86 research outputs found

    Verkeersveiligheid op vrije tram- en busbanen

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    In augustus 2007 werd het bestek nr. ABMV/07/VV/VTBB Studieopdracht “Verkeersveiligheid op vrije tram- en busbanen” gepubliceerd. Het doel van deze opdracht was de verkeersveiligheid van vrije tram- en busbanen in beeld te brengen en te analyseren. Daarbij diende vertrokken te worden van een gedetailleerde, multidisciplinaire analyse van de ongevallen, geregistreerd op de Vlaamse beddingen voor het openbaar vervoer, en van de identificatie van mogelijke ongevals-oorzaken. Bovendien zouden uit het onderzoek een aantal algemene richtlijnen,moeten geformuleerd worden voor de (her)aanleg van tram- en busbanen. Meer specifiek wil men met dit onderzoek een antwoord krijgen op volgende vier vragen: 1. Hoe is het gesteld met de verkeersveiligheid op vrije tram- en busbanen? 2. Komt de aanleg van vrije tram- en busbanen in conflict met de veiligheid van de zwakke weggebruiker? Is die onveiligheid groter dan op anders ingerichte wegen met vergelijkbare functie? 3. Welke factoren liggen ten grondslag aan de verkeersongevallen op vrije tram- en busbanen? 4. Welke maatregelen kunnen genomen worden om de verkeers-veiligheid op vrije tram- en busbanen te verbeteren? Welke richtlijnen kunnen geformuleerd worden voor de aanleg van vrije tram- en busbanen vanuit verkeersveiligheidsoogpunt? De vier verschillende fases van het onderzoek werden in het bestek gedetailleerd beschreven: In een eerste fase dient een globale analyse van de verkeersveiligheid op weggedeelten met vrije tram- en busbanen te gebeuren, en dit aan de hand van een gedetailleerde inventaris van de geregistreerde ongevallen. In een tweede fase dient de vastgestelde onveiligheid van verschillende tram- en busbanen te worden vergeleken met de verkeersveiligheid op anders ingerichte, doch qua functie vergelijkbare weggedeelten. Daartoe dient te worden uitgegaan van de frequentie van ongevallen en van de vergelijking van de oorzaken van de ongevallen op beide “types” weginrichting. In een derde fase volgt een probleemanalyse. Deze probleemanalyse baseert zich in eerste instantie op de ongevalgegevens verzameld tijdens de eerste fase om mogelijke conflictsituaties in beeld te brengen. Daarnaast worden specifieke knelpunten geïdentificeerd, die een veilige interactie tussen de voertuigen van het openbaar vervoer (bussen en trams) en de andere weggebruikers, voornamelijk de zwakke weggebruikers (zoals voetgangers en fietsers), bemoeilijken. Deze knelpunten kunnen gesitueerd zijn op de tram- en/of busbaan zelf, in de onmiddellijke omgeving ervan of zelfs ruimer, dit is in de algehele inrichting van de straat en/of de ordening van de verkeers-afwikkeling in die zone. Meer specifiek dient dus nagegaan te worden welke factoren ten grondslag liggen aan verkeersongevallen op vrije tram- en busbanen. Deze factoren kunnen zowel gedrags- als omgevingsfactoren omvatten. Gedragsfactoren kunnen betrekking hebben op het gedrag van de tram- en busbestuurders alsook op het gedrag van de andere weggebruikers op en rond de vrije tram- en/of busbaan. Fysieke kenmerken van vrije tram- en busbanen die een invloed kunnen hebben op de verkeersveiligheid dienen eveneens nader bekeken te worden. Bijzondere aandacht dient ook uit te gaan naar de problematiek van de oversteekplaatsen op de vrije tram- en busbanen. In een vierde fase dienen, naast formulering van beleidsaanbevelingen voortvloeiend uit de probleemanalyse, algemene richtlijnen voor de aanleg van tram- en busbanen geformuleerd te worden. Hierbij kan een onderscheid gemaakt worden tussen de aanleg van nieuwe tram- en busbanen en de heraanleg van bestaande tram- en busbanen. De richtlijnen moeten betrekking hebben op beide situaties en oog hebben voor het feit dat de inrichtingen steeds het gevolg zullen zijn van maatwerk, steeds in te passen in een andere ruimtelijke (en verkeerskundige) omgeving

