20 research outputs found

    Metodi di trattamento delle acque reflue dellā€™industria della carne

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    Količina i sastav otpadnih voda mesne industrije ovise o vrsti mesa koje se obrađuje, načinu čiŔćenja opreme i veličini postrojenja. Otpadne vode mesne industrije visoko su onečiŔćene i opterećene proteinima, lipidima, ugljikohidratima i vlaknima. Industrija mesa obuhvaća klaonice, pogone za obradu i pogone za proizvodnju mesnih proizvoda. Istražene su brojne metode obrade otpadnih voda mesne industrije, fizikalni, kemijski i bioloÅ”kih procesi. Cilj obrade otpadne vode mesne industrije je postizanje kakvoće pročiŔćene vode koja zadovoljava zakonske propise, kvalitetno iskoriÅ”tenje nusprodukata procesa, a odabrani postupak obrade treba biti ekoloÅ”ki, ekonomski i tehnoloÅ”ki najbolji. Ovaj pregledni rad dat će literaturni pregled metoda obrade otpadnih voda mesne industrije kao i kakvoću otpadnih voda mesne industrije.The quantity and quality of meat industry wastewater depend on the type of meat processed, the way the equipment is cleaned, and the size of the plant. The meat industry wastewater is highly polluted and rich in proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and fibers. The meat industry includes slaughterhouses, processing plants and plants for the production of meat products. Numerous methods for meat industry wastewater treatment, physical, chemical and biological processes, have been investigated. The aim of meat industry wastewater treatment is to achieve the quality of purified water that meets the legal regulations, the quality utilisation of the process by-products, and the selected treatment process should be the most ecologically, economically and technologically advanced. This review paper will provide a literature review of meat industry wastewater treatment methods, as well as the quality of the meat industry wastewater.Die Menge und QualitƤt des Abwassers der Fleischindustrie hƤngt von der Art des verarbeiteten Fleisches, der Art der Reinigung der Anlagen und der GrĆ¶ĆŸe des Betriebes ab. Die AbwƤsser der Fleischindustrie sind stark verschmutzt und reich an Proteinen, Lipiden, Kohlenhydraten und Fasern. Zur Fleischindustrie gehƶren Schlachthƶfe, Verarbeitungsbetriebe und Anlagen zur Herstellung von Fleischprodukten. Es wurden zahlreiche Methoden zur Abwasserbehandlung in der Fleischindustrie sowie physikalische, chemische und biologische Verfahren untersucht. Das Ziel der Abwasserbehandlung in der Fleischindustrie ist es, die QualitƤt des gereinigten Wassers zu erreichen, die den gesetzlichen Vorschriften entspricht, eine gute Verwertung der Prozessnebenprodukte, wobei das gewƤhlte Behandlungsverfahren ƶkologisch, wirtschaftlich und technologisch fortschrittlich sein sollte. Diese Ɯbersichtsarbeit gibt einen LiteraturĆ¼berblick Ć¼ber die Methoden der Abwasserbehandlung in der Fleischindustrie sowie Ć¼ber die QualitƤt des Abwassers der Fleischindustrie.La cantidad y calidad de las aguas residuales de la industria cĆ”rnica depende del tipo de carne procesada, la forma de limpieza del equipo y del tamaƱo de la planta. Las aguas residuales de la industria cĆ”rnica estĆ”n muy contaminadas y cargadas de proteĆ­nas, lĆ­pidos, carbohidratos y fibras. La industria cĆ”rnica incluye mataderos, plantas de procesamiento y plantas para la producciĆ³n de productos cĆ”rnicos. Se han investigado numerosos mĆ©todos de tratamiento de aguas residuales de la industria cĆ”rnica, asĆ­ como los procesos fĆ­sicos, quĆ­micos y biolĆ³gicos. El objetivo del tratamiento de aguas residuales de la industria cĆ”rnica es lograr la calidad del agua purificada que cumpla con la legislaciĆ³n, la utilizaciĆ³n de calidad de los subproductos del proceso y el procedimiento de tratamiento seleccionado debe ser el mejor del aspecto ambiental, econĆ³mico y tecnolĆ³gico. Esta revisiĆ³n proporcionarĆ” una revisiĆ³n de la literatura sobre los mĆ©todos de tratamiento de aguas residuales de la industria cĆ”rnica, asĆ­ como la calidad de las aguas residuales de la industria cĆ”rnica.La quantitĆ  e la composizione delle acque reflue dellā€™industria della carne dipendono dal tipo della carne lavorata, dalle modalitĆ  di pulizia degli impianti e dalla grandezza dello stabilimento. Le acque di scarico dellā€™industria della carne sono altamente contaminate e ricche di proteine, lipidi, carboidrati e fibre. Lā€™industria della carne comprende gli impianti della macellazione, gli impianti della lavorazione e gli impianti della produzione dei prodotti a base di carne. Sono stati studiati numerosi metodi di trattamento delle acque reflue dellā€™industria della carne che consistono in processi fisici, chimici e biologici. Il trattamento delle acque reflue dellā€™industria della carne ha, come finalitĆ , il raggiungimento di una qualitĆ  delle acque depurate che soddisfi i parametri previsti dalla legge e lo sfruttamento ottimale dei sottoprodotti del processo, mentre il processo di trattamento prescelto deve essere il migliore possibile dal punto di vista ecologico, economico e tecnologico. Questā€™articolo di rassegna fornirĆ  un quadro bibliografico dei metodi trattamento e della qualitĆ  delle acque reflue dellā€™industria della carne


