53 research outputs found

    Georadar investigations in the central nave of Hagia Sofia, Istanbul (Turkey)

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    Within an interdisciplinary project to study Istanbul's Hagia Sofia, a georadar survey was carried out in the central nave to assess if the deformations of the structure previously observed could be related to a differential behavior of the subsoil caused by architectural remains underneath. This study faces an unusual challenge since it was necessary to study the space beneath the scaffolding placed for the restoration works. The survey of the central nave was successful and allowed the detection of remains of walls that probably formed the basement of a previous 18- by 22-m structure. In addition, another interesting feature was discovered 2 m below the marble mosaic in the southeastern part of the nave. Although it is not possible to define its function, it seems that there could be a close relationship between this 2- by 3-m buried structure and the marble mosaic in the floor surface. Although some structures were identified under the floor of Hagia Sofia, there are no major changes in the topography of the central nave floor

    Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of Asbestiform Todorokite, Birnessite, and Ranciéite, and Their host Mn-Rich Deposits from Serra D'Aiello (Southern Italy)

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    Manganese ores, especially the oxyhydroxides in their different forms, are the dominant Mn-bearing minerals that occur in marine and terrestrial environments, where they are typically found as poorly crystalline and intermixed phases. Mn oxyhydroxides have a huge range of industrial applications and are able to exert a strong control on the mobility of trace metals. This paper reports the results of a detailed study on the Mn oxyhydroxides occurring in the manganiferous deposit outcropping in the Messinian sediments from Serra D'Aiello (Southern Italy). Nine Mn samples were characterized in detail using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (TG), transmission electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive spectrometry (TEM/EDS), and X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The results indicated that the Mn deposit included the oxyhydroxide mineral species birnessite, todorokite, and rancièite. The size, morphology, and chemical composition of Mn oxyhydroxide samples were investigated in order to define their impact on the environment and human health. Todorokite displayed asbestiform shapes and could disperse fibers of breathable size in the air. Furthermore, since in-depth characterization of minerals within Mn deposits may be the first step toward understanding the genetic processes of manganese deposits, hypotheses about the genesis of the Mn oxyhydroxide deposits were discussed

    Combining residue analysis of floors and ceramics for the study of activity areas at the Garum Shop at Pompeii

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    In this paper, we propose the application for the first time in the Mediterranean area of the combination of the study of chemical residues in floors and ceramics, with the aim of providing information about the activities carried out in archeological buildings. We chose the Garum Shop at Pompeii to test the method. In fact, due to the peculiarity of this archeological context, it provided an ideal case in which the activities performed are in part known, and the ceramic vessels recovered are still in situ. Floor samples were studied by means of spot tests developed in Mexico aimed at identifying the presence of phosphates, fatty acids, and protein residues, while the organic residues preserved in the ceramic matrix of amphorae, dolia, and other ceramic vessels were studied by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Moreover, we integrated the data obtained with specific studies directed at better identifying the solid residues found inside two of the amphorae studied: botanical studies of fruit stones recovered in a Dressel 20 amphora and the characterization of the lime preserved in an African amphora. The research allowed for the identification of the traces of some of the activities performed, such as cooking and producing garum in the floors of the building, and the use and re-use of amphorae and dolia before the Vesuvian eruption

    Non-Destructive Multi-Analytical Approach to Study the Pigments of Wall Painting Fragments Reused in Mortars from the Archaeological Site of Pompeii (Italy)

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    During the excavations carried out in Via di Mercurio (Regio VI, 9, 3) in Pompeii, in 2015, some red, green, black, and brown wall painting fragments were found in the preparatory layer of an ancient pavement which was probably built after the 62 AD earthquake. These fragments, derived from the rubble, were used as coarse aggregate to prepare the mortar for building the pavement. The wall painting fragments are exceptionally well preserved, which is an uncommon occurrence in the city of Pompeii. However, as they were enclosed in the mortar, the wall painting fragments were protected from the high temperatures (probably ranging between 180 ◦C and 380 ◦C) produced by the eruption in 79 AD. The pigmented outer surface of each sample was analyzed using a non-destructive multi-analytical approach, by combining spectrophotometric colorimetry and portable X-ray fluorescence with micro-Raman spectroscopy. The compositional characterization of the samples revealed the presence of cuprorivaite, goethite, and celadonite in the green pigments; hematite in the red pigments; goethite in the brown pigment; and charcoal in the black pigment. These data probably provide us with the most "faithful picture" of the various red, green, black, and brown pigments used in Pompeii prior to the 79 AD eruptio

    [The status of the art of scientific articles in Italy between 2003 -2009: an analysis of articles published by nursing Italian journals].

