1,066 research outputs found

    Public Accountability for Private Action

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    Sharing what we're doing and learning has long been a priority at Wallace, and the past several years have seen a growing number of foundations also taking steps to "open their doors and windows." Some aspects are easy to report on: program initiatives, the purpose of individual grants to specific organizations, a foundation's overall financial health. Less easy to measure, and more difficult to discuss publicly, are the results of a foundation's work. What progress have we made toward our ambitious social change goals? How do we know? How can we talk about what didn't work? These are the issues that we and other foundations are wrestling with

    How Are We Doing? One Foundation's Efforts to Gauge its Effectiveness

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    Provides an overview of the path the Wallace Foundation staff followed in an effort to develop a tool for measuring their own organizational effectiveness. Includes lessons learned

    Arts for All: Connecting to New Audiences

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    Summarizes discussions among arts leaders and experts at an April 2008 conference on how to build arts appreciation and participation in a new environment through better marketing, new technology, and audience research

    Gay Male Identity in the Context of College: Implications for Development, Support, and Campus Climate

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    This dissertation includes three articles that explore the relationship between gay identity and the college environment. The college environment has been shown to affect students’ attitudes, beliefs, and personal development in various ways, including aspects of individuals’ identity and attitudes towards social and political issues in society. D’Augelli’s (1994) lesbian-gay-bisexual (LGB) identity development framework provides both a priori knowledge of issues associated with gay identity and a lens through which findings are analyzed in each of the articles included in this dissertation. The first article examines the relationship between first-year college students’ personal characteristics and their attitudes towards same-sex relationships. Given the importance of peers as “valued others” to gay individuals, as well as the role that students play in establishing campus climate, the first article has implications for how the college environment is experienced by gay individuals. The second article explores the identity development of Black gay male college students. This article attempts to test the applicability of D’Augelli’s framework for racial minorities and for contemporary college students who also identify as gay. The third article included in this dissertation focuses on the representations of gay male college students in the online community called Facebook. Since representations are expressions of identity, this article has significance for understanding how gay male college students internalize information about their gay identity and selectively represent that identity to others. Considered together, these articles hold significance for researchers who study LGB individuals in higher education and administrators who work with LGB individuals on college campuses. Additionally, a revised theoretical framework that accounts for the findings discussed within these three articles is presented in the final chapter

    Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Karyawan di Resturant Alpha Hotel Pekanbaru

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    Performance is the performance of work or work of a worker, and employee performance is a quality result achieved by an employee in performing their duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him, and This study aims to determine what factors affect the employee's performance in alpha restaurant hotel pekanbaru. And what factors become the dominant factors affect employee performance in alpha hotel restaurant pekanbaru. Factors discussed in this case are individual factors, organizational factors and management factors. This research was conducted from April to August 2017 and located in restaurant alpha hotel pekanbaru. This research design using quantitative method with descriptive approach. Based on the results of research that has been done, that the three factors above do affect employee performance at alpha hotel restaurant Pekanbaru, that is individual factor of organization factor and management factor. And the most dominant factor affecting employee performance in alpha hotel restaurant pekanbaru is individual factor, the need for compensation

    Sangat Penting, Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Pekerja Radiasi

