17 research outputs found

    La protection des cultures tropicales

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    Пролегомены к политической социологии ленинизма

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    Drawing heavily upon Weber’s value-free political sociology and Ken Jowitt’s vision of Leninism, the paper suggests that Leninist regimes are best conceptualized as a unique blend of charismatic, impersonal and traditional elements. Being a political and ideological response to conditions of national dependency in peripheral societies of traditional bent, Leninism created new political entity — the party as organizational weapon — which was a bearer of impersonal charisma. Application of analitical tool box elaborated by Weber and Jowitt increases our understanding of the internal developmental logic of Leninist regimes while helping to draw a distinction between revolutionary system-building politics of Leninist type and nationalist modernizing regimes of the Third World on the one hand and fascist regimes on the other. The article offers an account of developmental stages of Leninist regimes— trans - formation, consolidation, and inclusion. The latter stage purpose was to accommodate new, more complex social and cultural environment to regime’s demands. Having lost its combat task during inclusion stage, the party entered the period of neotraditionalist routinization of its organizational charisma which resulted in a clash between Leninist status oriented cadres and emergent civic oriented styles of life. Regime’s inability to resolve the tension between the two mutually exclusive elements — party cadre and citizen — resulted in “Leninist extinction” and disappearance of Leninism as an alternative life style

    Contribution à L’inventaire des Gastéropodes Marins Issus de la Pêche Artisanale et Industrielle de la Côte d’Ivoire

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    Pour une meilleure gestion des gastéropodes marins dans la Zone Economique Exclusive (ZEE) ivoirienne, un inventaire des espèces débarquées à Abidjan a été réalisé. L’échantillonnage a été réalisé sur les captures provenant de la pêche industrielle et de la pêche artisanale. Trois sites situés à Abidjan respectivement au port de pêche, à Zimbabwé et à Abobo doumé ont été visités sur la période allant de janvier 2016 à janvier 2018. Au terme de cette étude, 2622 individus ont été prélevés. L’identification des espèces a été basée sur la méthode d’identification proposée par Gaillard (1987), Fischer et al (1981), et Marche-Marchad (1975). Les noms taxonomiques (scientifiques, français et anglais) ont été vérifié à l’aide du registre taxonomique mondial des espèces marine appelé «World Register Marine Species». Au total onze espèces reparties en sept familles (Cassidae, Melongenidae, Muricidae, Naticidae, Ranellidae, Tonnidae et Volutidae) ont été identifiées. La famille des volutidaes comporte trois espèces débarquées : Cymbium glans, Cymbium souliei et Cymbium tritoni. Dans cette famille, les espèces Cymbium glans et Cymbium souliei ont été les plus fréquentes (fréquence d’occurrence supérieure à 50%). Cette famille joue un rôle important dans le commerce des gastéropodes marins de la pêcherie ivoirienne. For better management of marine gastropods in the Ivorian Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEE), an inventory of the species landed in Abidjan has been carried out. Sampling was done on catches from industrial and artisanal fisheries. Three sites located in Abidjan respectively at the fishing port, in Zimbabwe and in Abobo Doumé were visited during the period from January 2016 to January 2018. At the end of this study, 2622 individuals were collected. Species identification was based on the identification method proposed by Gaillard (1987), Fischer et al (1981), and Marche-Marchad (1975). The taxonomic names (scientific, French and English) were verified using the World Taxonomy Register of Marine Species called "World Register Marine Species". A total of eleven species divided into seven families (Cassidae, Melongenidae, Muricidae, Naticidae, Ranellidae, Tonnidae and Volutidae) have been identified. The volutidae family includes three landed species: Cymbium glans, Cymbium souliei and Cymbium tritoni. In this family, the species Cymbium glans and Cymbium souliei were the most frequent (frequency of occurrence greater than 50%). This family plays an important role in the trade of marine gastropods of the Ivorian fishery

    Response of upland rice cultivars to Meloidogyne species.

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    SUMMARY Two screening tests and a field experiment were conducted with upland rice cultivars t o identify sources of resistance to fWieloidogyne species and to evaluate their susceptibility with or without fertilization. In the first test, 41 upland rice cultivars (21 Oryza sativa and 20 O. glaberrinta) were screened. O. sativa cultivars were generally susceptible and O. glaberrirna cultivars resistant. Such widely used O . satioa cultivars as IRAT 13 and Iguape Cateto were susceptible whereas IS 335 and IS 358 were fairly resistant. In the second test, seventeen cultivars (eight improved and nine traditionnal non improved) were screened. Most irnproved cultivars (IRAT 109, IRAT 112, IRAT 106 and IRAT 133) were highly tolerant whereas most traditionnal cultivars were susceptible. A penetration and development study showed that cultivars rated susceptible were more favorable for larval penetration, development into adult females and reproduction than resistant or tolerant ones. In the field experiment Iguape Cateto gave up to 435% yield increase over the control with DBCP treatment and fertilizer application. In the presence of high M . javanica populations however no fertilizer response was observed. Symptoms of Meloidogyne attack include root galls (mostly terminal) consecutive with stopped longitudinal growth (characteristic roo ts), reduced stand, reduced tillering and panicle numbers as well as reduced general top growth with or without chlorosis and yield decrease. The use of characteristic roots as damage index is discussed. Dans le second test, 17 cultivars (8 améliorés et 9 traditionnels non améliorés) ont été examinés. La plupart des cultivars améliorés (IRAT 106, IRAT 109, IRAT 112 et IRAT 133) sont tres tolérants alors que la plupart des cultivars traditionnels sont sensibles. Une étude de la pénétration et du développement montre que les cultivars sensibles sont plus favorables à la pénétration larvaire, au développement en femelles adultes et à la reproduction que les cultivars résistants. L'essai au champ donne une augmentation de rendement par rapport au témoin de 435% à la suite d'un traitement au DBCP et de l'apport d'engrais. Par contre, en présence de fortes populations de M . javanica, l'apport d'engrais n'améliore pas les rendements. Les attaques de Meloidogyne se caractérisent par des galles racinaires (généralement terminales) accompagnées d'un arrêt de la croissance longitudinale (racines caractéristiques), d'une réduction de la levée et du tallage ainsi que d'une réduction du rendement. L'utilisation des (( racines caractéristiques )> comme indice des dégâts est discutée