10 research outputs found

    Penerapan Fuzzy Logic Control Untuk Sistem Pengaturan Kelembaban Udara Pada Greenhouse

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    Kelembaban udara pada greenhouse khususnya selada keriting merupakan hal yang penting. Hal ini penting karena menanam selada keriting dengan kelembaban kurang dapat menyebabkan kematian. Dengan adanya masalah ini diperlukan sistem kontrol kelembaban udara. Aplikasi dari fuzzy logic controller diharapkan untuk memecahkan masalah regulasi kelembaban udara pada greenhouse. Sensor yang digunakan adalah sensor DHT11. Fuzzy logic yang diterapkan memiliki 25 aturan, yang diperoleh dari 5 fungsi keanggotaan error dan 5 fungsi keanggotaan deltaerror. Penelitian ini menggunakan sistem inferensi fuzzy dengan metode mamdani untuk kontrol kelembaban udara dalam greenhouse. Pada aplikasi kontrol fuzzy untuk mencapai set-point kelembaban dari 60% ke kondisi 79%, diperoleh nilai parameter transient yaitu waktu tunak (ts) 570 detik, waktu naik (tr) 485 detik, waktu tunda (td) 60 detik, error steady state yaitu 0,7% dan tanpa overshoot. Pada aplikasi kontrol fuzzy untuk mencapai setpoint dari kelembaban udara 60% RH menjadi 79% RH membutuhkan 600 deti

    Firefly Algorithm For Optimizing Single Axis Solar Tracker

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    Solar cells mounted on solar panel modules are expected to track sunlight throughout the day to produce maximum energy. The Firefly algorithm (FA) is embedded in the Arduino Mega microcontroller to control the tracking of the sun's position by the solar panel so that the absorption of solar energy can be as much as possible to get maximum electrical energy. The brightest light captured by the solar panel is represented as the light intensity of a firefly. The output of the solar tracking system is obtained by finding the best value of light intensity between fireflies. Parameter changes in FA, such as firefly population, random numbers, and number of iterations affect the results of FA. The largest population, the highest random number and iteration provide the best solution but take a long time to execute. FA can control solar panels in tracking the sun's position precisely with an average error of 1.28% and can absorb a total energy of 666.14 Watt/day. The best solution (98% of setpoint 720) was obtained when the population was set to 50, the random number to 0.8, and iteration to 50. This research can be used as a reference for later using a controller with higher specifications to speed up the FA process time in getting maximum control results

    MPPT using Firefly Algorithm for Cuk Converter in Photovoltaic

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    High intensity of sunlight in Indonesia (up to 10 hours per day) is a great opportunity to be utilized as renewable energy by absorbing solar energy using solar panels. The absorbed solar energy is channeled into a DC/DC converter circuit with a Cuk converter topology so that it can be used with small current ripples. The Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) method is needed to get optimum power from solar panels. To optimize the MPPT value, its performance is supported by using the Firefly Algorithm (FFA). This study focused on observing changes in FFA parameters, i.e., firefly populations and random parameters to generate optimal power on Cuk converter topology with MPPT method. FFA embedded in microcontrollers has successfully optimized MPPT performance with the best response obtained in the firefly population = 25, absorption coefficient (γ) = 0.5, random value (α) = 0.6, iteration = 10, with an optimal power of 25.7 Watts

    Desain Dan Implementasi Solar Charging Controller Dengan Topologi Cuk Converter Menggunakan Kontrol Logika Fuzzy

