106 research outputs found

    Uticaj temperature na ulazak sorti kajsije u period vegetacije

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    During winter periods 1998-99. and 1999-00. we were investigated water content in apricot branches and flowering time and its dependence on air temperature at the experimental school property Radmilovac. We have compared our results with temperature conditions of Radmilovac and time of flowering for determines interactions between increase of water in branches, time of flowering and air temperatures. Cultivar Cegledi orijaÅ” had the earliest beginning of vegetation and this cultivar shows the most rapid reaction depend on air temperature changes. Some cultivars, like Zamorozoustojčivij and Roksana have good stability. In these cultivars change of water content in branches is the slowest.U periodu zime 1998.-99. i 1999.-2000. ispitivali smo početak vegetacije izražen preko povećanja sadržaja vode u grančicama kod Å”est sorti kajsije na lokalitetu Radmilovac. Dobijene rezultate smo upoređivali sa temperaturnim uslovima Radmilovca i vremenom cvetanja sorti, kako bi ustanovili međusobnu povezanost između povećanja vode u grančicama, vremena cvetanja i temperature vazduha. Sorta kod koje je uočeno najranije kretanje vegetacije, odnosno sorta koja je najosetljivija na temperaturna kolebanja je Cegledi orijaÅ”. Sorte koje ispoljavaju najveću nezavisnost u pogledu promene temperature vazduha su Zamorozoustojčivij i Roksana

    Dinamika ugljenih hidrata u rodnim grančicama sorti kajsije u toku zimskog mirovanja

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    The paper presents the results of evaluation of sugar and starch contents both in fruiting branches (bark and wood) and flower buds in 12 apricot cultivars during dormancy (winter of 1998-1999 and 1999-2000), along with their dynamics. Evaluation of basic phenological properties of the cultivars (beginning of vegetation, flowering, shedding) has also been performed. Content of sugars is highest in flower buds (2.68%), and smallest in the wood of the fruiting branches (1.24%), whereas the rate of starch is highest in the wood of the fruiting branches (3.35%) and lowest in the bark (1.86%). Cultivars Zamorozoustojčivij, Magyar kajszi, Cegledi orijas and Kostjuženskij, which had high sugar content during winter (exceeding 2.20%), exhibited substantial decrease in starch content (up to 50%), both in flower buds and wood, during December and January. In contrast to them, in cvs Krasnij Partizan, Stark early Orange, Jubilarna and Bergeron starch content was lower for only 10% during the same period, which resulted in low sugar content. On the basis of these evaluations it may be inferred that the cultivars of the first group exhibit better ecological adaptability to frost compared to the other one.U radu su predstavljeni rezultati ispitivanja sadržaja Å”ećera i skroba i njihove dinamike tokom zimskog perioda 1998 - 1999. i 1999 - 2000. godine u rodnim grančicama (kori i drvetu) i generativnim pupoljcima kod 12 sorti kajsije. VrÅ”ena su i ispitivanja osnovnih fenoloÅ”kih pokazatelja (kretanje vegetacije, cvetanje, otpadanje liŔća) sorti. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispitaju razlike u sadržaju ugljenih hidrata, kao i njegova dinamika u periodu zimskog mirovanja kod 12 sorti kajsije, da bi se na osnovu ovih rezultata zaključilo o stepenu otpornosti ispitivanih sorti prema mrazu. Sadržaj Å”ećera je najveći u generativnim pupoljcima (2,68%), a najmanji u drvetu rodnih grančica (1,24%), dok je skroba najviÅ”e u drvetu rodnih grančica (3,35%), a najmanje u kori (1,86%). Smanjenje sadržaja skroba (do 50%) u pupoljcima i drvetu, u periodu decembar-januar, jače je izraženo kod sorti Zamorozoustojčivij, Magyar kajszi, Cegledi orijas i Kostjuženskij, kod kojih je.tokom zime izmeren visok sadržaj Å”ećera (preko 2,20%). Nasuprot njima, kod sorti Krasnij Partizan, Stark early Orange, Jubilarna i Bergeron sadržaj skroba se u istom periodu smanjio za svega 10%, Å”to je imalo za posledicu nizak sadržaj Å”ećera kod ovih sorti. Na osnovu ovih ispitivanja možemo zaključiti da sorte iz prve grupe pokazuju bolju ekoloÅ”ku prilagodljivost prema mrazu u odnosu na drugu grupu sorti


