3,289 research outputs found

    Influence of growth regulating chemicals on growth and flowering in Jasmine (Jasminum sambac.Ait.)

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    Jasmine is an important commercial flower crop in Tamil Nadu. The crop has a main floweringseason during March to October and an off-season from November to February. During thisoff-season, flowering is very poor or there is no flowering in many growing areas. In recentyears, growth regulators are valuable in floriculture for manipulating growth and flowering ofmany crops and hence and attempt has been made to induce flowering during off season usinggrowth regulators in Jasmine in the Floriculture unit of the Department of Horticulture, Facultyof Agriculture, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu during November, 2016 to February, 2017.The treatment comprises of three concentrations of each of two growth promoting substancesviz., NAA and GA3 and two growth retardants (Cycocel and Maleic Hydrazide). The experimentwas laid out in randomized block design with three replications. Among the various treatments,application of NAA @ 75 ppm (T6) recorded the highest plant height (130.6 cm and 178.5 cm at90 and 180 DAP respectively), number of primary shoots (21.68 and 35.68 at 90 and 180 DAPrespectively), number of nodes (9.86 and 15.89 cm at 90 and 180 DAP respectively) and numberof leaves (1250.0 and 2689.5 at 90 and 180 DAP respectively). Earliness in flowering (26.38DAP) and maximum duration of flowering (171.00 days) was noticed in (GA3@ 150 ppm T3).From the above studies, it is inferred that application of GA3 @ 150 ppm could be recommendedfor enhanced growth and higher flower yield in Jasminum sambac

    Performance of foliage ornamentals in hydroponic nutrient solutions

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    Vertical garden is one of the approach of green building envelope with green facades and green living walls creates a richer ecosystem, enhances biodiversity, improves mental health, alleviates environmental externalization generated by urban areas (Pollution, runoff and heat island effect etc).  However, the limitations of vertical gardening system are the choice of plants and the module of growing. Numerous exotic and native ornamentals are suggested for vertical systems based on the requirements. Selection of plants grown under indoor environments with limited space is narrowing down the choice of ornamental flora. On the other hand hydroponics is an alternative sustainable production system under conditions in which resources are limited. Hydroponics is a very young science which has commercial basis during recent days. However, even in relative short period of time it has been adapted in many situations from outdoor to indoor for growing various crops. Hence, an experiment was conducted with Hoagland & Arnon solution (1938), Cooper’s solution (1979), Saparamadu’s solution (2010) and Mattson and Peters solution (2014) and a control with Irrigation water to study the rooting behavior of five plants viz., Devil’s ivy (Epipremunm aureum), Wandering jew (Zebrina pendula), Arrowhead plant (Syngonium podophyllum), Philodendron (Philodendron erubescens), Boat lily (Tradescantia spathacea) under passive hydroponic vertical garden module. The pH was monitored for acidity and basicity range and EC were monitored for salt concentration in all the nutrient solution periodically. Observation on root parameters viz., Number of roots plant -1, Root length (cm) and Root weight (g plant-1) were observed at 30, 60 and 90 days after planting. Results of the experiment revealed that number of roots, root length and root weight exerted maximum values in those plants grown under T3 (Cooper’s solution). Minimum rooting with lowest weight was recorded in T4 (Saparamadu solution) in all the stages of observation in devil’s ivy. Whereas in other four ornamentals viz., Wandering jew (Zebrina pendula), Arrowhead plant (Syngonium podophyllum), Philodendron (Philodendron erubescens) and Boat lily (Tradescantia spathacea) recorded lowest root parameters in T1 (Irrigation water) under 30 days of observation and at 60 and 90 days minimum number of roots, root length and root weight was recorded under T4 (Saparamadu solution)

    Effect of sprigging density and foliar nitrogen on the growth of Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon L. Pers. x Cynodon transvaalensis)

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    Turf grasses have been utilized by humans to enhance their environment for more than 10centuries. Aesthetically, lawns enhance the quality of life, contribute to social harmony andcommunity pride, increase property values and compliment other landscape plants. The beautyof any garden largely depends on the greenness of the lawn. The first and foremost criteria fora well establishment and a satisfactory lawn are selection of suitable grass species and methodsof its establishment. Hence, an experiment was laid out to study the effect of different spriggingdensity and foliar nitrogen on the growth and establishment of bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylonL. Pers. x Cynodon transvaalensis) in floriculture unit of the Department of Horticulture, Facultyof Agriculture, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu during the year 2013-2015. Bermuda grasssprigs were planted in different spacing levels and foliar spray of urea with twelve treatmentcombinations comprising of different levels viz., 10 x 10 cm with 1%, 1.5% and 2%; 15 x 15 cmwith 1%, 1.5% and 2%; 20 x 20 cm with 1%, 1.5% and 2%; 25 x 25 cm with 1%, 1.5% and2%, in factorial randomized block design with three replications. From the results, it wasfound that the earliest spread and ground cover were observed in planting sprigs at closerspacing of 10 x 10 cm in combination with foliar application of nitrogen in the form of urea as2 % for two times at seven and fifteen days after planting

