279 research outputs found

    Equivalence of disturbance observer structures for linear systems

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    Several techniques exist to incorporate disturbance rejection requirements in a linear controller design. Contrary to, for example the H-infinity controller design technique where only one degree of freedom is available to obtain both disturbance rejection and performance, a disturbance observer adds a degree of freedom, thereby enabling a separate design of the disturbance rejection and the performance. There are many ways to design, implement and represent disturbance observers. We focus on two design methodologies and their corresponding representations. It can be shown that, in the case that the (SISO) plant is linear, the methodologies result in an equivalent disturbance observer. We use this equivalence to relate some properties well-known for one methodology to the other methodology, and vice vers

    C1D and hMtr4p associate with the human exosome subunit PM/Scl-100 and are involved in pre-rRNA processing

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    The exosome is a complex of 3′–5′ exoribonucleases and RNA-binding proteins, which is involved in processing or degradation of different classes of RNA. Previously, the characterization of purified exosome complexes from yeast and human cells suggested that C1D and KIAA0052/hMtr4p are associated with the exosome and thus might regulate its functional activities. Subcellular localization experiments demonstrated that C1D and KIAA0052/hMtr4p co-localize with exosome subunit PM/Scl-100 in the nucleoli of HEp-2 cells. Additionally, the nucleolar accumulation of C1D appeared to be dependent on PM/Scl-100. Protein–protein interaction studies showed that C1D binds to PM/Scl-100, whereas KIAA0052/hMtr4p was found to interact with MPP6, a previously identified exosome-associated protein. Moreover, we demonstrate that C1D, MPP6 and PM/Scl-100 form a stable trimeric complex in vitro. Knock-down of C1D, MPP6 and KIAA0052/hMtr4p by RNAi resulted in the accumulation of 3′-extended 5.8S rRNA precursors, showing that these proteins are required for rRNA processing. Interestingly, C1D appeared to contain RNA-binding activity with a potential preference for structured RNAs. Taken together, our results are consistent with a role for the exosome-associated proteins C1D, MPP6 and KIAA052/hMtr4p in the recruitment of the exosome to pre-rRNA to mediate the 3′ end processing of the 5.8S rRNA

    Mobility level and factors affecting mobility status in hospitalized patients admitted in single-occupancy patient rooms

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    Background: Although stimulating patients’ mobility is considered a component of fundamental nursing care, approximately 35% of hospitalized patients experience functional decline during or after hospital admission. The aim of this study is to assess mobility level and to identify factors affecting mobility status in hospitalized patients admitted in single-occupancy patient rooms (SPRs) on general wards. Methods: Mobility level was quantified with the Johns Hopkins Highest Level of Mobility Scale (JH-HLM) and EQ-5D-3L. GENEActiv accelerometer data over 24 h were collected in a subset of patients. Data were analyzed using generalized ordinal logistic regression analysis. The STROBE reporting checklist was applied. Results:Wearing pajamas during daytime, having pain, admission in an isolation room, and wearing three or more medical equipment were negatively associated with mobilization level. More than half of patients (58.9%) who were able to mobilize according to the EQ-5D-3L did not achieve the highest possible level of mobility according to the JH-HLM. The subset of patients that wore an accelerometer spent most of the day in sedentary behavior (median 88.1%, IQR 85.9–93.6). The median total daily step count was 1326 (range 22-5362). Conclusion: We found that the majority of participating hospitalized patients staying in single-occupancy patient rooms were able to mobilize. It appeared, however, that most of the patients who are physically capable of walking, do not reach the highest possible level of mobility according to the JH-HLM scale. Nurses should take their responsibility to ensure that patients achieve the highest possible level of mobility.</p

    Mobility level and factors affecting mobility status in hospitalized patients admitted in single-occupancy patient rooms