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    Apple (Malus Ɨ domestica Borkh.) is the most important of the deciduous tree fruits in Serbia in last decade, with annual production of about 450.000 tonnes. The cultivar Gala is one of the most represented cultivar in orchard. Serious problem in increase of profitability of apple producers in Serbia is low fruits quality of this cultivar, especially expressed in decrease of surface blushing. Summer pruning, before fruits harvest is one of possiability to improved their quality. In this paper the aim of examination was to determine effects of three different times of summer pruning to productivity and fruits quality of cultivar Gala Brookfield. The trees pruning four weeks before harvest (treatment 1) had significantly bigger fruits (138.6 g) with higher diameter (68.4 mm), percent of surface blushing (66.3 %) and content of soluble solid (12.9Ā° Brix) according to other treatments. The trees pruning two weeks before pruning (treatment 3) had the lowest fruits quality in terms of fruits mass (109.5 g), intensity of surface blushing (1.6) and content of soluble solidĀ  (11.4Ā° Brix). Mainly, the highest values of fruits quality in all treatments had fruits in upper part of trees. Trees in treatment 1 and treatment 2 (pruning threes weeks before harvest) had fruits with more than 65% of surface blushing and without of sunburn demage

    Variability, heritability and correlations of some factors affecting productivity in peach

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    Factors affecting productivity in peach, such as flower density, initial and final fruit set by open pollination, and yield per m length of shoot were studied in 40 cultivars during a three-year period. Significant differences among cultivars were found for all studied properties. The coefficients of variability were the lowest for initial fruit set and then for final fruit set and flower density; while they were the highest for yield. The relatively high values of heritability were found for flower density and yield. Significant correlation coefficients were found between initial and final fruit set, flower density and yield, as well as between final fruit set and yield. In areas with a higher risk of freeze damage the cultivars characterized by higher flower density and fruit set should be grown because they can provide more consistent yield potential. At the same time, these cultivars require more intensive pruning and fruit thinning to achieve quality fruit

    PomoloŔke osobine sorti treŔnje u beogradskom Podunavlju

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    Pomological properties of twelve sweet cherry cultivars of different maturing time were studied at the Experimental Station 'Radmilovac' of the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade during the five-year period (2005-2009). The aim of this study was choosing of the best cultivars for commercial growing. The average harvest time was from May 12 to June 18. High productivity was obtained in cultivars 'Van', 'Early Van Compact', 'Lapins', 'Stella', 'Bing' and 'Drogan's Yellow', while low productivity was obtained in 'Merchant', 'Summit' and 'Burlat'. The largest fruits had cultivar 'Vega' (9.2 g), and the smallest one 'Primavera' (4.0 g). Soluble solids content ranged from 12.7% ('Primavera') to 18.2% ('Drogan's Yellow') and it was correlated with the time of maturation. The highest organoleptic scores for fruit quality got cultivars 'Bing' and 'Summit'. Among early season cultivars the best results showed 'Burlat' and 'Souvenir des Charmes' ('Bigarreau Moro'), among mid season cultivars 'Van', 'Summit' and 'Vega', and among late season cultivars 'Bing' and 'Lapins'.PomoloÅ”ke osobine 12 sorti treÅ”nje različitog vremena zrenja proučavane su na Oglednom dobru 'Radmilovac' Poljoprivrednog fakulteta iz Beograda u periodu od pet godina (2005-2009). Cilj rada je bio izbor najboljih sorti za komercijalno gajenje. Ispitivane sorte prosečno su sazrevale od 12. maja do 18. juna. Po dobroj rodnosti ističu se sorte Van, Rani Van kompakt, Lapins, Stela, Bing i Droganova žuta, dok su najmanju rodnost imale Merčant, Samit i Birla. Najkrupniji plod imala je sorta Vega (9,2 g), a najsitniji Primavera (4,0 g). Sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije kretao se od 12,7% (Primavera) do 18,2% (Droganova žuta) i bio je u korelaciji sa vremenom zrenja. Najveću organoleptičku ocenu za kvalitet ploda dobile su sorte Bing i Samit. Od ranih sorti najbolje osobine pokazale su Birla i Suvenir, od srednje poznih Van, Samit i Vega, a od poznih sorti Bing i Lapins

