78 research outputs found

    Improving students’ grammar using dictogloss

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    This Classroom Action Research (CAR) study was intended to describe how the Dictogloss technique was implemented and how this technique can improve students’ grammar through collaborative writing. This paper also describes the students’ participation and their responses to the use of Dictogloss. This research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of three meetings which were used for the planning of the action, implementing the action and observing and reflecting. The sample was the second grade high school students in class XI, IPA 4 at SMAN 1, Ingin Jaya, Aceh Besar. The data for this research consisted of the observation checklists, the tests, a questionnaire and field notes. The results from the research are based on the four objectives; first, the researcher was successful in implementing all the stages of the Dictogloss technique. Second, the students’ scores in the post-test were higher than in the pre-tests. On the first pre-test the students’ mean score was 11.2 which became 19.5 in the final post-test. So, there was a significant improvement in the students’ grammar competence after implementing the Dictogloss technique. Third, the students give good responses to learning grammar using the Dictogloss technique. All of them were engaged and participated actively in all stages of the Dictogloss technique. Moreover, the results from the questionnaire showed that 81% of the students were interested and had a positive attitude towards the use of the Dictogloss tehnique for learning grammar. The results showed the students were interested, motivated and enthusiastic in learning grammar using the Dictogloss technique

    Use of English in Teaching Mathematics

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    This is a descriptive qualitative study designed with the aim of investigating the teacher’s use of EFL English in teaching Mathematics at Fatih Bilingual School in Banda Aceh in terms of opening, main, and closing activities. This study also investigated the obstacles encountered by the teacher in teaching Mathematics using EFL English and her efforts to overcome those obstacles. The subject of this study was a female Mathematics teacher who has been teaching tenth grade Mathematics. The research subject was chosen by using a purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through three periods of classroom observations and an in-depth interview with the teacher. The data collected was analyzed qualitatively. This study revealed that the processes of teaching Mathematics in Fatih Bilingual School involved translation. The use of English and Bahasa Indonesia were not equivalent when English became dominant. For the concepts of Mathematics, the teacher explained them in both languages. The main obstacle the teacher faced was difficulty with terminology which she had to deal with first and then had to make her students understand it too. The results also indicated that the teacher had made efforts to make the hard topics simpler so that the students could get the concepts when the teacher explained them using English. The solution for those problems was that the teacher used tools of mathematics, pictures, graphs and/or video. Code switching was also an alternative used to help the bilingual activities. In conclusion, the use of EFL English in teaching Mathematics can be done with bilingual classes. The portions of English and of the mother tongue used in the teaching activities may not be the same


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    This research's purpose is to know the ability of problem solving in fifth grade students of SDN 010015 Sei Serindan, Sub-district Sei Kepayang Barat, Asahan regency with comics media teaching materials based on Realistic Mathematics Approachment Learning Year 2018/2019. The experimental design is based on the Pretest-Posttest control Group Design which involves two groups of students who are a group of experimenters who get learners assisted by comic media and a control group who get a tutorial with a conventional strategy. This research involved the two types of instruments, they are test and non-test. Instruments in the form of tests were used to extend the ability of mathematical problem solving and question solving. While the non-test instruments consisted of students' learning sheets, student learning activities and teacher opinion questionnaires. The results of the research showed that the ability to solve mathematical problems of students who got learning from comic media with the PMR approach was better than students who received ordinary learning. This can be seen tcount = 3,92 > t table = 1,9. Students with PMR approaching has a better increase in mathematical understanding than students who follows ordinary learning. This can be seen in tcount 6.30 >_ ttable = 1.99. Attitudes of students towards learning are positive. Student activities are more positive in learning and more able to solve given problems Keyword:  Comics media, Problem Solving Abilities, Attitude


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    This research objects to analyze the relation of students’ reading motivation and reading comprehension among junior high school students in Cimahi, West Java Province, Indonesia. Participants of this research were 33 students of eight grade at SMPN 5 Cimahi, the research was conducted with a quantitative approach and performed in Cimahi, Bandung. Based on the result show that, there is no significant correlation in Students’ Reading motivation because the data show the significant is 0,736 more than 0,05 (> 0,05). The result also show that there is no significant correlation in Reading comprehension because in the data show the significant is 0,376 more than 0,05 ( > 0,05). Beside on the data obtained from 33 students showed that high motivation of reading is 3,3%, medium motivation of reading is 96,7% and not low motivation of reading.  Measurement of students reading motivation was done by using MRQ by Wigfeld, John and Guthrie (1996) and reading comprehension test used narrative text. However, the researchers give a suggestion for teacher to be able to create fun and interesting activity. Such as give interesting text book in reading comprehension, it will help the students to have high reading motivation to read more English text and understand the context


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    Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka merupakan kurikulum yang lebih mengoptimalkan peserta didik untuk mendalami konsep dan menguatkan kompetensi dan bertujuan untuk memulihkan pendidikan di Indonesia setelah terjadinya pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka pada mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA N 1 Slawi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data primer diambil dari guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dan peserta didik SMA N 1 Slawi. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Maka dari itu tujuan pada penelitian ini menggambarkan realita atau fakta di lapangan. Dari hasil analisis yang dilakukan penulis, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa: (1) Perencanaan Kurikulum Merdeka yang dilakukan oleh guru pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA N 1 Slawi yaitu dengan mengikuti pelatihan Kurikulum Merdeka yang bertujuan agar guru lebih siap untuk menerapkan Kurikulum Merdeka pada pembelajarannya. Selain itu, guru juga melakukan tes diagnostik dan menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan minat peserta didik. (2) Dalam implementasinya, guru Pendidikan Agama Islam telah mengadaptasi metode belajar sesuai dengan kondisi dan kemampuan peserta didik. Materi diajarkan dengan mendalam dan memiliki makna yang signifikan, namun tetap disampaikan dengan cara yang menarik dan menyenangkan. (3) Evaluasi Kurikulum Merdeka pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA N 1 Slawi yaitu melakukan penilaian sikap, pengetahuan dan ketrampilan secara terpisah. Penilaian sikap yang dilaksanakan selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung, penilaian pengetahuan dilakukan melalui ulangan dan penilaian keterampilan dilakukan dengan menilai praktik keagamaan dan pelaksanaan projek penguatan profil pelajar Pancasila (P5).Kata Kunci: Kurikulum Merdeka, Perencanaan, Pelaksanaan dan Evaluas