    An open access journal of molecular signaling: a critical need at a critical time

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    Molecular signaling is an exponentially growing field that encompasses different molecular aspects of cell signaling underlying normal and pathological conditions. This area also focuses on defining the genetic and epigenetic changes that modulate the signaling properties of cells and the resultant physiological as well as pathological conditions. Therefore, rapid publication of results from these endeavors and, more importantly, free access to such publications can truly accelerate the progress in this field leading to the development of novel targeted drugs. With this goal in mind, Journal of Molecular Signaling, a journal fully devoted to open access publishing of rigorously peer-reviewed quality manuscripts in the molecular signaling area of research, is being launched. The focus, significance, and, the open access model of publishing of Journal of Molecular Signaling are discussed


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    Availability of fresh water is meager in expansion of gardening in all the countries. In many gardens, farm ponds are utilized for irrigation without analyzing the quality of the water. Alternative sources like ponds can be used for irrigation, but salinity will be a problem. Keeping this in mind an experiment was laid out in completely randomized design with three replications. Salinity was induced by adding NaCl of four different concentrations viz., 0.4 , 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6 % and was irrigated on alternative days on two ornamental flowering annuals viz., Zinnia and Petunia. Twenty days old seedlings were subjected to treatments as per the schedule with a control. Phenological observations viz., plant height, number of branches, number of leaves, earliness in flowering, number of flowers, flower diameter are observed at Initial, 40 and 55 days after sowing. From the results, it was found that plant growth reduced with the elevated NaCl concentration. Saline treated plants had earlier blooming upto 1.2%  and with the incaresed salinity levels, the plants falied to initiate flowering and started withering

    Getting a Handle on Smart Drug Delivery Systems – A Comprehensive View of Therapeutic Targeting Strategies

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    Smart drug delivery system (SDDS) is a recently emerging therapeutic approach, now turning into a conventional model to deliver drug to specific sites or target. Drug targeted (DT) delivery systems maintain the concentration of the drugs at desirable doses in the body and avoid the need for repeated doses. The DT delivery system have specific distinguishing features such as self-regulated, pre-programmed, multi-targeted, controlled by timely response, monitoring of the targeted drug delivery, responsive to pH, and spatially targeted. The DT delivery system exploits the biological membrane changes in the physiology of malignant cells to increase absorption or entry of drug-coated nanoparticles into targeted tissues. This system delivers a certain quantity of a therapeutic drug for longevity of its action to a targeted area within the human tissue, which in turn enhances efficacy of the treatment by reducing the side effects of drug administration. A new DT therapy strategy is a health improvement technique used in future generations for treatment of genetic diseases and intelligent drug delivery. The ultimate goal of SDDS is to administrate the drugs at the correct time with an exact dose in the body and with efficiency and specificity to the targeted cells that help the patients better adhere to their therapy regimen. The DT system enhances the maintenance of drug levels in targeted tissues and plasma without any destruction to the healthy tissues. This DT delivery system uses various strategies in targeting cells, drug delivery mechanisms, properties of targeted drug, organ-based targeted sites, disease, and drug-targeted vehicles. This chapter deals with all aspects of drug targeting and provides an overview of approaches in drug targeting, drug delivery vehicles, and strategies involved in successful delivery


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    To shape India's inclusive and sustainable development, the government has made social infrastructure such as education, health and social security a top precedence. The government take steps to recover the efficiency of expenditure through the combination of projects and improves expenditure on human capital. Various labor reform method are being implemented, including the legislature, to create jobs and give sustainable livelihoods to people heavily involved in the casual economy. Closing gender gaps in education, skills development, employment and income and sinking social inequalities in society are fundamental objectives of the development policy to improve human skills


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    Energy is a universal measure of all forms of work and its consumption is increasing worldwide. Combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum oils and natural gas produces energy, which is mainly used to improve the quality of life. As these conventional fuels are rapidly depleting, it is necessary to study the existing energy users, consumption patterns and demand, especially in urban areas for efficient use of energy. In this regard, the present investigation is being conducted in Tamil Nadu, the second and fifth largest and most populous city in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. Energy consumers are identified in these cities and they are classified into industrial segments. The energy requirement of these sectors is measured and the energy consumption for these sectors is analyzed. With increasing energy demand and environmental degradation, it has been concluded that the implementation of energy conservation measures and the implementation of energy consumption including the use of renewable energy sources is necessary not only to match energy demand and supply of energy but also to safe guard the health and wealth of the inhabitants in Tamilnadu
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