27,070 research outputs found

    How does breakup influence the total fusion of 6,7^{6,7}Li at the Coulomb barrier?

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    Total (complete + incomplete) fusion excitation functions of 6,7^{6,7}Li on 59^{59}Co and 209^{209}Bi targets around the Coulomb barrier are obtained using a new continuum discretized coupled channel (CDCC) method of calculating fusion. The relative importance of breakup and bound-state structure effects on total fusion is particularly investigated. The effect of breakup on fusion can be observed in the total fusion excitation function. The breakup enhances the total fusion at energies just around the barrier, whereas it hardly affects the total fusion at energies well above the barrier. The difference between the experimental total fusion cross sections for 6,7^{6,7}Li on 59^{59}Co is notably caused by breakup, but this is not the case for the 209^{209}Bi target.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Interplanetary propulsion using inertial fusion

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    Inertial fusion can be used to power spacecraft within the solar system and beyond. Such spacecraft have the potential for short-duration manned-mission performance exceeding other technologies. We are conducting a study to assess the systems aspects of inertial fusion as applied to such missions, based on the conceptual engine design of Hyde (1983) we describe the required systems for an entirely new spacecraft design called VISTA that is based on the use of DT fuel. We give preliminary design details for the power conversion and power conditioning systems for manned missions to Mars of total duration of about 100 days. Specific mission performance results will be published elsewhere, after the study has been completed

    Poisonous plants for cattle in Colombia: research perspectives

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    Even though Colombian cattle-farming makes an important contribution to the national economy it also has great potential for growth; however, this activity is carried out in areas where animals may become naturally exposed to poisonous plants, affecting their health and production. It is recognised that some plants may damage the livestock sector in countries placing an important emphasis on cattle-rearing. Such problem has received scarce attention from academic research in Colombia, and the efforts made to do so date from the 1930s, 1940s, 1970s and 1980s without having had continuity. Many of the studies done in Colombia have been orientated towards establishing nitrate and cyanogenic glycoside content, ignoring other toxic metabolites. Likewise, certain vegetal species which can cause poisoning have not been fully studied, thereby hampering their management and treatment. It is thus important that studies are carried out in greater depth in Colombia concerning poisonous plants affecting livestock. A methodology is thus proposed which includes a search for initial information about suspicious plants, reproducing such poisoning experimentally (selecting the animal species, route, presentation and administration time, and evaluating effects) and searching for the chemical responsible for causing the poisoning. All these aspects are dealt with in the present review.Además de un gran potencial de crecimiento, la ganadería bovina colombiana tiene un importante aporte a la economía nacional. Esta actividad se desarrolla en áreas donde los animales pueden exponerse naturalmente a plantas tóxicas, afectando su salud y producción. En países con una importante vocación ganadera se reconocen las plantas que pueden menoscabar el sector pecuario. En Colombia, escasamente ha sido estudiada esta problemática y los esfuerzos por hacerlo datan de las décadas de 1930, 1940, 1970 y 1980, sin que haya habido continuidad en los mismos. Muchos de los estudios realizados en el país han estado orientados a establecer el contenido de nitratos y glucósidos cianogénicos, ignorando otros metabolitos tóxicos. Así mismo, existen intoxicaciones por ciertas especies de vegetales que no han sido plenamente estudiadas, dificultando su manejo y tratamiento. Es importante que en el país se investigue con mayor profundidad sobre las plantas tóxicas de interés pecuario y para ello se propone una metodología que incluye selección de la planta sospechosa, reproducción experimental de la intoxicación (elección de la especie animal, vía, presentación y tiempo de administración y evaluación de efectos) y búsqueda de principios responsables de causar la intoxicación; estos aspectos se abordan en la presente revisión.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Poisonous plants for cattle in Colombia: research perspectives

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    Even though Colombian cattle-farming makes an important contribution to the national economy it also has great potential for growth; however, this activity is carried out in areas where animals may become naturally exposed to poisonous plants, affecting their health and production. It is recognised that some plants may damage the livestock sector in countries placing an important emphasis on cattle-rearing. Such problem has received scarce attention from academic research in Colombia, and the efforts made to do so date from the 1930s, 1940s, 1970s and 1980s without having had continuity. Many of the studies done in Colombia have been orientated towards establishing nitrate and cyanogenic glycoside content, ignoring other toxic metabolites. Likewise, certain vegetal species which can cause poisoning have not been fully studied, thereby hampering their management and treatment. It is thus important that studies are carried out in greater depth in Colombia concerning poisonous plants affecting livestock. A methodology is thus proposed which includes a search for initial information about suspicious plants, reproducing such poisoning experimentally (selecting the animal species, route, presentation and administration time, and evaluating effects) and searching for the chemical responsible for causing the poisoning. All these aspects are dealt with in the present review.Además de un gran potencial de crecimiento, la ganadería bovina colombiana tiene un importante aporte a la economía nacional. Esta actividad se desarrolla en áreas donde los animales pueden exponerse naturalmente a plantas tóxicas, afectando su salud y producción. En países con una importante vocación ganadera se reconocen las plantas que pueden menoscabar el sector pecuario. En Colombia, escasamente ha sido estudiada esta problemática y los esfuerzos por hacerlo datan de las décadas de 1930, 1940, 1970 y 1980, sin que haya habido continuidad en los mismos. Muchos de los estudios realizados en el país han estado orientados a establecer el contenido de nitratos y glucósidos cianogénicos, ignorando otros metabolitos tóxicos. Así mismo, existen intoxicaciones por ciertas especies de vegetales que no han sido plenamente estudiadas, dificultando su manejo y tratamiento. Es importante que en el país se investigue con mayor profundidad sobre las plantas tóxicas de interés pecuario y para ello se propone una metodología que incluye selección de la planta sospechosa, reproducción experimental de la intoxicación (elección de la especie animal, vía, presentación y tiempo de administración y evaluación de efectos) y búsqueda de principios responsables de causar la intoxicación; estos aspectos se abordan en la presente revisión.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Moments of inertia for solids of revolution and variational methods

