18 research outputs found

    A Complex Metabolic Network Confers Immunosuppressive Functions to Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSCs) within the Tumour Microenvironment

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    Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) constitute a plastic and heterogeneous cell population among immune cells within the tumour microenvironment (TME) that support cancer progression and resistance to therapy. During tumour progression, cancer cells modify their metabolism to sustain an increased energy demand to cope with uncontrolled cell proliferation and differentiation. This metabolic reprogramming of cancer establishes competition for nutrients between tumour cells and leukocytes and most importantly, among tumour-infiltrating immune cells. Thus, MDSCs that have emerged as one of the most decisive immune regulators of TME exhibit an increase in glycolysis and fatty acid metabolism and also an upregulation of enzymes that catabolise essential metabolites. This complex metabolic network is not only crucial for MDSC survival and accumulation in the TME but also for enhancing immunosuppressive functions toward immune effectors. In this review, we discuss recent progress in the field of MDSC-associated metabolic pathways that could facilitate therapeutic targeting of these cells during cancer progression

    Genomic Profiling Reveals Distinct Routes To Complement Resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae.

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    The serum complement system is a first line of defense against bacterial invaders. Resistance to killing by serum enhances the capacity of Klebsiella pneumoniae to cause infection, but it is an incompletely understood virulence trait. Identifying and characterizing the factors responsible for preventing activation of, and killing by, serum complement could inform new approaches to treatment of K. pneumoniae infections. Here, we used functional genomic profiling to define the genetic basis of complement resistance in four diverse serum-resistant K. pneumoniae strains (NTUH-K2044, B5055, ATCC 43816, and RH201207), and explored their recognition by key complement components. More than 90 genes contributed to resistance in one or more strains, but only three, rfaH, lpp, and arnD, were common to all four strains. Deletion of the antiterminator rfaH, which controls the expression of capsule and O side chains, resulted in dramatic complement resistance reductions in all strains. The murein lipoprotein gene lpp promoted capsule retention through a mechanism dependent on its C-terminal lysine residue; its deletion led to modest reductions in complement resistance. Binding experiments with the complement components C3b and C5b-9 showed that the underlying mechanism of evasion varied in the four strains: B5055 and NTUH-K2044 appeared to bypass recognition by complement entirely, while ATCC 43816 and RH201207 were able to resist killing despite being associated with substantial levels of C5b-9. All rfaH and lpp mutants bound C3b and C5b-9 in large quantities. Our findings show that, even among this small selection of isolates, K. pneumoniae adopts differing mechanisms and utilizes distinct gene sets to avoid complement attack

    Role of melatonin in HT22 cells challenged with serum deprivation

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    In vitro serum deprivation (SD) is one model for investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying apoptosis as well as autophagy, which generally function as defense strategies upon cell injury by eliminating damaged organelles [1]. Furthermore, SD injury in vitro is widely used to mimic the ischemic environment [2]. In serum deprived conditions, cells show different parameters of apoptosis and autophagy. Melatonin (MLT), a lipophilic indole secreted by pineal and non-pineal cells, is a well-known potent free radical scavenger acting as neuroprotective molecule that prevents apoptotic cell death in several models of neurodegenerative diseases. In the present study we investigated the neuroprotective effects of MLT during SD condition on mouse hippocampal HT22 cells, considering that intracellular ROS are usually linked to autophagy and apoptosis. To explore potential effects of combining SD with melatonin we studied clonogenic survival of HT22 cells. Clonogenic assay demonstrated a significative (p< 0.01) reduction of HT22 total cell numbers challenged for 24h with SD, whereas the pre-treatment with 200nM of MLT for 24hr noticeably reduced this effect of about 30%. In HT22 starved cells the percentage of MitoTracker Red (MTR) positive cells doubled (P< 0.05) if compared to the control condition, suggesting that SD induced a remodelling of mitochondrial network. It is noteworthy that MLT pre-treatment produced a MTR positivity similar to that of controls. We next investigated whether melatonin was able to influence the autophagic pathway. Autophagy was detected by measuring the aggregation of LC3B protein coupled to green fluorescence protein (GFP). Confocal images show that SD induced an increase in the GFP-LC3 puncta, whereas the melatonin treatment reduces these aggregations. Taken together, our results suggest that MLT treatment may play protective roles against cellular modifications induced by SD treatment in HT22 cells

    Enhancing clinical potential of liquid biopsy through a multi-omic approach: A systematic review