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    Tujuan penulisan laporan akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem pengendalian internal atas sistem penjualan tunai yang diterapkan Rumah Makan Ibat Daun Palembang, objek laporan akhir ini adalah Rumah Makan Ibat Daun Palembang, yang beralamat di jalan Soekarno Hatta, Bukit Baru, Kec. Ilir Barat I, Kota Palembang Penulis memilih judul “Analisis Sistem Pengendalian Internal Atas Sistem Penjualan Tunai Pada Rumah Makan Ibat Daun Palembang Palembang Palembang”. Penulis menemukanbeberapakelemahanpada Rumah Makan Ibat Daun Palembangyaitubelumditerapkannya praktek yang sehat dan adanya perangkapan tugas. Rumah Makan Ibat Daun Palembang melakukan penyeteron uang satu minggu sekali dan tugas bagian kasir dirangkap menjadi bagian akuntansi yang melakukan laporan penjualan dari transaksipenjualanyangterjadi,sehinggadapatmemungkinkanterjadinyakecuranganataspenerimaan kas. Dalam pemecahan masalah diatas maka penulis menyarankan kepadaRumah Makan Ibat Daun Palembangsebaiknya melakukan penambahan bagian dari oraganisasi yaitu bagian akuntansi agar dapat memberikan informasi yang efektif, sehingga dapat mencegah adanya kesalahandalam pekerjaan, baik yang disengaja maupun yang tidak disengaja guna untuk menjagakekayaanperusahaan

    Quality And Stability Of Duck Sausages

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    A study on quality physicochemical, textural, sensory attributes and stability of duck sausage has been conducted with respect to the following these objectives: 1) to study the effects of different flours (tapioca, wheat, sago and potato) on duck sausage quality; 2) to evaluate the effects of combination of tapioca flour or sago flour and egg white powder (EWP) in duck sausage making; and 3) to compare the effects of adding garlic (fresh and powder) on duck sausage quality during refrigerated storage. In Experiment 1, the production of duck sausage with different type of flours (tapioca, wheat, sago and, potato) showed significant difference (P > 0.05) on protein, fat, ash and carbohydrate contents


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    Determination of majors is very important for the convenience of prospective students in the process and continuation of education so that they do not experience difficulties in the teaching and learning process in the future. SMK 10 Muhammadiyah Kisaran is one of the private vocational schools in Asahan that provides 3 majors including Audio Video Engineering (TAV), Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ), and Motorcycle Engineering and Business (TBSM). SMK 10 Muhammadiyah Kisaran does not yet have a special system for selecting majors so that prospective students are welcome to choose majors according to their own wishes, not a few students find it difficult because the students themselves do not understand their abilities.so that it’s not uncommon for students to choose majors in a random way or follow their friends' choices. Therefore we need a system that can help prospective students in selecting majors that match their interests and talents and reduce mistakes in choosing majors. The technique used for the classification data mining model in this study is the Naïve Bayes Algorithm. The dataset that will be used as training data and test data is data for new students for the 2021/2022 school year, to be precise, for class X SMK 10 Muhammadiyah Kisaran obtained from the results of documentation and questionnaires. The criteria used were school origin, gender, interests, major, influence of friends, parental suggestions, math scores, English grades, and science grades. The results of the classification modeling with the Naïve Bayes Algorithm produce an accuracy value of 89%


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan antara komunikasi mahasiswa dengan kesantunan berbahasa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey yang dihimpun dari data-data yang relevan seperti lembar observasi dan angket. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.Tekhnik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistic deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi bahasa yang positif berpengaruh kuat terhadap kesantunan berbahasa mahasiswa.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan antara komunikasi mahasiswa dengan kesantunan berbahasa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey yang dihimpun dari data-data yang relevan seperti lembar observasi dan angket. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia.Tekhnik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistic deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi bahasa yang positif berpengaruh kuat terhadap kesantunan berbahasa mahasiswa


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    The tooth enamel colour play an important role in esthetics. The discoloured teeth could be due to the using of boild Piper betle extract as a mouth wash. Up to now many people in Indonesia using the boiling Piper betle extract to manage oral diseases and to prevent tooth decay. The aim of this in vitro study are to know the effective concentration and application time of this agent to change the enamel colour. Fresh Piper betle leaves were processed to get 4 differents concentration (50, 33, 25, and 5%). Aquabidest was used as negative control. Every concentration was studyed using 2 maxillae premolar teeth in 24, 48, and 72 hours application times. 30 good condition teeth were used in this research.    The results showed that every concentration gaves discoloured changes. The optimal concentration and duration are 25% and 48 hours. It is concluded that using of this gargling agent must be intermittent. It can be suggested to use this agent only once or twice daily, each for 2 until 3 minutes gargling