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    We present some formulae for the moments of inertia of homogeneous solids of revolution in terms of the functions that generate the solids. The development of these expressions exploits the cylindrical symmetry of these objects, and avoids the explicit use of multiple integration, providing an easy and pedagogical approach. The explicit use of the functions that generate the solid gives the possibility of writing the moment of inertia as a functional, which in turn allows us to utilize the calculus of variations to obtain a new insight into some properties of this fundamental quantity. In particular, minimization of moments of inertia under certain restrictions is possible by using variational methods.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX2e. Two paragraphs added. Minor typos corrected. Version to appear in European Journal of Physic

    The Nature and Frequency of Outflows from Stars in the Central Orion Nebula Cluster

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    Recent Hubble Space Telescope images have allowed the determination with unprecedented accuracy of motions and changes of shocks within the inner Orion Nebula. These originate from collimated outflows from very young stars, some within the ionized portion of the nebula and others within the host molecular cloud. We have doubled the number of Herbig-Haro objects known within the inner Orion Nebula. We find that the best-known Herbig-Haro shocks originate from a relatively few stars, with the optically visible X-ray source COUP 666 driving many of them. While some isolated shocks are driven by single collimated outflows, many groups of shocks are the result of a single stellar source having jets oriented in multiple directions at similar times. This explains the feature that shocks aligned in opposite directions in the plane of the sky are usually blue shifted because the redshifted outflows pass into the optically thick Photon Dominated Region behind the nebula. There are two regions from which optical outflows originate for which there are no candidate sources in the SIMBAD data base.Comment: 152 pages, 46 figures, 7 tables. Accepted by A

    SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates IX. KOI-415 b: a long-period, eccentric transiting brown dwarf to an evolved Sun

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    We report the discovery of a long-period brown-dwarf transiting companion of the solar-type star KOI-415. The transits were detected by the Kepler space telescope. We conducted Doppler measurements using the SOPHIE spectrograph at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence. The photometric and spectroscopic signals allow us to characterize a 62.14+-2.69 Mjup, brown-dwarf companion of an evolved 0.94+-0.06 Msun star in a highly eccentric orbit of P = 166.78805+-0.00022 days and e = 0.698+-0.002. The radius of KOI-415 b is 0.79 (-0.07,+0.12) Rjup, a value that is compatible with theoretical predictions for a 10 Gyr, low-metallicity and non-irradiated object.Comment: accepted in A&A Letter

    SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates XIV. A joint photometric, spectroscopic, and dynamical analysis of the Kepler-117 system

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    As part of our follow-up campaign of Kepler planets, we observed Kepler-117 with the SOPHIE spectrograph at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence. This F8-type star hosts two transiting planets in non-resonant orbits. The planets, Kepler-117 b and c, have orbital periods ≃18.8\simeq 18.8 and ≃50.8\simeq 50.8 days, and show transit-timing variations (TTVs) of several minutes. We performed a combined Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) fit on transits, radial velocities, and stellar parameters to constrain the characteristics of the system. We included the fit of the TTVs in the MCMC by modeling them with dynamical simulations. In this way, consistent posterior distributions were drawn for the system parameters. According to our analysis, planets b and c have notably different masses (0.094±0.0330.094 \pm 0.033 and 1.84±0.181.84 \pm 0.18 MJ_{\rm J}) and low orbital eccentricities (0.0493±0.00620.0493 \pm 0.0062 and 0.0323±0.00330.0323 \pm 0.0033). The uncertainties on the derived parameters are strongly reduced if the fit of the TTVs is included in the combined MCMC. The TTVs allow measuring the mass of planet b, although its radial velocity amplitude is poorly constrained. Finally, we checked that the best solution is dynamically stable.Comment: 16 pages, of whom 5 of online material.12 figures, of whom 2 in the online material. 7 tables, of whom 4 in the online material. Published in A&
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