    Competent but complex communication: The phenomena of pheromone-responsive plasmids

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    Enterococci are robust gram-positive bacteria that are found in a variety of surroundings and that cause a significant number of healthcare-associated infections. The genus possesses a high-efficiency pheromone-responsive plasmid (PRP) transfer system for genetic exchange that allows antimicrobial-resistance determinants to spread within bacterial populations. The pCF10 plasmid system is the best characterised, and although other PRP systems are structurally similar, they lack exact functional homologues of pCF10-encoded genes. In this review, we provide an overview of the enterococcal PRP systems, incorporating functional details for the less-well-defined systems. We catalogue the virulence-associated elements of the PRPs that have been identified to date, and we argue that this reinforces the requirement for elucidation of the less studied systems

    Microbial Biosurfactants: Antimicrobial Activity and Potential Biomedical and Therapeutic Exploits

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    The rapid emergence of multidrug-resistant pathogens worldwide has raised concerns regarding the effectiveness of conventional antibiotics. This can be observed in ESKAPE pathogens, among others, whose multiple resistance mechanisms have led to a reduction in effective treatment options. Innovative strategies aimed at mitigating the incidence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens encompass the potential use of biosurfactants. These surface-active agents comprise a group of unique amphiphilic molecules of microbial origin that are capable of interacting with the lipidic components of microorganisms. Biosurfactant interactions with different surfaces can affect their hydrophobic properties and as a result, their ability to alter microorganisms’ adhesion abilities and consequent biofilm formation. Unlike synthetic surfactants, biosurfactants present low toxicity and high biodegradability and remain stable under temperature and pH extremes, making them potentially suitable for targeted use in medical and pharmaceutical applications. This review discusses the development of biosurfactants in biomedical and therapeutic uses as antimicrobial and antibiofilm agents, in addition to considering the potential synergistic effect of biosurfactants in combination with antibiotics. Furthermore, the anti-cancer and anti-viral potential of biosurfactants in relation to COVID-19 is also discussed