49 research outputs found

    Weathering indices as climate proxies. A step forward based on Congo and SW African river muds

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    Despite the influence of other geological and geomorphological factors, chemical weathering at the Earth's surface is strongly controlled by climate. Thus, a measure of weathering intensity determined from soils or sediments should provide information about the climatic conditions associated with their formation. Available geochemical and mineralogical data on modern fluvial and marine muds from different regions of southern Africa and its Atlantic continental margin are used to review the links between sediment composition and climatic properties together with the possible causes of variance. Although river muds may not be generated exclusively in a single sedimentary cycle and erosion and weathering processes do not necessarily take place in a spatially homogeneous way, significant relationships between mineralogical and geochemical signatures of river mud and rainfall in the corresponding catchment area were recognised. Our study shows that the composition of clay is strongly influenced by climatically-driven weathering, whilst coarser mud fractions tend to be more affected by provenance, grain size, hydraulic sorting, and recycling. In the marine environment the climatic signal may be lost even in clay, because of hydraulic fractionation, authigenic mineral growth and mixing with foreign particles. Given the ubiquitous character of fluvial muds, and the easy and non-expensive methods available for separating and analysing clay fractions, their geochemical fingerprints represent a most precious source of information concerning climate. Any geochemical parameter used as a regional proxy of climate, however, still requires that the diversity of geological, geomorphological, and biological factors that affect its value are cautiously considered

    Sand-spits systems from Benguela region (SW Angola). An analysis of sediment sources and dispersal from textural and compositional data

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    Sand spits are important coastline features in western Angola, but only limited knowledge on their recent evolution and sediment sources were obtained so far. The present study is focused on the Baía Farta and Lobito sand spits of coastal Benguela that develop to the north (i.e. downdrift) of the Coporolo and Catumbela river outlets. We used grain-size distributions, heavy-mineral suites and clay-mineral assemblages of sediments in the Coporolo-Baía Farta and Catumbela-Lobito coastal stretches to characterize the main depositional units and investigate sediment provenance. From the combined grain-size and mineralogical variability in mud and sand samples it is possible to infer sediment sources and dispersal in the two coastal stretches. Kaolinite is mainly derived from the Angola hinterland, and is particularly common in finer grained floodplain sediments from the Catumbela River. Expansive clays (smectite and illite-smectite mixed layers) are inferred to be mainly sourced by Meso-Cenozoic units of the Benguela Basin, being abundant in coarser grained fluvial deposits and in lagoonal deposits near Baía Farta. Sand supplied by the sedimentary units from Benguela Basin and their basement rocks tends to be enriched in epidote associated with blue-green hornblende. The Coporolo River sand is progressively diluted during the longshore northward transport by sand supplied by coastal units. Conversely, beach deposits in the Catumbela-Lobito coastal stretch are mainly sourced by the Catumbela River. A divergent longshore transport from Catumbela river-mouth occurs at Catumbela delta. Sand spit morphology and evolution reflect the patterns of dispersal of bedload and suspended load in settings of contrasting orography and human influence

    The Variscan basement in the western shoulder of the Lusitanian Basin (West Iberian Margin): insights from detrital-zircon geochronology of Jurassic strata

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    There is no consensus about the geological nature of the westernmost portion of the Iberian Massif. In the present research, the detrital zircon U–Pb signatures of Jurassic strata of the Lusitanian Basin, known to be west-sourced, are combined with published U–Pb data for the Precambrian-Palaeozoic basement and other Lusitanian Basin units to better understand this poorly exposed portion of the Iberian Massif. Cryogenian to Ediacaran ages prevail in a northern Upper Jurassic unit, while Lower and Upper Jurassic rocks in southern locations yield mostly Carboniferous to upper Permian zircons. These age results, coupled with their respective U/Th ratios, suggest that the basin covers two distinct terranes of the Iberian Massif. Another noteworthy feature of west-derived deposits is the abundance of < 310 Ma ages. It is proposed that a combination of crustal thinning in the West Iberian Margin with regional eastward basement tilt, favoured the enrichment of relatively young zircon in the western shoulder of the basin relative to its eastern margin. The detrital zircon age signatures also reveal a middle to late Permian thermal event in restricted areas, which is probably associated with the oldest stages of Alpine extension in West Iberia. // Actualmente no existe consenso sobre la naturaleza geológica de la zona más occidental del Macizo Ibérico. En la presente investigación se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de la relación entre la signatura U-Pb de circones detríticos obtenidos en estratos jurásicos de la Cuenca Lusitana, provenientes del oeste, con datos de U-Pb publicados sobre el basamento Precámbrico-Paleozoico y otras formaciones de la Cuenca Lusitana, para comprender mejor esta zona poco expuesta del Macizo Ibérico. Las edades criogénicas y ediacarienses dominan en la parte norte de las unidades del Jurásico superior, mientras que en la parte sur dominan los circones de edades carboníferas y del Pérmico superior, tanto en las unidades del Jurásico inferior como en las del superior. Estos resultados geocronológicos junto con sus respectivas relaciones U/Th, sugieren que la cuenca cubre dos terrenos distintos del Macizo Ibérico. Otra característica notable de los depósitos procedentes del oeste es la abundancia de edades <310 Ma. Se propone que una combinación de adelgazamiento de la corteza en el Margen Ibérico Occidental junto con la inclinación regional del basamento hacia el este, favoreció el enriquecimiento de circones relativamente jóvenes en el flanco occidental de la cuenca en relación con su margen oriental. Las signaturas de edad del circón detrítico también revelan un evento térmico del Pérmico medio al tardío en áreas restringidas que probablemente esté asociado con las etapas más antiguas de extensión alpina en el oeste de Iberia

