121 research outputs found

    Simulatable security for quantum protocols

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    The notion of simulatable security (reactive simulatability, universal composability) is a powerful tool for allowing the modular design of cryptographic protocols (composition of protocols) and showing the security of a given protocol embedded in a larger one. Recently, these methods have received much attention in the quantum cryptographic community. We give a short introduction to simulatable security in general and proceed by sketching the many different definitional choices together with their advantages and disadvantages. Based on the reactive simulatability modelling of Backes, Pfitzmann and Waidner we then develop a quantum security model. By following the BPW modelling as closely as possible, we show that composable quantum security definitions for quantum protocols can strongly profit from their classical counterparts, since most of the definitional choices in the modelling are independent of the underlying machine model. In particular, we give a proof for the simple composition theorem in our framework.Comment: Added proof of combination lemma; added comparison to the model of Ben-Or, Mayers; minor correction

    Quantum Relational Hoare Logic with Expectations

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    We present a variant of the quantum relational Hoare logic from (Unruh, POPL 2019) that allows us to use "expectations" in pre- and postconditions. That is, when reasoning about pairs of programs, our logic allows us to quantitatively reason about how much certain pre-/postconditions are satisfied that refer to the relationship between the programs inputs/outputs

    Collapsing sponges: Post-quantum security of the sponge construction

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    We investigate the post-quantum security of hash functions based on the sponge construction. A crucial property for hash functions in the post-quantum setting is the collapsing property (a strengthening of collision-resistance). We show that the sponge construction is collapsing (and in consequence quantum collision-resistant) under suitable assumptions about the underlying block function. In particular, if the block function is a random function or a (non-invertible) random permutation, the sponge construction is collapsing

    Everlasting Multi-Party Computation

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    A protocol has everlasting security if it is secure against adversaries that are computationally unlimited after the protocol execution. This models the fact that we cannot predict which cryptographic schemes will be broken, say, several decades after the protocol execution. In classical cryptography, everlasting security is difficult to achieve: even using trusted setup like common reference strings or signature cards, many tasks such as secure communication and oblivious transfer cannot be achieved with everlasting security. An analogous result in the quantum setting excludes protocols based on common reference strings, but not protocols using a signature card. We define a variant of the Universal Composability framework, everlasting quantum-UC, and show that in this model, we can implement secure communication and general multi-party computation using signature cards as trusted setup

    Revocable quantum timed-release encryption

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    Timed-release encryption is a kind of encryption scheme that a recipient can decrypt only after a specified amount of time T (assuming that we have a moderately precise estimate of his computing power). A revocable timed-release encryption is one where, before the time T is over, the sender can give back the timed-release encryption, provably loosing all access to the data. We show that revocable timed-release encryption without trusted parties is possible using quantum cryptography (while trivially impossible classically). Along the way, we develop two proof techniques in the quantum random oracle model that we believe may have applications also for other protocols. Finally, we also develop another new primitive, unknown recipient encryption, which allows us to send a message to an unknown/unspecified recipient over an insecure network in such a way that at most one recipient will get the message

    Quantum Proofs of Knowledge

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    We motivate, define and construct quantum proofs of knowledge, that is, proofs of knowledge secure against quantum adversaries. Our constructions are based on a new quantum rewinding technique that allows us to extract witnesses in many classical proofs of knowledge. We give criteria under which a classical proof of knowledge is a quantum proof of knowledge. Combining our results with Watrous\u27 results on quantum zero-knowledge, we show that there are zero-knowledge quantum proofs of knowledge for all languages in NP (assuming quantum 1-1 one-way functions)
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