    Three-Dimensional Stereophotogrammetry Assessment of Facial Asymmetry in Facial Palsy

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    Three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry is not much used in assessing facial palsy and a comprehensive understanding of sources of variation in these measurements is lacking. The present study assessed intra- and interobserver reliability of a novel three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry measurement of facial asymmetry and examined sources of variation in these outcomes. Three photographs (rest, closed mouth smile, and maximum smile) were made of 60 participants, 30 facial palsy patients and 30 control subjects. All images were analyzed twice by 2 observers independently, to determine intra- and interobserver reliability. Variance component analysis was performed to investigate sources of variation in the outcomes. Intraobserver reliability was good with intraclass correlation coefficients ranging from 0.715 to 0.999. Interobserver reliability ranged from 0.442 to 0.929. Reliability of the smile image measurements was not clearly different from the rest images. Variation in measurement results was largely due to the status of a participant, facial palsy versus control. When splitting the sample, the facial expression was a major source of variation. Acceptable reliability of the proposed 3D facial asymmetry measurement was found, in facial palsy patients and control subjects. Interobserver reliability was marked less compared to intraobserver reliability. For follow-up data only one observer should assess 3D stereophotogrammetry measurements

    Accumulation and transport of atmospherically deposited PFOA and PFOS in undisturbed soils downwind from a fluoropolymers factory

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    PFOA and PFOS are widely found PFAS components in Dutch topsoils. PFOA was emitted to the atmosphere during 1970-2012 from a fluoropolymers factory, and was deposited mainly within a radius of 50 km. For the first time, detailed concentration-depth profiles of PFOA and PFOS were measured in undisturbed soils downwind of the factory. Three locations were selected with about 3 meters of sand soil and free infiltration of rain. An adjacent peat soil was selected for comparison. In the sand soils, concentration-depth profiles of PFOA showed a distinct bell-shaped pattern with the highest contents at 0.2-0.5 m below surface, and lower contents both at the surface and at further depth (up to 3.5 m below surface). This observation indicates that the highest atmospheric deposition has passed, and that PFOA gradually migrates towards groundwater. Concentrations of PFOS are highest near the surface and reach the detection limit at 1 m below surface, suggesting that its downward migration occurs much slower. HYDRUS was used to model PFAS transport in the vadose zone assuming steady-state infiltration. The PFOA depth profiles in the sand soils can be described assuming plausible historic, atmospheric emission of PFOA from the factory and Koc values within the literature range. However, the retention observed must be attributed to linear partitioning between water and both soil organic matter and the air-water interface. Somewhat stronger retention holds for PFOS, but PFOS cannot originate from the factory in the extent found. An alternative explanation is historic, rather parallel emissions from nearby sources such as waste incinerators. Based on measurements and modelling, this study illustrates that PFOA, and to a lesser extent PFOS, should not be treated as immobile contaminants in topsoil as is currently the case in Dutch soil policy, but rather as mobile contaminants of which the legacy amounts in soil will pollute groundwater for many decades

    Investigation of possible leaching control mechanisms for chromium and vanadium in electric arc furnace (EAF) slags using combined experimental and modeling approaches