    Human predisposition to cognitive impairment and its relation with environmental exposure to potentially toxic elements

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    New lines of evidence suggest that less than 10% of neurodegenerative diseases have a strict genetic aetiology and other factors may be prevalent. Environmental exposures to potentially toxic elements appear to be a risk factor for Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and sclerosis diseases. This study proposes a multidisciplinary approach combining neurosciences, psychology and environmental sciences while integrating socio-economic, neuropsychological, environmental and health data. We present the preliminary results of a neuropsychological assessment carried out in elderly residents of the industrial city of Estarreja. A battery of cognitive tests and a personal questionnaire were administered to the participants. Multivariate analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were used to identify potential relationships between the cognitive status of the participants and environmental exposure to potentially toxic elements. The results suggest a relationship between urinary PTEs levels and the incidence of cognitive disorders. They also point towards water consumption habits and profession as relevant factors of exposure. Linear regression models show that aluminium (R2 = 38%), cadmium (R2 = 11%) and zinc (R2 = 6%) are good predictors of the scores of the Mini-Mental State Examination cognitive test. Median contents (µg/l) in groundwater are above admissible levels for drinking water for aluminium (371), iron (860), manganese (250), and zinc (305). While the World Health Organization does not provide health-based reference values for aluminium, results obtained from this study suggest that it may have an important role in the cognitive status of the elderly. Urine proved to be a suitable biomarker of exposure both to elements with low and high excretion rates

    Feeding Behaviour, Swimming Activity and Boldness Explain Variation in Feed Intake and Growth of Sole (Solea solea) Reared in Captivity

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    The major economic constraint for culturing sole (Solea solea) is its slow and variable growth. The objective was to study the relationship between feed intake/efficiency, growth, and (non-) feeding behaviour of sole. Sixteen juveniles with an average (SD) growth of 2.7 (1.9) g/kg0.8/d were selected on their growth during a 4-week period in which they were housed communally with 84 other fish. Selected fish were housed individually during a second 4-week period to measure individual feed intake, growth, and behaviour. Fish were hand-fed three times a day during the dark phase of the day until apparent satiation. During six different days, behaviour was recorded twice daily during 3 minutes by direct observations. Total swimming activity, frequency of burying and of escapes were recorded. At the beginning and end of the growth period, two sequential behavioural tests were performed: “Novel Environment” and “Light Avoidance”. Fish housed individually still exhibited pronounced variation in feed intake (CV = 23%), growth (CV = 25%) and behavior (CV = 100%). Differences in feed intake account for 79% of the observed individual differences in growth of sole. Fish with higher variation in feed intake between days and between meals within days had significantly a lower total feed intake (r = −0.65 and r = −0.77) and growth. Active fish showed significantly higher feed intake (r = 0.66) and growth (r = 0.58). Boldness during both challenge tests was related to fast growth: (1) fish which reacted with a lower latency time to swim in a novel environment had significantly higher feed intake (r = −0.55) and growth (r = −0.66); (2) fish escaping during the light avoidance test tended to show higher feed intake (P<0.1) and had higher growth (P<0.05). In conclusion, feeding consistency, swimming activity in the tank, and boldness during behavioral tests are related to feed intake and growth of sole in captivity

    A breakthrough on Amanita phalloides poisoning: an effective antidotal effect by polymyxin B

