20 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Pertanian Wilayah Perbatasan Nusa Tenggara Timur dan Republik Demokrasi Timor Leste

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    Wilayah perbatasan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) dan Republik Demokrasi Timor Leste (RDTL) merupakan salah satu wilayah perbatasan yang memiliki pertumbuhan ekonomi yang rendah, termasuk sektor pertanian. Guna mempercepat proses pembangunan pertanian diperlukan pendekatan yang terintegrasi dan komprehensif, meliputi aspek teknis biofisik dan teknologi, ekonomi, sosial budaya, dan politik. Masalah yang dihadapi wilayah perbatasan antara lain adalah keterisolasian, ketertinggalan, kemiskinan, serta keterbatasan prasarana dan sarana pelayanan publik, terutama infrastruktur fisik dan kelembagaan. Selain itu, persebaran penduduk yang tidak merata dan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang rendah juga menghambat pembangunan wilayah secara terintegrasi. Pengembangan pertanian di wilayah perbatasan NKRI-RDTL (Kabupaten Belu) difokuskan pada pengembangan pertanian lahan kering dengan komoditas padi, jagung, kedelai, kacang tanah, dan ubi jalar, serta peternakan untuk membangun kemandirian pangan. Rekomendasi alternatif model pengembangan difokuskan pada: (1) pengembangan bibit unggul tanaman pangan lahan kering, (2) pemanfaatan daerah aliran sungai (DAS) secara terarah dan berkelanjutan, (3) introduksi inovasi teknologi usaha tani, serta (4) pengembangan peternakan terintegrasi dengan pola crop livestock system (CLS). Guna mencapai tujuan tersebut diperlukan dukungan berupa: (1) traktor pengolah lahan, (2) pompa air untuk pengembangan kawasan DAS, (3) peningkatan sarana dan kegiatan penyuluhan teknologi usaha tani, dan (4) pengaktifan dan pembukaan pasar untuk mendukung perdagangan masyarakat lokal

    Reorganization of Breeding Institutions to Develop Breeding Stock of Indonesian Holstein

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    Development of dairy cattle production through breeding system improvement is not well arranged for guaranteeing a successful to increase capability of Indonesian milk industries. Some constraints that inhibit the programs are only a short-term program available to improve cattle production ie., improvement of rearing and feeding management; a small number of finance available; no appropriate joint-action between breeding institutions; and the operational of recording program and progeny test are very limited. Other factors that also directly or indirectly influence the development of dairy cattle production are only a small number of animal unite is kept by farmer, limited land area per family, no access for banking supported, and relatively small upland area available in comparison to milk requirement in Indonesia. Improvement of breeding program by way of artificial insemination (AI) is good conducted but the problem is the bulls for producing AI’s semen are not tested under Indonesian condition. Therefore, proven bulls that tested in Indonesia has to be priority together with identification for highly producing cows. All activities can be well organized if the recording program recorded by farmer or some one else and all breeding institutions can rearrange their programs to produce a better mechanism for supporting Indonesian milk industries.   Key words: Institution, breeding, Indonesian Holstei

    Economic Assessment of Fattening Beef Cattle Through The Rice Straw Utilization

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    Based on the agricultural production, Indonesia has very high potential to increase rice production through the implementation of adapted and liable technology. The role of non-rice sub sector is also needed to harmonize management in various aspects, in which one of them is livestock sub sector. This management could be done through the development of livestock farming using the rice straw as one of the potential animal feed. The objective of the study was to get a conceptual integrated systems of rice production based on livestock (cattle) development. The estimation of bio-economic for rice straw fermented utilization as animal feed has been done through observation of the cattle biological parameter. An economic approach that has been used in the study was the partial budget analysis including the feed cost per gain (FC/g) and gross margin analysis. The results of the study has shown that FC/g of the cattle from Boyolali and Sumba Ongole (SO) were the most efficient in using the feed compared to the other four cattle. Those were Rp.4600,- and Rp.4995,- per head per day for cattle from Boyolali and SO, respectively. The two types of cattle also reached the gross margin estimation, however SO cattle was slightly less than that of the cattle from Boyolali (Rp.2854,- vs Rp.2897,- ) per head per day. The differences were very much depending on the growth rate of each type of the cattle.   Key words: Feed cost per gain, gross margin estimation, rice straw, beef cattle farmin


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    This research has been conducted at the laboratory of in vitro fertilization of the University ofWisconsin, USA. These embryos may be used for improving genetic value of Indonesian cattle. Ovaries were collected from slaughterhouse in Wisconsin. Oocytes were matured in TCM-199 medium enriched with FSH 10 \i\lm\, estradiol 17 P lul/ml and 10 % FCS for 20 hours. The oocytes were fertilized in vitro with motile sperm selected and capacitated by using the percoll gradient with 2 ml vs 0.5 ml per layer as treatment A and B respectively. Sperm and oocytes were incubated in fertilization medium (mTALP) for 20 hours. All zygotes were cultured in CRlaa medium up to btastocyst stage and were fed with serum 5 \iV 50 )j.l in culture medium on day 6. Percentages of cleavage, morula, blastocyst, expanded blastocyst, unfertilized and degenerated ova in this study were 86.3 vs 91.6 %, 53.3 % vs 75.9 %; 32.6 % vs 63.4 %; 21.1 % vs 33.0 %; 13.7 % vs 8.4 %, 32.9% vs 15.6 % for treatment A (n=1007) vs B (n=1055), respectively. Based on result of this study, it is concluded that the best method for IVP (in vitro production) of cattle embryos is using percoll gradient with 500 ul per layer

