431 research outputs found

    El siglo XIX y su relevancia en el estudio histórico de algunos marcadores del discurso

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    The nineteenth century has received little critical attention in the history of the Spanish language, both in terms of vocabulary and in terms of morphosyntax. Research on discourse markers is no exception because the study of other periods such as the Golden age and the Medieval age have been privileged. With the objective of partially covering these lacunae, we offer an analysis of a discourse marker subtype, the consecutive connectors, in colonial documents from the Audiencia of Quito. Our aim is to show, through a concrete analysis, the relevance of the nineteenth century for the historical study of these units

    El 'ser focalizador' en telenovelas colombianas: el caso de Medellín

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    Since the first studies on focalizing ser (‘to be’) constructions in the late eighties, some investigations that explore the formal aspects of these constructions have been published. However, there is still little data and the use of this construction in various areas of the variational Spanish domain remains unknown. The results of this work show the vitality of this construction in the scarcely studied Colombian area Antioquia, more specifically Medellin. The analysis emphasizes, among other things, the close relationship between these constructions and pseudo-clefts sentences, their widespread use to focus prepositional phrases and auxiliary verbs in periphrasis, and the inversely proportional relationship that seems to exist between their use and the socioeconomic status of the speaker

    El siglo XIX y su relevancia en el estudio histórico de algunos marcadores del discurso

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    The nineteenth century has received little critical attention in the history of the Spanish language, both in terms of vocabulary and in terms of morphosyntax. Research on discourse markers is no exception because the study of other periods such as the Golden age and the Medieval age have been privileged. With the objective of partially covering these lacunae, we offer an analysis of a discourse marker subtype, the consecutive connectors, in colonial documents from the Audiencia of Quito. Our aim is to show, through a concrete analysis, the relevance of the nineteenth century for the historical study of these units

    Variaciones fonológico-grafémicas en una carta autógrafa y dos de sus duplicados (1626)

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    Between the colonial documentation that exists in the Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla (AGI) we can find manuscripts with some of their duplicates. That is the example of a letter written in 1626 by the tribunal’s inquisitor of Lima and visitor of the Real Audiencia de Quito, Juan de Mañozca y Zamora, from which we have found two duplicates written by two different writers. A contrastive analyse of these documents reveals some graphical variations that let us to reconstruct the pronunciation of that period and to approach the way of writing that some amanuenses had.Entre la documentación colonial que se custodia en el Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla (AGI) se conservan algunos manuscritos con varios de sus duplicados. Ese es el caso, por ejemplo, de una carta escrita en 1626 por el inquisidor del tribunal de Lima y visitador de la Real Audiencia de Quito, Juan de Mañozca y Zamora, de la cual se han encontrado dos duplicados consignados por dos escribanos distintos. El análisis contrastivo de estos documentos revela una serie de variaciones gráficas que nos permiten reconstruir la pronunciación de aquella época y aproximarnos al modo de escribir que poseían algunos amanuenses