1,170 research outputs found

    Grundlagenforschung ist „Fundamentalforschung“

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    Wie stark darf sich Wissenschaft in Politik einmischen?

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    IUBS – die Vertretung der Biologie auf internationaler Ebene

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    Grundlagenforschung für nachhaltige Entwicklung: Das IYBSSD

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    Das Internationale Jahr der Grundlagenforschung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, IYBSSD) der Vereinten Nationen hat am 1. Juli 2022 begonnen und wird mit Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten zunächst bis zum 30. Juni 2023 fortgeführt. Das IYBSSD stellt die Bedeutung themen- und ergebnisoffener Forschung zur nachhaltigen Bewältigung der Herausforderungen des globalen Wandels heraus. Neben angewandter Forschung mit konkreten Zielen etwa zur Dekarbonisierun oder nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft müssen in breiter, unkonventioneller und innovativer Weise naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen erforscht werden. Nur so ist es möglich, den Status quo der Erde korrekt zu beschreiben, Entwicklungen vorherzusagen, Zusammenhänge aufzuklären, das Repertoire an Erkenntnissen für neue Lösungen zu erweitern und praktikable Lösungen zügig umzusetzen. Vielleicht hilft gerade das sperrige Akronym „IYBSSD“ dabei, dieses Themenjahr außerhalb der Gruppe der Insider/-innen bekannt zu machen

    The hydrogen peroxide-sensitive proteome of the chloroplast in vitro and in vivo

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    Muthuramalingam M, Matros A, Scheibe R, Mock H-P, Dietz K-J. The hydrogen peroxide-sensitive proteome of the chloroplast in vitro and in vivo. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2013;4:54-1-54-14.Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) evolves during cellular metabolism and accumulates under various stresses causing serious redox imbalances. Many proteomics studies aiming to identify proteins sensitive to H2O2 used concentrations that were above the physiological range. Here the chloroplast proteins were subjected to partial oxidation by exogenous addition of H2O2 equivalent to 10% of available protein thiols which allowed for the identification of the primary targets of oxidation. The chosen redox proteomic approach employed differential labeling of non-oxidized and oxidized thiols using sequential alkylation with N-ethylmaleimide and biotin maleimide. The in vitro identified proteins are involved in carbohydrate metabolism, photosynthesis, redox homeostasis, and nitrogen assimilation. By using methyl viologen that induces oxidative stress in vivo, mostly the same primary targets of oxidation were identified and several oxidation sites were annotated. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RubisCO) was a primary oxidation target. Due to its high abundance, RubisCO is suggested to act as a chloroplast redox buffer to maintain a suitable redox state, even in the presence of increased reactive oxygen species release. 2-cysteine peroxiredoxins (2-Cys Prx) undergo redox-dependent modifications and play important roles in antioxidant defense and signaling. The identification of 2-Cys Prx was expected based on its high affinity to H2O2 and is considered as a proof of concept for the approach. Targets of Trx, such as phosphoribulokinase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, transketolase, and sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase have at least one regulatory disulfide bridge which supports the conclusion that the identified proteins undergo reversible thiol oxidation. In conclusion, the presented approach enabled the identification of early targets of H2O2 oxidation within the cellular proteome under physiological experimental conditions

    The Occurrence of Peroxiredoxins and Changes in Redox State in Acer platanoides and Acer pseudoplatanus During Seed Development

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    Ratajczak E, Dietz K-J, Kalemba EM. The Occurrence of Peroxiredoxins and Changes in Redox State in Acer platanoides and Acer pseudoplatanus During Seed Development. JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION. 2019;38(1):298-314.Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) and sycamore (A. pseudoplatanus L.) are genetically closely related species that produce desiccation-tolerant (orthodox) and desiccation-sensitive (recalcitrant) seeds, respectively. Norway maple and sycamore seeds were analyzed during their development from the 14th to 24th weeks after flowering (WAF) and 11th to 21st WAF, respectively, to explore redox-related biochemical properties related to their contrasting physiology. Selected similar stages of seed development were characterized during the course of gradual decreasing water content in both seed types. The levels of protein and non-protein thiols peaked at the 18th WAF in Norway maple embryonic axes, whereas these levels constantly increased in maturing sycamore seeds. The glutathione half-cell reduction potential revealed that the cell environment adopted a more oxidized state in sycamore seeds. Peroxiredoxins (Prxs), including cytosolic/nuclear 1-Cys-Prx, cytosolic PrxIIC, mitochondrial PrxIIE, and plastidic PrxIIF, 2-Cys-Prx, and PrxQ, were detected in both species, but Norway maple embryonic axes contained higher levels of PrxIIC and PrxIIE, two Prxs with the highest peroxide detoxification potential in Arabidopsis. Redox proteomics revealed that 2-Cys-Prx was present in reduced form in both species, whereas 1-Cys-Prx was reduced uniquely in Norway maple seeds. Several enzymes, including glucose and ribitol dehydrogenase as well as fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, were oxidation-sensitive at all developmental stages in sycamore embryonic axes. Redox signaling as manifested by reactive oxygen species signals, and the oxidation of protein thiols to disulfides are discussed with respect to their significance in determining orthodox or recalcitrant seed characteristics

