1,756 research outputs found

    Finite-level systems, Hermitian operators, isometries, and a novel parameterization of Stiefel and Grassmann manifolds

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    In this paper we obtain a description of the Hermitian operators acting on the Hilbert space \C^n, description which gives a complete solution to the over parameterization problem. More precisely we provide an explicit parameterization of arbitrary nn-dimensional operators, operators that may be considered either as Hamiltonians, or density matrices for finite-level quantum systems. It is shown that the spectral multiplicities are encoded in a flag unitary matrix obtained as an ordered product of special unitary matrices, each one generated by a complex n−kn-k-dimensional unit vector, k=0,1,...,n−2k=0,1,...,n-2. As a byproduct, an alternative and simple parameterization of Stiefel and Grassmann manifolds is obtained.Comment: 21 page


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    Flood is a problem which is often faced by the society. The fuction of many farms have been changed to be settlement. That cause decreasing of the water absorption. Decreasing and doesn’t have the capability to surface the rain water because many people directly dig the land as asurface stream. The reason of the channel is at Menanggal Indah that often has flood is the channel that is not able to take the high intensity rain water. Does the drainage system today need a recycle with use 2 years debit plan and to make Sudetan channel that connect hamlet Menanggal and Frontier channel ( Surabaya-Sidoarjo ) to conduct the flood? Depend on the analysis data, it get following calculation: Plan debit ( Q) 2 year = 15,33 m3 / dtk, and planned [by] Channel dimension of Sudetan with Q = 7,1 m3 Keywords: floods, channel of Menanggal Indah, channel of sudetan, channel frontier / sec, b = 4,5 m of I = 0,003. From the result of calculation, the making to Sudetan channel can accomodate floods debit from the channel of Menanggal Indah to the bourder channel (Surabaya-Sidoarjo) ABSTRA

    Kedudukan Yayasan Pasca Berlakunya Undang-undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2004 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2001 Tentang Yayasan

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    This article aims to determine the position of the foundation after theanactment of legislation foundation Number 28 of 2004 concerningamandments to the LawNumber 16 of 2001 on the Foundation. By using normative methods can be concluded the foundation is a legal entity that has the sole purpose is social, religious, and humanitarian who founded by observing the formal requirements specified in the legislation foundation. Changes of a Law Act Number 28 of 2004 on the Foundation gives a true understanding of the public about the foundation, to ensure legal certainty and the rule of law and restore the function of the foundation as legal institutions in order to archieve certain goals of social, religious, and humanitarian based on the principle of transparency and accountability. The establishment of foundation begins with the separation of founder assets to be incorporated as the authorized capital foundation. Separation founder assets into foundations can not be given meaning as investment, because the founding foundation philosophy is non-profit. In practic there are deviations in the management of the conflict between the board and the abuse of the institution foundation

    Kajian Geografi Politik terhadap Perubahan Perolehan Suara Partai Demokrat pada Pemilu 2009 dan 2014 Kabupaten Pacitan

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    Ang mengikuti pemilu, tidak terkecuali Partai Demokrat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi Perubahan sebaran dan perolehan suara Partai Demokrat, mengetahui Perubahan kantong basis suara Partai Demokrat, mengetahui hubungan antara faktor geografi dengan perolehan suara Partai Demokrat pada pemilu 2014 di Kabupaten Pacitan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada pemilu tahun 2014 dari 12 kecamatan terdapat 10 kecamatan yang mengalami penurunan dan 2 kecamatan mengalami peningkatan perolehan suara. Terdapat 4 kecamatan yang termasuk dalam basis dan 8 kecamatan termasuk dalam non basis Partai Demokrat. Faktor-faktor geografi yang berpengaruh dalam perolehan suara Partai Demokrat tahun 2014 adalah jumlah penduduk perempuan dengan tingkat pengaruh yang sangat kuat. Sedangkan untuk penduduk usia muda 17-25 tahun, penduduk SLTA ke atas, kepadatan penduduk, mata pencaharian primer, kota dan desa meskipun mempunyai pengaruh tetapi pengaruhnya tidak terlalu signifikan

    Alam Sebagai Fasilitator Perilaku Anak

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    Dewasa ini semakin marak perilaku buruk yang muncul pada anak, diakibatkan oleh menurunnya perhatian dari orang tua akibat orang tua sibuk bekerja. Banyaknya sikap destruktif yang muncul pada anak perlu diwaspadai dan dikontrol dengan cara memberi perlakuan atau respon tertentu yang dapat dilakukan oleh lingkungan terdekat anak, baik dari lingkungan orang tua, keluarga, teman, dan alam sekitar. Melalui pendekatan psikologis dan perilaku, maka pemilihan kegiatan juga desain dari objek diharapkan dapat meminimalisir perilaku buruk yang ada pada diri anak. Objek dirancang untuk menghadirkan suasana yang berbeda kepada pengguna, supaya tersampaikan pengalaman yang berbeda pula, sehingga memunculkan respon tertentu. Suasana alam dihadirkan dengan tujuan memberi penyegaran dari suasana perkotaan. Pemilihan kegiatan didasarkan dari sifat atau sikap yang ingin direspon dari pengguna, dan yang memberi dampak positif tertentu sesuai dengan tujuan yang diinginkan. Dengan menggunakan metode merancang Aritektur Organik , penataan massa juga pembentukan objek merespon lingkungan eksisting pada lahan, sehingga diharapkan objek dapat beradaptasi dengan lingkungannya dengan baik

    Repair and Strengthening with CFRP on Concrete SlabStructure of Structural Crack due to Shortage Reinforcement Footstool

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    The Study of Poverty of Traditional Fishermen Households in Buluh Island Kelurahan Buluh Island Bulang Subdistrict Batam City Riau Island Province

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    This research was conducted in February, 2017 located in Buluh Island Kelurahan Buluh Island Bulang Subdistrict Batam City Riau Island Province. This study aims to find out the level of income and expenditure of traditional fishermen households, factors causing poverty and survival strategy of traditional fishermen Buluh Island. The method used in this study is survey method with 48 household as respondents determination by simple random sampling. Average income level of fisherman household is Rp.761,979,-/month and the average expenditure of traditional fishing households was Rp.1.236.681,-/month. A factors causing poverty of the most influential traditional fishermen is the factor of human resources, with low level of education the tradisional fisherman can not find alternative job that can help fisherman out of poverty line. While survival strategies commonly practiced by tradisional fisherfolk household are optimizing is to optimize the role of family members, regulating consumption patterns and borrowing to survive poverty

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan ( Survei Pada Pelanggan Nasi Rawon Di Rumah Makan Sakinah Kota Pasuruan)

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    The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of product quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. This type of research is explanatory associative with quantitative approach. Population in this research is all customer ever bought nasi rawon in sakinah restaurant and was visited more than twice. The sample used in this research was 102 people chosen with purposive sampling. Analysis of data used descriptive analysis and path analysis. The result of path analysis shows that that product quality significantly influence to the customer satisfaction and customer loyality, and customer satisfaction significantly to customer loyality, with a p-value (p <0.05). Based on this research's result the owner of sakinah restaurant have to keep and increase the quality from taste, size of product, the optional food varians till halal guaranty for all food. The owner have to do it to make the customer satisfied and will come in future
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