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    Background: Although stimulating patients’ mobility is considered a component of fundamental nursing care, approximately 35% of hospitalized patients experience functional decline during or after hospital admission. The aim of this study is to assess mobility level and to identify factors affecting mobility status in hospitalized patients admitted in single-occupancy patient rooms (SPRs) on general wards. Methods: Mobility level was quantified with the Johns Hopkins Highest Level of Mobility Scale (JH-HLM) and EQ-5D-3L. GENEActiv accelerometer data over 24 h were collected in a subset of patients. Data were analyzed using generalized ordinal logistic regression analysis. The STROBE reporting checklist was applied. Results:Wearing pajamas during daytime, having pain, admission in an isolation room, and wearing three or more medical equipment were negatively associated with mobilization level. More than half of patients (58.9%) who were able to mobilize according to the EQ-5D-3L did not achieve the highest possible level of mobility according to the JH-HLM. The subset of patients that wore an accelerometer spent most of the day in sedentary behavior (median 88.1%, IQR 85.9–93.6). The median total daily step count was 1326 (range 22-5362). Conclusion: We found that the majority of participating hospitalized patients staying in single-occupancy patient rooms were able to mobilize. It appeared, however, that most of the patients who are physically capable of walking, do not reach the highest possible level of mobility according to the JH-HLM scale. Nurses should take their responsibility to ensure that patients achieve the highest possible level of mobility.</p

    Barriers and facilitators for implementation of automated home medication dispensers in home care from Dutch professionals' perspective:a qualitative study

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    Introduction and aims:Present-day home care needs to be more efficiently organized in view of the aging of the population and the current nursing shortages. Ensuring safe medication use is part of the challenge. The number of required visits could be reduced if automated home medication dispensers (AHMD) are adequately implemented. However, the barriers and facilitators for implementation are unknown. This project explored determinants (barriers, facilitators, or both) for implementing AHMD in home care, from Dutch home care nurses' perspective.Methods:Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 home care nurses. Determinants were identified through thematic content analysis. The first four transcripts were coded inductively. Then, a code tree was developed based on the Tailored Implementation for Chronic Diseases checklist, consisting of seven domains. Each code/determinant was then labelled as a barrier, facilitator, or both.Results:The most relevant domains were innovation factors, individual health professional factors, and patient factors. The most frequently mentioned barrier was the required unplanned visits when patients did not withdraw medication within the scheduled time limit (alarm). According to our respondents, carefully assessing patients' eligibility (e.g., learnability) and properly instructing and guiding them will help prevent these alarms from occurring. Next to these determinants, motivating patients to start using an AHMD and professionals having sufficient knowledge and confidence were the most frequently mentioned facilitators.Conclusion:This project provided an overview of 78 determinants from nurses' perspective for implementation of AHMD in home care. This can form the basis for developing strategies for implementing AHMD in home care. Further research is recommended to investigate the perceived determinants from the patients', relatives', and informal caregivers' perspectives, and to prioritize the determinants from all perspectives

    Implementation of a nursing oral health care protocol in a university teaching hospital:A cluster-randomized stepped-wedge design

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    Introduction: Providing oral care is an essential part of basic nursing care but receives little priority in daily practice, with a risk of adverse events. Also, nurses report many barriers to adequate provision of oral care, such as time restraints, insufficient materials, fear of causing pain, lack of knowledge and a negative attitude towards providing oral care. Methods: We performed a cluster-randomized, stepped-wedge study to explore the effect of the the implementation of a new nursing evidence-based oral care protocol on nurses' knowledge, attitude and protocol adherence. The study population included both nursing students, graduated nurses and patients in selected wards. The implementation strategy included oral and written information, instruction videos and reminders. Nurses' knowledge and attitude towards oral care were assessed at baseline and after the implementation of the protocol with a validated 47-item questionnaire with a score range of 0–100. Secondarily, nurses' protocol adherence to teeth brushing, measured in Activities of Daily Living (ADL) dependent patients, was evaluated. The Standards for Reporting Implementation Studies (StaRI) Statement was used. Results: At baseline, the questionnaire was completed by 226 nurses; after implementation by 283. Knowledge had significantly improved from 68.8 to 72.3. Nurses' attitude improved not significantly. Protocol adherence was assessed in 73 ADL-dependent patients at baseline, in 51 after implementation. Adherence to teeth brushing significantly decreased in patients with permanent teeth. Also, adherence to both teeth brushing and usage of soap decreased in patients with (partial) dentures. Conclusion: Nurses' knowledge and attitude of oral care increased somewhat after the implementation of a new nursing evidence-based protocol. After implementation, there was an unexplained decreased adherence to oral care in ADL-dependent patients.</p