16 research outputs found

    Social plasticity in the fish brain: Neuroscientific and ethological aspects

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. Social plasticity, defined as the ability to adaptively change the expression of social behavior according to previous experience and to social context, is a key ecological performance trait that should be viewed as crucial for Darwinian fitness. The neural mechanisms for social plasticity are poorly understood, in part due to skewed reliance on rodent models. Fish model organisms are relevant in the field of social plasticity for at least two reasons: first, the diversity of social organization among fish species is staggering, increasing the breadth of evolutionary relevant questions that can be asked. Second, that diversity also suggests translational relevance, since it is more likely that “core” mechanisms of social plasticity are discovered by analyzing a wider variety of social arrangements than relying on a single species. We analyze examples of social plasticity across fish species with different social organizations, concluding that a “core” mechanism is the initiation of behavioral shifts through the modulation of a conserved “social decision-making network” along with other relevant brain regions, by monoamines, neuropeptides, and steroid hormones. The consolidation of these shifts may be mediated via neurogenomic adjustments and regulation of the expression of plasticity-related molecules (transcription factors, cell cycle regulators, and plasticity products)

    Perfil das Pisciculturas nas Microrregiões do Sudeste do Pará e Impactos da Pandemia da COVID-19 / Fish Farms Profile in the Southeast Microregions of Pará and Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    O estado do Pará possui grande capacidade hídrica para aumentar a produção de peixes, entretanto a atividade aquícola no estado é incipiente. O objetivo do projeto foi caracterizar o perfil dos piscicultores e as pisciculturas na Mesorregião do Sudeste Paraense, com isso, foram entrevistados 24 piscicultores das Microrregiões de Redenção do Pará e Parauapebas (M1), Marabá e Tucuruí (M2) e São Félix do Xingu (M3). Os resultados levantados evidenciaram que a prática aquícola é exercida a mais de cinco anos nas microrregiões M1 e M2, sendo mais de 50% da produção para a comercialização, porém na região M3 a atividade é mais recente entre um a cinco anos e a produção para o comércio e lazer ou para subsistência familiar. A maioria dos piscicultores da região M1 já realizaram treinamento técnico para produção de peixes e mesmo que boa parte deles possuam apenas ensino fundamental completo e incompleto, a grande maioria realiza o controle financeiro.  Em todas as microrregiões entrevistadas, os principais peixes produzidos são o tambaqui e seus híbridos (tambacu e tambatinga), seguido da tilápia, sendo que a maioria dos piscicultura nas regiões M2 e M3 comercializam menos que 100kg/peixes/mês em menos de cinco hectares de lâmina d’água, com sistema de produção semi-intensivo a extensivo, respectivamente. A mão de obra na microrregião M3 é predominantemente familiar com uma pessoa trabalhando diretamente na atividade. O escoamento da produção é realizado predominantemente na forma informal, com a venda dos peixes vivos tanto direto para os consumidores finais como para os atravessadores. Nas regiões M1 e M2 mais da metade dos piscicultores realizam a prática da quarentena nas propriedades e esse manejo é refletido no índice de problemas sanitários das propriedades, onde mais de 60% disseram que nunca tiveram problemas graves de mortalidade, diferentemente da microrregião M3 que a prática da quarentena é baixa, incidindo diretamente na presença de doenças nos peixes produzidos. Com a pandemia da COVID-19 os piscicultores tiveram redução de razoável a drástica com a produção dos peixes, devido ao aumento do preço dos insumos e a comercialização foi variável, pois na microrregião M1 a redução foi de até 60% e nas regiões M2 e M3 de 50% a 12,5%, respectivamente. A falta de incentivos governamentais para implementação de políticas públicas para auxiliar os pequenos produtores na legalização das propriedades como a oferta de assistência técnica gratuita, os valores elevados das rações e a ausência de frigoríficos para comercialização dos peixes no mercado formal são os maiores problemas encontrados na produção e comercialização de pescados nas Microrregiões do Sudeste do Pará

    Connections among Land Use, Water Quality, Biodiversity of Aquatic Invertebrates, and Fish Behavior in Amazon Rivers