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    The biological performance of flocculent sludge in sequencing batch reactor for the treatment of fish canning wastewater was evaluated in terms of organic matter and nutrient removal by gradual increase of salt concentration in the nitritation-denitritation process. Salinity negatively affected the biological system performance in a way that reduced organic and nutrient removal. The removal efficiency of organic matter and nitrogen showed good performance below 20 g NaCl/L, while phosphate accumulating organisms activity was deteriorated and declined during whole experiment. Nitrogen removal occurred as ammonium oxidation with nitrite accumulation. Nitrite reduction was not affected by salt concentration

    Potencijal otpadne vode mljekarske industrije za proces denitrifikacije

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    In this work the potential of dairy wastewater for denitrification process by means of a microbial culture of nitrificants and denitrificants was investigated. The aim of this work was to remove nitrate by using organic compounds from the dairy wastewater as an electron donors. The minimal ratio of COD/NO3-N of 10 (COD-chemical oxygen demand/NO3-N-nitrate nitrogen) was required to achieve complete reduction of NO3-N. The microbial culture of nitrificants and denitrificants, that was previously adapted on the dairy wastewater, carried out nitrate reduction with a different substrate utilization rate. The denitrification rate of 5.75 mg NO3-N/Lh was achieved at the beginning of denitrification when the microbial culture utilizes readily biodegradable COD. Further degradation occurred with the denitrification rate of 1.7 mg NO3-N/Lh.U ovom radu istražen je potencijal otpadne vode mljekarske industrije za proces denitrifikacije pomoću mikrobne kulture nitrifikanata i denitrifikanata. Cilj rada je bio ukloniti nitrat koristeći organske sastojke iz otpadne vode industrije prerade mlijeka kao elektron donore. Minimalan omjer KPK/ NO3-N (KPK-kemijska potroÅ”nja kisika/NO3-N-nitratni duÅ”ik) potreban za postizanje potpune redukcije NO3-N iznosi 10. Mikrobna kultura nitrifikanata i denitrifikanata, prethodno prilagođena na otpadnu vodu mljekarske industrije, provodi redukciju nitrata uz različitu brzinu iskoriÅ”tenja supstrata. U početku denitrifikacije mikrobna kultura troÅ”i lako razgradivi KPK i postiže brzinu denitrifikacije od 5,75 mg NO3-N/Lh. Daljnja razgradnja zbiva se uz brzinu denitrifikacije od 1,7 mg NO3 N/Lh

    Nitrogen Removal with Aerobic Granules ā€“ Effect of Dissolved Oxygen and Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio

