100 research outputs found

    Caractérisation botanique et agronomique de trois espèces de cucurbites consommées en sauce en Afrique de l'Ouest : Citrullus sp., Cucumeropsis mannii Naudin et Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl

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    Botanical and agronomical characterisation of three species of cucurbit consumed as sauce in West Africa: Citrullus sp., Cucumeropsis mannii Naudin and Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl. There are in CĂ´te d'Ivoire at least five species of cucurbit incorrectly called ""pistaches"" in town and cultivated at small scale by women for their oleaginous seeds that are a great importance in the sociocultural live of several peoples. Nevertheless, few studies aimed at the improvement of these plants (related notably to taxonomy, genetic resources collecting missions, genetic characterisation, agronomic evaluation, and selection) have been carried out. In order to set up a list of reliable traits that should be examined easily during and after collecting missions, we carry out in the present study, for three species (Citrullus sp., Cucumeropsis mannii Naudin and Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl) a botanic description and an analysis of eleven agronomic traits: 100-seeds weight, germination rate, seedlings emergence time, matured fruit weight, matured fruit decomposition time, mean number of seeds per fruit, seeds shape, fruit diameter, fruit interior cavity diameter, flowering time, and fruiting time. Statistical analyses using nine of these traits showed that the three species can be completely distinguished with six traits whereas the three other traits allowed partial distinction. Low yields have been observed for the three species: 11.41 kg/ha of decorticated seeds for C. mannii, 18.51 kg/ha for Citrullus sp. and 75.14 kg/ha for L. siceraria. From the observed yield components, the possibilities to improve the production of these cucurbits are discussed

    Observations préliminaires de la variabilité entre quelques morphotypes de voandzou (Vigna subterranea L. Verdc., Fabaceae) de Côte d'Ivoire

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    Preliminary observations of variability between some morphotypes of bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L. Verdc., Fabaceae) from Côte d’Ivoire. Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L. Verdc.), is a food legume mainly cultivated by women for whom it represents a source of income for the household. In Côte d’Ivoire, the cultivation of bambara groundnut is located in the western and northern parts of the country. These zones are characterised by contrasted agroecology including tropical rain forest and dry savanna. In these zones, bambara groundnut plays a key role in both food and culture of peoples. Four morphotypes of Côte d’Ivoire (ICU, BPR, RBU, NFU) were used in a preliminary study to assess the phenotypic variability between morphotypes. For each morphotype, 100 individuals were sampled to analyse 26 agromorphological traits selected from the list of bambara groundnut descriptors. Results of statistical analyses showed an important variability among morphotypes suggesting that 22 of these characters could be powerful to distinguish diversity among bambara groundnut morphotypes of Côte d’Ivoire. Three morphotypes (ICU, BPR and RBU) show a shorter reproductive cycle than the other (NFU). In our experimental conditions, morphotypes with a shorter reproductive cycle give a higher percentage of matured pods (87 to 95%), compared to morphotype NFU (60%). The morphotype ICU was particularly earlier, maturing 90 days after sowing (DAS), whereas the long reproductive cycle morphotype (NFU) required about 137 days. Based on the analysed agronomic traits, possibilities to improve bambara groundnut yield and to promote its cultivation in Côte d’Ivoire are discussed

    An Improved Test to Study the Changes in Membrane Permeability During Rehydration of Freeze-Dried Weissella paramesenteroides LC11

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    peer reviewedThe objective of this study was to assess changes in membrane permeability during rehydration of freeze-dried Weissella paramesenteroides LC11. Viability was assessed using the electrical conductivity measurement (ms cm-1 g-1 dry weight) and the plate count method (cfu g-1 dry weight). The symptoms of injury included an increase in the electrolyte leakage during the first 4 h of rehydration in Milli Q water and a decrease in the survival rate (about 64%), suggesting an increase in membrane permeability during dehydration. During rehydration of the freeze-dried strain, an increase in the temperature, NaCl or monosodium glutamate concentration and a decrease in H+ concentration resulted in an increase in the electrolyte leakage and a decrease in the survival rate (from about 5% to 97%, with respect to the treatment made). However, a decrease in the electrolyte leakage was observed with increasing glycerol, sucrose or maltodextrin and resulted in the maintenance of cell viability. Change in membrane permeability might lead to electrolyte leakage during rehydration and, ultimately, cell death. The electrolyte leakage assay associated with the plate count method, a quick and inexpensive method, could be used to evaluate dried bacteria resistance to dehydration