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    In the last years, liquid biopsy gained increasing clinical relevance for detecting and monitoring several cancer types, being minimally invasive, highly informative and replicable over time. This revolutionary approach can be complementary and may, in the future, replace tissue biopsy, which is still considered the gold standard for cancer diagnosis. “Classical” tissue biopsy is invasive, often cannot provide sufficient bioptic material for advanced screening, and can provide isolated information about disease evolution and heterogeneity. Recent literature highlighted how liquid biopsy is informative of proteomic, genomic, epigenetic, and metabolic alterations. These biomarkers can be detected and investigated using single-omic and, recently, in combination through multi-omic approaches. This review will provide an overview of the most suitable techniques to thoroughly characterize tumor biomarkers and their potential clinical applications, highlighting the importance of an integrated multi-omic, multi-analyte approach. Personalized medical investigations will soon allow patients to receive predictable prognostic evaluations, early disease diagnosis, and subsequent ad hoc treatments

    Rapamycin Re-Directs Lysosome Network, Stimulates ER-Remodeling, Involving Membrane CD317 and Affecting Exocytosis, in Campylobacter Jejuni-Lysate-Infected U937 Cells.

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    The Gram-negative Campylobacter jejuni is a major cause of foodborne gastroenteritis in humans worldwide. The cytotoxic effects of Campylobacter have been mainly ascribed to the actions of the cytolethal distending toxin (CDT): it is mandatory to put in evidence risk factors for sequela development, such as reactive arthritis (ReA) and Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). Several researches are directed to managing symptom severity and the possible onset of sequelae. We found for the first time that rapamycin (RM) is able to largely inhibit the action of C. jejuni lysate CDT in U937 cells, and to partially avoid the activation of specific sub-lethal effects. In fact, we observed that the ability of this drug to redirect lysosomal compartment, stimulate ER-remodeling (highlighted by ER-lysosome and ER-mitochondria contacts), protect mitochondria network, and downregulate CD317/tetherin, is an important component of membrane microdomains. In particular, lysosomes are involved in the process of the reduction of intoxication, until the final step of lysosome exocytosis. Our results indicate that rapamycin confers protection against C. jejuni bacterial lysate insults to myeloid cells

    Investigating the interaction between Campylobacter jejuni and intestinal epithelial cells resulting in activation of the unfolded protein response

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    Problem Statement Campylobacter jejuni adheres, invades and resides within intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). However, the exact process at the cellular level leading to diarrhoeal disease is poorly understood. There have been studies that link intestinal inflammation and the unfolded protein response (UPR), which is a conserved pathway to restore homeostasis in the endoplasmic reticulum. Recent data has shown that C. jejuni activates UPR through IRE1α pathway. Here, we investigated the activation of the UPR through PERK, IRE1α, and ATF6 pathways by C. jejuni. Approach To investigate whether C. jejuni infection induces UPR in IECs, T84 cells were infected with C. jejuni 11168H, 81-176, and 488 wild-type strains with different exposure times. RNA and proteins were isolated from infected cells, and the induction of UPR by C. jejuni wild-type strains was observed using transcription and proteomic methods. Results The activation of all three UPR branches, PERK, IRE1α, and ATF6 was demonstrated by increased levels of transcription of chop, spliced xbp1, and atf6, respectively compared to uninfected control. The upregulation of these genes was confirmed by western blot, which showed increased amount of proteins for CHOP, phosphorylated eIF2α, and spliced XBP1 compared to the control. Conclusions The combined results demonstrate that C. jejuni induces the UPR through all three pathways. This study opens the way forward for improved understanding of the interaction between C. jejuni and IECs via UPR activation leading to intestinal inflammation. This understanding will further benefit the investigation of cellular pathways triggered by C. jejuni which can lead to diarrhoeal disease

    Lipid Peroxidation and Paraoxonase-1 Activity in Celiac Disease

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    Paraoxonase-1 (PON1) plays an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory role. Aim of the study was to investigate the alteration of paraoxonase-1 activity in celiac disease (CD), an intestinal disorder characterized by toxic injury exerted by gluten peptides. Activities of PON1, levels of biochemical markers of lipid peroxidation and total antioxidant capacity were evaluated in serum obtained from 27 celiac patients (11 at diagnosis, 16 treated with gluten free diet) and 25 healthy subjects. Moreover, the serum susceptibility of Cu2+-induced lipid peroxidation was investigated in controls and patients. The results showed a lower PON1 activity in serum of both groups of celiac patients with respect to control subjects. PON1 activity in CD was related with markers of disease severity and was negatively correlated with the levels of lipid hydroperoxide and with the susceptibility of serum to lipid peroxidation induced in vitro by metal ions. The alteration of PON1 activity and markers of lipid peroxidation realized at lower extent in patients who were on a gluten-free diet