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    Nitrogen removal efficiency related to the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration (DO 1ā€“7Ā mgĀ lā€“1), carbon/nitrogen ratio (COD/N 1ā€“14), and the effect of airflow (0.4ā€“2.9Ā lĀ minā€“1) related to the granule size were investigated. The average chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal of ā‰„Ā 90Ā % was achieved at COD/NĀ ā‰„Ā 11, but the satisfactory N values in effluent for discharge into the surface waters were almost achieved at COD/N 14. DO of 2Ā mgĀ lā€“1 is recommended for efficient removal of N and COD with mature granules. The size (diameter) of the granules decreases with increased airflow

    BioloŔka denitrifikacija

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    Ubrzani napredak industrije, poljoprivrede i domaćinstva su pogodovali poviÅ”enim koncentracijama duÅ”ika u vodenom ekosustavu, Å”to uzrokuje eutrofikaciju. DuÅ”ik se iz otpadne vode uklanja procesom bioloÅ”ke denitrifikacije. U ovom preglednom radu dan je osvrt na denitrifikaciju, s aspekta mikroorganizama, koncentracije otopljenog kisika, donora i akceptora elektrona

    Aerobni granulirani mulj u obradi otpadnih voda: mehanizam granulacije i svojstva aerobnih granula

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    Aerobni granulirani mulj (AGS, engl. Aerobic Granular Sludge) predstavlja obećavajuću tehnologiju u obradi otpadnih voda kućanstva i industrije. Aerobne granule su samoimobilizirane mikrobne nakupine, bez nosača, a karakterizira ih kompaktna gusta struktura, visoko zadržavanje biomase, visoka učinkovitost uklanjanja onečiŔćenja i svojstvo brzog taloženja. Na formiranje i stabilnost aerobnog granuliranog mulja utječu brojni čimbenici, poput koncentracija otopljenog kisika, vrijeme prozračivanja, vrsta izvora ugljika, sile smicanja, period gladovanja, vrijeme taloženja. Zbog slojevite strukture granule, sa vanjskim aerobnim slojem i anoksičnim i anaerobnim zonama prema srediÅ”tu granule, moguće je istovremeno uklanjanje C, N i P. AGS tehnologija ima potencijal smanjenja infrastrukture i operativnih troÅ”kova pročiŔćavanja otpadnih voda. Ovaj rad daje pregled najnovijih spoznaja iz literature o mehanizmu granulacije i svojstvima aerobnih granula

