33 research outputs found

    Integrated Underground Analyses as a Key for Seasonal Heat Storage and Smart Urban Areas

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    The design and performance of a shallow geothermal system is influenced by the geological and hydrogeological context, environmental conditions and thermal demand loads. In order to preserve the natural thermal resource, it is crucial to have a balance between the supply and the demand for the renewable energy. In this context, this article presents a case study where an innovative system is created for the storage of seasonal solar thermal energy underground, exploiting geotechnical micropiles technology. The new geoprobes system (energy micropile; EmP) consists of the installation of coaxial geothermal probes within existing micropiles realized for the seismic requalification of buildings. The underground geothermal system has been realized, starting from the basement of an existing holiday home Condominium, and was installed in dry subsoil, 20 m-deep below the parking floor. The building consists of 140 apartments, with a total area of 5553 m2, and is located at an altitude of about 1490 m above sea level. Within the framework of a circular economy, energy saving and the use of renewable sources, the design of the geothermal system was based on geological, hydrogeological and thermophysical analytical studies, in situ measurements (e.g., Lefranc and Lugeon test during drilling; Rock Quality Designation index; thermal response tests; acquisition of temperature data along the borehole), numerical modelling and long-term simulations. Due to the strong energy imbalance of the demand from the building (heating only), and in order to optimize the underground annual balance, both solar thermal storage and geothermal heat extraction/injection to/from a field of 380 EmPs, with a relative distance varying from 1 to 2 m, were adopted. The integrated solution, resulting from this investigation, allowed us to overcome the standard barriers of similar geological settings, such as the lack of groundwater for shallow geothermal energy exploitation, the lack of space for borehole heat exchanger drilling, the waste of solar heat during the warm season, etc., and it can pave the way for similar renewable and low carbon emission hybrid applications as well as contribute to the creation of smart buildings/urban areas

    Sleep disordered breathing from preschool to early adult age and its neurocognitive complications: A preliminary report

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    Objective: The onset and development of sleep disordered breathing (SDB) remains unclear in an age - dependent manner. Despite treatment, persistent symptoms such as snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness, as well as cognitive impairment may be present. The aim of the research was to determine the prevalence of residual symptoms of SDB in adolescence and early adulthood, the predisposing factors and its neurocognitive complications. Methods: In the present pilot study-cohort, a questionnaire was utilized to 154 people (average age: 17.9 ± 3), who as children (mean age: 5.3 ± 1.4) had AHI ≥2.5 episodes/h. They were divided into two groups based on AHI = 5 episodes/h. Depending on the results, they were invited to undergo a repeated polysomnography (PSG) and complete the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test. Statistical analysis was made with IBM SPSS software. Results: Out of the total, 35.7% claimed to still snore. AHI was negatively correlated to the severity of residual symptoms (Mann-Witney U test, p <0.005). According to repeated PSGs, 9/17 met the criteria for OSAS, while high BMI was associated with the severity of new AHI (chi squared test, p<0.005). Additionally, 7/16 scored below the MoCA baseline (<26/30). The characteristics of cognitive declines were mapped, with most prominent having been visuospatial, short - term memory and naming/language deficits. Discussion: A significant percentage of children with sleep breathing disorder present with residual symptoms during their transition to early adulthood, as well as undiagnosed neurocognitive complications. Clinicians suspicion for the underlying neurocognitive complications is required, even in young adults, while guidelines on monitoring pediatric OSAS patients after treatment should be addressed

    Seismic hazard for the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP). Part 2: broadband scenarios at the Fier Compressor Station (Albania)

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    AbstractTo ensure environmental and public safety, critical facilities require rigorous seismic hazard analysis to define seismic input for their design. We consider the case of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), which is a pipeline that transports natural gas from the Caspian Sea to southern Italy, crossing active faults and areas characterized by high seismicity levels. For this pipeline, we develop a Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) for the broader area, and, for the selected critical sites, we perform deterministic seismic hazard assessment (DSHA), by calculating shaking scenarios that account for the physics of the source, propagation, and site effects. This paper presents a DSHA for a compressor station located at Fier, along the Albanian coastal region. Considering the location of the most hazardous faults in the study site, revealed by the PSHA disaggregation, we model the ground motion for two different scenarios to simulate the worst-case scenario for this compressor station. We compute broadband waveforms for receivers on soft soils by applying specific transfer functions estimated from the available geotechnical data for the Fier area. The simulations reproduce the variability observed in the ground motion recorded in the near-earthquake source. The vertical ground motion is strong for receivers placed above the rupture areas and should not be ignored in seismic designs; furthermore, our vertical simulations reproduce the displacement and the static offset of the ground motion highlighted in recent studies. This observation confirms the importance of the DSHA analysis in defining the expected pipeline damage functions and permanent soil deformations

    Caratterizzazione qualitativa dei serbatoi acquiferi. In: Risorse idriche sotterranee della Provincia di Ferrara.