    Reactive Oxygen Species and the Redox-Regulatory Network in Cold Stress Acclimation

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    Dreyer A, Dietz K-J. Reactive Oxygen Species and the Redox-Regulatory Network in Cold Stress Acclimation. Antioxidants. 2018;7(11): 169.Cold temperatures restrict plant growth, geographical extension of plant species, and agricultural practices. This review deals with cold stress above freezing temperatures often defined as chilling stress. It focuses on the redox regulatory network of the cell under cold temperature conditions. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) function as the final electron sink in this network which consists of redox input elements, transmitters, targets, and sensors. Following an introduction to the critical network components which include nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)-dependent thioredoxin reductases, thioredoxins, and peroxiredoxins, typical laboratory experiments for cold stress investigations will be described. Short term transcriptome and metabolome analyses allow for dissecting the early responses of network components and complement the vast data sets dealing with changes in the antioxidant system and ROS. This review gives examples of how such information may be integrated to advance our knowledge on the response and function of the redox regulatory network in cold stress acclimation. It will be exemplarily shown that targeting the redox network might be beneficial and supportive to improve cold stress acclimation and plant yield in cold climate. View Full-Tex

    Computational simulation of the reactive oxygen species and redox network in the regulation of chloroplast metabolism.

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    Gerken M, Kakorin S, Chibani K, Dietz K-J. Computational simulation of the reactive oxygen species and redox network in the regulation of chloroplast metabolism. PLoS computational biology. 2020;16(1): e1007102.Cells contain a thiol redox regulatory network to coordinate metabolic and developmental activities with exogenous and endogenous cues. This network controls the redox state and activity of many target proteins. Electrons are fed into the network from metabolism and reach the target proteins via redox transmitters such as thioredoxin (TRX) and NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductases (NTR). Electrons are drained from the network by reactive oxygen species (ROS) through thiol peroxidases, e.g., peroxiredoxins (PRX). Mathematical modeling promises access to quantitative understanding of the network function and was implemented by using published kinetic parameters combined with fitting to known biochemical data. Two networks were assembled, namely the ferredoxin (FD), FD-dependent TRX reductase (FTR), TRX, fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) pathway with 2-cysteine PRX/ROS as oxidant, and separately the FD, FD-dependent NADP reductase (FNR), NADPH, NTRC-pathway for 2-CysPRX reduction. Combining both modules allowed drawing several important conclusions of network performance. The resting H2O2 concentration was estimated to be about 30 nM in the chloroplast stroma. The electron flow to metabolism exceeds that into thiol regulation of FBPase more than 7000-fold under physiological conditions. The electron flow from NTRC to 2-CysPRX is about 5.32-times more efficient than that from TRX-f1 to 2-CysPRX. Under severe stress (30 muM H2O2) the ratio of electron flow to the thiol network relative to metabolism sinks to 1:251 whereas the ratio of e- flow from NTRC to 2-CysPRX and TRX-f1 to 2-CysPRX rises up to 1:67. Thus, the simulation provides clues on experimentally inaccessible parameters and describes the functional state of the chloroplast thiol regulatory network

    Tuning of Redox Regulatory Mechanisms, Reactive Oxygen Species and Redox Homeostasis under Salinity Stress

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    Sazzad H, Dietz K-J. Tuning of Redox Regulatory Mechanisms, Reactive Oxygen Species and Redox Homeostasis under Salinity Stress. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016;7: 548.Soil salinity is a crucial environmental constraint which limits biomass production at many sites on a global scale. Saline growth conditions cause osmotic and ionic imbalances, oxidative stress and perturb metabolism, e.g., the photosynthetic electron flow. The plant ability to tolerate salinity is determined by multiple biochemical and physiological mechanisms protecting cell functions, in particular by regulating proper water relations and maintaining ion homeostasis. Redox homeostasis is a fundamental cell property. Its regulation includes control of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, sensing deviation from and readjustment of the cellular redox state. All these redox related functions have been recognized as decisive factors in salinity acclimation and adaptation. This review focuses on the core response of plants to overcome the challenges of salinity stress through regulation of ROS generation and detoxification systems and to maintain redox homeostasis. Emphasis is given to the role of NADH oxidase (RBOH), alternative oxidase (AOX), the plastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) and the malate valve with the malate dehydrogenase isoforms under salt stress. Overwhelming evidence assigns an essential auxiliary function of ROS and redox homeostasis to salinity acclimation of plants