63 research outputs found

    Fuzzy rule-based hand gesture recognition

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    This paper introduces a fuzzy rule-based method for the recognition of hand gestures acquired from a data glove, with an application to the recognition of some sample hand gestures of LIBRAS, the Brazilian Sign Language. The method uses the set of angles of finger joints for the classification of hand configurations, and classifications of segments of hand gestures for recognizing gestures. The segmentation of gestures is based on the concept of monotonic gesture segment, sequences of hand configurations in which the variations of the angles of the finger joints have the same sign (non-increasing or non-decreasing). Each gesture is characterized by its list of monotonic segments. The set of all lists of segments of a given set of gestures determine a set of finite automata, which are able to recognize every such gesture.IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Speech and Natural LanguageRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Admissible OWA operators for fuzzy numbers

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    Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) operators are some of the most widely used aggregation functions in classic literature, but their application to fuzzy numbers has been limited due to the complexity of defining a total order in fuzzy contexts. However, the recent notion of admissible order for fuzzy numbers provides an effective method to totally order them by refining a given partial order. Therefore, this paper is devoted to defining OWA operators for fuzzy numbers with respect to admissible orders and investigating their properties. Firstly, we define the OWA operators associated with such admissible orders and then we show their main properties. Afterward, an example is presented to illustrate the applicability of these AOWA operators in linguistic decision-making. In this regard, we also develop an admissible order for trapezoidal fuzzy numbers that can be efficiently applied in practice.National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq-Brazil) within Projects 301618/2019-4, 312053/2018-5, 311429/2020-3, and 200282/2022-0Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES-Brazil) within the project Capes-Print 88887.363001/2019-00FAPERGS/Brazil (Proc. 19/2551-0001660-3)PID2022-136627NB-I00 of the Spanish GovernmentMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación by Project PID2020-119478 GB-I00Junta de Andalucía Program FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020, Project A-FQM-170-UGR20Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Spanish National Project PGC2018-099402-B-I00FEDER-UJA project 1380637Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through a Formación de Profesorado Universitario grant (FPU2019/01203

    Funções de agregação baseadas em integral de Choquet aplicadas em redimensionalização de imagens

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    O crescente aumento do volume de dados, juntamente com a alta complexidade destes, tem gerado a necessidade de se desenvolver técnicas de extração de conhecimento cada vez mais eficientes, tanto em custo computacional quanto em precisão. A maioria dos problemas que são tratados por esses técnicas tem informações complexas a serem identificadas. Para isso são utilizados métodos de aprendizado de máquina, onde esses métodos usam uma variedade de funções dentro das diferentes etapas que são empregadas em suas arquiteturas. Uma dessas consiste no uso de funções de agregação para redimensionar imagens. Neste contexto, apresenta-se um estudo de funções de agregação baseadas na integral de Choquet, onde a principal característica da integral do Choquet, em comparação com outras funções de agregação, reside no fato de que ela considera, por meio da medida fuzzy, a interação entre os elementos a serem agregados. Logo, apresenta-se um estudo avaliativo do desempenho das funções integral de Choquet clássica, integral de Choquet baseada em Cópula em relação as funções máximo e média, procurando resultados que podem ser melhores do que as funções de agregação usualmente aplicadas. Os resultados de tais comparações são promissores, quando avaliados através de medidas de qualidade de imagem