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    Sulla base dei dati stratigrafici e fino alla profondità massima di 200 m, nel sottosuolo ferrarese sono state distinte cinque unità idrogeologiche corrispondenti all’acquifero a falda libera (A0), all'acquifero A1, generalmente in pressione e, agli acquiferi più profondi A2, A3 e A4, sempre in pressione. Le caratteristiche geologiche di questi acquiferi sono state descritte in precedenz

    Monitoraggio idrogeologico e geochimico della discarica RSU del Comune di Sant'Agostino (FE)" finanziato dal MURST e realizzato presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell’Università di Ferrara della durata di 12 mesi (luglio 1999-giugno 2000).

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    Il presente lavoro evidenzia alcune problematiche relative all'efficienza della rete di monitoraggio idrogeologico ed idrochimico in aree limitrofe a discariche impostate in pianure alluvionali. Scopo del lavoro è di dare alcune indicazioni utili ai fini della protezione e della tutela dell'ambiente circostante. Come esempio particolare è stata utilizzata la discarica di rifiuti solidi urbani di Sant'Agostino, nella pianura ferrarese dove è presente una fitta alternanza di materiali a granulometria variabile (da grossolana a fine), e conseguentemente a permeabilità variabile, che può facilitare la propagazione di inquinati provenienti da una sorgente quale è il corpo di una discarica. Dall'acquisizione, dall'elaborazione ed analisi di dati litostratigrafici, idrogeologici ed geochimici provenienti da una rete di pozzi intorno alla discarica, è possibile definire: a) il modello litostratigrafico del sottosuolo; b) le modalità di circolazione idrica sotterranea, sia nel tempo che nello spazio, dell'acquifero a falda libera che si trova in diretto contatto con il corpo della discarica; c) la composizione geochimica delle risorse idriche sotterranee e dei corsi d'acqua superficiali. L'integrazione di questi dati e l'utilizzo di metodi di statistica multivariata, ci permette a) di definire i rapporti tra i corsi d'acqua superficiale e l'acquifero; b) individuare le aree soggette a maggior rischio di inquinamento a causa dalla presenza della discarica, c) proporre indicatori geochimici che ci permettano in tempo reale, e a basso costo, l'individuazione di una perdita dal polo di inquinamento e, infine, d) valutare l'efficienza dei probabili interventi di bonifica per la protezione delle risorse idriche sotterranee e per la realizzazione di un piano di recupero dell'area della discarica finalizzato alla salvaguardia dell'ambiente

    Risorse idriche sotterranee a Est di Ferrara: indagini sul comportamento idrogeologico e idrochimico; proposte per una gestione ottimale

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    Dottorato di ricerca in geologia applicata. 12. ciclo. Relatore Vincenzo Francani. Correlatore Giovanni Mase'Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Salinization processes in a coastal aquifer system (Siracusa, Italy)

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    Geophysical Research Abstract

    Geochimica isotopica. In: Risorse idriche sotterranee della Provincia di Ferrara

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    La caratterizzazione isotopica delle risorse idriche sotterranee, che si sviluppano nel territorio ferrarese, con particolare interesse al primo (A1-I) e secondo acquifero in pressione (A2-I), è stata realizzata, tramite l’elaborazione, di dati provenienti da una rete di monitoraggio costituita da 18 pozzi In particolare, sono stati utilizzati dieci campioni d’acqua per la caratterizzazione isotopica del sistema acquifero A1-I ed otto per quello A2-I. Nei campioni raccolti sono stati analizzati i rapporti isotopici 18O/16O, D/H ed il contenuto il tritio (T), carbonio-14 (14C) e carbonio-13 (13C)