    Prise en Charge du Priapisme Chez L’enfant, au Chu de Treichville

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    Objectif: Le but de cette étude est d’évaluer la prise en charge du priapisme dans notre service en vue de proposer une conduite à tenir à partir d’une revue de la littérature.Patients et méthodes: Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective portant sur 7 dossiers de patients suivis pour priapisme dans le service de chirurgie pédiatrique du CHU de Treichville, de Janvier 2006 à Octobre 2010. Nous avons analysé: l’âge, les antecedents, le délai de prise en charge, l’étiologie, les aspects cliniques, le traitement, et l’évolution.Résultats: Il s’agissait de 7 enfants de race noire, de sexe masculin, âgés de 3 ans à 14 ans. Nous avons observé : un priapisme aigu chez 4 enfants (85.71%) drépanocytaires SSFA2, un priapisme intermittent chez 2 enfants hétérozygotes AS et 1 cas de priapisme intermittent idiopathique. Le priapisme aigu a été traité chirurgicalement par shunt caverno-balanique unilatérale sans excision d’albuginée selon le procédé de Falandry. Le priapisme intermittent a été traité par l’administrationorale d’étiléfrine. Après la chirurgie, nous avons observé 3 bons résultats immédiats (75%) et 1 bon résultat 24 heures après. Aucune récidive ni aucun trouble de l’érection n’ont été observés après un recul moyen de 14 mois.Conclusion: Le priapisme est une complication fréquente de la drépanocytose qui doit être recherchée et traitée de façon concomitante. Nous préconisons l’injection intracaverneuse précoce d’étiléfrine suivie, en cas d’échec, par la chirurgie selon la technique de Al-gorhab modifiéeFalandry. Des études doivent être effectuées afin d’apprécier le résultat à long terme, de cette technique, sur la fonction érectile. L’accent doit être mis sur la sensibilisation afin de prévenir la survenue d’une impuissance sexuelle irréversible

    Optimization of ISSR marker for African edible-seeded Cucurbitaceae species’ genetic diversity analysis

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    We applied a molecular approach using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers on three African edible-seeded cucurbits (Citrullus lanatus L. Matsumura and Nakai, Cucumeropsis mannii L. Naudin and Cucumis melo var. agrestis L. Naudin). To obtain clear and reproducible bands on 1.5% agarose gels, we screened 21 ISSR primers and three parameters (annealing temperature, gel tray, and voltage and running time). The resolution of 11 ISSR markers was performed, with optimal annealing temperature (Ta) varying from 50 to 52°C. The best combination to obtain clear and well-distinguished band patterns was 1.5% agarose gel with a 20-lanes tray (6 mm width) at 80 V for 5 h. Applying the 11 ISSR primers on DNA extracted from an accession of C. lanatus, 66 bands with 4 to 11 bands per primer was observed.Keywords: ISSR, Cucurbits, genetic diversity, molecular markers, optimizatio

    Dynamique des Bactéries Lactiques des ferments traditionnels de manioc (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) destinés à la production de l’attiéké Adjoukrou, Ahizi et Ebrié, en Côte d’Ivoire