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater at anoxic conditions

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je istražiti aktivnost DPAOs za uklanjanje N i P sa NO2-N kao elektron akceptorom u anoksičnim uvjetima sa acetatom kao izvorom ugljika. U aktivnom mulju aklimatiziranom za procese uklanjanja N i P, FISH metodom su dokazani mikrobni klasteri odgovorni za procese nitrifikacije, denitrifikacije, (anoksično) uklanjanje fosfora, i pohranjivanje glikogena. Dokazani su unutarstanično pohranjeni polimeri, poliP i PHA. U anoksičnim uvjetima sa NO2-N kao akceptorom elektrona, u procesu denitrificirajuće defosfatacije 15 mg PO4-P/L pri omjerima N/P 1-4 omjer Ī”C/Ī”N/Ī”P je izračunat pri minimalnom omjeru C/N za postizanje potpune denitrifikacije za vrijeme ustaljene brzine uklanjanja P, i iznosi 14,3/1,3/1 pri N/P 1 i C/N 5, pri čemu je ostvareno 78% uklanjanje P; 15,9/1,8/1 pri N/P 2 i C/N 4, pri čemu je postignuto 77,1% uklanjanje P; 15,2/3,0/1 pri N/P 3 i C/N 3 uz 74,5% uklanjanje P, i 14,6/2,7/1 pri N/P 4 i C/N 3, uz 71,2% uklanjanje P. U anoksičnim uvjetima sa NO2-N kao akceptorom elektrona, u procesu denitrificirajuće defosfatacije 30 mg PO4-P/L pri omjeru N/P 0,5 postignuto je uklanjanje P 61,9% (C/N 4) i 67,6% (C/N 5), uz izračunati omjer Ī”N/Ī”P 0,8, a pri omjeru N/P 1 i C/N 5 postignuto je 78,6% uklanjanje P, uz izračunati omjer Ī”N/Ī”P 1,2. U anaerobno-anoksičnim uvjetima sa NO2-N kao akceptorom elektrona, u procesu denitrificirajuće defosfatacije 15 mg PO4-P/L pri omjeru N/P 2 i 4 omjer Ī”C/Ī”N/Ī”P izračunat za period ustaljene brzine uklanjanja P, pri minimalnom omjeru C/N za potpuno uklanjanje N, pri N/P 2 i C/N 3 iznosi 11,6C/2,2N/1P uz 75,8% uklonjenog P; a pri N/P 4 i C/N 3 iznosi 17,9C/3,8N/1P uz 68,3% uklonjenog P. U procesu denitrificirajuće defosfatacije uz NO2-N kao akceptor elektrona postiže se neznatno bolji učinak uklanjanja P u anoksičnim uvjetima pri minimalnom potrebnom omjeru C/N za potpuno uklanjanje N, u usporedbi sa anaerobno-anoksičnim uvjetima.The aim of this research was to investigate DPAOs activity for N and P removal with NO2-N as an electron acceptor under anoxic conditions with acetate as a carbon source. By use of the FISH method in the activated sludge acclimatized on N and P removal process, microbial clusters responsible for processes of nitrification, denitrification, (anoxic) phosphorus removal, and glycogen storage, were proven. Intracellular storage polymers, polyP and PHA, were also proven. In the process of denitrifying dephosphatation 15 mg PO4-P/L under anoxic conditions with NO2-N as an electron acceptor at ratios N/P 1-4, a ratio of Ī”C/Ī”N/Ī”P was calculated at minimal C/N ratio required for complete denitrification during constant P uptake rate and amounts 14,3/1,3/1 at N/P 1 and C/N 5, with 78% P removal; 15,9/1,8/1 at N/P 2 and C/N 4, with 77,1% P removal; 15,2/3,0/1 at N/P 3 and C/N 3 with 74,5% P removal, and 14,6/2,7/1 at N/P 4 and C/N 3, with 71,2% P removal. In the process of denitrifying dephosphatation 30 mg PO4-P/L under anoxic conditions with NO2-N as an electron acceptor, at a ratio of N/P 0,5 P removal of 61,9% (C/N 4) and 67,6% (C/N 5) was achieved, with a calculated ratio of Ī”N/Ī”P 0,8, whereas at a ratio of N/P 1 and C/N 5 P removal of 78,6% was achieved, with calculated ratio of Ī”N/Ī”P 1,2. Under anaerobic-anoxic conditions with NO2-N as an electron acceptor, in the process of denitrifying dephosphatation 15 mg PO4-P/L at ratios of N/P 2 and 4, a ratio of Ī”C/Ī”N/Ī”P was calculated for the period of constant P uptake rate at a minimal ratio of C/N for complete N removal, and at N/P 2 and C/N 3 amounts 11,6C/2,2N/1P with 75,8% P removal; at N/P 4 and C/N 3 amounts 17,9C/3,8N/1P with 68,3% P removal. In the process of denitrifying dephosphatation with NO2-N as an electron acceptor a slightly better P removal under anoxic conditions was obtained, at a minimal required C/N ratio for complete N removal, compared to anaerobic-anoxic conditions

    Simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater at anoxic conditions