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    Rivers in the Amazon have among the greatest biodiversity in the world. The Xingu River, one of the tributaries of the Amazon River, has a length of 1640 km, draining 510,000 km2 in one of the most protected regions on the planet. The Middle Xingu region in Brazil has been highly impacted by mining and livestock farming, leading to habitat fragmentation due to altered water quality. Therefore, comparing two rivers (the preserved Xingu River and the impacted Fresco River) and their confluence, the aims of the present study were to (1) assess the land uses in the hydrographic basin; (2) determine the water quality by measurements of turbidity, total solids, and metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, and Hg); (3) compare the zooplankton biodiversity; and (4) to evaluate the avoidance behavior of fish (Astyanax bimaculatus) when exposed to waters from the Xingu and Fresco Rivers. Zooplankton were grouped and counted down to the family level. For the analysis of fish avoidance, a multi-compartment system was used. The forest class predominated at the study locations, accounting for 57.6%, 60.8%, and 63.9% of the total area at P1XR, P2FR, and P3XFR, respectively, although since 1985, at the same points, the forest had been reduced by 31.3%, 25.7%, and 27.9%. The Xingu River presented almost 300% more invertebrate families than the Fresco River, and the fish population preferred its waters (>50%). The inputs from the Fresco River impacted the water quality of the Xingu River, leading to reductions in local invertebrate biodiversity and potential habitats for fish in a typical case of habitat fragmentation due to anthropic factors.Fil: Silva de Sousa, Rodrigo. Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará; BrasilFil: Silva, Gilmar Clemente. Universidade Federal Fluminense; BrasilFil: Bazzan, Thiago. Earth Observation And Geoinformatics Division, National; BrasilFil: de la Torre, Fernando Roman. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Nebo, Caroline. Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará; BrasilFil: Siqueira Silva, Diógenes Henrique. Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará; BrasilFil: Cardoso Silva, Sheila. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Martins Pompêo, Marcelo Luiz. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Brazil de Paiva, Teresa Cristina. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Teixeira da Silva, Flávio. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Vieira Rêgo da Silva, Daniel Clemente. Federal University of Southern and Southeastern Pará; Brasi

    Transplante interespecífico de espermatogônias-tronco de Brycon orbignyanus em Astyanax altiparanae (Teleostei: Characidae)

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    Germ cell transplantation is a recent approach which involves removal of undifferentiated germ cells from the donor gonads and transplantation into the gonads of a host, giving origin to sperm with genetic characteristics from the donor. Despite this methodology promising in studies involving initial germ cell biology, preservation of threatened species, reproductive biology and many other biotechnological approaches, the application of such a methodology in fish is still limited. Thus, the transplantation of spermatogonial cells from two phylogenetically related species piracanjuba Brycon orbignyanus into lambaris Astyanax altiparanae testis was histologically studied. Host spermatogenesis and urogenital papilla (transplantation via) were analyzed, highlighting nine spermatogonial generations and that each Sertoli cell supports the development of about 140 spermatids. Moreover, urogenital papilla is different between the sexes. For transplantation, piracanjuba's testes were enzymatic digested and spermatogonia were purified by a density gradient (Percoll), labeled with PKH26 and injected, through urogenital papilla, into lambaris testes, whose endogenous spermatogenesis had been previously suppressed by administration ofbusulfan (Myleran) associated with warm water (35°C) or by their maintenance at this temperature for longer time. About 66.67% and 84.6% of the host animals treated with busulfan + temperature and only temperature, respectively, presented cysts of donor germ cells into their epithelium. Spermatogonial transplantation involving B. orbignyanus and A. altiparanae was successfully performed and it can be applied in fish farms helping production increase and preservation of donor species piracanjuba (critically endangered), since donor spermatozoon can be obtained up to three weeks after transplantation process.O transplante de células germinativas é uma recente abordagem experimental que envolve a remoção de células germinativas indiferenciadas das gônadas de um animal doador, e transplante nas gônadas de um receptor originando espermatozoides com características genéticas do doador. Apesar de ser promissora em estudos que envolvem a biologia das células germinativas iniciais, preservação de espécies ameaçadas, biologia da reprodução e muitas outras abordagens biotecnológicas, a aplicação desta metodologia em peixes ainda é limitada. Deste modo, o transplante de células espermatogoniais de duas espécies filogeneticamente relacionadas, a piracanjuba Brycon orbignyanus em lambaris Astyanax altiparanae foi estudada. Para isto, a espermatogênese e a papila urogenital (via do transplante) da espécie receptora foram histologicamente analisadas, evidenciando a presença de nove gerações espermatogoniais e que a cada célula de Sertoli suporta o desenvolvimento de cerca de 140 espermátides. Além disso, a papila urogenital difere entre os sexos. Para o transplante, os testículos das piracanjuba foram enzimaticamente digeridos e as espermatogônias foram purificadas por um gradiente de densidade (Percoll), marcadas com PKH26, e injetadas, via papila urogenital, nos testículos dos lambaris, cuja espermatogênese endógena foi previamente suprimida por administração de busulfan (Myleran) associado com água quente (35°C) ou por sua manutenção nesta temperatura por um período maior. Cerca de 66,7% e 84,6% dos receptores tratados com busulfan + temperatura e somente temperatura, respectivamente, apresentaram cistos de células germinativas doadoras em seu epitélio. O transplante espermatogonial envolvendo B. orbignyanus e A. altiparanae foi realizado com sucesso e pode ser aplicado em pisciculturas auxiliando no aumento da produção e preservação da piracanjuba (criticamente ameaçada de eCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Ciclo reprodutivo e análise ultraestrutural da espermatogênese de Cichla kelberi (TeLeostei: Perciformes: Cichlidae)