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    Penggunaan teknologi nuklir untuk kebutuhan manusia telah berkembang pesat meliputi seluruh lapangan kehidupan. Walaupun jelas sekali manfaat telah dipetik oleh umat manusia dari penggunaan teknologi nuklir, sisi bahaya yang dapat ditimbulkan- nya tidak boleh diabaikan terutama bagi mereka yang karena tugasnya langsung berhadapan dengan bahaya ini. Masalahnya adalah menjaga agar dalam menggunakan teknologi nuklir yang melibatkan penggunaan radiasi pengion, dosis radiasi yang diterima oleh pekerja radiasi harus selalu berada dalam batas-batas yang diijinkan, sehingga risiko yang diterima baik oleh pekerja radiasi maupun oleh penduduk secara keseluruhan tidak berlebihan. Ketentuan Keselamatan Radiasi tertuang dalam Penjelasan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 63 tahun 2000 mengenai ”Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Terhadap Pemanfaatan Radiasi Pengion”. Secara umum PP ini dimaksudkan sebagai pelaksanaan Undang-undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1997 tentang Ketenaganukliran. Didalamnya diatur tidak saja keselamatan kerja, tetapi juga keselamatan masyarakat dan lingkungan hidup serta tanggung jawab dan kewenangan Badan Pengawas, penguasa instalasi, petugas proteksi radiasi, serta pekerja radiasi dalam pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir sesuai dengan pola kerja yang selalu melaksanakan budaya keselamatan (safety culture), sehingga jelas siapa yang bertanggung jawab apabila terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan dalam pemanfaatan tersebut. Sasaran PP adalah terwujudnya situasi agar setiap pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir berwawasan keselamatan dan lingkungan

    Eksplorasi Etnomatematika pada Arsitektur Masjid Raya Sumatra Barat

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari kandungan matematika di Masjid Raya Sumatra Barat dan mengembangkannya ke dalam matematika di sekolah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan pendekatan etnografi untuk mengumpulkan data, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi yang digunakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Masjid Raya Sumatra Barat memiliki kandungan matematika seperti segitiga, trapesium, persegi panjang, persegi, dan balok. Selain itu, konsep matematika yang dapat dikembangkan adalah menentukan luas, keliling, dan volume bangunan geometri

    Monitoring of Physiological and Parasites Status of Bawean Deer (Axis Kuhlii) in Its Habitat as a Baseline for Wildlife Conservation Endeavor

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    The research on physiological and reproduction status of Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) in its habitat has been conducted, to understand and to find out as a basic information on Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) in its habitats abaseline data for wildlife conservation efforts. The deer is categorized as an endangered animal, therefore, more attention was given toward Bawean deer conservation. Habitat changes, loss of habitat, fragmentation and illegalhunting might caused the wild animals become more marginalized and the populations have been declined. Therefore, it is needed to have research as an effort to save Bawean deer in its natural habitat. This research activity covered monitoring on physiological and reproduction status, and also the examination of deer's feces samples was parasite coprological data that serve as a basic consideration data in conservation and determination of Bawean deers health in the nature and/or conservation. The research was done in Bawean Island, Gresik and East Java, by taking faces of Bawean deers in the nature and conservation. Data gathering of physiological and reproduction status were done by examining deer's condition, either directly in conservation or in its habitat, and also by interviewing people around the forest. The data on physiological status, behavior monitoring, reproduction status, faces samples, blood, food analysis, and interview result were analyzed descriptively. Some worm eggs were found during feces examination, those were Strongyl, Strongyloides sp, Trichuris sp, Fasciola gigantica and Oocysta coccidia. The result showed that the same parasites were found in the cattle and goat raised by people around in the vicinity of the forest, meaning, there was an interaction between wildlife andlivestock. According to the result, it is needed to monitor the physiological status of Bawean deers routinely since Bawean deers is classified as endangered species

    Multiscale Kinetic Monte-Carlo for Simulating Epitaxial Growth

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    We present a fast Monte-Carlo algorithm for simulating epitaxial surface growth, based on the continuous-time Monte-Carlo algorithm of Bortz, Kalos and Lebowitz. When simulating realistic growth regimes, much computational time is consumed by the relatively fast dynamics of the adatoms. Continuum and continuum-discrete hybrid methods have been developed to approach this issue; however in many situations, the density of adatoms is too low to efficiently and accurately simulate as a continuum. To solve the problem of fast adatom dynamics, we allow adatoms to take larger steps, effectively reducing the number of transitions required. We achieve nearly a factor of ten speed up, for growth at moderate temperatures and large D/F.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; revised text, accepted by PR
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