    BioloŔke osobine novijih sorti jabuke na području centralne Šumadije

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    Seven relatively new apple cultivars of late maturing time were studied during the three-year period (2004-2006) in the region of Central Serbia. They were as follows: 'Morren's Jonagored', 'Pilot', 'Pinova', 'Delbard JubilĆ©', 'Braeburn', 'Fuji Naga-fu 2' and 'Fuji Naga-fu 6'. The cultivar 'Idared', as the most grown apple cultivar in Serbia, was used as a standard. The average time of maturation of studied cultivars was from September 18 ('Jonagored') to October 17 (clones of 'Fuji'). The highest average yield of 15.8 kg per tree was achieved by cultivar 'Pinova' and it was significantly higher than other cultivars, including standard. The fruit weight ranged from 174 g ('Pinova') to 229 g ('Jonagored'). Three cultivars ('Pinova', 'Braeburn' and 'Pilot') had significantly lower fruit weight than the standard ('Idared'). New cultivars had higher contents of soluble solids and sugars than 'Idared'. The highest organoleptic scores had cultivars 'Jonagored', 'Pinova' and 'Delbardd JubilĆ©'. Generally, the best properties were shown by cultivars 'Pinova', 'Jonagored' and 'Fuji Naga-fu 2', so they can be recommended for commercial growing in the region of Central Serbia.U periodu od tri godine (2004-2006) na području centralne Å umadije proučavano je sedam novijih zimskih sorti jabuke: Jonagored, Pilot, Pinova, Delbard JubilĆ©, Braeburn, Fuji Naga-fu 2 i Fuji Naga-fu 6, uporedo sa sortom Idared, koja je uzeta kao standard. Proučavane su sledeće osobine: vreme zrenja, rodnost, kao i važnije fizičke, hemijske i organoleptičke osobine ploda. Najbolje osobine pokazala je sorta Pinova, a pored nje za gajenje se mogu preporučiti i sorte Jonagored i Fuji Naga-fu 2

    PomoloŔka svojstva sorti kajsije u beogradskom Podunavlju

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    Properties of ten new apricot cultivars (three Serbian and seven introduced) were studied in the Belgrade region during the period of 2006-2009. 'Hungarian Best' was the control cultivar. The average blooming time of investigated cultivars was the third decade of March. Considering the time of maturing, two groups of cultivars could be distinguished: mid-season ('Vera', 'Biljana', 'Moldavski Olimpic', 'Mamaia', 'Cegledi Arany' and 'Vivagold') and late cultivars ('NS-4', 'Vynoslivyi', 'Callatis' and 'Comandor'). The productivity of studied cultivars was higher in comparison with the control cultivar, with the exception of cultivars 'Comandor' and 'Vera'. The fruit weight ranged from 25.3 g ('Vivagold') to 63.3 g ('NS-4'). The contents of soluble solids and total acids ranged from 13.65 to 17.90% and 0.97-1.60%, respectively. The best organoleptic properties were shown by the cultivar 'NS-4', which distinguish itself for a large fruit and attractive appearance, but also good fruit quality. On the basis of obtained results the following cultivars can be recommended for growing: 'NS-4' and 'Mamaia' for fresh consumption, 'Vivagold' and 'Vynoslivyi' for processing, and 'Vera', 'Biljana' and 'Cegledi Arany' for both purposes. .U periodu od četiri godine (2006-2009) proučavana su svojstva 10 novijih sorti kajsije (tri domaće i sedam introdukovanih) srednje poznog i poznog vremena zrenja u poređenju sa standard sortom (mađarska najbolja). Istraživanja su obuhvatala vreme cvetanja i zrenja, rodnost, kao i najvažnija fizička, hemijska i organoleptička svojstva plodova. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, za gajenje se mogu preporučiti kao pretežno stone sorte NS-4 i mamaja, kao sorte kombinovanih svojstava vera, biljana i cegledi aranji, a kao sorte za preradu vivagold i vinoslivij.

