119 research outputs found

    Geometrical optics for scalar, electromagnetic and gravitational waves in curved spacetime

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    The geometrical-optics expansion reduces the problem of solving wave equations to one of solving transport equations along rays. Here we consider scalar, electromagnetic and gravitational waves propagating on a curved spacetime in general relativity. We show that each is governed by a wave equation with the same principal part. It follows that: each wave propagates at the speed of light along rays (null generators of hypersurfaces of constant phase); the square of the wave amplitude varies in inverse proportion to the cross section of the beam; and the polarization is parallel-propagated along the ray (the Skrotskii/Rytov effect). We show that the optical scalars for a beam, and various Newman-Penrose scalars describing a parallel-propagated null tetrad, can be found by solving transport equations in a second-order formulation. Unlike the Sachs equations, this formulation makes it straightforward to find such scalars beyond the first conjugate point of a congruence, where neighbouring rays cross, and the scalars diverge. We discuss differential precession across the beam which leads to a modified phase in the geometrical-optics expansion.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure. Proceedings for IV Amazonian Symposium on Physics, Belem, Brazil at UFPA on 18-22 Sep 201

    Self-force via Green functions and worldline integration

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    A compact object moving in curved spacetime interacts with its own gravitational field. This leads to both dissipative and conservative corrections to the motion, which can be interpreted as a self-force acting on the object. The original formalism describing this self-force relied heavily on the Green function of the linear differential operator that governs gravitational perturbations. However, because the global calculation of Green functions in non-trivial black hole spacetimes has been an open problem until recently, alternative methods were established to calculate self-force effects using sophisticated regularization techniques that avoid the computation of the global Green function. We present a method for calculating the self-force that employs the global Green function and is therefore closely modeled after the original self-force expressions. Our quantitative method involves two stages: (i) numerical approximation of the retarded Green function in the background spacetime; (ii) evaluation of convolution integrals along the worldline of the object. This novel approach can be used along arbitrary worldlines, including those currently inaccessible to more established computational techniques. Furthermore, it yields geometrical insight into the contributions to self-interaction from curved geometry (back-scattering) and trapping of null geodesics. We demonstrate the method on the motion of a scalar charge in Schwarzschild spacetime. This toy model retains the physical history-dependence of the self-force but avoids gauge issues and allows us to focus on basic principles. We compute the self-field and self-force for many worldlines including accelerated circular orbits, eccentric orbits at the separatrix, and radial infall. This method, closely modeled after the original formalism, provides a promising complementary approach to the self-force problem.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Conversion of electromagnetic and gravitational waves by a charged black hole

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    In a strong electromagnetic field, gravitational waves are converted into electromagnetic waves of the same frequency, and vice versa. Here we calculate the scattering and conversion cross sections for a planar wave impinging upon a Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole in vacuum, using the partial-wave expansion and numerical methods. We show that, at long wavelengths, the conversion cross section matches that computed by Feynman-diagram techniques. At short wavelengths, the essential features are captured by a geometric-optics approximation. We demonstrate that the converted flux can exceed the scattered flux at large scattering angles, for highly-charged black holes. In the short-wavelength regime, the conversion effect may be understood in terms of a phase that accumulates along a ray. We compute the scattering angle for which the converted and scattered fluxes are equal, as a function of charge-to-mass ratio. We show that this scattering angle approaches 9090 degrees in the extremal limit.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures. Added a proof that the angle for half-conversion is 90 degrees in the extremal case Q=

    Gravitational self-torque and spin precession in compact binaries

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    We calculate the effect of self-interaction on the "geodetic" spin precession of a compact body in a strong-field orbit around a black hole. Specifically, we consider the spin precession angle ψ\psi per radian of orbital revolution for a particle carrying mass μ\mu and spin s(G/c)μ2s \ll (G/c) \mu^2 in a circular orbit around a Schwarzschild black hole of mass MμM \gg \mu. We compute ψ\psi through O(μ/M)O(\mu/M) in perturbation theory, i.e, including the correction δψ\delta\psi (obtained numerically) due to the torque exerted by the conservative piece of the gravitational self-field. Comparison with a post-Newtonian (PN) expression for δψ\delta\psi, derived here through 3PN order, shows good agreement but also reveals strong-field features which are not captured by the latter approximation. Our results can inform semi-analytical models of the strong-field dynamics in astrophysical binaries, important for ongoing and future gravitational-wave searches.Comment: 5 pages, 1 table, 1 figure. Minor changes to match published versio

    Metric perturbations of Kerr spacetime in Lorenz gauge: Circular equatorial orbits

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    We construct the metric perturbation in Lorenz gauge for a compact body on a circular equatorial orbit of a rotating black hole (Kerr) spacetime, using a newly-developed method of separation of variables. The metric perturbation is formed from a linear sum of differential operators acting on Teukolsky mode functions, and certain auxiliary scalars, which are solutions to ordinary differential equations in the frequency domain. For radiative modes, the solution is uniquely determined by the s=±2s=\pm2 Weyl scalars, the s=0s=0 trace, and s=0,1s=0,1 gauge scalars whose amplitudes are determined by imposing continuity conditions on the metric perturbation at the orbital radius. The static (zero-frequency) part of the metric perturbation, which is handled separately, also includes mass and angular momentum completion pieces. The metric perturbation is validated against the independent results of a 2+1D time domain code, and we demonstrate agreement at the expected level in all components, and the absence of gauge discontinuities. In principle, the new method can be used to determine the Lorenz-gauge metric perturbation at a sufficiently high precision to enable accurate second-order self-force calculations on Kerr spacetime in future. We conclude with a discussion of extensions of the method to eccentric and non-equatorial orbits.Comment: 88 pages, 14 figure

    Gravitational Self-Force Correction to the Innermost Stable Circular Equatorial Orbit of a Kerr Black Hole

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    For a self-gravitating particle of mass \mu in orbit around a Kerr black hole of mass M >> \mu, we compute the O(\mu/M) shift in the frequency of the innermost stable circular equatorial orbit (ISCEO) due to the conservative piece of the gravitational self-force acting on the particle. Our treatment is based on a Hamiltonian formulation of the dynamics in terms of geodesic motion in a certain locally-defined effective smooth spacetime. We recover the same result using the so-called first law of binary black-hole mechanics. We give numerical results for the ISCEO frequency shift as a function of the black hole's spin amplitude, and compare with predictions based on the post-Newtonian approximation and the effective one-body model. Our results provide an accurate strong-field benchmark for spin effects in the general relativistic two-body problem.Comment: 5 pages, 1 table, 1 figure, matches version published in PRL. Raw data of H_int/mu are available at http://link.aps.org/supplemental/10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.16110