Pomološka svojstva sorti kajsije u beogradskom Podunavlju


Properties of ten new apricot cultivars (three Serbian and seven introduced) were studied in the Belgrade region during the period of 2006-2009. 'Hungarian Best' was the control cultivar. The average blooming time of investigated cultivars was the third decade of March. Considering the time of maturing, two groups of cultivars could be distinguished: mid-season ('Vera', 'Biljana', 'Moldavski Olimpic', 'Mamaia', 'Cegledi Arany' and 'Vivagold') and late cultivars ('NS-4', 'Vynoslivyi', 'Callatis' and 'Comandor'). The productivity of studied cultivars was higher in comparison with the control cultivar, with the exception of cultivars 'Comandor' and 'Vera'. The fruit weight ranged from 25.3 g ('Vivagold') to 63.3 g ('NS-4'). The contents of soluble solids and total acids ranged from 13.65 to 17.90% and 0.97-1.60%, respectively. The best organoleptic properties were shown by the cultivar 'NS-4', which distinguish itself for a large fruit and attractive appearance, but also good fruit quality. On the basis of obtained results the following cultivars can be recommended for growing: 'NS-4' and 'Mamaia' for fresh consumption, 'Vivagold' and 'Vynoslivyi' for processing, and 'Vera', 'Biljana' and 'Cegledi Arany' for both purposes. .U periodu od četiri godine (2006-2009) proučavana su svojstva 10 novijih sorti kajsije (tri domaće i sedam introdukovanih) srednje poznog i poznog vremena zrenja u poređenju sa standard sortom (mađarska najbolja). Istraživanja su obuhvatala vreme cvetanja i zrenja, rodnost, kao i najvažnija fizička, hemijska i organoleptička svojstva plodova. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, za gajenje se mogu preporučiti kao pretežno stone sorte NS-4 i mamaja, kao sorte kombinovanih svojstava vera, biljana i cegledi aranji, a kao sorte za preradu vivagold i vinoslivij.

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