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    Energi surya sebagai cara alternatif dalam mengantisipasi krisis energi listrik. Tegangan keluaran dari energi surya tidak stabil tergantung dari intensitas dari radiasi matahari dan suhu. Energi surya yang diperoleh perlu disimpan pada baterai. Disisi lain, sistem pengisisan baterai membutuhkan tegangan konstan, dengan menggunakan dc-dc konverter adalah solusi yang tepat. Cuk converter merupakan salah satu topologi dc-dc konverter yang memiliki keunggulan arus kontinyu yang stabil pada input dan output-nya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk merancang dan merealisasikan sistem pengisisan baterai dengan kontrol logika fuzzy pada cuk converter. Metode kontrol logika fuzzy berfungsi untuk membangkitkan Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) sehingga tegangan keluarannya yaitu 14 Volt. Kontrol logika fuzzy dengan metode Mamdani dengan 5 fungsi keanggotaan error dan 5 fungsi keanggotaan delta error, serta 5 fungsi keanggotaan keluaran berupa single tone. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan untuk grafik sinyal respon yang dihasilkan dari parameter kontrol logika fuzzy untuk Response time (tr) = 0.74 detik, Peak time (tp) = 1.243 detik, % over shoot = 0%, Settling time (ts) = 1,243 detik, Error (ess) = 0.17. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini untuk keluaran respon sistem kontrol fuzzy singletone (-4, -2, 0, 2, 4) pada parameter yang diterapkan menunjukkan nilai keluaran yang stabil dan dapat bekerja dengan baik sesuai dengan perancanga

    PI Controller untuk Mengatur Kecepatan Motor Induksi 1 Fasa

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    Induction motors are widely used in the industrial world, home-based businesses as well as in households. Currently in the process of making tofu an induction motor is used as a motor to drive soy blending blades. At this time the use of induction motors is still manually by requiring the operator to regulate the speed of the motor. To reduce operator work, it is necessary to apply PI control as a motor speed controller so that a constant motor rotation is obtained. 1 phase induction motor can be adjusted with variable speed drive (VSD) 0.75KW 1 phase. Blending blade drive uses 0.5HP 1 phase induction motor. In the application of PI control requires some hardware namely Arduino Uno as a minimum system that gives PWM circuit input commands. And the speed sensor as a motor blending speed reader. PI tuning values obtained from the application of the Ziegerl-Nichols I method with the best Kp and Ki tuning values are 1.35 and 0.02673. This research was conducted with 3 speed variables namely 1400 rpm, 1300 and 1200 rpm. From the application of Kp and Ki tuning values, the smallest error value is 4.08% at 1400 rpm with the system response time peak (tp) 5s, rise time (tr) 3s Faster, delay time (td) 3s, and settling time (ts) 9s , and a maximum overshoot of 9.8%

    A low cost 3D-printed robot joint torque sensor

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    Technological advances allow researchers to develop advanced arm robots and can safely work side by side with humans Therefore, a robot arm controller can be designed in such way that the robot arm can move along the desired trajectories and act upon external influences, in this last case, the torque sensor plays an important rule. Currently torque sensors are available in the market has a high price. In this work, an inexpensive robot joint torque sensor is presented. Most parts of this sensor are made using 3D printers. While the other components are easily can be found in the market and with a relatively low-costs. The development of this sensor is intended to facilitate the prototyping of the robot arm for educational and research purposes. The basic idea of the sensor mechanism is to convert torque into a force absorbed by a spring. Then, the encoder senses the direction and the value of the input torque. This torque sensor can be easily too customized. Thus this sensor can be tailored to the needs by replacing some parts such as encoder and spring. The mechanism of this sensor can also be adjusted with the actuator to be paired. Experiments have been conducted to verify the accuracy and the performance of the proposed torque sensor

    A low cost 3D-printed robot joint torque sensor

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    Technological advances allow researchers to develop advanced arm robots and can safely work side by side with humans Therefore, a robot arm controller can be designed in such way that the robot arm can move along the desired trajectories and act upon external influences, in this last case, the torque sensor plays an important rule. Currently torque sensors are available in the market has a high price. In this work, an inexpensive robot joint torque sensor is presented. Most parts of this sensor are made using 3D printers. While the other components are easily can be found in the market and with a relatively low-costs. The development of this sensor is intended to facilitate the prototyping of the robot arm for educational and research purposes. The basic idea of the sensor mechanism is to convert torque into a force absorbed by a spring. Then, the encoder senses the direction and the value of the input torque. This torque sensor can be easily too customized. Thus this sensor can be tailored to the needs by replacing some parts such as encoder and spring. The mechanism of this sensor can also be adjusted with the actuator to be paired. Experiments have been conducted to verify the accuracy and the performance of the proposed torque sensor