639 research outputs found

    Loss of Larval Fish by Epilimnial Discharge From DeGray Lake, Arkansas

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    Weekly samples of larval fish were collected from water discharged from the epilimnion of DeGray Lake into the tailwaters, for power generation, from April through August, 1976 and 1977. Peak rates of loss measured were 1.4 larvae/m³ in May, 1976 and 2.7/m³ in April, 1977. Sunfish, shad and crappie made up 97% of an estimated 83.3 million fish lost in 1976, and 98% of 122.4 million lost in 1977. The most critical period for larval fish loss extended from the last week of April to the first week of June. No definite relationships were noted between length of the power generation period or power generation rate, and rate of larval fish discharge. Diel collections showed the rate of larval fish discharge to be lower and more uniform during darkness than during daylight

    Fishes of the Caddo River, Arkansas, After Impoundment of DeGray Lake

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    Fifty-five collections of fishes were made with small-mesh seines and electrofishing gear in the Caddo River and four of its tributaries during 1974-75. Eighty-two species representing 17 families were collected; 14 of the species had not previously been reported from the Caddo River

    Evaluation of a Frame Trawl and Tucker Trawl for Sampling Young-of-the-Year Fish

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    Relative efficiencies of two trawls — a 1.88 m² frame trawl and a 2 m² Tucker trawl— were compared for sampling young-of-the-year (YOY) shad, Dorosoma sp., crappies, Promoxis sp., and sunfishes, Lepomis sp. Seven tests with six replicate hauls for each net in each test were analyzed by non-parametric techniques. Relative efficiency ratios, calculated from mean density estimates, were compared. The Tucker trawl was the more efficient for sampling YOY shad, its relative efficiency increasing as shad length increased. Results for the other two taxa were less consistent. The larger size range of YOY shad captured compared with the size ranges of fish of the other two taxa, seemingly increased the avoidance capabilities of the shad. The absence of a bridle and otter boards on the Tucker trawl and towing the net away from the effect of the propeller wash contributed to its efficiency

    Prescribing errors and other problems reported by community pharmacists

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    INTRODUCTION: Prevention of medication errors is a priority for health services worldwide. Pharmacists routinely screen prescriptions for potential problems, including prescribing errors. This study describes prescribing problems reported by community pharmacists and discusses them from an error prevention perspective. METHOD: For one month, nine community pharmacists documented prescribing problems, interventions made, and the proximal causes of the problems. The results were presented to local GPs and pharmacists at a meeting and feedback was invited. RESULTS: For 32 403 items dispensed, pharmacists reported 196 prescribing problems (0.6%). The reporting rates ranged from 0.2%–1.9% between pharmacists and were inversely correlated to dispensing volume. Prescriptions containing incomplete or incorrect information accounted for two-thirds of the problems. Lack of information on the prescriptions and transcribing/typing errors were the most frequently cited proximal causes. A few pitfalls of computerized prescribing were observed. CONCLUSION: Although rates of prescribing problems reported were relatively low, community pharmacists and patients remain important safeguards. This study identified potential causes of prescribing errors, and illustrated areas which could be improved in the design of computerized prescribing systems, and the communication and sharing of information between GPs and pharmacists

    Ethnic density effects for adult mental health: systematic review and meta-analysis of international studies

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    Background Despite increased ethnic diversity in more economically developed countries it is unclear whether residential concentration of ethnic minority people (ethnic density) is detrimental or protective for mental health. This is the first systematic review and meta-analysis covering the international literature, assessing ethnic density associations with mental health outcomes. Methods We systematically searched Medline, PsychINFO, Sociological Abstracts, Web of Science from inception to 31 March 2016. We obtained additional data from study authors. We conducted random-effects meta-analysis taking into account clustering of estimates within datasets. Meta-regression assessed heterogeneity in studies due to ethnicity, country, generation, and area-level deprivation. Our main exposure was ethnic density, defined as the residential concentration of own racial/ethnic minority group. Outcomes included depression, anxiety and the common mental disorders (CMD), suicide, suicidality, psychotic experiences, and psychosis. Results We included 41 studies in the review, with meta-analysis of 12 studies. In the meta-analyses, we found a large reduction in relative odds of psychotic experiences [odds ratio (OR) 0.82 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.76–0.89)] and suicidal ideation [OR 0.88 (95% CI 0.79–0.98)] for each 10 percentage-point increase in own ethnic density. For CMD, depression, and anxiety, associations were indicative of protective effects of own ethnic density; however, results were not statistically significant. Findings from narrative review were consistent with those of the meta-analysis. Conclusions The findings support consistent protective ethnic density associations across countries and racial/ethnic minority populations as well as mental health outcomes. This may suggest the importance of the social environment in patterning detrimental mental health outcomes in marginalized and excluded population groups

    Variability in Demand for Special Education Teachers: Indicators, Explanations, and Impacts

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    After decades of growth, the number of special education teachers (SETs) has begun to decline. In 2009, U.S. schools employed 13% fewer SETs than in 2006. The number of annual new hires of SETs also dropped dramatically in some states. The onset of these declines predated the economic downturn of 2008 and resulted in part from a steady decline since 2005 in the number of students with disabilities (SWD) served. We consider factors that may be contributing to declining demand for SETs, among them the number of SWD, service delivery, the economic downturn, and present supporting evidence. We also consider the potential impact of reduced demand on SET supply, teacher education, equitable distribution of teachers, and, most importantly, outcomes for SWD. We call for vigilance and monitoring of SET employment data to assure that all students receive the appropriate education to which they are entitled

    Understanding the effect of ethnic density on mental health: multi-level investigation of survey data from England

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    Objectives To determine if living in areas where higher proportions of people of the same ethnicity reside is protective for common mental disorders, and associated with a reduced exposure to discrimination and improved social support. Finally, to determine if any protective ethnic density effects are mediated by reduced exposure to racism and improved social support

    Dementia before death in ageing societies--the promise of prevention and the reality.

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    BACKGROUND: Dementia and severe cognitive impairment are very closely linked to ageing. The longer we live the more likely we are to suffer from these conditions. Given population increases in longevity it is important to understand not only risk and protective factors for dementia and severe cognitive impairment at given ages but also whether protection affects cumulative risk. This can be explored by examining the effect on cumulative risk by time of death of factors found consistently to reduce risk at particular ages, such as education and social status. METHODS AND FINDINGS: In this analysis we report the prevalence of dementia and severe cognitive impairment in the year before death in a large population sample. In the Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (a 10-y population-based cohort study of individuals 65 and over in England and Wales), these prevalences have been estimated by age, sex, social class, and education. Differences have been explored using logistic regression. The overall prevalence of dementia at death was 30%. There was a strong increasing trend for dementia with age from 6% for those aged 65-69 y at time of death to 58% for those aged 95 y and above at time of death. Higher prevalences were seen for severe cognitive impairment, with similar patterns. People with higher education and social class had significantly reduced dementia and severe cognitive impairment before death, but the absolute difference was small (under 10%). CONCLUSIONS: Reducing risk for dementia at a given age will lead to further extension of life, thus cumulative risk (even in populations at lower risk for given ages) remains high. Ageing of populations is likely to result in an increase in the number of people dying with dementia and severe cognitive impairment even in the presence of preventative programmes. Policy development and research for dementia must address the needs of individuals who will continue to experience these conditions before death