    Karakteristike meŔovitih rodnih grančica sorti breskve i nektarine

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    Morphological properties of one-year old shoots were studied in 15 peach and 10 nectarine cultivars during a two-year period. The following properties were studied: length and diameter of shoots, internode length, number of flower and vegetative buds and their ratio. The properties of sylleptic shoots on one-year old shoots were also studied. For all the investigated properties statistically significant differences between the cultivars were found. Cultivars with higher flower bud density (higher number of flower buds per node or per 1 m length) such as: 'Suncrest', 'Pegaso' and 'Carolina Belle' require severe pruning to obtain good fruit quality. On the other hand, cultivars with less flower bud density e.g. 'Summerset', 'Sunprince' and 'Goldcrest' should be pruned slightly to obtain high yield. In the regions with high risk of freeze damage cultivars with higher flower bud density should be grown.MorfoloÅ”ke osobine meÅ”ovitih rodnih grančica proučavane su kod 15 sorti breskve i 10 sorti nektarine u periodu od dve godine. Ispitivane su sledeće osobine: dužina i debljina grančica, dužina internodija, broj cvetnih i vegetativnih pupoljaka i njihov odnos. Takođe su proučavane i osobine prevremenih grančica koje se nalaze na meÅ”ovitim rodnim grančicama. Za sve ispitivane osobine utvrđene su značajne razlike između sorti. Sorte sa većom gustinom cvetnih pupoljaka zahtevaju jaču rezidbu, dok kod sorti sa manjom gustinom cvetnih pupoljaka treba primeniti rezidbu slabijeg intenziteta

    Osetljivost sorti treŔnje prema pucanju ploda

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    Susceptibility of 17 sweet cherry cultivars to rain induced fruit cracking was studied in the Belgrade region during a three-year period (2008-2010). Testing of fruit cracking was done using cracking index by Christensen. In the cultivars tested were found significant differences in cracking index, fruit weight and soluble solids content. The highest susceptibility to rain induced fruit cracking showed cultivars 'Bigarreau Jaboulay', 'Primavera', 'Bing' and 'Merchant', while the least sensitive cultivars were 'Sue' and 'Čarna'. Based on the cracking index, cherry cultivars were classified into four groups: low susceptible ( lt 10), moderately susceptible (10-30), susceptible (30-50) and highly susceptible (> 50). Most cultivars (11) were susceptible and highly susceptible to fruit cracking. Correlations between cracking index, fruit weight, and soluble solids contents were low among different varieties, but very strong among different harvest terms. .U periodu od tri godine kod 17 sorti treÅ”nje proučavana je osetljivost prema pucanju ploda, koja je određivana na osnovu indeksa pucanja. Između ispitivanih sorti utvrđene su značajne razlike u pogledu mase ploda, sadržaja rastvorljive suve materije i indeksa pucanja ploda. Razlike su takođe utvrđene i između godina ispitivanja, kao i termina berbe. Najveću osetljivost prema pucanju ploda pokazale su sorte Lionska rana, Primavera, Bing i Merčant, dok su najmanje osetljive bile sorte Sju i Čarna. Korelacije između indeksa pucanja, mase ploda i sadržaja suve materije su bile slabe između sorti, ali vrlo jake između termina berbe


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    For several decades, the use of intensive orchards has been proposed to improve profitability and yield, notably of early cropping, in apple orchards. Fruit yield is primarily depends of two components: fruit number and fruit size. Crop load, defined as the number of fruits per tree, has a significant impact on both fruit quality and tree physiology. Thinning of flowers or fruitlets is the most important technique in apple growing practice to improve fruit quality, increase return bloom and reduce biennial cropping. The highest crop loud per trees had control trees and trees thinning with NAA, 11.1 and 10.6 fruit cmā€“2 TCSA respectively. Increasing of crop loud had significantly influence to return blooming. In third leaf of apple only trees thinning with metamitronprevent the occurrence of biennial cropping. The highest percentage of marketable fruits had trees thinning with metamitron and manual (more than 60%)
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