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    This study investigates the number of articles published by Italian nursing journals by analyzing five Italian journals between 2003 and 2009. This is the third part of a study started in 1978, two articles were already published in 2005. The work is aimed at monitoring the number of nursing articles published. The articles were cataloged according to predefined criteria with the main aim to verify the status of the progress of research and theoretical development among Italian nurses. Results show that, although there is an increase in publications which apply research methods, these are still below the international trend and that, at national level, nurses prefer topics such as care plans, regulations and organization of work rather than research or scientific evidence. On the one hand there is a raise on Italian nurses of interest in wider topic in order to be closer to the international debate, on the other hand there is a lack of adequate tools to improve knowledge and specific investments in research. As result of this there is a strong limitation in the knowledge growth of Italian nurses together with a lack of participation among and for different generations of nurses. In addition to the above it has been enucleated a scarcity within the literature analyzed of development of theoretical models, theories and concepts. Conversely theoretical models, theories and concepts are important pillars of scientific knowledge and they have a strong role in professional development, moreover these are necessary in order to set and improve nursing and nurses image nowadays far from the exclusive applied science

    La produzione scientifica italiana attaverso un'analisi degli articoli pubblicati sulle riviste infermieristiche: 2003-2009

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    RIASSUNTOIl presente articolo analizza la produzione scientifica italiana attraverso una fotografia delle pubblicazioni infermieristiche su 5 riviste nazionali nel periodo tra il 2003 e 2009.Questo è il terzo articolo di un lavoro iniziato nel1978 e che ha visto due pubblicazioni nel 2005. Il lavoro ha l'intento di monitorare nel tempo la produzione bibliografica italiana per quanto attiene 5 Riviste di settore. Gli articoli sono stati catalogati in base a criteri predefiniti con lo scopo di verificare lo status dell'avanzamento dei lavori di ricerca e di sviluppo teorico. I risultati ottenuti dimostrano che, nonostante ci sia un incremento delle pubblicazioni che applicano metodi di ricerca, queste rimangono comunque al di sotto della tendenza internazionale e che, in ambito nazionale, si prediligono ancora argomenti quali piani assistenziali, normative ed organizzazione del lavoro invece che ricerca o evidenze scientifiche. Da un lato si tende a sensibilizzare il mondo infermieristico per essere al passo con i tempi e con il dibattito internazionale, dall'altro si registra la mancanza di adeguati strumenti per la conoscenza ed investimenti specifici nella ricerca, Il risultato è di limitare fortemente l'aggiornamento continuo scientifico nelle diverse generazioni di professionisti e la partecipazione per la generalizzazione delle stesse. Altro risultato che può essere interpretato anche come una conseguenza, è relativo alla scarsa produzione nella letteratura italiana presa in considerazione, di Modelli Concettuali e Teorie. Modelli e Teorie che costituiscono e contribuiscono al sapere specifico di una disciplina e che si pongono quali strumenti necessari per creare un sapere e di conseguenza una immagine delle scienze infermieristiche diversa da quella di esclusiva scienza applicata. Parole Chiave: articoli scientifici, riviste italiane, immagine infermieristica, ricerca infermieristica ABSTRACTThis study investigates the number of articles published by Italian nursing journals by analyzing five Italian journals between 2003 and 2009. This is the third part of a study started in 1978, two articles were already published in 2005. The work is aimed at monitoring the number of nursing articles published. The articles were cataloged according to predefined criteria with the main aim to verify the status of the progress of research and theoretical development among Italian nurses. Results show that, although there is an increase in publications which apply research methods, these are still below the international trend and that, at national level, nurses prefer topics such as care plans, regulations and organization of work rather than research or scientific evidence. On the one hand there is a raise on Italian nurses of interest in wider topic in order to be closer to the international debate, on the other hand there is a lack of adequate tools to improve knowledge and specific investments in research. As result of this there is a strong limitation in the knowledge growth of Italian nurses together with a lack of participation among and for different generations of nurses. In addition to the above it has been enucleated a scarcity within the literature analyzed of development of theoretical models, theories and concepts. Conversely theoretical models, theories and concepts are important pillars of scientific knowledge and they have a strong role in professional development, moreover these are necessary in order to set and improve nursing and nurses image nowadays far from the exclusive applied science. Key words: scientific articles, italian journal, nursing image, nursing researc