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    O Cichla kelberi, espécie recentemente classificada e popularmente conhecida como tucunaré amarelo, é endêmico dos rios Araguaia e baixo Tocantins, sendo, entretanto, encontrado em muitas outras bacias, onde apresenta grande importância para a pesca profissional por seu alto valor econômico, devido a qualidade e sabor de sua carne, e pela pesca esportiva, como pode ser observado pelos campeonatos anuais de pesca ao tucunaré nos rios em que se encontra. Para entender esse rápido processo de ocupação e adaptação a novos ambientes, 78 exemplares de Cichla kelberi foram mensalmente coletados entre os meses de março de 2009 a fevereiro de 2010, com o auxílio de vara de pesca e anzol na Lagoa do Pernilongo (20º 29’ 11,93”S, 51º 25’ 33,27”O) e Ilha da Ferradura (20º 28’ 27,11” S, 51º 25’ 54,53”O), no Reservatório de Jupiá, rio Paraná, Ilha Solteira, São Paulo, Brasil, onde foi introduzido. Foram definidas quatro classes de maturação gonadal para o ciclo reprodutivo anual do tucunaré amarelo C. kelberi. A definição das classes de Maturação Inicial, Maturação Intermediária, Maturação Final e Regressão, tiveram como base as alterações do epitélio germinativo testicular associado aos estágios das células germinativas presentes. A Classe de Maturação Inicial é caracterizada pela presença de um epitélio germinativo totalmente contínuo, cistos com células germinativas em todos os estágios de desenvolvimento, intensa atividade espermatogênica por todo o testículo e raros “clusters” periféricos, formados por espermatogônias primárias. A Classe de Maturação Intermediária inicia com o surgimento de um epitélio germinativo descontínuo na região anastomosada, com diminuição da espermatogênese e estocagem de espermatozóides nesta região. Os agrupamentos periféricos de espermatogônias ou “clusters” estão ausentes...The Cichla kelberi, a recently classified specie and popularly known as yellow peacock bass, is endemic from the Araguaia an low Tocantins river, being, however, found in many other basins, where has great importance for the professional fishing for its high economic value due to the quality and flavor of their meat and fishing, as can be observed by annual championships of peacock in the rivers where it is. To understand this fast process of occupation and adaptation to new environments, 78 specimens of C. kelberi were caught monthly between the months of March 2009 to February 2010 with the aid of fishing pole and hook, from the Lagoa do Pernilongo (20º 29’ 11,93”S, 51º 25’ 33,27”O) and Ilha da Ferradura (20º 28’ 27,11” S, 51º 25’ 54,53”O), in the Jupiá Reservoir, Parana River, Ilha Solteira, São Paulo, Brazil, where it was introduced. It was defined four gonadal maturation class to the annual reproductive cycle of the yellow peacock bass C. kelberi. The definition of the Early Maturation, Mid Maturation, Final Maturation and Regression Classes, were based on the changes of the testicular germinal epithelium associated with the germ cell stages present. The Class of Early Maturation is characterized by the presence of a fully continuous germinal epithelium, cysts with germ cells at all stages of development, intense spermatogenic activity throughout the testis and rare “clusters” peripherals, consisting of primary spermatogonia. The Mid maturation Class starts with the appearance of a discontinuous germinal epithelium in the anastomosed region with spermatogenesis decrease and sperm storage in this region. The peripheral groups of spermatogonia or clusters are missing at the end of this class of maturation. In the Final Maturation Class the germinal epithelium discontinuity reaches the periphery of lobules... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Oogenesis in Laetacara araguaiae (Ottoni and Costa, 2009) (Labriformes: Cichlidae)

