Evaluation of a Frame Trawl and Tucker Trawl for Sampling Young-of-the-Year Fish


Relative efficiencies of two trawls — a 1.88 m² frame trawl and a 2 m² Tucker trawl— were compared for sampling young-of-the-year (YOY) shad, Dorosoma sp., crappies, Promoxis sp., and sunfishes, Lepomis sp. Seven tests with six replicate hauls for each net in each test were analyzed by non-parametric techniques. Relative efficiency ratios, calculated from mean density estimates, were compared. The Tucker trawl was the more efficient for sampling YOY shad, its relative efficiency increasing as shad length increased. Results for the other two taxa were less consistent. The larger size range of YOY shad captured compared with the size ranges of fish of the other two taxa, seemingly increased the avoidance capabilities of the shad. The absence of a bridle and otter boards on the Tucker trawl and towing the net away from the effect of the propeller wash contributed to its efficiency

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