94 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Applications to Land and Structure Valuation

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    Acknowledgments: We thank Nicola Stalder and his IAZI team for preparing the dataset for the Swiss case study. The authors are grateful to the referees, whose feedback and comments have improved the quality of the paper.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Housing finance, prices, and tenure in Switzerland

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    In contrast to many other countries, Switzerland generally has not seen soaring house prices in the 2000s and house prices have only recently started to diminish slightly. Also, Swiss authorities do not engage in trying to increase the homeownership rate much above its current level. This paper presents the main aspects of housing policy and finance in Switzerland, which can help to explain these idiosyncrasies. House prices and rents are also analyzed. The policies that are discussed in this paper may be useful to housing policy makers in other countries

    PHK from phenol hydroxylase of Pseudomonas sp. OX1. Insight into the role of an accessory protein in bacterial multicomponent monooxygenases

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    Bacterial multicomponent monooxygenases (BMMs) are members of a wide family of diiron enzymes that use molecular oxygen to hydroxylate a variety of aromatic compounds. The presence of genes encoding for accessory proteins not involved in catalysis and whose role is still elusive, is a common feature of the gene clusters of several BMMs, including phenol hydroxylases and several soluble methane monooxygenases. In this study we have expressed, purified, and partially characterized the accessory component PHK of the phenol hydroxylase from Pseudomonas sp. OX1, a bacterium able to degrade several aromatic compounds. The phenol hydroxylase (ph) gene cluster was expressed in Escherichia coli/JM109 cells in the absence and in the presence of the phk gene. The presence of the phk gene lead to an increase in the hydroxylase activity of whole recombinant cells with phenol. PHK was assessed for its ability to interact with the active hydroxylase complex. Our results show that PHK is neither involved in the catalytic activity of the phenol hydroxylase complex nor required for the assembly of apo-hydroxylase. Our results suggest instead that this component may be responsible for enhancing iron incorporation into the active site of the apo-hydroxylase

    Expression and purification of the recombinant subunits of toluene/o-xylene monooxygenase and reconstitution of the active complex.

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    This paper describes the cloning of the genes coding for each component of the complex of toluene/o-xylene monooxygenase from Pseudomonas stutzeri OX1, their expression, purification and characterization. Moreover, the reconstitution of the active complex from the recombinant subunits has been obtained, and the functional role of each component in the electron transfer from the electron donor to molecular oxygen has been determined. The coexpression of subunits B, E and A leads to the formation of a subcomplex, named H, with a quaternary structure (BEA)2, endowed with hydroxylase activity. Tomo F component is an NADH oxidoreductase. The purified enzyme contains about 1 mol of FAD, 2 mol of iron, and 2 mol of acid labile sulfide per mol of protein, as expected for the presence of one [2Fe-2S] cluster, and exhibits a typical flavodoxin absorption spectrum. Interestingly, the sequence of the protein does not correspond to that previously predicted on the basis of DNA sequence. We have shown that this depends on minor errors in the gene sequence that we have corrected. C component is a Rieske-type ferredoxin, whose iron and acid labile sulfide content is in agreement with the presence of one [2Fe-2S] cluster. The cluster is very sensitive to oxygen damage. Mixtures of the subcomplex H and of the subunits F, C and D are able to oxidize p-cresol into 4-methylcathecol, thus demonstrating the full functionality of the recombinant subunits as purified. Finally, experimental evidence is reported which strongly support a model for the electron transfer. Subunit F is the first member of an electron transport chain which transfers electrons from NADH to C, which tunnels them to H subcomplex, and eventually to molecular oxyge

    Letter to the Editor: 1H and 15N sequential assignment and solution secondary structure of 15N labelled human pancreatic ribonuclease

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    Several members of the RNase A (bovine pancreatic ribonuclease) superfamily exhibit anticancer activity. Among the mammalian members of the superfamily, most of the antitumour activity studies have been carried out with a dimeric RNase from bovine seminal vesicles (BS-RNase) (Youle and D’Alessio, 1997). These studies show that dimer formation is crucial for cytotoxicity. Investigations are underway to transfer by protein engineering the structural determinants responsible for the antitumour activity of BS-RNase to a human immunocompatible backbone (Piccoli et al., 1999). Knowledge of the 3D structures of the involved proteins is central to rationally fulfil this objective. As a first step, human pancreatic ribonuclease (HPRNase), a 127-residue monomeric protein (Beintema et al., 1984) was constructed (Russo et al., 1993). The expressed recombinant protein was undistinguishable from the natural product isolated from human pancreas (Weickmann et al., 1981). Here, we present the assignment of practically all of its 1H and 15N spectral resonances, as well as its secondary structure in aqueous solution. The cytotoxic activity of ribonucleases has been related to their ability to evade the cytosolic ribonuclease inhibitor (RI) (Murthy and Sirdeshmukh, 1992). The structure of HP-RNase will be useful to introduce changes in it in order to increase its resistance to RI.This work was supported by the European Commission under the INCO-Copernicus Project No. IC15 CT 96-0903. The assistance of the Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores (Spain) and OMFB (Hungary) (project E26/97) is gratefully acknowledged

    Vox clamantis in deserto: a survey among Italian psychiatrists on defensive medicine and professional liability

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    Due to recent events, professional liability for psychiatrists in Italy is currently a matter of lively debate. Specifically, overwhelming pressure on psychiatrists’ duties has been brought by regulatory developments, such as the closure of forensic psychiatric hospitals, with the consequent return of offenders to community-based care, and the mental health consequences of the pandemic. According to Italian courts, psychiatrists are not only responsible for diagnostic and therapeutic appropriateness but also for the effects of their interventions on patients, and their behaviors. The aim of this study was to explore the attitude and behaviors of Italian psychiatrists regarding defensive medicine and professional liability. A total sample of 254 psychiatrists was surveyed by means of a quantitative online questionnaire. Most psychiatrists reported practicing defensive medicine (no. 153/254, 60.2%) and felt that their position of guarantee compromised their work in healthcare for patients (no. 138/253, 54.3%). Age correlated inversely with acknowledgment of defensive practices (r = −0.245, p < 0.001), with younger physicians more prone to defensive medicine (p = 0.013), particularly for patients at risk of suicide or violence. Psychiatrists in ‘closed’ settings (hospital wards, residential and rehabilitation centers, mental health service units in prison) reported more malpractice claims (p = 0.037) and complaints (p = 0.031), as well as a greater propensity to act defensively. In the treatment of patients with violent behavior, suicidal ideation, dual diagnoses, and criminal convictions, defensive practices were associated more with perceived legal risks (r = 0.306, p < 0.001) than actual legal involvement (p > 0.05). Anxiety, anger, and restlessness were common reactions to legal complaints, involving no. 50/254 (19.7%) respondents, with 40% reporting impaired functioning. Most psychiatrists (no. 175/253, 68.9%) were concerned about both civil and criminal laws regarding their professional responsibility, but many were not fully informed about recent legislative regulations and younger physicians resulted scarcely trained in risk management (p < 0.001). In conclusion, our findings suggest that defensive medicine is a common phenomenon among psychiatrists and their position of guarantee drives this attitude. Education on legal implications and risk management should be provided starting from the university and continuing over time, to improve the knowledge of young and senior doctors on professional liability and inform their decision-making processes. This would also reduce defensive practices and improve the quality of healthcare. Considering the concerns of younger physicians, as well as of professionals working in acute and high-intensity medical care facilities, there is also an urgent need for a revision of the medical liability to ensure the sustainability of the National Health Service