    National Breeding System of Dairy Cattle Husbandry

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    The husbandry of domestic dairy cattle as one of the components of  livestock sub-sector development is hopefully to increase numerously the capacity and the quality on its milk production, to gradually meet national milk demand and face the competitiveness at the global. The achievement of this purpose should be supported by the production of dairy breeding stock in good quality and sufficient number to increase efficiency of both quantity and quality of domestic milk production. One of important aspect that should be prepared is in determining national breeding system of dairy cattle that can function effectively as guidance and regulation for producing, distributing, and using dairy cattle as “domestic breeding stock”. As in other livestock, breeding system of dairy cattle basically constituted of three main subsystems, i.e. production , distribution and marketing, and quality establishment subsystem. The paper discusses some aspects of these three subsystems to give considerable input in preparing the national concept of dairy cattle breeding system. enterprise (Animal Production 1(2): 43-55 (1999)   KeyWords: dairy cattle, breeding stock, milk production

    National Breeding System of Dairy Cattle Husbandry

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    The husbandry of domestic dairy cattle as one of the components of  livestock sub-sector development is hopefully to increase numerously the capacity and the quality on its milk production, to gradually meet national milk demand and face the competitiveness at the global. The achievement of this purpose should be supported by the production of dairy breeding stock in good quality and sufficient number to increase efficiency of both quantity and quality of domestic milk production. One of important aspect that should be prepared is in determining national breeding system of dairy cattle that can function effectively as guidance and regulation for producing, distributing, and using dairy cattle as “domestic breeding stock”. As in other livestock, breeding system of dairy cattle basically constituted of three main subsystems, i.e. production , distribution and marketing, and quality establishment subsystem. The paper discusses some aspects of these three subsystems to give considerable input in preparing the national concept of dairy cattle breeding system. enterprise (Animal Production 1(2): 43-55 (1999) KeyWords: dairy cattle, breeding stock, milk production

    The use of blood protein polymorphism to estimate genetic distance among populations of Indonesian native sheep, St. Croix and Merino

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    The genetic distance among populations of Indonesia native sheep (Ciamis, Garut, Sumatera and Garahan), St. Croix and Merino were estimated to investigate the genetic relationship among those breeds. Blood protein polymorphism of transferin (Tf), post-transferin (PTf), albumin (Alb), post-albumin (PAlb) were detected from blood plasma, while haemoglobine (Hb) was detected from erythrocyte using Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE). Results of PAGE showed that Tf was controlled by 6 alleles, while Alb by 4 alleles, PTf by 3 Alleles and PAlb and Hb by 2 alleles. Value of breeding coefficient within individual subpopulations (FIS) for Tf (-0,0014), Alb (-0,0046) and Hb (0,0256) were not significantly different by noel. These results show that data of gene frequency are still following Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium and inbreeding inside the sub population did not occur. The closest distance among the native breeds is the subpopulations of Ciamis and Garut due to neighboring area and similar traits of Thin Tail Sheep. The genetic distance of both population to Sumatera Thin Tail Sheep and Garahan Fat Tail are quite far. In addition to that results all Indonesian native breed were distinctly different from St. Croix and Merino

    The use of blood protein polymorphism to estimate genetic distance among populations of Indonesian native sheep, St. Croix and Merino

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    The genetic distance among populations of Indonesia native sheep (Ciamis, Garut, Sumatera and Garahan), St. Croix and Merino were estimated to investigate the genetic relationship among those breeds. Blood protein polymorphism of transferin (Tf), post-transferin (PTf), albumin (Alb), post-albumin (PAlb) were detected from blood plasma, while haemoglobine (Hb) was detected from erythrocyte using Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE). Results of PAGE showed that Tf was controlled by 6 alleles, while Alb by 4 alleles, PTf by 3 Alleles and PAlb and Hb by 2 alleles. Value of breeding coefficient within individual subpopulations (FIS) for Tf (-0,0014), Alb (-0,0046) and Hb (0,0256) were not significantly different by noel. These results show that data of gene frequency are still following Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium and inbreeding inside the sub population did not occur. The closest distance among the native breeds is the subpopulations of Ciamis and Garut due to neighboring area and similar traits of Thin Tail Sheep. The genetic distance of both population to Sumatera Thin Tail Sheep and Garahan Fat Tail are quite far. In addition to that results all Indonesian native breed were distinctly different from St. Croix and Merino.   Key words: Indonesian native sheep, St. Croix, Merino, blood protein polymorphism, genetic distance