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    Amanita phalloides is responsible for more than 90 % of mushroom-related fatalities, and no effective antidote is available. a-Amanitin, the main toxin of A. phalloides, inhibits RNA polymerase II (RNAP II), causing hepatic and kidney failure. In silico studies included docking and molecular dynamics simulation coupled to molecular mechanics with generalized Born and surface area method energy decomposition on RNAP II. They were performed with a clinical drug that shares chemical similarities to a-amanitin, polymyxin B. The results show that polymyxin B potentially binds to RNAP II in the same interface of a-amanitin, preventing the toxin from binding to RNAP II. In vivo, the inhibition of the mRNA transcripts elicited by a-amanitin was efficiently reverted by polymyxin B in the kidneys. Moreover, polymyxin B significantly decreased the hepatic and renal a-amanitin-induced injury as seen by the histology and hepatic aminotransferases plasma data. In the survival assay, all animals exposed to a-amanitin died within 5 days, whereas 50 % survived up to 30 days when polymyxin B was administered 4, 8, and 12 h post-a-amanitin. Moreover, a single dose of polymyxin B administered concomitantly with a-amanitin was able to guarantee 100 % survival. Polymyxin B protects RNAP II from inactivation leading to an effective prevention of organ damage and increasing survival in a-amanitin-treated animals. The present use of clinically relevant concentrations of an already human-use-approved drug prompts the use of polymyxin B as an antidote for A. phalloides poisoning in humans.Juliana Garcia, Vera Marisa Costa, Ricardo Dinis-Oliveira and Ricardo Silvestre thank FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology-for their PhD grant (SFRH/BD/74979/2010), Post-doc grants (SFRH/BPD/63746/2009 and SFRH/BPD/110001/2015) and Investigator grants (IF/01147/2013) and (IF/00021/2014), respectively. This work was supported by the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) - project PTDC/DTPFTO/4973/2014 - and the European Union (FEDER funds through COMPETE) and National Funds (FCT, Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia) through project Pest-C/EQB/LA0006/2013

    Alzheimer's Disease: a Review of its Visual System Neuropathology. Optical Coherence Tomography-a Potential Role As a Study Tool in Vivo

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a prevalent, long-term progressive degenerative disorder with great social impact. It is currently thought that, in addition to neurodegeneration, vascular changes also play a role in the pathophysiology of the disease. Visual symptoms are frequent and are an early clinical manifestation; a number of psychophysiologic changes occur in visual function, including visual field defects, abnormal contrast sensitivity, abnormalities in color vision, depth perception deficits, and motion detection abnormalities. These visual changes were initially believed to be solely due to neurodegeneration in the posterior visual pathway. However, evidence from pathology studies in both animal models of AD and humans has demonstrated that neurodegeneration also takes place in the anterior visual pathway, with involvement of the retinal ganglion cells' (RGCs) dendrites, somata, and axons in the optic nerve. These studies additionally showed that patients with AD have changes in retinal and choroidal microvasculature. Pathology findings have been corroborated in in-vivo assessment of the retina and optic nerve head (ONH), as well as the retinal and choroidal vasculature. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) in particular has shown great utility in the assessment of these changes, and it may become a useful tool for early detection and monitoring disease progression in AD. The authors make a review of the current understanding of retinal and choroidal pathological changes in patients with AD, with particular focus on in-vivo evidence of retinal and choroidal neurodegenerative and microvascular changes using OCT technology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Global, regional, and national incidence of six major immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: findings from the global burden of disease study 2019

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    Background The causes for immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) are diverse and the incidence trends of IMIDs from specific causes are rarely studied. The study aims to investigate the pattern and trend of IMIDs from 1990 to 2019. Methods We collected detailed information on six major causes of IMIDs, including asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis, between 1990 and 2019, derived from the Global Burden of Disease study in 2019. The average annual percent change (AAPC) in number of incidents and age standardized incidence rate (ASR) on IMIDs, by sex, age, region, and causes, were calculated to quantify the temporal trends. Findings In 2019, rheumatoid arthritis, atopic dermatitis, asthma, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease accounted 1.59%, 36.17%, 54.71%, 0.09%, 6.84%, 0.60% of overall new IMIDs cases, respectively. The ASR of IMIDs showed substantial regional and global variation with the highest in High SDI region, High-income North America, and United States of America. Throughout human lifespan, the age distribution of incident cases from six IMIDs was quite different. Globally, incident cases of IMIDs increased with an AAPC of 0.68 and the ASR decreased with an AAPC of −0.34 from 1990 to 2019. The incident cases increased across six IMIDs, the ASR of rheumatoid arthritis increased (0.21, 95% CI 0.18, 0.25), while the ASR of asthma (AAPC = −0.41), inflammatory bowel disease (AAPC = −0.72), multiple sclerosis (AAPC = −0.26), psoriasis (AAPC = −0.77), and atopic dermatitis (AAPC = −0.15) decreased. The ASR of overall and six individual IMID increased with SDI at regional and global level. Countries with higher ASR in 1990 experienced a more rapid decrease in ASR. Interpretation The incidence patterns of IMIDs varied considerably across the world. Innovative prevention and integrative management strategy are urgently needed to mitigate the increasing ASR of rheumatoid arthritis and upsurging new cases of other five IMIDs, respectively. Funding The Global Burden of Disease Study is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The project funded by Scientific Research Fund of Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital (2022QN38)

    Tumor cell survival pathways activated by photodynamic therapy: a molecular basis for pharmacological inhibition strategies

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