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    We aimed to analyze the oogenesis of adult females of the cichlid fish Laetacara araguaiae. The specimens' gonads were removed and processed for light and transmission electron microscopy. Oogenesis in L. araguaiae showed the following characteristics: a germinal epithelium with three types of oogonia (A-undifferentiated, A-differentiated and B-oogonia), oocytes at meiotic prophase stage and ovarian follicle formation. Oocytes showing primary growth with pre-vitellogenic and cortical alveolus were observed. Similar to data for other cichlids, oocytes in secondary growth or vitellogenesis were characterized by the initial deposition of yolk microgranules. The event that characterizes the maturation stage is nucleolus migration, also called the germinal vesicle, to the oocyte periphery in the direction of the micropyle. The follicular complex undergoes several changes throughout the oocyte stages. To the best of our knowledge this study is the first to describe L. araguaiae oogenesis. Moreover, this study is the first step to better understand the reproductive biology of this species, which shows great potential for use as an ornamental fish.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Morphology of the urogenital papilla and its component ducts in Astyanax altiparanae Garutti & Britski, 2000 (Characiformes: Characidae)

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    The histological description of the urogenital papilla is an important tool to comprehension of the reproductive mechanisms in fish, as well as a pre-requisite to germ cell transplantation in adult fish, besides to be a good biological indicator to environmental changes. Was performed the histological description of the urogenital papilla and its component ducts in the tetra Astyanax altiparanae. The genital and urinay ducts pass separately throughout most part of its extension, joining in a single duct before opening. In males this opening is asymmetric and seems to have double origin, being completely surrounded by striated muscle fibers, while in females it is symmetric and the muscle fibers does not surround it totally. Spermatic duct and oviduct undergo changes throughout their extension, mainly in the morphology of the surrounding epithelium. In the spermatic duct, squamous epithelial cells change to columnar and cuboid with possible secretory activity, close to testes. In the oviduct, anteriorly epithelial cells are also squamous, however, close to ovary there are lamellae composed by a pseudostratified epithelium with columnar and cuboid cells. The urinary duct is highly similar for both sexes presenting globoid cells, which description is known in mammals, however, rare in fish

    Reproductive cycle of the Neotropical cichlid yellow peacock bass Cichla kelberi: A novel pattern of testicular development

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    The present study describes the testicular maturation phases (associating the germ cells development and the morphological changes suffered by the germinal epithelium along the whole year), and the testicular morphology in the yellow peacock bass Cichla kelberi, relating it to other species. For this purpose, 78 specimens were studied according conventional techniques of light microscope. The testes in C. kelberi were classified as unrestricted spermatogonial lobular, an apomorphic characteristic in the recent groups of Teleost. Furthermore, were defined five testicular maturation phases: Preparatory phase; Early Germinal Epithelium Development; Mid Germinal Epithelium Development; Late Germinal Epithelium Development and; Regression. Similar classifications were described to other species indicating that the testicular classifications based on this propose, can be applied to lots of fishes. However, besides it similarity, the testicular reproductive cycle of C. kelberifollows a different pattern in the Regression phase, on which the gonadal restructuration and the spermatogonial proliferation gathers at the same time. So, the testes in C. kelberi never return to the Preparatory phase to start a new reproductive cycle, being this one present only at the first reproductive cycle in this species. This fact also explains the absence of individuals totally spent after their first reproductive cycle