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je istražiti aktivnost DPAOs za uklanjanje N i P sa NO2-N kao elektron akceptorom u anoksičnim uvjetima sa acetatom kao izvorom ugljika. U aktivnom mulju aklimatiziranom za procese uklanjanja N i P, FISH metodom su dokazani mikrobni klasteri odgovorni za procese nitrifikacije, denitrifikacije, (anoksično) uklanjanje fosfora, i pohranjivanje glikogena. Dokazani su unutarstanično pohranjeni polimeri, poliP i PHA. U anoksičnim uvjetima sa NO2-N kao akceptorom elektrona, u procesu denitrificirajuće defosfatacije 15 mg PO4-P/L pri omjerima N/P 1-4 omjer Ī”C/Ī”N/Ī”P je izračunat pri minimalnom omjeru C/N za postizanje potpune denitrifikacije za vrijeme ustaljene brzine uklanjanja P, i iznosi 14,3/1,3/1 pri N/P 1 i C/N 5, pri čemu je ostvareno 78% uklanjanje P; 15,9/1,8/1 pri N/P 2 i C/N 4, pri čemu je postignuto 77,1% uklanjanje P; 15,2/3,0/1 pri N/P 3 i C/N 3 uz 74,5% uklanjanje P, i 14,6/2,7/1 pri N/P 4 i C/N 3, uz 71,2% uklanjanje P. U anoksičnim uvjetima sa NO2-N kao akceptorom elektrona, u procesu denitrificirajuće defosfatacije 30 mg PO4-P/L pri omjeru N/P 0,5 postignuto je uklanjanje P 61,9% (C/N 4) i 67,6% (C/N 5), uz izračunati omjer Ī”N/Ī”P 0,8, a pri omjeru N/P 1 i C/N 5 postignuto je 78,6% uklanjanje P, uz izračunati omjer Ī”N/Ī”P 1,2. U anaerobno-anoksičnim uvjetima sa NO2-N kao akceptorom elektrona, u procesu denitrificirajuće defosfatacije 15 mg PO4-P/L pri omjeru N/P 2 i 4 omjer Ī”C/Ī”N/Ī”P izračunat za period ustaljene brzine uklanjanja P, pri minimalnom omjeru C/N za potpuno uklanjanje N, pri N/P 2 i C/N 3 iznosi 11,6C/2,2N/1P uz 75,8% uklonjenog P; a pri N/P 4 i C/N 3 iznosi 17,9C/3,8N/1P uz 68,3% uklonjenog P. U procesu denitrificirajuće defosfatacije uz NO2-N kao akceptor elektrona postiže se neznatno bolji učinak uklanjanja P u anoksičnim uvjetima pri minimalnom potrebnom omjeru C/N za potpuno uklanjanje N, u usporedbi sa anaerobno-anoksičnim uvjetima.The aim of this research was to investigate DPAOs activity for N and P removal with NO2-N as an electron acceptor under anoxic conditions with acetate as a carbon source. By use of the FISH method in the activated sludge acclimatized on N and P removal process, microbial clusters responsible for processes of nitrification, denitrification, (anoxic) phosphorus removal, and glycogen storage, were proven. Intracellular storage polymers, polyP and PHA, were also proven. In the process of denitrifying dephosphatation 15 mg PO4-P/L under anoxic conditions with NO2-N as an electron acceptor at ratios N/P 1-4, a ratio of Ī”C/Ī”N/Ī”P was calculated at minimal C/N ratio required for complete denitrification during constant P uptake rate and amounts 14,3/1,3/1 at N/P 1 and C/N 5, with 78% P removal; 15,9/1,8/1 at N/P 2 and C/N 4, with 77,1% P removal; 15,2/3,0/1 at N/P 3 and C/N 3 with 74,5% P removal, and 14,6/2,7/1 at N/P 4 and C/N 3, with 71,2% P removal. In the process of denitrifying dephosphatation 30 mg PO4-P/L under anoxic conditions with NO2-N as an electron acceptor, at a ratio of N/P 0,5 P removal of 61,9% (C/N 4) and 67,6% (C/N 5) was achieved, with a calculated ratio of Ī”N/Ī”P 0,8, whereas at a ratio of N/P 1 and C/N 5 P removal of 78,6% was achieved, with calculated ratio of Ī”N/Ī”P 1,2. Under anaerobic-anoxic conditions with NO2-N as an electron acceptor, in the process of denitrifying dephosphatation 15 mg PO4-P/L at ratios of N/P 2 and 4, a ratio of Ī”C/Ī”N/Ī”P was calculated for the period of constant P uptake rate at a minimal ratio of C/N for complete N removal, and at N/P 2 and C/N 3 amounts 11,6C/2,2N/1P with 75,8% P removal; at N/P 4 and C/N 3 amounts 17,9C/3,8N/1P with 68,3% P removal. In the process of denitrifying dephosphatation with NO2-N as an electron acceptor a slightly better P removal under anoxic conditions was obtained, at a minimal required C/N ratio for complete N removal, compared to anaerobic-anoxic conditions