    Impact of transhumance on diversity and structure of rangeland landscape

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    Transhumance is a common practice in the Mediterranean region, which has an effect to the form of landscapes and created areas of great value. Socio-economic changes in recent years had a significant role in land use/land cover changes caused by the abandonment of traditional management practices. These changes are the main factors of landscapes evolution and provokes among other the invasion and dominance of woody species. The aim of this paper was to investigate the impact of transhumance on temporal land use / land cover changes and landscape structure jointed with the socio-economic changes. Four study areas were selected from 2013-2015, two at the lowlands in the prefectures of Larissa and Halkidiki where the flocks remain during the winter and two at mountainous areas, in Vermio and Grevena where the flocks are moved during the summer. The relevant demographic data was collected. Soil samples were taken from two depths, for chemical analyses and pH, organic matter, macronutrients and micronutrients were measured in each study area. The aboveground herbage and woody biomass were measured in the grazed rangelands and in protected areas from grazing as well. Additionally, vegetation cover was measured, and species composition was calculated. Species diversity was determined by diversity, eveness and dominance indicators. Also, β diversity, was determined by similarity indicators. Aerial photographs of 1945, orthophotomaps of 1986 and satellite imagery from Google Earth of 2015 were selected as a primary source of data. ArcGIS software was used to process the data and landscape metrics were calculated. According to the results there were differences between the four study areas in soil nutrient content, which a decrease with the depth in most cases. The aboveground biomass and the diversity were higher in protected areas. On the contrary, the long-term protection from grazing caused the invasion and dominance of woody species. The vegetation cover was not affected by grazing and it remained high in all four study areas. Implementation of indicators of similarity indicated that the two mountainous and the two lowland regions had similarities among them respectively, while Larissa and Smolikas had the lowest similarity. The temporal land use/ land cover changes (1945 - 2015) indicated that grasslands, open and medium shrublands and open forests decreased in favor of dense shrublands and forests, causing a significant reduction in landscape diversity and heterogeneity. Transhumance appears to have had a considerable effect at field level (species composition) and at landscape level for the district of Smolikas, as well as the general landscape, and the grasslands were kept in better situation in terms of landscape structure.Στην περιοχή της Μεσογείου, η μετακινούμενη κτηνοτροφία είναι μία πρακτική η οποία έχει επηρεάσει την εξέλιξη των τοπίων και έχει δημιουργήσει περιοχές μεγάλης αξίας. Τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες παρατηρήθηκε εγκατάλειψη της υπαίθρου και μείωση των παραδοσιακών δραστηριοτήτων και συνεπώς και της μετακινούμενης κτηνοτροφίας. Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι να μελετηθεί η επίδραση της μετακινούμενης κτηνοτροφίας στην ποικιλότητα σε επίπεδο πεδίου και τοπίου σε συνδυασμό με τις κοινωνικοοικονομικές μεταβολές. Η έρευνα πραγματοποιήθηκε το 2013-2014 σε δύο πεδινές και δύο ορεινές περιοχές, στους Νομούς Λάρισας και Χαλκιδικής, όπου τα ζώα παραμένουν κατά τη διάρκεια των χειμερινών μηνών και στο όρος Βέρμιο και στο νομό Γρεβενών στις οποίες τα ζώα μετακινούνται κατά τους θερινούς μήνες. Για την επίτευξη του σκοπού αυτού έγινε συλλογή των σχετικών δημογραφικών δεδομένων. Σε κάθε περιοχή μελέτης ελήφθησαν δείγματα εδάφους σε δύο βάθη και προσδιορίστηκαν, το pH, ο C και η οργανική ουσία, καθώς και μακροστοιχεία και ιχνοστοιχεία του εδάφους. Μετρήθηκε η υπέργεια βιομάζα της ποώδους και της ξυλώδους βλάστησης στα βοσκόμενα λιβάδια και σε προστατευμένα τμήματα (κλωβοί) και εκτιμήθηκε το ποσοστό χρησιμοποίησης. Επίσης, μετρήθηκε η φυτοκάλυψη και υπολογίστηκε η σύνθεση της βλάστησης. Για τον υπολογισμό της ποικιλότητας σε επίπεδο ειδών χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δείκτες ποικιλότητας, ομοιομορφίας και κυριαρχίας ειδών. Για τον προσδιορισμό της β - ποικιλότητας χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δείκτες ομοιότητας. Για τον προσδιορισμό των μεταβολών των χρήσεων/κάλυψης γης σε επίπεδο τοπίου χρησιμοποιήθηκαν αεροφωτογραφίες του 1945, δασικοί ορθοφωτοχάρτες του 1986 και δορυφορικές εικόνες από το Google Earth του 2015, ενώ στη συνέχεια υπολογίστηκαν οι δείκτες χωρικής διάρθρωσης της δομής των τοπίων (Landscape metrics). Σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα οι τέσσερις περιοχές μελέτης παρουσίασαν διαφορές στην περιεκτικότητα του εδάφους σε θρεπτικά συστατικά, η οποία μειώνεται με το βάθος στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις. Η βραχυχρόνια προστασία από τη βόσκηση οδήγησε σε μεγαλύτερη υπέργεια βιομάζα της ποώδους βλάστησης και σε μεγαλύτερη ποικιλότητα και ομοιομορφία ειδών με μικρότερη τάση κυριαρχίας. Αντίθετα η μακροχρόνια προστασία από τη βόσκηση οδήγησε σε πύκνωση και κυριαρχία της ξυλώδους βλάστησης για την περιοχή της Συκιάς σε βάρος της ποώδους. Η φυτοκάλυψη δε φαίνεται να επηρεάστηκε από τη βόσκηση καθώς παρέμεινε σε υψηλά επίπεδα και στις τέσσερις περιοχές μελέτης. Από την εφαρμογή των δεικτών ομοιότητας προέκυψε ότι οι δύο ορεινές και οι δύο πεδινές περιοχές παρουσίασαν ομοιότητες μεταξύ τους αντίστοιχα. Από τη μελέτης της διαχρονικής μεταβολής των χρήσεων/ κάλυψης γης (1945 - 2015) των τεσσάρων περιοχών μελέτης προέκυψε μείωση των ποολίβαδων και των αραιών και ενδιάμεσων θαμνώνων και δασών προς όφελος των πυκνών, προκαλώντας παράλληλα μείωση της ποικιλότητας και της ετερογένειας του τοπίου. Η μετακινούμενη κτηνοτροφία είχε θετική επίδραση τόσο σε επίπεδο πεδίου (σύνθεση της βλάστησης), όσο και σε επίπεδο τοπίου (δομή και διάρθρωση) για την περιοχή του Σμόλικα, καθώς τόσο το γενικό τοπίο, όσο και τα ποολίβαδα διατηρήθηκαν σε καλύτερη κατάσταση