    Mathematical Model to Predict the Affinity Between Aggregate/Bitumen

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    The stones used for the construction of road surfaces have a complex mineralogical and hence chemical composition. They are made up of several types of minerals put together. This generates a significant difference in adhesion with the bituminous binder. The aim of this study is to create a mathematical model able to predict the adhesion between bitumen and stone on the basis of contact angle measurements made on different pure minerals. The mathematical model used was developed keeping in mind the exponential bond that the minerals have with the corresponding bond angle. This model also confirmed the established fact that the lower the value of Δ, the better the adhesion between the bitumen and the aggregate

    The bricks of Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey): a new hypothesis to explain their compositional difference

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    The work shows the results of a multi-analytical study performed on twenty-nine brick samples taken from Hagia Sophia in Istanbul (Turkey). Hagia Sophia, one of the most important historical buildings in the world, has a very complex construction history. This complexity is also reflected in the materials that were used for its construction. The main purpose of this work is to verify whether there are any compositional differences in the bricks used in different historical periods, but also to understand the reasons for any compositional differences between one period and another. The samples were studied by optical microscopy (OM), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), coupled with a new approach, based on the micro-chemical EDS analysis used to obtain information on the clay fraction of the matrix. The study showed that, most probably, the differences between the bricks belonging to the different construction phases are due to the composition of the clays used for their preparation

    Multi-Analytical Approach for Identifying Asbestos Minerals In Situ

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    An innovative and, as yet, untested approach is to analyze serpentinite and metabasite rocks containing asbestos using a portable multi-analytical device, which combines portable digital microscopy (p-DM), portable X-ray Fluorescence (p-XRF) and portable micro-Raman Spectroscopy (p-µR). The analyses were carried out in two inactive quarries of serpentinitic and metabasitic rocks from the Gimigliano-Mount Reventino Unit (Southern Italy) already characterized in previous studies, with the aim of testing the efficiency of these portable tools. In this study, a portable X-ray fluorescence analyzer was used to obtain the in situ rapid chemical discrimination of serpentinite and metabasite rocks. The characterization of outcropping rocks using portable devices enabled us to detect the presence of chrysotile and asbestos tremolite. The results obtained were consistent with the findings from previous research studies and therefore combining p-DM, p-XRF and p-µR could be a useful approach for discriminating asbestos contained in outcropping rocks, especially when sampling is prohibited or for field-based sampling

    High‐performing mortar‐based materials from the late imperial baths of Aquileia: An outstanding example of Roman building tradition in Northern Italy

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    This study provides the first detailed insight into the composition and properties of structural mortars used in a 4th-century AD bath complex in Aquileia, the emblematic center of Roman culture in Northern Italy. Eighteen mortars, taken from different structures of the site, and three stone samples from the vaulting opus caementicium have been analyzed adopting a multianalytical approach integrating optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, and scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive spectroscopy. The properties of the compounds are outstanding, as revealed by the formation of hydraulic phases (i.e., Al-tobermorite and AFm) in most of the samples: the waterproofing capabilities of cocciopesto mortars are remarkable, as revealed by the formation of anthropogenic Al-tobermorite (5.5 wt%) in pool coating samples; the lightweight of the vaults was guaranteed by the use of porous caementa and pozzolanic volcanic aggregates imported from the Gulf of Naples, as demonstrated by petro-mineralogical features and chemical analysis of major and trace elements. This is the first proven case of trade in these building materials to the north of the Italian peninsula. These outcomes shed new light on the robust technical expertise of local artisans in Aquileia and indicate that the Cisalpina province was by no means a peripheral reality in the Roman Empire, as far as mortar-based materials are concerned