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    In this study, possible leaching control mechanisms for Cr and V in electric arc furnace slags were investigated by using a multi-methodological approach. Aside from chemical and mineralogical bulk analyses, special emphasis was given to surface investigations of the slags prior to and after leaching. In addition, pH dependence leaching tests were performed and the obtained data were evaluated with hydrogeochemical models. Investigations revealed that Cr and V are mainly bound in spinel and wuestite as well as minor amounts of olivine. Spinel and wuestite do not dissolve during water leaching for 48 h, whereas, depending on the composition of olivine, this phase either dissolves and releases V and Cr congruently, or does not dissolve but may hydrate. Melilite may also hydrate, but neither V nor Cr were detected in this phase. It appears that leached V is subsequently adsorbed onto these newly hydrated phases. The combination of the applied methods further showed that the abundance of calcium silicates, spinel, and wuestite is influenced by the FeO/SiO2 and CaO/SiO2 ratio in the slag. Therefore, it is assumed that the leaching of V and Cr can be minimized by changing these ratios to favor the formation of Fe bearing calcium silicate and spinel instead of wuestite

    A Second Surgical Debridement for Acute Periprosthetic Joint Infections Should Not Be Discarded

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    Background: In acute periprosthetic joint infections (PJIs), a second surgical debridement (debridement, antibiotics, and implant retention [DAIR]) is generally not recommended after a failed first one. We identified the failure rate of a second DAIR and aimed to identify patients in whom an additional debridement might still be beneficial. Methods: Patients with acute PJI of the hip or knee and treated with DAIR between 2006 and 2016 were retrospectively evaluated. A second DAIR was routinely performed provided that the soft tissue was intact. Failure of a second DAIR was described as (1) the need for additional surgical intervention to achieve infection control, (2) the need for antibiotic suppressive therapy due to persistent clinical and/or biochemical signs of infection, or (3) PJI related death. Results: From the 455 cases treated with DAIR, 144 cases underwent a second debridement (34.6%). Thirty-seven cases failed (37/144, 25.7%). The implant needed to be removed in 23 cases (23/144, 16%). Positive cultures during the second DAIR (odds ratio 3.16, 95% confidence interval 1.29-7.74) and chronic renal insufficiency (odds ratio 13.6, 95% confidence interval 2.03-91.33) were independent predictors for failure in the multivariate analysis. No difference in failure was observed between persistent infection with the same microorganism and reinfection with a new microorganism (failure rate 31.6% vs 34.6%, P =.83). Conclusion: A second DAIR had a low failure rate in our cohort of patients and the implant could be retained in the majority of them. Therefore, a second DAIR should not be discarded in acute PJIs


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    SUMMARY Ni Nyoman Ayu A.W, D1613067, Public Relations, Utilization Website Functions in Public Relations Activities as Media Communicator between the Community and the Government in Dishubkominfo Karanganyar, 2016. Kuliah Kerja Media (KKM) or we called Job Training do it by the author in Dishubkominfo Karanganyar. The reason why the author chose Dishubkominfo Karanganyar as a job training (KKM) in the field of communication and information technology, especially because it looks a lot of public relations activities or practice public speaking especially between government Karanganyar Regent and his Deputy with a lot of community. Here Public Relations is a communication method that is where the various forms of communication. Which in Punlic Relations that there is an attempt to realize the harmonious relationship between an organization and its publics. Public Relations is a deliberate effort, planned on an on going basis to create mutual understanding between an institution / organization with the public. Public Relations can also be regarded as an art as well as social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, briefed the leaders of the institution / organization and implementing planned programs to meet the interests of both the institution / organization and the people involved. At the time of the job training writers do a lot of practice public relations or public relations starting from routine activities for official that morning assembly, socializing with office workers, mutual coordination with staff-related staff, and lobbied with related parties participating in activities , documenting coverage and must maintain good relations between the internal and external Dishubkominfo Karanganyar District. Even job training is very useful for writing because it can prepare for the world of work that requires professional workers and authors directly to gain knowledge related to the field of public relations in order practices. Based on reports from the job training the institution Dishubkominfo Karangayar District, the authors conclude that public relations activities are vital to maintaining good relations between the internal and external Dishubkominfo Karanganyar District

    Epidemiology and Outcome of Critically Ill Pediatric Cancer and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients Requiring Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy:A Retrospective Nationwide Cohort Study