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    Objectif: Cette étude vise à dégager l’originalité de la fermentation lactique au cours de la production de l’attiéké (semoule de manioc cuite à la vapeur) dans les espaces ethnoculturels Adjoukrou, Ahizi et Ebrié.Méthodologie et Résultats: Une caractérisation des ferments a été réalisée à travers la composition en bactéries lactiques (charge, type morphologique et espèces de bactéries lactiques) des ferments traditionnels de manioc Adjoukrou, Ahizi et Ebrié. Il ressort de cette analyse préliminaire que la population des bactéries lactiques des ferments Ahizi est composée de 58,34 % de coccobacilles, 25 % de bacilles et 16,66 % de cocci. Dans les ferments Ebrié, les cocci et les bacilles sont décelés dans des proportions respectives de 58,34 % et 41,66 %. Les ferments Adjoukrou et Ahizi sont dominés par une espèce du genre Weissella et le ferment Ebrié par une espèce de Leuconostoc. En ce qui concerne la dynamique des bactéries lactiques au cours de la fermentation de la pâte de manioc, pour la production de l’attiéké Adjoukrou, sur les trois sites de Débrimou, les fermentations sont initiées et conduites par des CCG+(Coccobacilles Gram+) représentées par quatre espèces de Weissella. Par contre, la fermentation de la pâte de manioc de type Ahizi présentait deux phases. La première phase est marquée par la croissance des bactéries BG+ (Bacilles Gram+) (Lactobacillus plantarum et lactobacillus fermentum). La deuxième est dominée par la croissance des Enterococcus italicus. Quant à la production de l’attiéké Ebrié est initiée et conduite par des CCG+ (Coccobacilles Gram+) représentés par des espèces de Weissella. Ce n’est qu’après huit heures de fermentation que la croissance des CG+ (Cocci Gram +) (Leuconostoc mesenteroides et Leuconostoc subsp mesenteroides) est plus activée.Conclusion et principales applications de la recherche: Cette étude a permis de dégager les spécificités de la fermentation lactique pour chacune des zones d’étude. Ces ferments serviront de bases de données pour la mise en place d’un starter typique à chaque type d’attiéké en Côte d’Ivoire.Mots Clés: Fermentation, Dynamique, Bactérie lactiques, AttiékéEnglish AbstractObjective: This study aims to identify the originality of lactic fermentation during the production of Attiéké (steamed cassava fermented semolina) in the spaces ethnocultural Adjoukrou, Ahizi and Ebrié.Methodology and Results: A characterization of the ferments was carried out through the lactic acid bacteria composition (load, morphological type and species of lactic acid bacteria) of the traditional cassava ferments Adjoukrou, Ahizi and Ebrié. This preliminary analysis showed that the lactic bacteria population of Ahiziferments was composed of 58.34% coccobacilli, 25% bacilli and 16.66% cocci. In the Ebrié ferments, cocci and bacilli were detected in respective proportions of 58.34% and 41.66%. Adjoukrou and Ahizi ferments were dominated by a species of the genus Weissella and Ebrié ferment by a species of Leuconostoc. With regard to the dynamics of lactic acid bacteria during the fermentation of cassava dough, for the production of Adjoukrou attiéké, at the three Debrimou sites, fermentations were initiated and conducted by GCC+ (Coccobacillus Gram+) represented by four species of Weissella. On the other hand, the fermentation of the Ahizi cassava dough evolved in two phases. The first phase was marked by the growth of BG + (bacilli Gram +) bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus fermentum). The second was dominated by the growth of Enterococcus italicus. For the production of Attiéké Ebrié the cassava dough fermentation was initiated and conducted by CCG+ (Coccobacillus Gram +) represented by Weissella species. But only after eight hours of fermentation that the growth of CG + (Cocci Gram +) (Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Leuconostoc subsp. Mesenteroides) was activated the most.Conclusion and main applications of research: This study made it possible to identify the specificities of lactic fermentation for each of the study areas. These ferments will serve as databases for the establishment of a starter typical of each type of attiéké in Côte d'Ivoire.Keywords: Fermentation, Dynamics, Lactic Bacteria, Attiék

    Macronutrient composition of three cucurbit species cultivated for seed consumption in Côte d’Ivoire

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    Dry seeds from three indigenous cucurbits [Citrullus lanatus var. citroides (Thumb.) Matsum. & Nakai.,Cucumeropsis mannii Naudin, and Cucumis melo var. agrestis L.] largely cultivated in Côte d’Ivoire andconsumed as sauce thickeners were analyzed for their proximate composition and compared to a locallandrace of peanut (Arachis hypogae L.). The protein contents were 29.23±1.74, 36±2.17, 29.55±2.09, and24.79±0.44% for C. lanatus, C. mannii, C. melo, and A. hypogaea, respectively. The highest estimates offat content was observed with C. lanatus (56.67±4.90%) followed in decreased order by the peanut(48.17±1.60%), C. mannii (45.89±4.73%), and C. melo (42.67±3.43%). The carbohydrate content for C.lanatus was 9.87±3.52% and C. mannii and C. melo had 13.86±3.64 and 23.18±4.80%, respectively. C.melo was then the highest in carbohydrate content whereas A. hypogaea has the lowest value(6.39±2.66%). The crude fibre contents for C. lanatus, C. mannii, and C. melo averaged 2.87±1.07,2.30±0.85, and 2.94±0.75%, respectively. The three cucurbit species were markedly low in fibre value,compared to the analyzed peanut (17.14±3.82%). As expected on the basis of several published data,ash content of seeds from indigenous cucurbits was generally low: 1.33±0.52% (C. lanatus), 2.50±1.38%(C. mannii), and 1.67±0.82% (C. melo)

    Évolution Des Extrêmes Pluviométriques Dans La Région Du Gôh (Centre-Ouest De La Côte d’Ivoire)

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    The GĂ´h region located in western-central Ivory Coast is a region whose economy depends mainly on agriculture, which itself is dependent on the climate. Thus, variation and climate change has a significant impact on crop yields. The objective of this work is to study the evolution of extreme rainfall on rainfall station in the region (Gagnoa station). The calculation of rainfall indices was performed with the software RclimDex. It appears from this study has the Gagnoa station, five (5) of the seven indices calculated namely, the maximum rainfall of one day height (Rx1day), the maximum total rainfall of 5 days (Rx5daiy), the days very rainy (R95) extremely rainy days (R99p) and consecutive dry days (CDD) experienced an increase. While the total annual rainfall (PRCPTOT) and consecutive wet days (CWD) declined. In general, the GOH region is experiencing a decline in rainfall and therefore an increase in dry spells during the rainy seasons
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