    Influence of climatic and human activities on the salinization process in two coastal aquifer systems of Sicily (Italy)

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    In the present work the Syracuse and the Licata coastal aquifer system (Sicily), has been investigated to evaluate the influence of the human activities and that of the climatic changes in the hydrological cycle in terms of qualitative and quantitative impact on the groundwater. The Syracuse area (eastern Sicily) is famous since ancient times for its natural springs, like Aretusa and Ciane, as well as for the hydraulic management handicraft know from 480 B.C. Unfortunately, the recent hyper-exploitation of the underground water resources and the concomitant decrease of the precipitations caused a general lowering of the piezometric level of the aquifers therefore enhancing the intrusion of marine salty waters. In the present work, numerous hydrochemical parameters have been investigated, among which the pH, the total dissolved solid, the electric conductivity, the temperature and the concentration of Ca, Mg, Na, K, HCO3, Cl and SO4. The data have been collected from five well fields located at different distances from the coast. The analyses have been performed in order to understand the relationships between the intense exploitation and the geochemical characteristics of the underground water resources. Our results obtained by applying classical geochemical methodologies integrated with techniques of multivariate statistics emphasise, firstly, the predominance of the Ca-HCO3 hydrochemical facies. Secondly, we could determine the evolution of mixing phenomena between salty and fresh waters approaching the coast line (San Nicola field). This behaviour is mainly associated with the pumping increase. Obviously, this intrusive process characterised by chlorides concentrations larger than 2000 mg/l affects all the coastal natural environment and generates severe problems to the entire aqueduct network. In the alluvial plain of Licata (southern Sicily) the evolution of the Salso River (in Italian it means ’Salty River’) and the coastal dynamics, characterised by consecutive transgressions and retreats of the coast-line, qualitatively and quantitatively influenced the underground water resources. In this complex geological contest, also the anthropogenic activities played a crucial role, especially the farming activity as largely testified by the occurrence of numerous greenhouses that cover most of the plain. The analysis of thermopluviometric data concerning the last 75 years allowed to obtain inferences on the climatic evolution of this region characterised by a mean annual temperature of about 18 C and mean annual precipitations of only 454 mm. In particular, during the last 24 years a 12% decrease of the precipitation with respect the previous period of observation is observed together with the increase of the temperature of the air about 1 C. The research was focused on the unconfined, mainly sandy, aquifer developed in the Quaternary deposits of the Licata plain. The water depth of this aquifer is between to 0.3 to locally 5 m from the surface and the principal alimentation occurs via infiltration from precipitations and lateral outflow from the Salso river. The high salinity of the river especially during Summer periods and the intense farming activities played a crucial role for the quality degradation of the aquife