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    OBJECTIVE: Acute kidney injury requiring continuous renal replacement therapy is a serious treatment-related complication in pediatric cancer and hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients. The purpose of this study was to assess epidemiology and outcome of these patients requiring continuous renal replacement therapy in the PICU. DESIGN: A nationwide, multicenter, retrospective, observational study. SETTING: Eight PICUs of a tertiary care hospitals in the Netherlands. PATIENTS: Pediatric cancer and hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients (cancer and noncancer) who received continuous renal replacement therapy from January 2006 to July 2017 in the Netherlands.None. MEASUREMENT AND MAIN RESULTS: Of 1,927 PICU admissions of pediatric cancer and hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients, 68 of 70 evaluable patients who received continuous renal replacement therapy were included. Raw PICU mortality was 11.2% (216/1,972 admissions). PICU mortality of patients requiring continuous renal replacement therapy was 54.4% (37/68 patients). Fluid overload (odds ratio, 1.08; 95% CI, 1.01-1.17) and need for inotropic support (odds ratio, 6.53; 95% CI, 1.86-23.08) at the start of continuous renal replacement therapy were associated with PICU mortality. Serum creatinine levels increased above 150% of baseline 3 days before the start of continuous renal replacement therapy. Urine production did not reach the critical limit of oliguria. In contrast, body weight (fluid overload) increased already 5 days prior to continuous renal replacement therapy initiation. CONCLUSIONS: PICU mortality of pediatric cancer and hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients requiring continuous renal replacement therapy is sadly high. Fluid overload at the initiation of continuous renal replacement therapy is the most important and earliest predictor of PICU mortality. Our results suggest that the most commonly used criteria of acute kidney injury, that is, serum creatinine and urine production, are not useful as a trigger to initiate continuous renal replacement therapy. This highlights the urgent need for prospective studies to generate recommendations for effective therapeutic interventions at an early phase in this specific patient population

    Patient-Derived Organoid Models of Human Neuroendocrine Carcinoma

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    Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma (GEP-NEC) is a poorly understood disease with limited treatment options. A better understanding of this disease would greatly benefit from the availability of representative preclinical models. Here, we present the potential of tumor organoids, three-dimensional cultures of tumor cells, to model GEP-NEC. We established three GEP-NEC organoid lines, originating from the stomach and colon, and characterized them using DNA sequencing and immunohistochemistry. Organoids largely resembled the original tumor in expression of synaptophysin, chromogranin and Ki-67. Models derived from tumors containing both neuroendocrine and non-neuroendocrine components were at risk of overgrowth by non-neuroendocrine tumor cells. Organoids were derived from patients treated with cisplatin and everolimus and for the three patients studied, organoid chemosensitivity paralleled clinical response. We demonstrate the feasibility of establishing NEC organoid lines and their potential applications. Organoid culture has the potential to greatly extend the repertoire of preclinical models for GEP-NEC, supporting drug development for this difficult-to-treat tumor type

    Yukawa couplings and masses of non-chiral states for the Standard Model on D6-branes on T6/Z6'

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    The perturbative leading order open string three-point couplings for the Standard Model with hidden USp(6) on fractional D6-branes on T6/Z6' from arXiv:0806.3039 [hep-th], arXiv:0910.0843 [hep-th] are computed. Physical Yukawa couplings consisting of holomorphic Wilsonian superpotential terms times a non-holomorphic prefactor involving the corresponding classical open string Kaehler metrics are given, and mass terms for all non-chiral matter states are derived. The lepton Yukawa interactions are at leading order flavour diagonal, while the quark sector displays a more intricate pattern of mixings. While N=2 supersymmetric sectors acquire masses via only two D6-brane displacements - which also provide the hierarchies between up- and down-type Yukawas within one quark or lepton generation -, the remaining vector-like states receive masses via perturbative three-point couplings to some Standard Model singlet fields with vevs along flat directions. Couplings to the hidden sector and messengers for supersymmetry breaking are briefly discussed.Comment: 52 pages (including 8p. appendix); 5 figures; 14 tables; v2: discussion in section 4.1.3 extended, footnote 5 added, typos corrected, accepted by JHE
